Chapter 2

Second Choice

A/N: Here's another chapter! Hope you enjoy it and criticisms are accepted. ^^

Tiffany found herself glancing at the girl once in a while. She wanted to ask for her name but she knew the girl could not speak and the latter could not text while driving. It was against the rules anyway. Pouting slightly, she did not know what to do since she did not like having silence for a long time unless it's with Nichkhun of course. Tiffany who had been staring at Taeyeon unconsciously, was surprised when the girl looked at her all of the sudden when the van stopped at the traffic light. Had the girl noticed she had been staring at her? "It can't be. She had been focusing on the road," Tiffany told herself. She felt a piece of paper being placed on her palm and she looked up, seeing the girl grinning at her. "Taeyeon, is that your name?" Tiffany asked once she unfolded the paper and read it. The girl nodded and pulled her hand out for a handshake. "Uh, my name's Tiffany. Why are you telling me your name when we're not going to meet after this?" It may have sounded harsh but Tiffany did not mind. She was curious of the girl. However, Taeyeon gave a little shrug, pulled her hand back awkwardly and wrote on the notebook she was holding onto.


She wrote, “I don’t know. I just thought I should introduce myself although I know we might will not see each other again after this.”


Tiffany furrowed her brows as she managed to read what word had been cancelled out and replaced with another. She once again looked up to face Taeyeon and found that the latter was shy all of a sudden. A hint of light pink could also be seen on her cheeks as Tiffany studied her face more. “Say,” Tiffany spoke as she checked the time. “Do you have time for a cup of coffee maybe? It’s only 9pm.”


Taeyeon shook her head immediately. She wanted to write something but a car was continuously honking from behind. Apparently, the light had changed colour and Taeyeon was supposed to start driving. Passing the notebook to Tiffany, Taeyeon stepped on the gas pedal and drove Tiffany to her destination. “Turn left once you see the only tall building from there,” Tiffany told Taeyeon. It was a lie actually. That was not the route to her house. She knew her fiancé as well as her parents were worried about her whereabouts but Tiffany could not help but want to know more about the girl. She felt like she should take this chance to know her better since she made Taeyeon promise not to see her again after this day.


Looking down at her lap, Tiffany stared at the notebook that was in her hands. She was tempted to flip through it and read what was written inside but that would be invading Taeyeon’s privacy. However, her hand was slowly and secretly trying to open up to a page. 


Tiffany was so close to opening up a page until she felt Taeyeon tapping her shoulder. Tiffany quickly handed Taeyeon her book back and kept her hands to herself. Taeyeon smiled as she saw Tiffany's reaction. She did not mind if Tiffany wanted to read it and the only reason why Taeyeon chose to help Tiffany escape was because she felt attracted to her. The last time she felt that way was before her boss killed her previous lover while they were still dating. Thinking about it, Taeyeon wondered why she was still working with him. All he ever did was torture her by making her do this and that but why was she still helping him? He did not deserve her at all. Why was she still by his side, obeying him like a slave? Was it because he was the one who took care of her after her parents kicked her out of her own house? However, he was different back then. He used to be so kind and caring, treating her like a princess. They were acting more like brothers and sisters than lovers. How did he change into a cold and brutal person?




That was the first person Taeyeon could think of. She had never seen the said guy before but her boss mentioned a lot about him. They used to be really good friends. What had Nichkhun done to make his friend’s life miserable? Taeyeon had asked him a few times but he would never answer and sometimes would hit her for no reasons.


“Taeyeon, be alert when you’re driving!” Tiffany exclaimed as a car was about to crash into the van they were in. Taeyeon quickly snapped out of her thoughts and managed to swerve to avoid the car from crashing into them. “Yah next time focus on the road! I don’t want to die early,” Tiffany glared at the driver. Taeyeon bowed her head slightly as a form of apology. If only she could talk, she would have apologized properly. She parked the van aside and got off the van with Tiffany following suit.


“Where are we?” Taeyeon wrote on her notebook and showed it to Tiffany.


“I told you we would be going for a cup of coffee right?” Tiffany smiled slightly.


“Why the sudden kindness?”


“This is not out of kindness. I’m buying you a cup of coffee and maybe a slice of cake since you saved me from the nightmare a moment ago. It’s quite irony though because you are one of my kidnappers as well,” Tiffany chuckled softly.


When they entered the café, almost everyone was looking at Taeyeon, judging her from head to toe. Why wouldn’t they? Her face had a huge bruise from the punch earlier on and her whole appearance was disheveled. Taeyeon felt small. It had been a long time since she went out in public. She was usually locked in her room and food was given to her according to time. Sometimes, she was not given food at all. It was all dependent on how her boss was feeling. "Ignore them," Tiffany whispered and held onto Taeyeon's wrist, surprising the latter. Tiffany pulled Taeyeon to the counter and ordered two of the same kind of coffee and a slice of cake for Taeyeon.


Taeyeon’s stomach grumbled once she saw the cake being placed on a plate. She did not remember how long she had not had a cake before. “Someone’s hungry,” Tiffany giggled causing Taeyeon to blush in embarrassment. “Why don’t you go find a seat while I wait for our drinks to get ready?” Taeyeon only nodded and chose the seat further away from the glass windows, afraid that her boss would find them and kidnap Tiffany once again.


