
My Mate






It's not completely checked for typos, so if you see any ignore them for now =)










“Lift your head, we need to do your hair. You can’t meet him like this.” The old female wolf shook her head, while she and at least 3 other women shuffled around him. They were preparing him from his hair to his outfit. Today was supposed to be his wonderful day. The day where he was getting engaged with the prince of his pack, the next alpha.


There was barely anyone more honorable to get mated to. Still he couldn’t help it, no matter how excited everyone was, he just didn’t feel it.


Tao had always thought he would meet his mate, look into his eyes and just know that they belonged together, but appearently his destiny was something else.


He knew what was expected of him. Be obedient. Always please your future mate. Bear him cubs and take care of them. A shiver raced over his body and the young wolf bit his lip, supressing a sigh.


His pack was old and they took their traditions very serious. There was no “I don’t want this” or “I refuse to be his mate”. No one ever dared to say something like that, knowing what would happen to them in that case…


So Tao lifted his head, letting them do his make up and the rest of his appearance. He would soon turn 16; then he would get officially be mated to Seungri.



If just somebody would come and take me away from here….




Since he had been a little child, his family had always told him of his duty. His father had given him those looks which spoke of disgust. Tao didn’t need to be a genius to know that he was not fond of a son that couldn’t produce children, rather conceive them. A shame for a wolf.



But it’s not my fault. I didn’t choose this.



No matter how often he apologized and tried to make him proud, the look in his father’s eyes never changed. Even though it hurt Tao so incrediblly, he grew accustomed to it. His only chance to make his family proud was to get mated to him. So he complied.


It wasn’t that Seungri was a bad man, he really wasn’t. He was polite, nice, and caring, but at the same time also strong and determined. Tao sometimes wondered if Seungri was happy with this situation but he didn’t dare to ask and he never heard anything harsh or mean from the other male.


The old women’s voice ripped Tao out of his thoughts. “You are ready now. Let’s get going, okay? We won’t let the alpha wait, right?” The young wolf nodded, looking into the mirror. His eyes widened. “That…. that is me?” She just laughed, pulling him along.


Tao stared at the big buffet in front of him. It’s just a espousal, he thought, but somehow the whole pack seemed to have brought all the food available. He was seated next to to Seungri, who sat besides his parents, the current leaders.


The rest of the pack was sitting on the two sides of the u-formed table, dining and enjoying themselves.



Am I the only one who feels like suffocating?



His eyes moved over the whole pack to his father who stared at him, his face expressionless. A sigh escaped Tao’s lips and Seungri turned to him. “You could at least act like you are enjoying yourself.” He grumbled and Tao quickly bowed. “I am sorry, alpha.”


Tao knew that Seungri wasn’t satisfied, but he tried his best to look happy. He wanted to please his pack after all, even if his heart hurt like crazy. The young wolf even tried to get a few bites into his stomach.


After the feast, Seungri knelt down in front of Tao, taking his hand. Everyone fell silent and he felt like crying. “Dear Huang Zi Tao, do you want me to take you as my mate?” He asked and Tao felt like screaming. It took him a few moments before he was able to answer.


“Y-Ye-” “STOP!” Tao jumped, like almost everyone, as a new dark voice startled them. His head whipped around and, along with every single pair of eyes, he stared at the new arrival.


A tall grown, blond male stood at the beginning of the feast table. His eyes were fierce and focused on Tao, who swallowed heavily, a shiver running through his body.


Seungri got off his knee, standing up and staring at him. “Who are you and how dare you interrupt my proposal to my future mate?!” he hissed, his voice full of venom.


The stranger gave a disrespectful snort to Seungri before he turned towards Tao. “I am here to claim Huang Zi Tao as my mate. I came a long way and won’t leave without him.”


Tao’s Mother, Da Xia, stood up, her eyes wide. “Yingjie?” She asked, seeing her former alpha in front of her. But … this man was too young, never the less he looked like him.


