
Not what I want (discontinued)

Jinki completely forgot about his encounter with Jang Mi until weeks later when he ran into her again at his favorite noodle place. The forgetfulness was partially due to embarrassment, embarrassment which almost kept him from greeting her when he saw her outside of work. He was surprised she recognized him at all because was wearing inconspicuously simple clothes and a hat to give him some privacy.


Jinki got up from his seat when he saw her walk in and sit down alone. He trailed along the long cafeteria like table and stopped at a place directly across from her.


“Hi, I don’t want to bother you but I just wanted to apologize again.”


He leaned in a little over the table and lifted the brim of his hat up just enough for her to see his face better.


“It’s Jinki. I, uh, ran into you…”


Jang Mi smiled kindly and flapped her hands.


“That’s very kind of you Jinki but that was weeks ago and it was mostly my clumsy fault. I still have my job so no hard feelings, although there is a favor I’d like to ask of you, if it’s not too inconvenient.”


She spoke very modestly and respectfully, but not in a way that Jinki found burdensome.


“Sure, I owe you.”


“Which dish is best here?”


She questioned, looking down at the menu.


“I’ve never been here before.”



This was all she needed to say before Jinki sat down at the seat opposite her and went off on a discussion of which dish was best for what mood you were in. This one was best if you wanted something spicy, this one could be ordered with extra vegetables, etc. A quick note to the waiter and the food Jinki had ordered earlier was delivered to his relocated seat.




As time went on and Jang Mi's food was delivered the conversation turned from food (something they both had in common) to other extraneous things. Jang Mi was pretty reserved until Jinki struggled with picking up a particularly slippery noodle with his chopsticks. Once he finally achieved securing it he threw up his arms in triumph and the noodle went flying over his head to land on the waitor behind him.




As Jinki apologized to the waitor profusely Jang Mi threw back her head and laughed with her whole body. She doubled over, clutching at her chest, her eyes b with tears.




"It hurts." She weezed, unable to stop laughing.




Jinki forgot all embarassment once he saw her looking so relaxed. She was a really interesting person, and it seemed like they might be able to be friends.




"Want to get bubble tea after this?" He asked, eyeing their clean dishes.




"Is that even a question?!"


* * * * *



As they sipped their bubble tea Jinki and Jang Mi walked along a path in a park. Jinki kept his head down, the brim of his hat shielding his face. 




"Don't you get tired of people recognizing you in public?" Jang Mi asked. "It would make me so nervous. I'm awful with strangers."




Jinki thought about it. 




"Yes and no. Yes it's frightening for complete strangers to approach you and either want to tell you their life story or have you sign something but If I imagine myself in their shoes it's easier to accept it. And if it just takes a smile and a signature to make someone's day I usually don't mind."








"But I'm a human being who appreciates his privacy and sometimes doesn't want to be around anyone, friends included."




"I can relate to that. More than I care to admit."




Jinki studied her for a bit. Jang Mi was a really interesting person. 




Author's note: sorry this chapter is so short. and that it took me forever to write... :/


I like the part about the flying noodle ^///^ it reminds me of something embarassing I would probably do...


I just started a new OnTae fic so feel free to check it out. I'll try to update both regularly. ^^


Thanks for subscribing and for the nice comments. I hope you continue to like the story. <3

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but thnks so much for subscribing. I might write something with a similar theme later on but a different premise.


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Seems interesting! Please update as soon as you can author-nim! :)