Are You Getting Lost?

Of Losing

Just a side story from Daehyun POV /winks/


Weekend should have been free from all formal activities like school and work but unfortunately it isn’t happening for the brunette guy. Weekend is his source of money, as he takes a job at the cake shop near his apartment. He needs more money for his daily life since he also has to feed his baby girl. Actually his parents didn’t allow him to bring Junie to Seoul because he would be tired to take care of two bodies. But he is such a stubborn boy, he threatened his parents that he wouldn’t continue his college if he didn’t take Junie with him. In the end his parents agreed it with heavy heart but they gave him a condition, they should be in good health. Of course the boy said yes with big grin on his face.

It has been two years since they left their hometown but they haven’t had time to go back there, due to the college stuffs and the part time job. He really misses his family but he already promised to himself that he wouldn’t go back before he finished his college. He is in the middle of it and he wants to finish it in the shortest time.

Here Daehyun is, in the kitchen, baking his specialty which is no other than cheesecake. He isn’t only able to eat a lot but he also likes to make meal. His favorite one is making cheesecake. It seems like he lives for the cake and he will do anything to meet it anytime. Luckily he got the chance when he saw the job vacancy outside the cake shop and he confidently applied for it. He showed his skill and the owner was impressed by it. Actually he was asked to be the regular chef but he was sane enough to reject it and chose to study on the weekdays. He still got the job on the weekend so he is happy with it.

It is four in the afternoon and the cake is almost sold out. There is no ingredient left for making other cake so the shop owner closes it for today and the employees can go home earlier. Daehyun is so excited since he has plans to take Junie to the park and he won’t miss this rare free time. He wants to blame his college for taking all of his precious time and kind of abandons his baby girl. So this time he can’t wait to reach his apartment.

“I’m home baby!” He shouts right after he opens the door and Junie quickly runs to him. “Hey, I have free time now; shall we go to the park?”

Junie barks and waves her tail excitedly like she says yes please, I like it so much!

“Okay then, let me change clothes first!”

He goes to his room and Junie obediently sits down in the living room waits for him. She really likes the idea since she hasn’t been running around outside for a long time. She imagines being outside and she is so excited.

“Let’s go!”

Daehyun puts the chain around Junie’s neck loosely before they both step outside the apartment. He hangs his bag on his shoulder that he fills with his phone, wallet and a bottle of water. He walks behind the happy golden retriever that turns her head to the left and right, amazed by the surrounding. Daehyun can’t help but smiles seeing it. He somehow feels sorry because he can’t take Junie outside. He always leaves for college in the morning and back at the evening, but he doesn’t forget to prepare the meal for the dog.

Their trip to the park ends on twenty minutes and it is a relief for Daehyun because he feels tired already.

“Junie, let’s take a seat. I’m tired…” He looks pale and uses his free hand to fan his face. “And it’s so hot here. I don’t want to be collapsed…”

Junie understands it and she tries to find empty seat for Daehyun. She barks once before runs to somewhere and literally drags him to follow her.

“Thanks baby.” He smiles and pats Junie’s head before sits down on the bench.

The weather is too hot for his liking but fortunately he gets a nice seat below the big trees so he can inhale the fresh air while resting his body for a while. He sighs in satisfaction after drinking the water from the bottle that brings earlier. He turns his head to the left and right seeing if there is any food stall but he doesn’t find any. He furrows his eyebrows while thinking of something and then his mouth forms an ‘a’ shape, nodding. They are now deep inside the park and there aren’t many people because it’s kind of darker due to the big trees there. People call it a city forest.

“No wonder why I feel so tired. You pull me here, eh Junie?”

He looks at his dog that is now standing on her four legs, feeling aware of something as her sight is locked on an exact direction.

“What’s wrong?”

She growls and Daehyun’s eyes follow the direction that Junie points at. He narrows his eyes when he sees something moves fast from afar. Junie barks once but Daehyun tightens his grip on the chain.

“Don’t run Junie, stay here.”

Both of them hear a loud bark and soon the figure gets closer. Daehyun feels Junie is shivering, means that she is scared of the bigger dog before her. She doesn’t move from her spot and just growls to send the other dog away. But it seems not threatened with it and even approaches Junie closer. As a reflex, Junie takes steps back because she doesn’t want to be closer with the other. Daehyun wants to bring Junie out of there but suddenly she is more relaxed as the grey dog snuggles its head on her neck. Junie slowly but sure waves her tail and so does the other. They start to each other’s face and Daehyun smiles at the scene.

