No More Losing You

Of Losing

very long chapter below! please bear with it~~


The sun shines brightly greeting the person who is still lazily lying on his bed, an arm rests on the forehead. Flinches slightly when the sudden warmth touches his bare skin, he groans lowly and turns his back facing the window. He wants more time to sleep on the holiday and nothing can ruin his plans for today. The wind blows from the open window makes the room a bit cooler and the person shifts comfortably. He smiles and buries his face deeper into the pillow, inhales the sweet scent of the newly changed bed sheet. He murmurs something about the nice atmosphere on his room before slowly drifts back to sleep.

The edge of his bed dips down because of an additional weight and it surprises him. His eyebrows furrows when he tries to think of who suddenly climbs onto his bed. He is still closing his eyes as he realizes who it is and he smiles.

“Don’t disturb me…”

He swings his left hand on the air to send out whoever it is without even knowing where exactly the other is. His attempt seems unnoticed as the other jumps crazily on his bed and he tries kicking to each direction, aiming at the disturbance.

“Go away…”

His tone is deeper than usual. It means he starts to be angry though he is still tucking his body into the blanket and breaths evenly. But he knows that the other is too stubborn to obey him when he feels weight on his side. And the other loves to tease. He can feel the warm breath on his face before a nose pokes his cheek. He groans loudly and rolls on his back, wants to get away and continues his sleep. The other is aware of his sudden mood change. He slowly gives up and forgets about his anger when the other mewls cutely and starts his face. He chuckles with eyes half opened and pulls his body up on his elbows.

“Well, Chanie, you win for now. But promise me, no more jumping on me because you are a big boy now…”

The three years old grey siberian husky only barks once while waving his tail happily before his face again.

“Okay okay I understand. Let me take shower first and we will go out to get breakfast!”

Chanie is an obedient dog actually, but his stubborn side sometimes comes out and the owner can’t help but feels defeated with him. He is no harm though he is a pure husky. He loves to eat anything that placed on his bowl or directly feed by his owner. As a guard dog, he is capable of it and he is trustworthy. He has a tight bond with his owner so he can understand their feeling. Like the other dogs, he loves playing and running around the yard. He has been living with his owner for three years, since he was born.

And for Yongguk, Chanie is his precious one. The one he lives and plays with. He isn’t a sociable person so he only has Chanie as his friend though he is aware that he can’t live like that forever. But he still doesn’t want to change his life. Sooner or later when the time comes, it will change itself. He believes it.

“Damn! It’s afternoon already? We need to get our brunch soon before dinner comes!”

Yongguk jumps off of his bed and runs to the bathroom, quickly gets showered and brushes his teeth. He feels guilty because maybe Chanie tried to wake him up for hundred times but he didn’t even move an inch. He wraps the towel on his waist while ruffling his wet hair and walks out of the bathroom to open his drawers. He picks a pair of denim shorts and a white long sleeves t-shirt when he realizes that Chanie is sitting next to his feet and put his tongue out like he says hurry up, I’m hungry!

“Sorry for making you skip your breakfast and lunch. I was so tired last night so I wanted to take more rest time…”

As he understands what Yongguk says, Chanie barks once and jumps up. His front feet are on Yongguk’s stomach now.

“I know you love me but please let me put on clothes first!”

Chanie pulls away and back to his sitting position but still looking at Yongguk who is now already fully dressed.

“Okay I'm ready now! Come on buddy!”

Yongguk runs out of his bedroom to the living room and puts on his shoes. Chanie is behind him and he bites on something. It’s Yongguk’s glasses.

“You want me to wear sunglasses?”

Chanie barks twice and Yongguk smiles at the answer. He knows it really well. One bark means yes. Twice is of course. Three times means he is getting tired at the question. More than three times, Chanie tries to say don’t even ask about it! So he puts his glasses on and grabs the chain for Chanie before hanging it loosely on his neck. They walk out of the house and heads directly to the park where lots of food stalls are there. They don’t want to eat a lot because they still have to give enough space for dinner. So it’s the best thing to get some snacks for both of them. And snacks refer to kind of food like burger, french fries, pancake, bread, with soda for Yongguk and juice for Chanie. Yongguk feels Chanie heads to a burger stall and Yongguk follows behind.

“Please give me one cheeseburger and one double cheeseburger; one cola and one orange juice.”