The young wolf looked at her. “That would be my father. My Name is Wu Yi fan.” he said and revealed two rows of perfect teeth. “It’s nice to meet you.” He said and bowed.


Then he turned back to Tao and Seungri, who was more than baffled. If there was something he didn’t expect to happen, it was this.



“I really don’t know why I would give you my spouse-” “Not-yet-spouse.” Yifan said casually. “He didn’t say yes yet and appearantly you insist on having him as your mate. That means only one thing.” He pulled out a special dagger, throwing it in front of Seungri’s feet.


A gasp escaped from many from the pack realized that it was a challenge dagger, something that had been almost forgotten. “I challenge you.”


Seungri stared at Yifan, who didn’t even falter in his glare. Dae Ho, Seungri’s father and the current alpha, took the dagger. “Well, it’s official.” He said. “There will be a competition between Seungri and Yifan.”


The elders stood up. “We will announce the first round tomorrow.” Daeho said, looking at the competors, before he looked at Tao, who was blushing madly. “Since it concerns you, you will show our visitor where he can stay, but do not, I repeat, do not get any closer to him than you have to.”


Tao gulped, nodding. “Of course, alpha.” He whispered, bowing.


Under the watchful eyes of the pack he walked to Yifan, bowing to him as well. “Please come with me.” he said softly, showing him the way to the guest house. When they arrived there, no more eyes were following them; leaving the two young males to themselves.


Tao opened the door and gave him a gentle smile. “May… I ask you a question?” He asked and the young alpha nodded, stepping a little closer. “Why… why did you come here for me? I am not special or worth any of this….”


His words got stuck in his throat when Yifan came even closer. “You underestimate yourself, Zitao….” Oooh… his voice. He laid his hands onto Tao’s hips. “I heard of your incredible beauty many times and decided I would only take the best as my mate.”


He couldn’t fight him. Yifan was so close that he could feel his breath against his lips. “Am… not…” Tao whispered, his eyelids slowly closing. “Don’t, please…” They weren’t allowed to do that. Not yet anyways.


Tao watched Yifan’s face turn into a small frown, before he took a step back. “Just wait.” His voice was rough and yet velvet. “I will not leave without you being mated to me.” Yifan stepped into the guest room. “Thank you for your care.”, and with that he closed the door, leaving a totally embarassed and confused Zitao behind.


The night had not been favorable to Tao, since he hadn’t been able to sleep without seeing Yifan’s face before his eyes. Why was he affected by him so much? He barely met him. Sure, the meeting had been anything but ordinary, but still….


“How are you looking?!” His mother huffed in anger when she saw his eyebags being bigger than they normally were. “You can’t go to outside like this.” She pulled him into her room, to make him presentable.


The whole pack was present when Seungri and Yifan stood next to each other in front of the alpha. Tao and his parents sat at the side. The young wolf was unsure what he should feel, especially since all of this was happening because of him.


“My people.” The Alpha said, looking around. “You are my witnesses. Those two young men will compete in 3 disciplines to gain the honor to take Huang Zi Tao as their mate.” Tao saw the beta wolfes prepare two barrels and two long boards.


“Who scores at least at 2 out of the 3 is the winner.” He motioned towards the beta wolves. “This is the first discipline.” Two women approached the competitors, wrapping scarfs around their eyes, and leading them over to the boards; helping them to get in position and connecting their hands.


“Whoever loses balance first, loses!” The alpha called. “Are you two ready?” Both young men nodded and he smiled slightly. “1… 2… 3… go!” Tao flinched when the tension suddenly exploded, both not willing to give in. He heard them snarl at each other, uttering insults and curses. Why? Was he really this much worth?


The discipline didn’t take long, both struggled with the balance. To everyone’s surprise it was Seungri, who slipped first, despite being cheered for. The only comfort was that it took only a few seconds more until Yifan followed him to the ground, growling in dizziness.


