

I’m startled out of my sleep by my cellphone ringing, recognizing the ringtone I answer without much thought.

“Hello?” I groan out, still more asleep than awake.

“Changmin?” A worried voice that doesn’t belong to my fiancé asks, successfully waking me up.

“Yes, who is this and why do you have my fiancé’s phone” I ask, my voice harsh with anger and concern

“I’m her friend, there’s been an accident…” The girl on the phone starts and I can tell she’s crying

“What happened?!” I practically yell in the phone, cutting her off.

“She…she was attacked by a group of girls as we were walking home…”

“…where is she now?” I ask, close to tears myself.  I knew she shouldn’t have gone out without some sort of security.

“At the hospital…” She starts and I cut her off again

“Give me the address, I’ll be there as soon as I can” I say and after knowing where I need to go, I hang up the phone and rush out, thankful I have my own car with me.

After I rush to the hospital and practically run in, I’m greeted by who I assume it was that called me.

“She’s this way,” The girl said before walking off with me following close behind.  When we reach a room door, she stops “I should warn you that it looks worse than it really is because all the injuries are on the surface and right now she’s just sleeping due to the pain killers they gave her,” She explains before stepping aside to let me in.

With a heavy sigh I walk in and even with the warning, no amount of mental preparing could prepare me for what is on the other side of that door.  My poor sweetheart is lying there asleep and her skin is all bruised up and swollen.

“Sweetheart, what happened to you?” I mumble to the sleeping figure, my eyes tearing up at the sight of the person I love looking so broken.  I’m snapped out of my daze by a hand on my shoulder, I look and it belongs to her friend who was still there.

“Now that you’re hear for her, I’m going to go home.  I tried to help her but we were outnumbered, I’m sorry there wasn’t more I could do.” She says, and it’s only then that I notice the not as bad bruises and bandages covering her skin.

“Thank you for calling me and sitting here with her, she’s lucky to have a friend like you.    Go home and try and get some sleep, we’ll keep you updated” I saw with a smile, and with a tearful smile she nods and quietly leaves the room, the only sound is the consistent beeping coming from the heart monitor. 

I take a seat in the chair next to the hospital bed, my thumb gently rubbing over the bandage that is covering scraped up skin.  Even though it’s late and he’s probably asleep, I decide to text Yunho to tell him what’s going on and that I’m not going to be able to do that day’s activities.

Surprisingly I get a response almost immediately “Dude, I’m so sorry.  Hope she’s ok and I’ll talk to management so don’t worry :)”

I smile at the message and reply, “Thanks man, I’ll keep you updated”

Now that I’m finally relaxed, everything has caught up with me and before I know it I’ve fallen asleep.

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Chapter 3: Awww... Min is a sweet heart and tis is wat they as in the artists hate the most dont they? They cant show their love publicly.. Hmm.. But can u do more of this? I seriously like ur stories.. :-)
Chapter 3: more please???