“Hey there…” He crouches down, patting the dog’s head. “You’re Junie’s first friend after years. Please be nice to my baby girl, yeah?”

The dog moves forward to Daehyun’s face and it makes him giggles as he holds its neck. “You tickle me!”

And it seems like the dog understands him as it stops and barks once. Then it turns to Junie and starts to play with her. They are running here and there but Daehyun warns them to not go too far or they would get lost. So they only run back and forth, still on Daehyun’s sight.

The air feels colder makes Daehyun caresses his arms and he pulls his phone out of his bag.

“Gosh it’s evening already?” He looks around and sees the lights are already on. The big trees cover the sunlight and honestly the day and night looks almost the same.

“Junie, let’s go home baby!”

Junie comes with the other dog behind her and Daehyun frowns. “Hey buddy, where is your owner? Why don’t you go home? It’s late already.”

The dog lets out a pity mewl and its tail is lowered down, means it’s scared or doesn’t know anything. Daehyun feels sorry for it and he hugs the dog. “Awww don’t be scared okay? Let me bring you out of here, hopefully you can find your way home later.”

Both Junie and the dog bark once and he chuckles. “Okay, let’s go!”

Daehyun is now walking between the two dogs, his each hands holds the chain as he guides them out of the city forest area. No wonder why the dog gets lost because the area isn’t that common for people going there. No matter how smart the dog is, if they haven’t been there before, they would easily get confused.

Ten minutes of walking and they reach the center of the park. As soon as they get there, the dog seems remember something and it starts to run, making Daehyun stumbles at first but then follows behind. Junie is already running beside the grey dog. Actually he wants to let out of the chain so that the dog can go home by itself but he doesn’t have heart to do it. He is worried that the dog would get lost again because maybe the owner already gets panicked of the lost dog. So he decides to run behind the two dogs. Fortunately they head to the same way as his apartment and he thinks that it wouldn’t be too far.

“Slow down you two, I’m not a runner…”

He is panting hardly and unconsciously pulls the chains to stop them. The big dog waves its tail and looks at a house before them. Daehyun tilts his head while still catching of his breath.

“Is it your house?”

The dog isn’t barking but it lets out its tongue and sits down, still looking at the house. It seems like wants to be quiet and gives a surprise to the owner. Once Daehyun is calming down, he slowly walks to the house and knocks the door.

“Who is it?”

He hears deep voice from inside and he doesn’t have any guts to answer it. It sounds scary and he is imagining the face of the dog’s owner. He gulps when the door slightly opens and the dog immediately runs inside, practically jumps to the person.


The same voice from before but with totally different tone, this time sounds surprised and happy and relieves at the same time. The door is wide opened now and he can see the dog is already on top of the person while his face.

“You’re back, buddy! I know it! I almost desperate when I couldn’t find you! Where have you been huh? You make me worried! Awww Chanie…”

So it’s really the owner, Daehyun thinks. He doesn’t want to interrupt the happy moment but he has to inform the person that he found the dog and maybe give the owner some advices to not let the guard down because it can be happen anytime.

“Excuse me, I know it’s not polite to disturb you but is it really your dog?”

The person looks startled and he quickly gets up after pushing the dog aside. He is dusting his clothes before looks up meeting Daehyun’s eyes. For a second Daehyun feels like can’t give any respond because the latter looks gorgeous even with messy black hair and stares blankly. He can only give a little smile after he gains his composure.

“Y-Yes… I’m sorry…”

Daehyun can’t help but chuckles hearing the nervous tone from the other. He doesn’t expect that the owner of the manly voice can be also stuttering like that. He assumes that the person isn’t as bad as he thought before.

“Why sorry? Your dog is really nice. He is so obedient and playful.”

“Well, Chanie must be so noisy and annoying. Sorry for causing a fuse…”

“So, your name is Chanie, such a cute name for a cute big dog. He suddenly ran to us from afar and approached Junie. He scared Junie at first but then I guess they like each other.”

Hearing her name, Junie looks up to Daehyun and he instantly bends down patting his dog’s head. He smiles when Junie looks so happy, she isn’t even tired waving her tail excitedly. There is only one reason why Junie acts like that and Daehyun has to make sure about it.

“Chanie is male, right?”

The person crouches down beside him, offering his hand to Junie and she puts her front leg on it.

”Yes he is, and Junie?”