Seungri’s father was not pleased, but he kept his poker face. “1 point for Wu Yi Fan.” He said and it was marked. Tao’s heart jumped, almost as if it was happy. He stared at the challenger, who had his eyes fixed on him. What was that feeling? Tao was not sure. He quickly looked away, not wanting to be exposed to this weird new sensation anymore.


The next competition was announced only shortly after. “You two will be brought in the deepest cave. From there you need to find out and bring back the biggest deer. If you come back first but the deer is smaller, you loose.” The alpha explained and the two participants were again blinded with scarfs.


Tao watched them being taken away and his heart fluttered when he thought about Yifan. Somehow he really hoped that he would win. There was something about the other that fascinated him. Whenever he looked at Tao… a shiver raced through him, just by thinking about it. Those eyes… he had never seen something like that before.


This round took longer and during that time Tao went to the hut where Yifan had been staying overnight. He hesitated before finally entering, the other’s scent almost right away invading his nostrils.


His skin broke into goosebumps and without realizing it, Tao went over to the bed. It was a little messy, but it looked like Yifan had tried to tidy it up a little bit. The young wolf chuckled softly, brushing over the sheet. It felt like the scent hugged him, comforted him.


Tao closed his eyes before he laid down and inhaled the manly, yet not too much, scent. I really could get used to it, he thought absently. A smile tugged his lips.



I want Yifan to win…


Loud cheers ripped Tao out of his nap and he quickly scrambled out of the hut, trying not to attract attention from where he came from. When he arrived at the meeting clearance, his face fell. Both were back, but Seungri’s prey was way better nurtured.


“The winner is Seungri!” The alpha announced and Tao watched when Seungri approached him, offering him the first bite. It was an honor and a token of someone who really wanted to be his mate. Tao knew he couldn’t reject it without bringing shame over both of them.


Under the watchful eyes of the pack and the scowl on Yifan’s face he carefully devoured the whole meat from the bone, tilting his head in gratitude.


“Well now!” The alpha interrupted the tense moment. “The last discipline will take place tomorrow. We will meet here when the sun has set, to eat dinner together.”


Seungri stepped close to Tao. “I will win tomorrow and then we will be betrothed right afterwards.” He said, his voice dark, and a little enraged. He didn’t like that he had to fight for the right to claim his mate. Even though he was not a bad person, this was annoying him and got the better side of him. Tao winced when the alpha’s son grabbed his arm tightly.


“Excuse me, you are hurting him.” Seungri stared at the new voice, belonging to his rival. “Let go of him, before I make a scene. You don’t want that, right?” Yifan’s lips showed a small, not real smile. Tao gulped, but Seungri just scowled. “You better stay away from him, until this is settled.” He told Yifan, before scampering off.


“Are you okay?” Tao’s eyes widened when he saw the young male so close. “I am sorry he hurt you.” Yifan brushed over his arm, causing Tao to shiver. Of course it didn’t go by unnoticed. He gave him a glance. “Come by later.” Yifan said. “I want to show you something.” Then he bowed slightly, before he took off.


Tao stared after him.



Is it supposed to be this way?




The dinner went by uneventful. Tao wasn’t really hungry, too much excitement bubbling in his stomach. All kinds of thoughts raced through his head. What could Yifan want? What did he want to show him? Like a little child he was itching to know. But he managed to keep quiet so that no one would suspect anything.


After the dinner he went back to his hut along with his parents. But in opposite to them he didn’t go to sleep, instead he slipped out of the window, tiptoeing over to Yifan’s guest hut. Tao knocked and the elder stepped out, a blanket in his arm.


“I am glad you came.” I am too, Tao thought, smiling as he walked along with him. They walked until they reached the small lake. “Today is full moon.” Yifan said and sat down, the blanket wrapped around his shoulders. He looked up to Tao, motioning him to sit down.


“U-Uhm…. I don’t think-” “Stop putting pressure on yourself, ZiTao.” He grew silent and Yifan smiled slightly. “Please, come here.” He repeated and Tao bit his lip before he lowered himself and sat down between Yifan’s legs, who pulled him close, chest to back and wrapped the blanket around them.


