
Locked Away

Xiumin’s POV

“Xiumin we will now explain everything to you and Taemin there is some information you must know.” Umma stated.

            I felt happy that finally I would find out what was going on but at the same time I was terrified. I knew that it had to be something big but what it was I knew I would never be able to guess at.

            “Xiumin, Taemin, you both know how both of you have advanced senses and are stronger and faster than humans.” Both Taemin and I nodded. “Well there is a reason for that… you and everyone here are shape shifters. We can shift into a wolf on will except for the first shift that must be on the full moon.” Umma stated.

            “That is impossible.” Taemin said.

            “It is.” Kyuhyun retorted.

            “Then how come we haven’t shifted before?” Taemin asked.

            “You did not know you could so you did not accept your wolf.” Heechul responded.

            “Taemin you already know much about our society and how we act you just didn’t know you could shape shift.” Kyuhyun pointed out.

            “Society?” I questioned.

            “There are different packs that are run by the alpha and we act different from humans.” Umma said. “We will explain this to you more when you shift for the first time.”

            “How do we shift?” Taemin asked.

            “Well you will go to a remote area and allow the moon to guide you through the change but you must accept that you can turn into a wolf. Most of the time your mate will be with you through this change to assist and after you shift you commemorate your mating.” Umma answered.

            “Commemorate?” I inquired.

            “You have .” Jonghyun answered both Taemin’s and my face turning red.

            “Jonghyun!” Luhan exclaimed.

            “Well that is what happens.” Jonghyun said.

            “Well you did not need to mention it so bluntly.” Minho retorted.

            “Relax.” Jonghyun said.

            “Enough.” Umma said. “Taemin, Xiumin you two must accept your wolf by tonight to allow yourself to change or you must wait till the next full moon.”

            “Well everyone is dismissed.” Hangeng stated standing up and made a slight gesture.

            Almost everyone left but I stayed in my spot. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up seeing Luhan looking down at me with a warm look in his eyes.

            “I don’t necessarily know how you feel but I was told when I had to shift it isn’t scary and don’t worry I will be there every step of the way.” Luhan said comforting me.

            “Does that mean you are my mate?” I asked.

            “Yes.” He answered and leaned down kissing my head.

            “Is that why I loved you even though we just meet?” I questioned.

            “Yes and you are stuck with me until death.” He answered and kissed my lips.

            “I wouldn’t want it any other way.” I stated a smile on my lips.

            “Are you going to shift tonight?” Luhan asked me pulling me to my feet.

            “Yes I know I am ready. I can feel it in my bones that what my parents said is true.” I answered.

            “Then I think we should pack food for tonight and tomorrow morning.” Luhan said pulling me to what I assumed was the kitchen. “I will have to leave a bit after lunch to prepare the spot but I will return to take you there.”

            “Okay I will cook.” I said pulling out ingredients.


Luhan’s POV

            I was ecstatic that Xiumin was going to accept his wolf and shift tonight. His shifting would mark the beginning of us being together and leading the pack to a better future. I hoped that he would accept me as well and allow us to mate but I knew I shouldn’t rush things or he may pull away from me.

            “Luhan?” Xiumin asked pulling me out of my thoughts.

            “Yeah?” I questioned.

            “Can you reach that for me?” He answered pointing to something on the high shelf.

            “Yeah.” I said grabbing it off the shelf and handing it to him.

            “Thank you.” He thanked.

            I looked at him with a smile on my face, happy that we could do this together almost like a married couple. I smelled the food he was cooking and it smelled amazing. I saw him begin to reach for something on a high shelf causing me to smile then moved behind him to grab it off the shelf. I reached and grabbed it, my chest pressing against his back causing him to squeak a little in shock.

            “Here.” I stated handing to it him while his face was red.

            “T-thank you.” He stuttered and turned to the stove.

            “Do you need anything before I get together everything we will need?” I asked.

            “Could you get down some containers to put all this food in?” He answered.

            “Of course.” I said and got down multiple containers.

            I pecked him on the lips before I left to our shared room to begin to prepare getting ready for tonight. I entered the room and saw a note on the bed containing everything I would need for tonight written on it courtesy from our parents. I got out a bag and began to fill it with everything we would need leaving out the big stuff that I would carry. I know already that appa and some of the other dominants will put a bed, a sheet, and some pillows in the cave for tonight as that is what he was supposed to do according to our tradition.

I left the room to get blankets and a few more pillows for tonight plus something to tie them together with. I got the blankets and pillows down from the closet in the hallway tying them together before carrying to bundle back to the room. I set it down and put the packed bag down next to it so I could grab it and leave after lunch. I sat down on the bed and checked through the list to make sure I had everything including the lube that was starred. I had heard stories that submissives will produce natural lubricants but the first time they only begin to produce them once the dominant enters them. I was worried that I would hurt Xiumin but I heard enough of what to do from my appa telling me but still I did not want to ever see a pained expression on his heavenly features.

I looked up when I heard a knock from the door and saw my parents there holding each other close making me want that with Xiumin. Umma smiled at me probably knowing what I was thinking but I don’t think anything could calm me down.

“Luhan the mattress is ready in the cave if you want to prepare early we will understand if you want to.” Appa said.

“I think I will I want everything to be prefect for Xiumin.” I answered standing up and grabbing the bundle and the bag.

“Just come back for lunch you will need the energy.” Umma stated a smile on his lips.

“I will.” I said before walking towards them.

They stepped aside allowing me to leave the room and head to the cave with everything that will be needed to set the cave up for Xiumin’s first shift and hopefully our mating. I opened the door to the house and took off running through the forest at a fast speed that should get me to the cave in about ten minutes. When I got there I began to set up the candles and make the bed to look really comfortable and inviting. I went to the hot spring in the cave and put natural salts in there with rose petals on top then sprinkled rose petals through almost the whole cave. I placed the now almost empty bag on the floor and left to get ready for tonight.


A/N: So here is another chapter Xiumin finally knows!!!! The next chapter will have and might be long. I may put it up tomorrow but that depends if I feel comfortable writing at school on a computer. There will be many pictures in it of the locations but for some I will have something on the side like imagine this is actually floor instead of water. Any way I hoped you liked the chapter. Please comment, subscribe, and upvote!

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exo9977 #1
Chapter 37: This is a great story can you please update soon I really want to read the next chapter please make another update.
yukinonakamura #2
Chapter 37: aww...update soon please...
Chapter 37: R u not going to update ?
Wildbean #4
Chapter 18: ing yasss the royal pirates !! I love that song bsjsjoandhd I'm listening to it rn lol
Chapter 37: sooyoung is the here u.u
i can badly wait 'till the next chapter
Chapter 37: How to kill a ...... arrow in her heart.......not a thousand arrows to her heart. Fighting for the next chapter
anneai #7
Chapter 37: I would kill if someone want to kill my children.. I am really not afraid of anything. Xiumin should.tell luhan about this. If he does not believe it, leave him. Your child is your first priority.
asianluvr #8
Chapter 37: Xuimin needs to tell Luhan. That tried to kill his wifey and son. Excuse my language, but if someone tried to hurt my is ON!!!!!!
K-SoulHeart #9
Chapter 36: Just found this story and I must say I do not regret spending the whole day to read it but sadly now I am hooked and desperately need more. Update as soon as you can please:3 I absolutely LOVE it!
kenloveskey #10
Chapter 36: It was so good, perfect story. Loved it