“Female.” Daehyun bumps his nose on Junie’s and the dog his lips in return. “My little Junie is in love huh?”

Chanie suddenly runs to Junie while barking twice before snuggles to Junie’s neck. Daehyun only smiles and stands up while the guy shakes his head still not believe what he sees.

“Well, seems like our dogs love each other, mister..?”

“Yongguk. Don’t call me mister because I believe you’re around my age.”

“Really? I’m Daehyun, 24.”

“I’m only two years older than you, Daehyun-ssi.”

“Just drop the honorific. It should be me who acts polite to you, Yongguk-ssi…”

“You can call me hyung, Daehyun…”

“Really? Is it okay?”

“Of course!”

Yongguk is chuckling and Daehyun feels something strangely nice inside his stomach but he shrugs it off. “Thank you, Yongguk hyung!”

“No thank me, thank you for bringing Chanie back to me, Daehyun.”

“Actually Chanie was like confused and he mewled pitifully when he realized that he didn’t know where he was. So I guided him out of the park and then he seemed like found the track back to his house. I followed him with Junie because I didn’t want him to get lost again…” Daehyun smiles before suddenly gets surprised and covers his mouth. “Oh I’m sorry I talk too much!”

“You’re so cute!”

Daehyun almost gasps when he hears Yongguk laughs. It’s only a light laugh but it affects him more than the chuckle earlier. It feels warmer and he starts to like it. He then smiles sheepishly and rubs his neck to hide his nervousness. “No, I’m not. I’m just embarrassing.”

“I’m no good at talking so I envy you…”

“Don’t be like that hyung, people says I’m a big mouth because I can’t keep my mouth shut even just a second…” Daehyun pouts as his habit. “Uh I guess I have to go home now. It’s getting late. Come on Junie!”

Daehyun pulls Junie’s chain and Chanie mewls lowly. He doesn’t want Junie to go home. He likes to be close to Junie, and seems like Junie also wants the same. She doesn’t move from her spot and just sits down there. Yongguk clicks his tongue and Daehyun pursues his lips into thin line.

“Come on Chanie, don’t be childish. Let Junie go home for now. You still can meet her next time, right Daehyun?”

“That’s right Junie. Let’s go home first. I haven’t cooked any dinner and it’s getting late.”

Right after he says dinner, something growls and without turning his head, he knows where it comes from. He tries so hard to not laugh at it.

“Nah you hear that? Somebody is hungry…” Daehyun chuckles and turns his attention to Yongguk. “Want me to cook your dinner?”

Yongguk is grinning shows his gummy smile and Daehyun feels his heart is beating fast. It’s the most beautiful thing he ever saw and he finds himself slowly melts down of the other’s behavior.

“Uh you don’t mind?”

“As long as you have all the ingredients, I would love to do it.” Daehyun smiles warmly. “But firstly you have to let me come into your house.”

“Oh ! I’m sorry! Sorry for cursing too. Come in please, come in!”

Daehyun laughs when Yongguk gasps loudly and bows down to apologize. He waves his hand in front of the older. “It’s okay really. Stop saying sorry please.”

Both of them walk into the house and Daehyun can sense that Yongguk is uncomfortable because his house isn’t too appealing for any guests to come in.

“I’m sorry for the mess here. Let’s go directly to the kitchen…”

Daehyun tries to hold back his laughter with biting his bottom lips and he just nods walking beside Yongguk while glancing at the surrounding. Everything is out of the proper place and he doesn’t know why he suddenly takes a mental note to clean it up next time. Is there any next time for him to be here?

“Where are they going?” Daehyun asks Yongguk when he sees Chanie and Junie run to the back door.

“They just go to the backyard. It’s pretty big there so they can run as much as they want. You can take a look from here.”

Yongguk points at the window on the kitchen and Daehyun leans forward to look at them. He smiles when he sees Junie is happily playing with Chanie. It has been long time he didn’t see that expression from his dog. He feels relief that his dog has new friend, maybe not only a friend, but who knows?

“What do you want to cook? I only have this on the fridge…”

The voice gives a nice shiver to Daehyun’s spine and snaps his thought. Daehyun turns his head to Yongguk before he walks closer and examines the contents. “Let’s see…” He rummages through the fridge but suddenly stops. He curses under his breath when he realizes what he’s doing. “I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have been looking into your fridge! Gosh I’m so careless!”