“Do you see our mother?” Yifan said and Tao looked up to the moon. “I love looking at her. She gives me the strength I need, the courage to face this for you.” Tao’s eyes widened he stared at him. “You have to work up courage for this?”


The older laughed slightly, before brushing through his hair. “Of course… after all I want something.” Yifan said and Tao bit his lip. “I … what I am feeling is true, isn’t it?” He whispered and the alpha male returned the gaze. It took him a few moments, before he smiled and leant his forehead against Tao’s.



“Yes, Tao. It is true.”




Tao closed his eyes and let the soft, wonderful feelings cruse through his body. Yifan was true. “I will win tomorrow. Trust me.” The younger smiled. “I trust you, Yifan.”


“What are you doing?” Tao blinked in confusion when a few women started to cover him with a weird smelling substance. “What is that for?” The eldest wolf smiled amused. “It is part of the final test.” She told him. “Only one can win.”


The alpha looked at the two participants. “The final quest is to find and retrieve Tao. You will not find him with your nose, since his scent is covered with different plants.” Yifan and Seungri stared at him, confused. “But father…. how should we find him then?” The latter asked and the alpha nodded slightly.


“Only one can find him.” He told the two young wolves. “Use every sense you have and if he really belongs to you, you will find him. The quest starts now.”


The view is gorgeous, Tao thought absently, while he waited. The women had brought him up to the highest mountain, on a ledge. Just his true mate would be able to find him, they had told him when they had covered his scent. I wonder how long it will take….


He had been dozing off when a noise ripped him back into reality. Tao was really glad that they had bound him to a rock, otherwise he would surely have fallen off that ledge. He looked around and when he peered over the edge, his heart seemed to explode in his chest.


A few meters away, sweating but with a determined gaze, was Yifan. He was climbing up steadily and from his movements Tao could tell that he was exhausted, but wouldn’t budge until he had reached him.


Tao moved away from the edge, his heart beating violently. He had wished for this so much. Yifan was here… Only one will be able to find you.


When he saw his hand appear and pull him up, tears pricked his eyes. “Hey.” Yifan smiled, moving over to him, freeing him from the binds. “Guess I won.” Tao gulped, before he nodded and buried his face at his neck when the elder hugged him. “Yes. You won…”


Their way back was easy and yet Tao was afraid. What if Seungri didn’t accept this? He didn’t have a choice, but still… “What are you thinking of?” Yifan ripped Tao out of his thoughts again.


“I am scared.” Tao whispered and looked at him. “What if…. what if they won’t let you take me with you?” He asked, but Yifan just smiled. “You are my mate. They have to obey the rules, even they don’t want to. Don’t worry. You can trust me, remember?”


Yifan was right. They weren’t particuarly happy (especially Seungri), but no one dared to say something. Instead they were both bathed, cleaned and put into white clothes, representing innocence and unity.


Tao’s mother had a laughing and a crying eye as she finished his outfit. “My little man… I am so proud of you. I hope you will be happy.” The young wolf gave her a smile before he hugged her. “I am happy, mother.”


The feast itself was one of the biggest Tao had ever seen. Somehow it felt like he was the alpha, even though he knew he wasn’t. But this was for him and Yifan, who were both sitting on top side of the table.


How long they were celebrating, he didn’t know. But all it mattered was that Yifan was by his side. They ate, drank and exchanged those meaningful glances, which caused Tao to itch for what would happen later. He was nervous, of course, but then again… he wanted it.


After the eating and drinking they moved the tables away, so that the couple could initiate the dancing part. Yifan held him close, like something precious that needed to be protected, until Tao grew tired and he went to sit down while Yifan was invited to dance by a few little girls, who whirled around excitedly, until it was time for them to go to sleep.


Tao’s eyes sparkled with emotions as Yifan finally stepped up to him, holding out his hand. “It’s time.” The alpha wolf said and Tao laid his hand in Yifan’s before his future mate lead him away from the party, towards the hut he had been living in the last few days.