Yongguk waits patiently for the order while scanning the park. It is more crowded than the other day, must be because of weekend. He sees many new food stalls that he hasn’t tried yet, maybe he can visit it after paying for his burgers.

“Here is your order sir.”

Yongguk turns his head to the seller and pulls out his wallet on his pocket when suddenly Chanie runs fast and he gets pulled by the dog’s strength.

“Gosh! Chanie stop! Chanie listen to me!”

But Chanie doesn’t hear it, or maybe he doesn’t want to stop because he keeps running and ignores Yongguk who shouts at him continuously. Yongguk can’t follow him anymore since he is too fast and too strong, not a good combination for this situation. So Yongguk let go of the chain and he half-heartedly sees Chanie runs away from him. He is still panting hard but he has to get Chanie back. He won’t let Chanie lost from his sight; he should find him as soon as possible.

“Please Chanie, please don’t get lost… Comeback to me…”

Yongguk runs to all directions he can think of, hoping that Chanie will be there waiting for him with his tongue out like he wants to make fun of him. Yongguk tries to find Chanie everywhere, at any possible spots of the park. They often come there and he believes that Chanie won’t be too stupid to get lost just by running that fast. He is a smart dog. He can find his way home. Or when he feels strange about his surrounding, he will stay there and barks, letting Yongguk knows where he is.

“Chanie! Where are you, buddy?”

He almost gives up. He runs here and there but no signs of his best friend. He wants to cry. He is weak without Chanie.

It is the second time he feels so worried and scared like this after his parents didn’t come home from their business trip four years ago. Later he knew that their plane crashed and they died with other passengers. He got depressed for a year and didn’t want to do anything but only locked himself on his room. One day when he climbed up on his rooftop and tried to suicide, he heard loud barks below and it made the neighborhood came out of their house to see what happened. They shouted and yelled at him to not jump because he still had to continue his live and it wasn’t helping at all to end his life. He didn’t care about what they said; he only wanted to end his time that day. But suddenly he felt something warm on his feet and when he looked at it he found the puppy that barked few moments ago. It stayed close to his feet like said don’t die, don’t be a fool. It started its feet and waving the tail, showing that it was comfortable to be with him. And when it looked at him, it somehow gave him hope that he never saw before and he cried. He dropped his body on the cold cemented floor and he broke on tears. The puppy jumped into his lap and his face, his tears to be exact. For the first time he realized that love and care didn’t only come from people around him. He felt loved. He decided to stop being a fool and started everything again. He hugged the grey little puppy and smiled of its soft, comforting fur. He walked down with the cute puppy on his arms and people sighed in relief. They were happy to see him smiled again because he had no other family than his parents so the neighbors considered him as their family but he was too occupied by his mourn.

Chanie was his savior. He was his best friend. He always is. He doesn’t want to lose him even just a second. Chanie is so loyal to him and he doubts that anyone can do it. He starts to panic when the sun goes down and he still can’t see where Chanie is. He runs his hand on his hair and ruffles it in annoyance. He narrows his eyes scanning the surrounding but it’s hard to see in the dim light.

“Chanie don’t leave me alone…”

He starts to sob. The bad thoughts fill his brain and he feels like broken down. Chanie barely goes out in the evening so maybe he is confused of the sudden darkness around him. Yongguk tries to calm down but he fails. He wants to wait there at the park but something tells him that he should go home. Then he thinks that maybe Chanie heads back home because he doesn’t see him anywhere at the park. He quickly runs to his house, not even care about people he bumps into.


He shouts when he is only five meters from his house but he doesn’t see the dog. He stops in front of the door. He is so tired and breaths heavily as he places his palms on his knees. Sweats drip down all over his face and he knows that it is useless to keep searching because he has no energy at all. He hasn’t eaten anything and he doesn’t feel like wants to. All he thinks is only Chanie and he can’t bring himself not to worry about his buddy.

With a heavy heart he opens the door and walks in, plopping himself on the couch in the living room. He has to wait until 24 hours if he wants to call the police for the missing dog. He still has a piece of sanity, fortunately, and he is mature enough to decide anything. He is patiently waiting for Chanie to come home because he knows it, he feels it. The bond between them is so close and indescribable.

Yongguk is hungry, and he believes so is Chanie. He can’t deny that he is scared if Chanie collapsed because he didn’t eat since morning and it was his fault for not waking up earlier.

