Dream Kiss

The Marks of a Kingka [HIATUS]

Minah’s POV


The nurse told Jiyeon and Hyorin they could go back to class a little after we arrived at the nurse. She gave me an ice pack and told me I could lie down. My eyes were beginning droop. Soon I fell asleep. I started dreaming I was on a beach with some guy. I couldn't see who it was. I was chasing him and I stopped once I didn't see him. I then felt a pair of arms wrap around me as they nuzzled their face into my neck.


"Oppa" I said and giggled.


I turned around to see who it was. To my surprise it was L.Joe. He smiled at me as he tucked a piece of loose hair behind my eye. I looked down shyly. L.Joe gently lifted my chin up and stared at me. His eyes were more soft and lovingly than usually. He started leaning in and so did I. Our lips lightly touched and then I felt someone shaking my lightly.


"Miss?" The voice asked.


I opened my eyes to see the nurse.


"School's over in 30 minutes" she said.


30 minutes? I've been asleep for 2 hours? I instantly shot up and got up. I headed over to the door.


"Before you leave." The nurse walked over to her desk and took a folder and handed it to me. "This is the work you missed in class and here's a pass for your next class. Don't worry about the ones you missed I informed your teachers you were here" the nurse said and handed my the folder and pass.


"Kamsahamnida" I said and bowed.


I opened the door and walked out. I quickly hurried to my next class which is study hall with Jiyeon and Hyorin. I should probably mention Hyorin and Jiyeon are in 3-B and I'm in 2-C. Confusing since I have some classes with them well most of them are co-curricular or non-main classes which grades are mixed. Except Geometry which I have Hyorin because she's having trouble with it so they put her in 2-C Geometry. I've got to talk to them about the dream kiss. I walked in and gave me teacher my pass and sat down with them.


"Hey girl. Why are you late?" Hyorin asked.


"Well I felt asleep after you guys left. Guys I need to talk to you about something" I told them.


"What is it?" Jiyeon asked curiously.


"I dreamed that I was on a beach with a guy."




"Not Ooo because the guy was..." I motioned them to lean in so I could whisper and they did. "L.Joe."


Hyorin gasped.


"You're not serious" she said.


"That's not the worst part...we kissed." I whispered the last part.


"Omo" Jiyeon practically yelled out causing people to look at her.


"Shhh. People are staring" I said shushed her.


"So was it good?"


"Was what good?"


"The kiss."


"I don't know. It was a dream."


"You know what that means?" Hyorin said.


I gave her a confused look.


"You like him" she said.


I faked gagged while Jiyeon playfully hit my arm.


"Aw come on. If you take away the violent part of him he's actually kind of cute" Hyorin said.


To be honest that is kind of true. I'll admit he is somewhat cute. Okay fine he is cute but he's a total jerk so I know for sure it won't work out.


“See you like him” she nudges me.


“I never said that. Just help me with my work I missed okay?” I said and started working on the work.

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byuntaehunny #1
Chapter 8: You watched Ouran High School too? We're the same author-nim! ^^
raysara #2
Chapter 11: update soonerr!!!!
Chapter 11: Oooh, I'm curious now.. ^.^
raysara #4
Chapter 10: update soon, and who is do sooyoung........
ross123456 #5
Chapter 10: plz up date soon
Chapter 10: Ah, I'm really wondering if L.Joe is really feeling something Minah or if he's just acting it. Well, there's only one way to find out: please update soon. <33
Chapter 10: Yay Thank You for updating!!! I literally jumped of excitement when I saw that you updated this right now
Chapter 9: Awh, how sweet was that?! Keep up the good work! :D
Chapter 9: Aww that's cute but seriously teen top gotta stop being mean to her
Chapter 8: Update soon ^^♥