Yongguk laughs and slightly leans forward to have same eye level as Daehyun while holding the shoulders. Daehyun’s eyes widen at the sudden thing happens and he holds his breath when he sees a pair of black orbs right in front of him, looking so deep into his own.

“Hey it’s okay Daehyun. You’re the one who is going to cook, right?”

Daehyun nods a bit and feels his cheeks burns because of the close gap between his face and Yongguk’s which only few centimeters. It’s too much close for his liking but he feels like want to just lean in and closes the gap. His heart is betraying him with pounding so hard and he finds it’s difficult to breath.

“So what will you cook for us, chef?”

Yongguk smiles and Daehyun can’t help but smiles back. He slowly inhales for air and blinks his eyes for few times before looks at the fridge once more. There aren’t that much in it, but he is sure that he can make something proper for the dinner. “Is kimchi fried rice okay? I can make fruits salad for the dessert too.”


Daehyun mewls quietly when Yongguk ruffles his hair. It’s like the first skinship of them after the hold on the shoulders few moments ago but Daehyun feels loved with the simple touch.

“Need help?”

He thinks for a while. He still doesn’t know whether the older can cook or not so he can’t just give the difficult task for him. But seeing the content of the fridge, he assumes that Yongguk isn’t used to cook.

“Just peel those fruit and cut it into small cubes. Can you do it hyung?”

“Of course! Let’s start it!”

Both of them are busy working on their own part while once take a glance at each other. Daehyun can’t stand when Yongguk is playing with the fruit and just eats it after he peels one. He nags and slaps the elder’s hand playfully but he doesn’t feel bad about it. He personally thinks that it has no point if someone acts nice in front of other people only to impress them. It’s not right when someone hides the bad side only to show the good one because sooner or later people will find it out. He doesn’t like to fake anything so he just blurts out whatever on his mind. Actually he is a bit worried if Yongguk doesn’t feel comfortable with his real behavior and habit because they are totally the opposite. But yeah, Daehyun is Daehyun, he better loses something or someone sooner than has longer time to be with them but in the end they leave him alone.

But he silently prays that his worry wouldn’t happen. He wants to know Yongguk more, because he feels a really nice vibe there, inside his heart.

And the dinner is ready. Daehyun places two plates of kimchi fried rice on the table before puts some into Chanie’s bowl. Yongguk only has one bowl for the food and the other bowl for water so Junie has to eat together with Chanie. Fortunately the dogs don’t mind with it as they eat excitedly.

“How is it?”

Daehyun asks when Yongguk is still munching on his dinner. The latter nods in acknowledge and gives his thumb up. “It tastes great! You’re amazing, chef!”

Yongguk shows his gummy smile and Daehyun knows that it’s sincere so he unconsciously smiles widely in return. He rarely smiles like that because people find him too noisy and they just walk away every time they meet him. And he somehow feels good after smiles widely like that, he feels so happy like his effort is being appreciated.

“Thanks hyung, glad to hear it. There’s still a plate of it in the kitchen. You can eat it tomorrow for breakfast but don’t forget to warm it first.”

Yongguk nods and finishes his dinner. “Thanks for the meal Daehyun…”

“No problem hyung…” He smiles and takes a glance at the clock. “Gosh it’s almost 9 pm! Junie let’s go home baby!”

Daehyun is washing the plates when Junie runs to him. Yongguk already insists him not to do it but he is stubbornly doing it. He is the one cooks for dinner so he has the responsibility to clean up everything there.

“It’s already late, are you sure you wanna go home? I mean you can stay here or if you still wanna go home maybe I can walk you home?”

Daehyun’s heart thumps and he smiles hearing the offer. Once again he feels cared by the older. But he doesn’t want to cause any other fuse there so he decides to reject it softly. “No, thanks hyung, I’m sure I’m going home and you don’t have to do that. I’m no kid! Besides I have Junie here and my house is only three blocks away.”

“Okay then… Be careful on your way home…”

Daehyun can catch the worried tone from Yongguk and he smiles to make the older sure that he is going to be okay. “I will.”

He walks to the front door with Junie and puts on his shoes. Yongguk and Chanie are also there to give the farewell. Daehyun turns around and bends down to give Chanie a goodbye kiss. “See you next time, Chanie. I’m going, Yongguk hyung. Come on Junie baby, say goodbye to Chanie and Yongguk hyung.”