“No. Chanie is strong. He wouldn’t be collapsed if he could find water.”

Speaking of water, Yongguk finally realizes that he needs it. Long run from the park since afternoon makes his mouth and throat dry. He groans when he gets up from the couch walking to the kitchen. He opens the fridge and pulls out a bottle of water before takes some big gulps of it. He sighs in relief and wipes the drops of water on his chin. He is about to put the bottle back on the fridge when he hears some knocks at the door. He furrows his eyebrows, feels anxious because he barely has visitors in the evening. He takes a glance at the clock, 7:25 pm.

“Who is it?”

He shouts from the living room, hoping to know something from the visitor first before he opens the door. But no answer from outside and he is more curious about it. He then opens the door slowly and he is surprised of a sudden weight on his body that pushes him down on the floor.

“Chanie?!!” Yongguk can’t hide his happiness as the dog barks once and his face like he usually does. “You’re back, buddy! I know it! I almost desperate when I couldn’t find you! Where have you been huh? You make me worried! Awww Chanie…”

Yongguk ruffles Chanie’s fur and hugs him like he finally finds treasure from deep down the ocean.

“Excuse me, I know it’s not polite to disturb you but is it really your dog?”

The strange but nice voice comes out of the guy in front of the door and Yongguk feels like wants to slap himself for not aware about the person at first. He immediately pushes Chanie to the side and gets up, dusting his clothes still looking down. When he finally looks at the person before him, he can’t help but holds his breath for seconds. The latter is smiling at him, not wide but not small, it is just a polite smile. Yongguk finds him cute with his straight brunette hair but he is captivated by the pink plump lips of the other.

“Y-Yes… I’m sorry…”

The person chuckles and Yongguk feels the melodic voice makes him warm.

“Why sorry? Your dog is really nice. He is so obedient and playful.”

“Well, Chanie must be so noisy and annoying. Sorry for causing a fuse…”

“So, your name is Chanie, such a cute name for a big dog. He suddenly ran to us from afar and approached Junie. He scared Junie at first but then I guess they like each other.”

The guy bends down and pats his dogs. Yongguk once again tries to tell himself to pay attention on his surroundings. How come he didn’t see Junie, a big golden retriever in front of him? Something must be wrong with his eyes and mind today.

“Chanie is male, right?”

The sweet voice snaps him of his thought and he crouches down to greet the new dog.

”Yes he is, and Junie?”

“Female.” The person bumps his nose on Junie’s and the dog his lips in return. “My little Junie is in love huh?”

Chanie hears that question and he runs to Junie while barking twice before snuggles to Junie’s neck. The guy smiles and stands up, Yongguk shakes his head still not believe what he sees.

“Well, seems like our dogs love each other, mister..?”

“Yongguk. Don’t call me mister because I believe you’re around my age.”

“Really? I’m Daehyun, 24.”

“I’m only two years older than you, Daehyun-ssi.”

“Just drop the honorific. It should be me who acts polite to you, Yongguk-ssi…”

“You can call me hyung, Daehyun…”

“Really? Is it okay?”

“Of course!” He chuckles at the cuteness of the younger.

“Thank you, Yongguk hyung!”

“No thank me, thank you for bringing Chanie back to me, Daehyun.”

“Actually Chanie was like confused and he mewled pitifully when he realized that he didn’t know where he was. So I guided him out of the park and then he seemed like found the track back to his house. I followed him with Junie because I didn’t want him to get lost again…” Daehyun smiles before suddenly gets surprised and covers his mouth. “Oh I’m sorry I talk too much!”

Yongguk laughs lightly. “You’re so cute!”

Daehyun smiles sheepishly and rubs his neck. “No, I’m not. I’m just embarrassing.”

“I’m no good at talking so I envy you…”

“Don’t be like that hyung, people says I’m a big mouth because I can’t keep my mouth shut even just a second…” Daehyun pouts. “Uh I guess I have to go home now. It’s getting late. Come on Junie!”

Daehyun pulls Junie’s chain and Chanie mewls lowly. He doesn’t want Junie to go home. He likes to be close to Junie, and seems like Junie also wants the same. She doesn’t move from her spot and just sits down there. Yongguk clicks his tongue and Daehyun pursues his lips into thin line.

