
Can't Hide It

Lee Jinki. Why does your name sounds so beautiful for me? Your handsome face. Your beautiful voice. Your sweet laugh. Everything about you seems so beautiful for me. The way you sing. The way you walk. The way you laugh. Everything you do seems so perfect for me. I knew it. I knew that I’m in love with you, but I can’t do anything about it. I always looking at you from afar, admiring you. But lately, just looking at you from afar isn’t enough for me. I want to tell you that I’m in love with you, but I don’t have the courage to tell you. What can I do?

I try not to make it obvious. I’m afraid that you’ll get scared of annoyed. But I can’t help it. I keep smiling whenever I see that beautiful smile of yours.  I can’t help but smile when I hear your sweet voice. I can’t help but feel happy when you’re happy, when you laugh. And I know that’s all because of the love you planted in my heart.

I can’t hide it, I know you can see it. I can’t hide my smile when I see you. I can’t hide my happy face when I see you. My love written in my smiling eyes, my love is written in my smile, my love is written in my happy face.  I couldn’t hide it, I know you can see it. I didn’t say anything, but even an idiot can tell that I’m in love. I didn’t do anything, but even you can tell that I’m in love, with you.

I am nothing compared to any other girls that is close to you. Kim Hyoyeon, even my name sounds less pretty compared to those girls name. Jessica Jung, Tiffany Hwang, Luna Park, and Sunny Lee, those girls are same with me, they’re head over heels for you. The only different thing from me and them is they’re beautiful, talented, perfect just like you while I’m nothing. They’re pretty, good at dancing, have a beautiful voice. I’m not pretty, the only thing i’m good at is dancing. I know that I will lose even before I enter the battle. I know that I would never be with you. But I’m still in love with you.

But then, you surprised me. You come to me. Saying sweet nothing to me, but it means everything to me. You come to me. You make me feel so happy. We become close. But I’m afraid that you just think of me as a friend, or even worse you just playing with me.

You conffes to me. I can’t believe it. Am I dreaming? Am I under a spell? I don’t know, but don’t wake me up. Everything seems too real to a dream, yet it’s too dream-like to be real. Am I dreaming?

No, I’m not dreaming. I’m in love with you, and you in love with me. Everyday seems much brighter that before. Why does the sun is shining so much? I’m in love with you, and you in love with me. Everyday seems much brighter than before. Why does the wind feel so refreshing?

I can’t hide it, even you can see it. I’m in love with you, my love written in my eyer, in my smile. And I knew it. I couldn’t hide it, I know you can see it. I’m in love, I don’t need to say anything but you can tell that I’m in love. Now, I know that you love me too. You show your love by your act. I can feel your love. You don’t need to say anything but I know that you love me.

I know I’m in love because everyday seems much brighter than before, because the sun is shining so bright. I know that I’m in love, because everyday seems much brighter than before, because the wind feel so refreshing. Now, I know that I’m in love because you are much closer to me than before, because you show me your love. I know that I’m in love becase you are much closer to me than before, because we love each other.



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