100th Rejection

Who is this person?” someone asked.

“It’s the student that will be staying with us.” someone answered.

“EEEEEEH?!”   They all said in unison.

I throw a pillow at the voices and didn’t bother opening my eyes.

I heard someone groaned and laughter came next.

“Shut up guys! Someone is trying to sleep here!” I yelled and reality struck me.

Why are there people in my room?  Who are these people?

I am afraid to open my eyes.

Let me recall what happened.

Let see, the dorm was under construction so I went to my new dorm, then I saw an angel?

 That’s right! An angel!

 I suddenly got up which I think shocked the people around me.

But I think I was the most shocked.

There were angels everywhere.

Tears were forming in the corner of my eyes.

“Why are you crying?” an angel asked me with an angel voice that calmed me a bit.  I think he’s the leader here.

“Am I in heaven?” I asked.  

“No you’re not. Why did you think you’re in heaven miss?”  He asked again.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

 Maybe they think I’m weird.

“Because you guys look like an angel. Are you perhaps angels?” I asked and everyone can’t take it anymore. They began to laugh hard.

“You’re weird but I like you. By the way I’m Suho, the dorm leader”.

He instructed everyone to introduce themselves.

“Hello I’m Xuimin the eldest” a baozi talked more like whispered, I think he’s the quiet type.

“Chen here!” next a lively pikkachu.

“Lay-imnida” this guy is very gentle. Someone I can’t handle very well. Why the hell is he bowing anyway?

“IM THE HAPPY VIRUS CHANYEOL. NICE TO MEET YOU!” I think my eardrums are bleeding.

“I’m Baekhyun!” next is a very feminine boy that did a peace sign.

“I’m Do” a normal one with shocked looking eyes and a beautiful heart shaped lips.

“Kai” a y shy boy. What a cutie.

“I’m Kris” a confident looking guy but I think he’s trying to be cool though.

“im Tao, im Sehun we are the maknaes!” a lively duo. A little bit mischievous type but I think they are good boys.

There was someone that I’m looking for. The first angel I met. The one that made my heart skipped and made me palpitate. I am busy looking around when someone spoke. A very familiar voice.

“I’m Luhan” it’s him! I blushed.  I suddenly became conscious.

I looked him in the eyes. He’s really beautiful.  

I tried so hard to calm myself. I have to introduce myself.

“I’m Jaemi, 16 years old, my blood type is O, my zodiac sign is Aquarius, and it’s a pleasure meeting you all. Please take care of me.” I stood up and bowed.

“It is nice meeting you too Jaemi”. They said in unison.

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