Shivers and goose bumps spread over Tao’s skin as they entered the room. Yifan closed the door behind him, before he went over to the sound system, switching on a slow, romantic song. Tao couldn’t help but smile as he dimmed the lightly slightly, creating a romantic, intimate atmosphere.


He was nervous, but also ready for this. The emotions Yifan caused inside of him…


The young alpha wolf crocked his finger, calling him over. And Tao obeyed, walking to his mate, looking at him. Yifan ran his thumb over the smaller’s cheek, smiling absently as he looked in his eyes.


“I can’t believe we are here now…” Yifan said and Tao nodded slightly, his eyes halfway closed as he leant into the touch. “But we are….” His hand brushed over the taller’s, coming to lay on it.


“You won me… I am yours now.” Tao whispered, feeling the sparks cursing through his body as they started to move to the music, slowly and sensually. Yifan laid his arm around Tao’s waist, pulling him against his own body.


“Stop talking like you are a price….” Kris whispered. “You are mine as I am yours now….” He enjoyed Tao’s soft skin as he nuzzled his cheek with his own, gently dancing. “No one will come between us anymore….”


And Tao believed him. He trusted Yifan more than anyone he had ever known and when they looked at each other with those emotion filled eyes; new, foreign but not unpleasant feelings raced through his body. Before he knew what happened, the younger had melted their lips together.



Yes…. we belong to each other.



Every touch, every kiss, every soft bite…. Tao got lost in the feelings that rushed through his body. During their sensual, slow dancing Yifan worshipped his body with the utmost care, as if he was scared to break him. “Yifan…” the younger’s chapped lips whispered. “I love you….”


An almost confused blink, before Yifan smiled and rubbed his nose against Tao’s. “I love you too…” He replied, lifting him up and taking him to the bed. The younger wolf buried his head at Yifan’s neck, gently lapping at the skin there in joy and arousal.


When he laid him down on the sheets, Yifan couldn’t help but admire the beautiful wolf in front of him. The one that was his mate…. only his.


With the music playing quietly in the background, he moved close to him. Tao watched his mate undress him, one piece at a time. He was glad they took it slow, especially since he was nervous and excited at the same time. When Yifan was finished, Tao took over, stripping the young alpha of his clothes until both were as the day they were born.


And oh, those eyes… Tao felt vulnerable and helpless under them, but he knew that there was nothing to be afraid of, Yifan would never hurt him. Never.


Their touches grew fiercer, more daring, but never painful. It was love between them, more than just the carnal desire to claim the rightful mate. And Tao knew that this was what he had always wanted.


Skin touched skin in almost every possible way as Yifan prepared him. Moans spilled continously from his lips, gasps, moans and Yifan….


They have been wrong, Tao thought when his mate finally completed their bond. It doesn’t hurt…


Pleasure surged through him with every , every movement, every kiss. Their eyes never lost each other, relishing the feeling, the spark caused by each other. Tao cried out, everything growing too much. Too much pleasure, too much heat, too much Yifan.


Yifan felt the incredible tension, the joy, everything. He knew he couldn’t go on anymore and when they both reached the peak, he bit down on Tao’s neck, creating his mark.


Mine. My mate. Mine.













Thank you so much for reading!








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It's soooooooooo sweet absolutely love it ^-^
Chapter 1: Am I right to assume you've read Elf Quest? O.o
azzu_luphpull #3
Chapter 1: wow so good!! :D
Cougousterstixs #4
Chapter 1: Whaaaa ....
Thank you for this really good story !! >o<
I love the way you treated the " mating process ", very sweet and lovely ~~
Shenaux #5
Chapter 1: Wow, just wow. Beautiful!
Chapter 1: THANK YOU SO MUCH. Like, this is what i needed now with the whole kris thingy. Please do continue writing. Once more thank you
jantih #7
Chapter 1: Good story authornim...
Chapter 1: Beautiful...
Thank you for writing such a beautiful story! ^^