“Come on Chanie, don’t be childish. Let Junie go home for now. You still can meet her next time, right Daehyun?”

“That’s right Junie. Let’s go home first. I haven’t cooked any dinner and it’s getting late.”

Hearing the word dinner, Yongguk’s stomach grumbles and he instantly blushes.

“Nah you hear that? Somebody is hungry…” Daehyun chuckles and turns his attention to Yongguk. “Want me to cook your dinner?”

Yongguk is grinning shows his gummy smile and Daehyun feels his heart is beating fast. “Uh you don’t mind?”

“As long as you have all the ingredients, I would love to do it.” Daehyun smiles warmly. “But firstly you have to let me come into your house.”

Yongguk gasps as he realizes that they are still in the front of the house with the door opens and he quickly bows down to apologize.

“Oh ! I’m sorry! Sorry for cursing too. Come in please, come in!”

Daehyun laughs as he waves his hand in front of the older. “It’s okay really. Stop saying sorry please.”

Yongguk ushers Daehyun to come into his house and he curses under his breath when he once again realizes that his house is a mess. Clothes and shoes everywhere, plates and glasses are all on the sink, and the worst part is Chanie runs anywhere making the papers on the table flies and… Huge mess. May day. Catastrophe.

“I’m sorry for the mess here. Let’s go directly to the kitchen…”

Daehyun tries to hold back his laughter with biting his bottom lips and he just nods walking beside Yongguk while glancing at the surrounding. Chanie and Junie are running through the living room and Daehyun is curious.

“Where are they going?”

“They just go to the backyard. It’s pretty big there so they can run as much as they want. You can take a look from here.”

He points at the window on the kitchen and Daehyun leans forward to look at them. He smiles when he sees Junie is happily playing with Chanie. It has been long time he didn’t see that expression from his dog.

“What do you want to cook? I only have this on the fridge…”

Daehyun turns his head to the source of voice before he walks closer and examines the contents. “Let’s see…” He rummages through the fridge but suddenly stops. “I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have been looking into your fridge! Gosh I’m so careless!”

Yongguk laughs and slightly leans forward to have same eye level as Daehyun while holding the younger’s shoulders to make him calm down.

“Hey it’s okay Daehyun. You’re the one who is going to cook, right?”

Daehyun nods a bit and feels his cheeks burns because of the close gap between his face and Yongguk’s.

“So what will you cook for us, chef?”

Yongguk smiles and Daehyun can’t help but smiles back. He looks at the fridge once more before decides. “Is kimchi fried rice okay? I can make fruits salad too.”

“Nice!” Yongguk ruffles Daehyun’s hair and he feels that he loves to do it more. “Need help?”

“Just peel those fruit and cut it into small cubes. Can you do it hyung?”

“Of course! Let’s start it!”

Both of them are busy working on their own part while once take a glance at each other. Daehyun is noisy but he can be extremely quiet when he concentrates on his cook. But he will nag at Yongguk when he finds that the older cuts the fruits carelessly, or when Yongguk eats the fruits despite of puts it into the bowl. Daehyun loves to cook simply because he loves to eat. And Yongguk somehow admires the younger. He wants to know more about Daehyun, the person that he just met few moments ago and now they are in the kitchen cooking for their dinner like a romantic couple. He feels comfortable with the younger’s presence and he hopes that the latter feels the same.

Daehyun, in the other hand, enjoys the calm atmosphere. Yes he likes to talk a lot but he barely meets somebody who can stand with his noisy character for a long time. Yongguk is quiet but he is a good listener. He patiently listens to whatever Daehyun says and once a while gives the respond that exactly what Daehyun wants. He nags when Yongguk disturbs him cooking but his anger fades when he sees the gummy smile. It makes him weak but he loves it. And he wants to see it more often.

The dinner is ready. Daehyun places two plates of kimchi fried rice on the table before puts some into Chanie’s bowl. Yongguk only has one bowl for the food and the other bowl for water so Junie has to eat together with Chanie. Fortunately the dogs don’t mind with it as they eat excitedly.

“How is it?”

Daehyun asks when Yongguk is still munching on his dinner. The latter nods in acknowledge and gives his thumb up.

“It tastes great! You’re amazing, chef!”

Daehyun smiles widely and for the first time Yongguk sees the younger’s face wrinkles up and his eyes form crescent and it’s so beautiful.

