
Can't Hide It

Just looking at you from afar is not enough for me. But what can I do? You don’t even know my name. Do you even know that I’m exist? I’m in love, but I can’t do anything about it. I want to tell you that I’m in love with you, but I don’t have the courage to tell you. What can I do?

I try not to make it obvious, so that you wont get scared or annoyed. But I can’t help it. I keep smiling whenever I see you. I can’t help but smile when you laugh or smile. I can’t help but feel happy when you’re happy. And that’s all because of the love you planted in my heart.

I can’t hide it, I know you can see it. My love written in my eyes, in my smile. I couldn’t hide it, I know you can see it. I didn’t say anything, but even an idiot can tell that I’m in love.

I’m in love. Everyday seems much brighter that before. Why does the sun is shining so much? I’m in love. Everyday seems much brighter than before. Why does the wind feel so refreshing?

Am I dreaming? Am I under a spell? I don’t know, but don’t wake me up. Everything seems too real to a dream, yet it’s too dream-like to be real. Am I dreaming?

I can’t hide it, even you can see it. I’m in love, my love written in my eyer, in my smile. I knew it. I couldn’t hide it, I know you can see it. I’m in love, I don’t need to say anything but you can tell that I’m in love.

I know I’m in love because everyday seems much brighter than before, because the sun is shining so bright. I know that I’m in love, because everyday seems much brighter than before, because the wind feel so refreshing.

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