

Inspired by two dating door game pictures I found afterschool.
Inspiration is like a ball to the face. You don't expect it to happen and don't know what to do with it after it happens.

And a HUGE thanks to iRawrxXxLove who is the best dongsaeng/friend/chum/bro/buddeh ever for making me this AMAZING poster/edit/artwork!

Ehem. Credit to iRawrxXxLove.

:D Enjoy~




Crunch. Crunch.


An aroma of dust, nature, and trees filled the air and a certain nose.


The wind passed by, raspily seeming to whisper,"Beware."


"Is anyone here?"


Heijin slowly crept forwards towards the old, abandoned door.

Knock. Knock.

... "Anyone?" she said as she cautiously walked in.

A pair of big, watchful eyes stared at her stalking from afar.

The wind looked back at her with pity, thinking that the poor girl has walked into her doom.

Heijin kept walking around and suddenly got intrigued by the old artifacts on the wall.

Her eyes skipped over from one artifact to another until a particular one stood out like an only daisy in the middle of a green meadow of grass.
"Whoa." she slowly whispered when her eyes glimmered across a certain shimmering, golden owl.

The only thing that wasn't time beaten.

The pair of eyes showed a sign of alert.


"What are you doing here." The dark clothed figure demanded harshly, only showing his huge, mysteriously colored eyes that had a mixture of warm hazelnut and the harsh outside texture of a forest tree's bark.

"I'm Heijin, and I was sent here for ... that thing?", she slowly stated calmly while pointing an unsure finger at the dazzling bird that was shining oh so brightly in the sunlight from the only window in the vacant building.

The covered figure looked at her.

The girl had a high ponytail that held her medium lengthed black hair with slight brown tints at the end of her short-lived waterfall of hair.

She wore a comfortable grey hoodie that suited her pale, but yet still sun-kissed skin.

Her long, black jeans that were slightly skinny stood out along with her long legs and black combat boots that made her an inch taller.


Would Chen really send over THIS pathetic excuse for a carrier?

He glazed his eyes over on the object that was currently still being rudely pointed at. His eyes played a rush of a million different emotions when he thought of what that thing would unleash.

The last antidote.


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Oooohh this is interestinggggg......... You should update!!! :D
hey sup dude want a smokin poster of #naw.