How Many?

How Many Camels Am I Worth?

‘How many camels do you think I would be worth?’ Jessica suddenly asked. She glanced around the crowded van expectantly. But not one of the other eight soshi members, nor their confused manager in the driver’s seat offered an answer.

But why would they? There had been no mentions of camels before hand, neither had there been any mention of Jessica’s worth.


‘Yah. What are you even talking about?’ Yuri asked, twisting her neck around from where she sat in front of Jessica to see what the hell her bandmate was talking about.


‘How many camels do you think I would be worth?’ Jessica repeated the question.


Yuri turned her neck back around to face Yoona who was sitting next to her. ‘Do you have any idea what she’s on about?’

Yoona simply shook her head. Jessica groaned loudly.


‘Oh my god. How difficult of a question is it? It’s simple! How many camels do you think I would be worth?’


Confused looks were shared once more.

‘Jess.’ Tiffany said softly. ‘Just to give a little context; where did you hear about people being worth camels?’


Jessica let out another loud groan. It seemed she found it more than irritating that the rest of her band didn’t automatically understand her riddle-like words. ‘Soojungie told me the other day that her friend went to Tunisia, and in a market place her mother was offered four camels and a sports car for her hand in marriage.’


‘Riiight.’ Tiffany replied slowly. She squinted slightly as if that was going to help her magically understand the complex brain of Jessica Jung. ‘So the question is, how many camels do we think you’d be worth if someone wanted to buy you as their bride?’


Jessica groaned for the third time. ‘Didn’t I ask you that like four times already?’


‘You’re pretty so I’d say a hundred camels.’ Taeyeon responded quickly, making everyone jump. Her eyes (up until that moment) had been closed, so they had assumed she was sleeping. But evidently she had not.


‘Take away four camels since she can’t cook that well!’ Sunny yelled from the backseat.


‘And take away two because she doesn’t share food!’ Sooyoung chimed in. Jessica shot her a glare.


‘I thought you got over that time I didn’t share the sandwich with you?’

‘I never forget or get over food.’ Sooyoung replied without hesitation.


‘So she’s worth what? Like ninety four camels at the moment?’


‘Take away ten for her abrasiveness in the morning!’ Hyoyeon yelled from next to Sunny.


‘Eighty four then.’


‘Add ten for her hidden warm personality.’ Taeyeon said, being the voice of reason.


‘Ninety four.’


‘Take away twenty because of that weird eye twitch she gets when she laughs’ Yoona paused upon receiving a glare from Jessica ‘what? It’s really not attractive. It’s weird, it’s like your eye is clapping.’


‘What does that even mean?’ Yuri exclaimed. ‘A clapping eye? Are you high?’


‘Seventy four’ Tiffany who was keeping the running total said.


‘Yah! Magnae! Have some input into this!’ Hyoyeon shouted across the van to where the prim magnae was still sat with a frown on her face, trying to read carefully while her Unnie’s talked loudly.


Seohyun cautiously looked up, not quite daring to make eye contact with Jessica.

‘Maybe take away one because of that time she pushed our Manager-Oppa into the swimming pool as a joke?’


‘That offence is at least worth fifteen!’ Sunny screamed.


‘More like thirty.’ Hyoyeon corrected.


‘Forty four.’ Tiffany glanced around. ‘Anything else or is that our final verdict?’


‘She snores sometimes so that’s worth at least three.’ Sooyoung added.

‘Okay then to answer your question, Jessica, we think you’re worth forty one camels.’

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Coiste #1
Chapter 3: OK but what's happening with Jessica
Also yes I still habitually read this
Why did I just find this story now? Thanks, Author! It's so damn hilarious :))
shinE-ing #3
What a hilarious storyline....It was absurd it was good
That poster is a real work of art.
Chapter 3: This is the best thing I've ever read.
Chapter 3: the holy water scene thoooo
StayCool #7
Chapter 3: Wow. This fanfic is seriously priceless. Where did you get your imagination from? So awesome. Hahahahahaha lol
Chapter 3: I'm crying.
Noir25 #9
Chapter 2: Love this...
Sica youre priceless.. No one could ever replace you