And you are officially screwed for life.

Sweetheart, It's Our Secret!
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     Two hours ago…

Luhan furrows his eyebrows in distress as he combs his fingers through Kai’s hair while his other hand is holding a bottle of hairspray, fingers lightly tapping the metal surface. Pursing his lips together into a thin line, he places the hairspray down on the makeup table and taps Kai lightly on the shoulder. “Your hair is ty today.” He states matter-of-factly, not even caring if someone could walk in (be it Kai’s fan or the President (and you should never curse in front of the President)) and lazily pulls Kai’s hair up gently before releasing it with a stressful sigh.

Kai, being the innocent victim here, blinks in bewilderment, “What?”

“What did you do in your sleep? I can’t even style it properly today!”

“I did nothing!”

“Are you—”

“You were the one styling my hair just five hours ago!” the idol retorts immediately, crossing his arms and letting out a pout while eyeing his stylist through the mirror, eyes narrowing.

Sehun stares at the two and mutters, “drama queens” under his breath. Shaking his head and feeling pity for himself (because he’s practically stuck with these two 24/7 – even if he likes it or not), he takes a sip of his soda and clears his throat. “We’re meeting with Enchantment’s CEO, so make him presentable, please?”

Luhan’s dark expression (which was directed to the idol just seconds ago) immediately brightens up and he whips his head around to give Sehun the biggest grin, “Of course, Sehun!”

Kai snorts, “You’re totally into him.”

The stylist sneers at Kai and slaps him on the shoulder. “Shut your mouth.”

“Well, excuse me for telling the truth.”

“Don’t make me put excessive makeup on you today.” Luhan playfully threatens before deciding to no longer give a , releasing a loud sigh, and sitting himself in the chair next to the idol. He points to the black, military-styled cap and snaps his fingers to get Kai’s attention. “Wear that because your hair is not cooperating with me right now.”

“I’m craving for ice-cream.” Kai suddenly says out of nowhere, leaning closer to the mirror to sweep his bangs to the side.

Sehun gives him a disapproving look, “You’re ting me.”


“Ice-cream at this time? We’re meeting—”

“We still have a lot of time, Sehun! How about I sneak out, grab ice-cream to quench my thirst for them, and meet you guys at the bar later on? It sounds totally perfect in my mind.” Kai suggests with a grin, turning around in his chair and eyeing his manager with puppy-like eyes. Before Sehun can open his mouth to protest, Kai holds up a finger to silence him. “I’ll be quick!”

The manager narrows his eyes in suspicion, not trusting the idol one bit.

However, Luhan clasps his hands together and nods enthusiastically. “Let him go!”

Sehun’s eyes widen in shock immediately, “WHAT?!”

Kai glances at Luhan and scoffs, “Trying to get rid of me, aren’t you?”

“Yes, I am.” Luhan replies with a roll of his eyes and then returns his gaze to the shocked manager as he tries to hold back his laughter. “I still need you to help me decide on a look for Kai tomorrow. Let the kid go and help me?”

“You sure you don’t want me gone so he can you wildly on the counter?” Kai leans in closer to Luhan, muttering these words through a tight smile, only to earn himself a jab in the ribs by Luhan’s bony and terrifying elbow. He hunches over in pain, letting out a low hiss, and rubs his throbbing side before scowling at the satisfied stylist.

Sehun eyes the two, not having a single clue of the that they're in. “Is he okay?”

“I am—”

“Oh, he’s definitely fine!” Luhan waves off with a soft laughter.

“—not fine one bit,” Kai finishes off before tying to get his revenge by stomping on Luhan’s feet, only to end up stomping the ground really hard. He hears the stylist’s evil and amused laughter next to him and rolls his eyes.

“I think the kid’s really ice-cream deprived. We should let him get some.” Luhan says as he pats the idol’s back lightly with an innocent smile, as if to tell Sehun that the reason why Kai is hunched over, stomping the ground all of the sudden, and letting out hisses of pain in between moments was all because of his desperation for ice-cream and not Luhan himself. Using his doe-like eyes and charming smile, Luhan continuously nods his head lightly and waits for Sehun to agree, which usually is the case because Sehun can't absolutely resist Luhan.

The manager fakes a cough and straightens up in his seat, feeling his cheeks flushed as he makes eye contact with the stylist. “I-I guess so.”

“Good!” Luhan beams before pulling Kai out of his seat. “Get that cap, cover up nicely, and don’t let stupid reporters catch you!” His voice suddenly lowers and has a menacing aura to it, “Especially that Kim Jongdae from Scandal News. He’s been stalking you for days now! Don’t think I haven’t been noticing his little desperate trying to get you into some love scandal.” Luhan crinkles his nose crankily as he cracks his knuckles, imagining a snarky Kim Jongdae in front of him before swinging his fist and letting the imaginary Jongdae fall to the ground with a nosebleed.

Kai gives him a judgmental look, glances at Sehun, and mouths, “I think he’s crazy.”

Sehun doesn’t even pay attention to his words as he watches Kai suffer from a whack on the head by the stylist.




To say Kyungsoo feels humiliated is an understatement. He feels frustrated, irritated, and totally violated by this rude stranger who shows up out of nowhere and attacks him in the middle of a dimly-lit hallway. Doesn’t this just literally scream ual harassment? Kyungsoo clenches his fist tightly and gets ready to give this person a punch in the guts when he suddenly feels soft breathings hitting his plump lips.

“I’m so sorry; just help me!” the stranger’s voice sounds desperate – almost as if they weren’t in this current situation, he would be on his knees begging for mercy from the CEO.

However, CEO Do Kyungsoo gives no mercy.

He would be absolutely crazy if he were to actually give a .

Narrowing his eyes, Kyungsoo is about to go judo black belt style on the stranger when he hears someone shouting his mall’s model name and scrunches his brows in confusion. Glancing to his side and having to duck down a little because the stranger’s arms was still blocking his side view (curse his short height), he stares in shock at what he sees – Oh Sehun.

At once, the stranger removes himself from Kyungsoo and musters up a nervous smile as Sehun approaches them.

“Where have you been?” Sehun hisses angrily to the stranger.

Kyungsoo raises a brow and glances back and forth between the two.

The stranger chuckles softly and scratches his nape, “Hey!”

“What are you doing here with – with…” Sehun turns around and meets Kyungsoo’s gaze, his words trailing off and his eyes widening in fright. “,” he curses under his breath.

Kyungsoo impatiently taps his foot against the marbled floor. “What is this?”

Sehun chuckles nervously and turns the stranger aro

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August 7th, 2018: Thank you for reading!


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Chapter 45: The amount of love I feel for this story is amazing
Chapter 45: I finally finished reading.
Jongin was the constant Kyungsoo needed in his life.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Chapter 23: I have been reading this fic since yesterday.
Now, that boy in the accident is still alive. It was a pity that he didn't get to meet Kyungsoo in the party.
Zndjcjaj #4
Chapter 45: Loved this story!
Chapter 45: My heart is seriously craving for more. It was such a beautiful story.
Chapter 45: Thank you for this heart warming story
22 streak #8
I couldn’t even remember that I did subscribe for this before. But I’m excited to read it again
Chapter 44: What a long chapter but I'm glad that everything seems okay now