How to Be Popular

I'm not sure how I got through the morning . First, I have to sneak back in to my room without waking my sister, who would have asked a million nosy questions. Fortunately she was out cold, not even crazy-talking in her sleep.

     Then I took an extra-long shower, got dressed in my school uniform, downed two cups of vending-machine hot-chocolae and checked over my homework twice. At that point, I was running on pure adrenaline. But by the time I got to my first-period class, Spanish class, I started to crash. I could barely keep my eyes open, especially during verb conjugations. I got mixed up, and the teacher made some joke about it that I totally didn't understand.

     Now it's lunchtime, and instead of eating and socializing, I'm in the computer centre. I really should take a quick nap, but I wanted to see if maybe, just maybe, Mark has sent me an e-mail. My in-box contains exactly none. Oh, well.

     Of course. Sigh. I seized the day, and I failed. Maybe yesterday incident was just nothing for him. You know what popular people do. Instead of writing e-mail for the Astronomy Club, I tried to cyber-stalking people. Popular people.

     I Google "Fallon High" and "Drama Club" and "Member". I manage to track down a local newspaper article from 29 July, last Summer, which is less than 6 months ago. It says that the Drama Club Members have a school trip to Clearwater Beach at Florida. 




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i've edited the foreword. dear subscribers. please look through the foreword again so you can understand the story!!


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StarTravelMallow #1
Anticipating the first chapter!!!