Stepho Takes The Wheel

How Many Camels Am I Worth?

[Sunny] [Manager]


[Tiffany] [Jessi Ho]

[Yoona] [Taeyeon]

[Yuri] [Seohyun]

[Hyoyeon] [Sooyoung]


If you don’t know about Tiffany’s 2003 onwards xanga, love yourself and check it out at this link:


Everything in this story that says it’s a xanga excerpt is something Tiffany actually typed and posted herself.


Tiffany has half asleep in the middle seat of the van, leaving Taeyeon to entertain the friend she had insisted they pick up on the way to the broadcasting station. Yes, after the departure of friend Jessica Jung, Tiffany was filling the void in her soul in the most obvious way possible; rekindling her relationship with a different Jessica.


‘It’s really nice you’ve renewed your friendship with Tiffany,’ Taeyeon said with a grin that said she would rather be talking with a deflated puffer fish an inch away from her face, which would threaten to inflate and prick her face at any second than talk to Jessi Ho.

Taeyeon smiled through gritted teeth.


‘I think it reminds her of a more simple time in her life when she was just Stephanie,’ Taeyeon counted to ten in her head. Jessi Ho just nodded, hardly even acknowledging the fact Taeyeon was working hard to have a conversation with her.


‘, please,’ Sooyoung yelled from the back seat, ‘she hasn’t been Stephanie since she was eleven years old. She’s Hwang Stepho, and as much as she tries to be Tiffany, Miyoung or Stephanie, that Hwang Stepho was awakened, and is now festering, trying to get out. Jessi just makes it stronger.’


‘Why Hwang Stepho?’ Seohyun asked softly, closing her book after slipping a bookmark in, she placed it neatly on her knee, ready for the answer.


Taeyeon shuddered, her eyes widened with fear. ‘Not Hwang Stepho! I pushed that monster down far! I took her to my parents house to cleanse her soul! We went to church and prayed to Jesus. Then we went to the Buddhist temple and light a candle just to be extra sure! Hwang Stepho hasn’t reemerged since the cleansing!’


Jessi Ho raised an eyebrow, ‘I like Stepho.’


Taeyeon gasped, ‘y-you are bringing her back out?’


Jessi Ho nodded in a way that said “deal with it ”.


‘Who is Hwang Stepho?’ Seohyun asked softly once more.


Sooyoung cleared from the back seat and started to read off her phone:‘““btw my dad thinks the password on the computer is hard to figure out BUT who is updating her xanga right now? exactly mothafuka stepho got hacking skills” That was a xanga diary entry from 2003. This is the first time she refers to herself as Stepho. This is the point the evil has already cast its grip.’


‘That’s it?’ Hyoyeon asked from next to Sooyoung, ‘nothing more?’


Sooyoung shook her head gravely. ‘This is an excepert from Halloween 2003, from the same xanga. The xanga cultivated her evil. ““this week is halloween :`( & YES it*s that time of the year, where me & all  my biotches dress up like &  no0ne can say anything to us except for us lols.”’ see how she is at age 15 is saying it is fine for her to dress like something she can’t do legally, which is herself out? That is Hwang Stepho talking at full price. Neither Tiffany, Miyoung or Stephanie would say that. Only Stepho would.’


‘Stop!’ Taeyeon hissed, ‘if it’s been reawoken we have to take her to the nearest church or temple to clean her soul!’


‘Don’t you ing dare you , I built Stepho, and I will keep her that way,’ Jessi Ho growled, two horns rose out of her bleached hair.


Seohyun started crying, and Yoona started screaming. Somehow Tiffany was still asleep.


‘You!’ Taeyeon screamed at Jessi, ‘you, you are xanga! Those horns only mean true evil!’


‘That’s right es, and I would have Stepho right in the palm of my hands if your beloved Jessica Jung had fallen into the plan I made with the vampires over at SM!’


‘You’re the warlord Youngmin wanted to marry Jessica to!’ Sooyoung shouted.


‘Of course I’m not!’ Jessi Ho snapped, ‘I just control him, I am pure evil after all! I needed Jessica out of the picture so I could be the only Jessica in Tiffany’s life! I needed to bring out the pure evil!’


‘CEO-nim, do you really have to do this?’ Seohyun whimpered.


‘CEO-nim?’ Hyoyeon yelled, ‘are you ing kidding me Seohyun?’


‘She controls all our bosses so of course she’s the CEO!’


‘Not all our bosses are infested with pure evil!’ Yuri started, then she suddenly paused, ‘oh wait,’ she said quietly.


‘Of course I have to do this! I’m evil! Mwahaha!’


Suddenly Jessi Ho was drenched in water, and then disappeared in a puff of smoke. Everyone looked to Sooyoung who was holding a bottle of holy water.


‘I knew my vampire slash general evil suspicions were spot on,’ Sooyoung proudly folded her arms across her chest.



‘Quick! Stepho too!’ Taeyeon screamed. Sooyoung threw the remains bottle of the still sleeping Tiffany. ‘Quick! Check if the Stepho xanga is still there!’


Sunny scrambled on to her smartphone, ‘it’s gone! Stepho is gone!’


At that second Tiffany woke up, Taeyeon jumped in her seat. ‘What’s your name?’ She screamed at Tiffany.


Tiffany’s eyes were wide. ‘Tiffany Hwang?’



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Someone should seriously cut me off from this story



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Coiste #1
Chapter 3: OK but what's happening with Jessica
Also yes I still habitually read this
Why did I just find this story now? Thanks, Author! It's so damn hilarious :))
shinE-ing #3
What a hilarious storyline....It was absurd it was good
That poster is a real work of art.
Chapter 3: This is the best thing I've ever read.
Chapter 3: the holy water scene thoooo
StayCool #7
Chapter 3: Wow. This fanfic is seriously priceless. Where did you get your imagination from? So awesome. Hahahahahaha lol
Chapter 3: I'm crying.
Noir25 #9
Chapter 2: Love this...
Sica youre priceless.. No one could ever replace you