okey, let's do it!

your jealousy is my love

.jung mi's p.o.v

okay... my life is getting weirder and weirder day by day... key keeps on torturing me now! while taemin, he's freaking me more out! it's getting into my nerves...



i was in class, doing my late homework. "jungminnie~~"

i look behind. "taemin!" he smiled and sit next to me.

taemin: so arent you going to the canteen?

me: no need to..

taemin: wanna go with me?

me: noo

taemin: owh, come on~~

me: taemin, no need to..

however, he already took my hands and drag me to the canteen. "wait at that table" he said and runs to the counter. i just make dont-know so i sat on the table he told me. i look around and saw key with jonghyun, 2 rows sitting infront  of me.

good, he doesnt notice me, yet..

"jungminnie!" taemin appeared from  my side, holding just one (dunno what it's called so i call it plate :3 )

me: umm..why are there only one??

taemin: we're gonna share..conserve dishes.me: BWOH?!

he sit next close to me. he feed me a pudding. "taemin, i dont wanna..."

but he force me to open my mouth and so, the delicious flaour of strawberry pudding went into my tounges..

"delicious?" he asked.

i nodded....man.....

key's p.o.v

whatta ing hell of es?! did..did they...owh..... *burning*

jonghyun: key, are you alright??

me: shut up jjong

jonghyun: geez... oh.i get it now..

me: what?!

jonghyun: nuthin~

i stood up and leave the 'plate'  on the table with jjong.

jonghyun: key, wait!

he ran to me.

*end of flashback*


oh rats...

me: taemin, what is it now?

taemin: please~ can you help me with history again???

me: oh sure...

i teached him this and that. then, i saw key, outside the classroom, looking at us.

taemin: owh..i got it now...

me: really? thats good.

he didnt look at the book, but insted glanced at me with this cute pose.

i look outside aand great, key's gone.

i stood.

me: taemin, what the hell have you taken for meal?! you're on drugs or something?!

taemin: no!!

taemin's p.o.v

uh-oh..she's gonna found out..

jungmi: tell me!

i shook

jungmi: spill it!

she pointed her fingers to me.


jungmi: taemin, i know when you're lying and when you're honest!! now, spill!!

aish... i dont want jungmi to un-friend me...

but... *sigh*

me: ok..ok...

jungmi: ok what? now!

me: shees... (cute mouth pose)  jung mi, do you still have a feeling towards key??

she kept quite...

me: i know it... no need to cover it..

jungmi: (sit down) no

me: no need to lie

jungmi: no

me: ok.. he loves you..

her eyes were like =.=

jungmi: you're lying,right? he hates me!! 

her tears flew down to her soft cheeks.

me: jungmi, i'm..i'm sorry

jungmi: no, its not your fault..

me: you still love him

jungmi: no!

me: yes!

jungmi: oh fine..i admit! yes! but..he hates me

me: no, he loves you

jungmi: but he keeps torturing me!

me: and thats why i'm helping you!

jungmi: how?

me: let's do a drama..

jungmi: you mean???

i whisper to her and she nodded.

jungmi: promise to make it succcess?

me: yes!

(pikey swear)

jungmi: okay, now it's settle, taemin darling~

me: haha... yeah, jungminnie

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beeeaaaar #1
Kibumie Is Jealous ~!! :D Cute GIF .. Update Soon ^^
hyunmi_key #2
update soon !! This story is interesting !!