Junie barks once and Chanie’s face before jumps on Yongguk and makes him crouches down to ruffle her fur. “Bye Junie…”

Daehyun opens the door and takes a hold on Junie’s chain. He is just stepping out of the house when he hears Yongguk calls him.


He turns his head to the older. “Yes hyung?”

“Give me your phone.”

“What? Why?”

“Just… Give it…”

Daehyun tilts his head in confusion but he pulls his phone out of his bag before gives it to the latter. Yongguk quickly types something there that he doesn’t know what it is before gives it back to him.

“Send me a message when you arrive home, so I know that you’re safe…”

Daehyun blinks a few times as he holds his phone. He thinks for a second what the words mean before a wide smile appears on his face. “Okay.”

He is now sure that the other also wants another encounter with him and he is so happy with that. It means his worry isn’t happening and he decides to brace himself to do this. He takes a step forward and gives Yongguk a soft kiss on the cheek. “Bye hyung…”

He turns his heels and pulls Junie with him, wants to get out of the house as soon as possible to hide his pink cheeks. He still can’t believe from where he gets the gut to kiss Yongguk. He bits his bottom lip as he walks side by side with Junie and it seems like the dog can sense something strange from him. Junie looks up and leans her side of head on Daehyun’s thigh, like wants to say you’re also in love, huh?

“Awww Junie it was so embarrassing!” Daehyun covers his face while still walking. “Did I look so desperate or something? Damn!”

Junie is still walking when Daehyun talks again, “Junie… I… I think I can feel what you feel to Chanie…” He stops his pace and sniffles, prevents his tears to come out. “I think I love him…”

Daehyun crouches down, arms resting on his knees and he leans his forehead on it. Junie turns around and walks closer to her owner who is now sobbing. She feels confused. Daehyun is in love but why he cries? She wants to make him feels better but she doesn’t know how to do it. She only mewls and Daehyun’s cheek, tries to calm him down.

“I’m sorry Junie… I just… don’t know why… It feels nice but suddenly these tears don’t wanna stop coming out…” He chuckles when he realizes something. “Maybe I’m too happy?”

Junie barks once before snuggles her head to Daehyun’s neck like says yes, that’s what I feel to Chanie!

Daehyun lifts his head up and smiles, bumps his nose on Junie’s and holds her head. “Thanks Junie, you’re the only one who can understand me…”

He wipes the tears on his face before stands up, sighs loudly. “Let’s go home!”

When they reach the apartment, Daehyun thinks of something different than just sends Yongguk a message letting him know that they are home.

“Hey Junie, do you think a selca is fine?”

And he gets a respond like what he wants as Junie barks once while waving her tail excitedly. Daehyun pulls his phone out and taps the screen to take selca.

“Okay! Let’s just close our eyes and show our tongue, yeah? One, two, three!”

Thanks for today! Junie and I had a great time! Now we’re home and want to sleep soon. Good night~~~~

PS: If you need somebody to clean up your house, or to cook your meal, just tell me ^^

“I don’t look too desperate to meet him, do I?”



so i wrote this because i feel so bad of leaving you guys without any stories ;~;

work is going so hectic and i only have free time on the weekend so i'll try my best to post something every time i log in here. not promise but i'll try!

i have few on going stories on my drafts and i hope i can post it continuously on the weekend! i hope you guys can bear with it ;n;

thanks! <333

PS: i have a plan for the sequel, but pls wait patiently! ;3;


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daehyundarklight #1
Chapter 2: so sweet... daedae so brave kissed gukie from the first met... hihi...
bdz357998 #2
Chapter 3: This was toooo cute!!
it's very interesting to read the story from dae's pov hohohoho
and def gonna look forward for the sequel XD
Chapter 2: I like this side story so much, can't wait for the sequel, authornim fighting ;D
darkblood #5
Chapter 2: Awwww its really cute im gonna explodeeee
Chapter 1: Woooooooow, it's really cute and refreshing. I really liked it. The story sounds to become interesting and really nice. I really love the dogs' name! Chanie and Junie. (Himchan and Junhong? haha) Good luck for the nexts!
Chapter 1: So cuteeee
Chapter 1: Chanie and junie is so cute they don't want to separate from each other and i like to see bangdae moment more *just a greediness from a reader* hehehe :3
Btw authornim you're the best :D
Thanks for updating ^_^
Chapter 1: *squeals kyaaahhh thats so cuuttee
Great job authornim~! Thankyou for this beautiful story i lurve it <3
Sequel? Or other bangdae story maybe? Hehehe