“Thanks hyung, glad to hear it. There’s still a plate of it in the kitchen. You can eat it tomorrow for breakfast but don’t forget to warm it first.”

Yongguk nods and continues to eat again. They eat in peaceful silence until they finish it up and feel so full.

“Thanks for the meal Daehyun…”

“No problem hyung…” He smiles and takes a glance at the clock. “Gosh it’s almost 9 pm! Junie let’s go home baby!”

Junie barks and runs to Daehyun who is still washing the plates though Yongguk insists him not to do it.

“It’s already late, are you sure you wanna go home? I mean you can stay here or if you still wanna go, maybe I can walk you home?”

Daehyun smiles as he drying the clean plates. “No, thanks hyung, I’m sure I’m going home and you don’t have to do that. I’m no kid! Besides I have Junie here and my house is only three blocks away.”

Yongguk tries to smile but he can’t deny that he is worried of the younger. “Okay then… Be careful on your way home…”

“I will.” Daehyun walks to the front door and puts on his shoes before gives Chanie a goodbye kiss. “See you next time, Chanie. I’m going, Yongguk hyung. Come on Junie baby, say goodbye to Chanie and Yongguk hyung.”

Junie barks once and Chanie’s face before jumps on Yongguk and makes the person crouches down to ruffle his fur. “Bye Junie…”

Daehyun opens the door and takes a hold on Junie’s chain. He is just stepping out of the house when he hears Yongguk calls him.


He turns his head to the older. “Yes hyung?”

“Give me your phone.”

“What? Why?”

“Just… Give it…”

Daehyun tilts his head in confusion but he pulls his phone out of his jeans pocket before gives it to the latter. Yongguk quickly types his phone number on the younger’s contacts and gives it back.

“Send me a message when you arrive home, so I know that you’re safe…”

Daehyun blinks a few times as he holds his phone before a wide smile appears. “Okay.” He takes a step forward and gives Yongguk a soft kiss on the cheek. “Bye hyung…”

He turns his heels and pulls Junie with him, now walking side by side to his house. Yongguk is still not moving because of the sudden act from the younger and he unconsciously lifts his hand to caress the warm spot on his face. He smiles when he realizes that it’s not a dream. It’s real and it feels really nice. He walked into the living room with wide smile on his face, still not believe what just touched his cheek.

Ten minutes later his phone rings and he quickly checks on the message that comes in. He can’t stop squealing when he sees the message. It’s from Daehyun, of course. Daehyun sends a selca of him and Junie in front of their house with both of their eyes closed and their tongues out.


Thanks for today! Junie and I had a great time! Now we’re home and want to sleep soon. Good night~~~~

PS: If you need somebody to clean up your house, or to cook your meal, just tell me ;)


Yongguk grins sheepishly reading the message and he can’t tear his gaze from the cute selca.

“I guess we’ll meet again soon, Daehyun…”



well... it's a long one-shot isn't it? 4.2k words... just... wow... /o\

i'm supposed to show all fluffiness of BANGDAE but why it's so hard :< i hope this isn't disappointing! and what do you guys think about this story? i'm curious ;~;

thank you for subscribing! (and even upvoting omg i love you guys!! <333) please leave comment so that i can give you all hug ;w;


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daehyundarklight #1
Chapter 2: so sweet... daedae so brave kissed gukie from the first met... hihi...
bdz357998 #2
Chapter 3: This was toooo cute!!
it's very interesting to read the story from dae's pov hohohoho
and def gonna look forward for the sequel XD
Chapter 2: I like this side story so much, can't wait for the sequel, authornim fighting ;D
darkblood #5
Chapter 2: Awwww its really cute im gonna explodeeee
Chapter 1: Woooooooow, it's really cute and refreshing. I really liked it. The story sounds to become interesting and really nice. I really love the dogs' name! Chanie and Junie. (Himchan and Junhong? haha) Good luck for the nexts!
Chapter 1: So cuteeee
Chapter 1: Chanie and junie is so cute they don't want to separate from each other and i like to see bangdae moment more *just a greediness from a reader* hehehe :3
Btw authornim you're the best :D
Thanks for updating ^_^
Chapter 1: *squeals kyaaahhh thats so cuuttee
Great job authornim~! Thankyou for this beautiful story i lurve it <3
Sequel? Or other bangdae story maybe? Hehehe