Chapter 2

My Last and First Love(discountinued)


Always there club


“This is the place?” I looked around. People were happily talking to each other. Some busy in their own world.

“Go around and talk to people dude.” Donghae grinned.

“Where are you going?” I saw him talking out his phone in a hurry.

“Umm I need to meet someone, you have fun and when you’re done give me a call okay?” he said before running away from me.

“Aishh yaa, what kind of a friend are you leaving me in a strange place all alone.” I yelled at him. “aish he doesn’t even hear me” I mumbled and took a sat on the couch.

The music was loud and I didn’t realize few girls coming towards me.

“Are you new here?” one of them asked, I looked up and smiled while nodding.

“Im lee sungmin, I came here with my friend lee donghae, nice to meet you!” I smiled again.

“Waa so cute, I’m sunny, nice to meet you too.” She smiled back. “This is shin hye and that’s Suzy” she pointed at the two girls beside her.

“ahh nice to meet you all. I hope we get along” I said trying to be more formal.

“Umm it’s okay, you don’t have to be formal with us and I already like you of Corse we’ll get along.” Suzy chuckled and pulled me up by my hand.

“Come on we’ll introduce you to the guys.” They pulled me along with them towards a group of guys.

“Guys!! This is lee sungmin. He is new here, be nice to him” shin hye said with a cheerful voice.

“Umm, hello! nice to meet you all.” I struggled to speak.

“I’m Zhoumi, nice to meet you min.” a tall handsome guy smiled.

“And I’m Hangeng, pleasure to meet you” he ruffled my hair. I smiled and fixed my hair again.

“I’m Cho Kyuhyun!” a handsome guy approached me from behind. He was tall, had dark brown orbs, plum lips and he was gorgeous and handsome at the same time.

I smiled unconsciously while deeply admiring him.

“Kyu! There you are our evil maknae!” Hangeng said and whispered to me and chuckled, “don’t stare at him too much; you’ll bore a hole into him!”

I looked down to cover my flushed face and he chuckled again. I noticed that the Kyuhyun guy was staring at me too.

“I was talking to someone!” Kyuhyun said and smiled at me.

“He smiled at me? Whoa what a gorgeous smile! I could melt any time” I thought in my head.

“Hey pumpkin! nice to meet you. I’m lee hyukjae by the way and you can call me eunhyuk” he said while grinning.

“Pum…Pumpkin? ” I blinked.  

“ahh he is so cute…I’ll call you pumpkin because you look like one, and it’s cute” the eunhyuk guy said and pinched my cheeks.

“And I call dibs on sungmin!” Kyuhyun said out loud and pulled me away from eunhyuk.

I looked at him while blushing, “wha…what?” I tried not to shutter but failed.

“You heard me. I call dibs on you! Means, you are not allowed to flirt with anyone except me.” He said while smirking.

Everyone was looking at me and him. It made me a bit uncomfortable.

“And what gives you the rights to say that?” I admit he was handsome and hot with that smirk of him but no one gave him any right to tell me what to do.

“No one has to.” He said and pulled me away with him.




No one’s POV


“Well, that was weird, Kyuhyun isn’t a type to react like that!” eunhyuk said gazing at the two figures disappearing out of sight.

“Yeah, too weird actually!” Suzy grinned.

“Maybe he was afraid you would steal min away!” Zhoumi said smiling at eunhyuk.

“Yeah, I was only being nice to a new friend! Is that a crime?” eunhyuk scratched his head.

“Nope, just that your way of being nice is by flirting and we all know where that ends!” shin hye spoke this time.

“well, he was cute and he had a cute !” eunhyuk smirked.

“See! That’s why Kyuhyun took him away! Because you keep thinking like a ert!” Suzy grinned again.

“Hey Iam a ert!” eunhyuk agreed shaking his head. “And iam proud to be! Want to go have some fun babe?” he asked Zhoumi pulling him closer only to get his head hit by the other.

“How many times do I have to hit your head like this? I’m not interested in you hyukjae!” he said and smacked eunhyuk’s head again.

“As long as it takes to get you in bed with me I don’t mind getting beaten up by you babe!” eunhyuk winked.

“Ewww… ERT!!!” the girls yelled in union giving him a disgusted look.






Sungmin’s POV


“Hey.. What are you doing? Where are you taking me?” I tried to pull away from him but his grip was strong.

He stopped and looked at me. He smiled. The sweetest smile I have ever seen. It made my heart beat fast.

“Sorry about that, it’s just that I didn’t want eunhyuk to flirt with you. He is a playboy. He is my best friend though.” He scratched his head and smiled again.

“It…it’s okay,” I shuttered and smiled back. I cursed myself for blushing every time he smiled like that at me.

“Ahh then how about we hang out? Unless you want to go back?” he looked at me and dropped his head down.

“I don’t mind” I gave him my most sincere smile and he beamed.

“That’s great, how about movie?” he looked excited. I couldn’t believe I was going to go to movie with someone I met few minutes ago and not to mention how he could change his mood from being evil to being an angel. 

“Okay,” I nodded and he held my hand. “Isn’t this too fast? I shouldn’t be holding hands with strangers” I thought. But my body was acting strange; I felt my heart racing and my hand didn’t want him to let it go either.

We reached the theater and he looked up at the movie lists that were being played today.

I heard my phone ringing and picked it up,


“Min!! Where are you?”

“Donghae! I’m uhh on a friendly date.. at the thea..”  before I could finish he yelled.


“Relax, I’m at the theater to watch a movie with Kyuhyun, umm met him at the club”

“Kyuhyun? That name sounds so familiar! I thought you said you’re not interested in a relationship” I could imagine him grinning on the other end.

“It’s not a relationship fish-head! We’re only hanging out!” I reasoned out

“Well, whatever, it’s still a date! Enjoy your romantic movie date pumpkin!”

with that he hung up.


“Aish! That fish!” I mumbled.

“Which fish?” Kyuhyun patted my shoulder.

“Huh? Ah nothing!” I smiled.

“Okay, let’s go in, I got our tickets and we’ll be watching ‘SPELLBOUND’” he said and held my hand again.

“Spellbound?” I repeated and went in with him. “Well im sure im spellbound from the moment I saw you” I thought and smiled.


“Thanks for the movie! And umm sorry about earlier, I must have disturbed you a lot” I softly said not looking up at him while remembering all my embarrassing moments.

Well it’s not my fault the movie had few scary scenes and I had to keep screaming and clinging on him.

“No problem. I had fun actually,” he chuckled “you were interesting, I hope we hang out more often.” He smirked.

“Sure.” I smiled softly.

“At least today wasn’t a bad day and I guess it wasn’t a bad idea to join that place! What was it again? Always There? Umm I hope I see him again” I smiled to myself while staring at his contact in my phone.


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okay iv done some re-editing in the foreword. its nothing actually, i thought it'd be blank to start off a story without a clue.


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