Opening a fresh new page, Taeyeon began to write a few questions that she wanted Tiffany to answer since Tiffany did not want to see her again after she sent her back home which honestly upset Taeyeon. She was hoping that she could see Tiffany again after rescuing her but sadly she agreed not to see her ever again. “Some promises are meant to be broken though,” Taeyeon thought and a small smile formed on her face. “That’s right, I’ll break that promise.”


Once Tiffany got back, Taeyeon put her book aside and eyed the cake. She was really starving as she had not eaten anything in the morning or afternoon. “Here’s your drink and cheesecake. It’s one of the best here,” Tiffany said and served them in front of Taeyeon. The latter mouthed a ‘thank you’ and took a small bite of the cake, savouring the taste in . Tiffany could not help but smile at the sight of Taeyeon who looked like a kid having the first taste of chocolate but this time, it was a cake. She pulled out her phone and secretly took a photo of the girl. "What are you doing Stephanie Hwang?" Tiffany thought as she looked at the picture. Shaking her head, Tiffany quickly deleted the photo.


Tiffany was surprised when Taeyeon wanted to feed her the cheesecake. She shook her head, rejecting the offer but Taeyeon insisted by pushing the fork nearer to the younger girl's mouth. "No thanks Taeyeon. I can always get my own one," she smiled awkwardly and gently pushed Taeyeon's hand away. However, Taeyeon still insisted and placed the fork in front of Tiffany once again. This time, she looked at Tiffany with puppy eyes. "It's really okay Taeyeon. I'm not hungry," Tiffany said as she was starting to get annoyed. She honestly did not want to share the cake with Taeyeon.


"No, Taeyeon. Just eat your freaking cake and send me home alright?" Tiffany snapped at the said girl when the latter continued insisting her to have a bite. Taeyeon quickly retracted her hand and put the fork down, having no appetite to eat anymore. She opened to a new page of her notebook and wrote, "I'm sorry. I didn't even want to come here in the first place." She tore the page and handed it to Tiffany before leaving the girl behind. Tiffany could only roll her eyes as she watched Taeyeon left. "What's with the sudden change in mood?" Taeyeon thought as she sighed.


Just as Taeyeon left the café, Nichkhun rushed in, bumping into Taeyeon in the process. Taeyeon wanted to shout at him but remembered she did not have the voice to do so and just glared at him. "He could have said sorry," Taeyeon thought as she frowned.


"Tiffany, are you alright?" Nichkhun immediately asked once he saw his fiancé. Tiffany had texted him where she was while waiting for the drinks to be served. Nichkhun cupped her cheeks and then pulled her into a hug. Tiffany was embarrassed by his sudden action but she hugged him back, hiding her face on the guy's chest. "Why didn't you text or call me earlier on?"


"I'm sorry. I had my phone to silent mode," Tiffany answered softly.


Nichkhun pulled away from Tiffany when he smelled alcohol on the girl's shirt. "Did you go and drink Tiff?" he asked seriously with a frown.


"What? No!" Tiffany replied and shook her head. "Why would I go and drink without you?"


"I smell alcohol on you though," Nichkhun said, not believing Tiffany's words.


"I bumped into some drunkard alright? He didn't do anything bad to me so don't worry too much alright?" Tiffany said and stood up from the table. "Let's go home. I'm exhausted." Nichkhun just let out a sigh and nodded his head.


"Why are there two cups of coffee though?" he asked himself but decided not to ask Tiffany as he did not want their relationship to strain. "Let's go home," he muttered and put his arm around Tiffany's shoulder.


Taeyeon clenched her fist as she looked at the scene. "So that's Nichkhun," she said in her mind as she tried to remember how he looked like so that she would not forget in the future. Just by looking at him could make Taeyeon's blood boil. He was the reason why her boss whom she once called her brother changed drastically. Entering the van, Taeyeon followed behind the couple carefully. She wanted to help her boss avenge Nichkhun for whatever the guy had done wrong to him. All she wanted was to see the old boss who was a fatherly figure to her. She no longer wanted to be hurt by the guy again. 


Taeyeon drove away once she memorised the address of the couple's apartment. She would do anything to make Nichkhun's life miserable but of course, without hurting Tiffany in the process. Call her crazy but Taeyeon only wanted the happiness she once had.

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It's been a long time since I wrote a oneshot or updated my story so here's one now!


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tehachefker #1
pliss update.. I'm waiting. T-T
AngelPhan #2
Chapter 2: I can't wait to see next xhapter
Le_truelocksmith #3
Chapter 2: Wow another good story I had read from you author update soon please.
Feel like NK not that good guy here maybe he's just being a good gentleman in front of tiff @@ and I'm very curious right now who's Tae's boss?
Phrase #4
Chapter 2: Why can't Taeyeon just run over Nichkhun lol.
tae1810 #5
Chapter 2: I mean taeyeon
tae1810 #6
Chapter 2: aww, tarrying will take a revenge.
Chapter 2: cheesecake <3
PaxZeroCool #8
Chapter 2: Cool!!!

Looking forward for the next chapter.
“If you love two people at the same time, choose the second. Because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second.”

- Johnny Depp

Omfg I really loves this quote! I'm going to read the first chapter now! Heheheeh xD
Update soon!
Chapter 1: Ohmugosh i love ur 1st chapter!!! ♥