Strike Two

Day By Night

"I know for a fact you know her." 


"Dani-ah, it's getting late! We should really be heading back. It's just not a good day for turkey hunting." I tell Dani as I carry the bunny rabbit inbetween my arms. The sky is now a light grayish blue, almost a smoky color. The sight of the dingy and gritty city is behind us, and dirt is a shade of brick. As I walk towards my daughter, the dry earth beneath my boots crinkles and pops loudly.

"I heard turkey's a few moments ago heading towards the east of the city. I'm sure if we just traveled a bit closer, we could get them!" She says peppingly. She's sitting right next to a patch of wheat grass breathing heavily.

"Dani-ah, you know why we can't do that. There is survalliance everywhere! We'd get caught."

"Please umma! Just one or two turkeys. They won't notice us. We need our strength, winter is almost upon us." I think a bit on what she says, and she's correct. We do need to stock up on energy if we're going to survive another winter. 

"Okay, but we can only travel a little closer. We're not going anywhere neer the city and that's final! Understand?"

"Ma'am yes ma'am!" She salutes and I giggle at her motion. 

We trudge towards the city, nothing but contant silence along the way. We hear acts of nature, like birds and sticaetas, crickets, snakes, and even wolves. The sun seems to be setting a lot faster, the sky is almost pitch black and the orange and silver lights from the city are starting to turn on.

"Winter is near, the days are getting shorter." I state to Dani. She hums in response. That's when I hear the gobbleing of turkies and instantly tell Dani to get low and quiet down.

"Hear them?" I point to them gathered near a hill a few yards away from the city. Dani nods. A chill runs down my back as the air seems to have gotten a lot sharper over the past few minutes.

"Shhh" I tell her, as we begin to semi-crawl over to them. They steadily keep gobbling on about thier buisiness. I make sure to tred lightly over the dry grassland so that way I won't frighten them.

I get close, and kneel down. My bow and arrow is tightly gripped in my hands as I set them up. I wait for the turkeys gobbeling to stabelize. I draw my bow and arrow, and prepare to release-


A male scream is heard not too far away. The turkeys all go running amuck and at this time it would be absolutely impossible to capture one in time for dinner without being caught. I crowch down lower into the sand colored grasslands and peak through to get a look at the city. A man was being chased by a wet alley covered in black cement and dirt by a bunch of goons. The man was in all gray with only a black cape, and that's how I recognized him. He owned a fabric and tailoring store in the Busan Border, and I wondered what in the hell was he doing here. People of the Busan Border never ever come here, let alone actually enter the city. 

The goons tackle and surround him. "Stay here Dani-ah." I tell her. I make my way swiftly through the grasslands to get a better look and to hear what they are saying. I listen entently, if he's in trouble, then I could quite possibly save him.

"We've got him queen." Said one of the goons who wore a spiked face mask. A woman appeared and I instantly felt the need to snatch Dani and run all the way back home. It was Park Jiyeon. Queen of Seoul. My enemy. She marched out in leather shorts, leather boots, black leather and burgandy top complete with spikes at the shoulder and very long flowing platinum blonde hair and no crown but a long gleaming sword. This couldn't be good.

She focused her intense and elongated eyes on the Jaesuk, the one they had just captured. Her eyes were made more apparant due to the heavy amount of eyeliner she applied and the clean paleness of her skin which was so white it was almost translucent. She kneeled down to him so that she was at eye level and pulled out a photot. I couldn't tell of who however I could tell it was of a girl.

"I know for a fact you know her." Jiyeon said in her venomous voice. "Be good and answer my questions and I'll let you go alive."

Jaesuk showed no fear, his eyes remained cold and black just like Jiyeons. He said nothing. Jiyeon scoffed.

"Okay, maybe I need to be a bit more blunt. Where's Hyomin?"

I almost gasped. After all these years, she's still looking for me?

"What's her daughters name?"


"Have you been hiding her away from me? I know for a fact you know them. You know everybody in that worthless district you call Busan Border!" She was getting a little angry, I could tell by her tone picking up.

Jaesuk said nothing yet again.

Jiyeon just stared at him. She eventually stood up and looked towards the goon with the spiked face mask. She didn't even say a word to him, just tossed him the sword. He made his way over to Jaesuk, lifted his sword and with one fatal swoop beheaded Jaesuk.

Tears started to form at the corners of my eyes. Jaesuk loved Dani whenever she came into the shop and would give her so many of his creations for free. Loosing Jaesuk is like loosing a family member. In that moment, I decided I wouldn't tell Dani. At least not now.

I had to keep quiet or else Jiyeon might know of my prescence. She walked steadily down the alleyway gloating.

"She won't be able to hide forever. Especially now that the kid is growing up. She'll eventually make herself known." Just then a loud alarm sounded off throughout the city. A goon that wasn't there before came dashing towards Jiyeon, a female dressed in all black baggy get up just like the male goons. The only difference was that she wore gym shoes made from what seamed like diamonds.

"What is it now Bona?" Jiyeon snapped.

Bona was out of air but quickly calmed down and said, "The prisoner from The Border has escaped!"

Jiyeon turned livid and screeched. "HOW IN THE HELL DID HE ESCAPE?!?!"

Bona looked very scary. "I have no idea however he did and we don't know how long he's been gone."

"Shut down the city! Close everything. We'll send some of my soldiers out in a bit to go looking for him. Gosh you guys can never do anything right!"

I dashed away and found Dani petting her rabbit nervously as the sounds of the alarms where blarring behind us.

"You didn't get any turkeys?" She asked quietly.

"No, and I'm afraid if we don't move fast we'll have much bigger problems on our hands!" And with that I grabbed Dani and we headed back towards our home.

And halfway in between running and gathering water at a local river, I had a realization: Jiyeon has captured not one but two people from the Busan Border. And I wondered how many more she had captured and murdered trying to get to me. I broke down crying, and refused to break the truth to Dani, only that I was just emotional. She let me lay my head down in her lap, petting my head, stoking my hair. I feel asleep to her singing.


Long time no see. It's been forever but I've gotten some more inspiration for the story so it's going to be updated more frequently.

Jaesuk is a made up character. Not based off an idol. Bona is from WJSN (Cosmic Girls), and for some reason I just thought she fit this character.

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Chapter 3: Wait for ya next update. See ya soon
Chapter 3: It's really interesting~ Can't wait for the next chapter! Please continue writing! :)
ImaSullian #3
Chapter 1: Hey its like in day by day
Haikalilham #4

Watch "효민(HYO MIN) "ARE YOU READY?HYO MIN"" on YouTube -;feature=youtube_gdata_player
Looking forward to the next update! This is definitely something I'll read :)
mrsleesungjong #6
Wow. it looks awesome. o_o