Sprinkling the Dongwoo disease

When The Cold-Hearted Cinderella Meets Her Sunshine Prince

Your step mother decided to be nice to you today (not really. She made you wake up at five in the morning to run to the store.) and drive you and the twins to school.

As soo as the three of you hopped out the car, the twins started to squeal, especially Jae.

"Omo! Kae! Don't you think he's the hottest guy alive??" She sighed and stared like a maniac. Curious, you looked at the direction she was pointing at which was Infinite.

You rolled your eyes. *Such typical girls going after guys that are only good-looking.*

Jae sighed again. "Dongwoo Oppa is so hot especially when he smiles. It's always to mesmerizing and makes me want to kiss those lushious lips of his."

Okay, that comment, you couldn't help, but chuckled a bit too loud. The twins glared at you as you looked away.

"Loser." You heard them mumbled. You saw Myungsoo walking over towards your direction. This time it was Kae's turn to spazz.

"OMO! Myungsoo Oppa!!! Annyeong!" She waved brightly. Myungsoo just scoffed and brushed pass her, bumping her shoulder.

"Did you see? He touched my shoulder!!!" She squealed to her twin.

Myungsoo eyed you and walked away. You smiled for the first time in public and followed him.

You were trailing behind Myungsoo when someone stopped you in your tracks.

"Annyeong!!! Good Morning~!" Dongwoo beamed.

You rolled your eyes at him. "I'm not in the mood." You said with a straight face and walked pass him.

He grabbed your arm, but heard a loud gasp from behind. *Probably Jae is getting jealous that her 'Oppa' is touching me. My life at home will just get worse.*

"I want to walk you to your class." He smiled.

"Thanks, but no thanks. Go back to your little fan club." You pointed at Jae's direction.

Dongwoo looked over towards her direction, making her fangirl harder.

"I don't know her though. You're my friend right? So let me walk you."

"Suit yourself." You brushed his hand off and walked towards your locker.


All day, whether you had classes with Dongwoo or not, he was always outside the classroom waiting for you.

You were starting to get annoyed. Even though you were grateful for the job he gave you, but what's his problem??

At lunch, you sat alone at your usual spot. Dongwoo plopped himself next to you.

"Hi-yeom!" He waved.

"Bye-yeom?" You said in a sarcastic monotone voice.

Dongwoo frowned. "How come you never smile?"

You raised an eyebrow. "Why would you care?"

"Because....I like to see people smile."

"So is that why you annoy me 24/7??"

Not knowing it was suppose to be an insult, Dongwoo nodded his head. "I like to see people happy. You never look very happy just like this other guy in this school. I hope we can all be best buds."

Before Dongwoo could finish his little speech about optimism, you got up and left without a word.

"Where are you going?" He shouted.

You turned around and gave him a death glare. Dongwoo is not afraid of any gang fights or violence, but for some reason, your glare freaked him out.

"Okay. See you at work then." He faked a chuckle.

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Geegee123 #1
Chapter 23: Its so good. Update pleaseeee. XD
FlamingMinho #2
Nuuuu.... I wanna cry! Author-nim, y u stop so abruptly?
Such a beautiful story though! I like it, keep up the awesomeness!
Blehlala #3
Chapter 23: UPDATE!!!!! :) plz??????? It's really good:D
naznew #4
Chapter 23: this story so good but when will you update it?
chachu #5
Chapter 23: O.M.G!!!!

Try it!!!! XD

please update!!!
Chapter 23: OMG UPDATE SOON ;________________________________;
Chapter 1: My first time reading for Dongwoo!