
The Program
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He stood for a moment, though he was unsure whether he should or not.  Junmyeon was beyond confused.  He wasn't sure if he and the others were in danger or not.  From the way this Reveille woman was acting, she was afraid and in a hurry.  Junmyeon couldn't blame her either.  There were unconscious bodies littered around the floor.  Junmyeon wondered if she had put them there.


He led the others with him as he followed Reveille and the man that was holding the Prince hostage.  Junmyeon was fully aware of the man's royal status.  


"Junmyeon, do you trust them?" Kyungsoo whispered.


"They're holding the Prince hostage.  Anyone's who's against the government here is on our side,” Junmyeon answered.


"Think about this.  We need to get back to EXO,” Kyungsoo said.  "We need the Chancellor's support."


Junmyeon looked back to the others.  He was relieved. "Do you all remember now?"


One by one they all nodded.  Just then a loud thud was heard from outside the room they were in.  Junmyeon went to the doorway and his eyes widened at the sight.  Reveille had taken down a man twice her size.  Her eyes rose up to meet Junmyeon's.  She was wild and fierce and as formidable as he was, he was wary of her.


"Didn't I tell you to follow me?  We're pressed for time,” she hissed, her features turned down in disapproval.


"We're coming,” Junmyeon declared, more to the others than to her.  He was overcome with the sense he should follow her.  She was the one that had stored Yixing's ashes, which definitely meant she knew who they were and why they were there.  Junmyeon couldn't do more than put his trust in her at that moment.


"You're helping us escape, aren't you?" Yifan's deep voice cut through the silence.  


Reveille hushed him, while nodding.  The comrades, moved with Junmyeon at the front, moving through a long corridor.  Junmyeon surveyed his surroundings.  The hallway seemed to stretch on for kilometers, but their quick pace was closing the distance.  Junmyeon could see what appeared to be the door of an elevator at the end.  Reveille stopped a few meters before it.  She took a deep breathe and turned around to face him.


"Can you all handle yourselves?  When the elevator reaches the ground floor we will be met with the Imperial Army.  One of you is going to have to pretend to take me hostage,” she said, looking towards Junmyeon.


Junmyeon knew the person best for that job would be Chanyeol or perhaps Yifan, and yet he wanted to be the one to do it.  He held out his hand, and tried not to be offended when she froze and looked up at him in fear.  He'd almost forgotten humans considered him dangerous.


"I won't hurt you,” he reassured.  Junmyeon heard a snort from behind him, that very much sounded like it came from Jongin.  He refrained from discipling the teleporter; it wasn't he proper time.  Still, it wasn't in his position to be criticized.  He was a leader.


Reveille took his hand and she gripped it firmly.  The thirteen of them squeezed into the elevator.  She pressed a a button and ascent upwards began.  The only sound that could be heard in all their silence was the inhale and exhale of Reveille's breath.  Junmyeon could tell she was nervous but he also knew she couldn't afford to be.


"Yifan, if anything goes wrong, fly off with her to safety.  She doesn't get hurt.  All of you, do you understand?  Luhan, don't kill.  Just render them unable to move,” Junmyeon commanded.


His sentinels immediately saluted and voiced out, "Yes, Guardian Leader."


Junmyeon was unsettled by how familiar yet strange the action was.  The past month in which he could not remember his origins, the salute and obedience of his fellow sentinels had turned into casual greetings and friendliness.  He was a bit uncomfortable with the sudden change again.  As the silence grew deeper and the elevator slowed to a stop, Reveille gripped his hand harder.


"Protect me,” she whispered.


The doors opened. "Then stay close."








Baekhyun wasn't one who could cause harm to human.  Unlike the beings on EXO, humans seemed to be immune to light.  He could no more than create a luminosity level so bright, that it would blind them.  Baekhyun did not want to hurt anyone.  He and the rest of his comrades merely needed to escape peacefully.  However, when the doors opened, they were met with an army.


Various humans with their guns and phasers were surrounding the door.  Baekhyun felt Sehun run forward and push a gust of wind at the human soldiers.  He faintly heard Junmyeon giving out commands to the others.  It wasn't until he heard Junmyeon shout at him that he moved.


"Baekhyun, blind them.  What are you waiting for?" Junmyeon barked.


It was precisely what he didn't want to do but he had no choice.  Junmyeon was his unit leader and Baekhyun ultimately trusted whatever Junmyeon told him.  He weaved in and out of the bullets aimed towards him, and shined.  The intensity of his own light was enough to burn them to crisps.  He felt powerful and strong.  The time they'd all spent in the maze near the yehetrium had weakened them but now, it was as if he'd been liberated.


Baekhyun could see exactly what the others were doing.  Jongin was using his Gift to confuse the humans and take away their guns by popping up and startling them.  Sehun was forming a small gust of wind to partially suffocate them.  Baekhyun winced as he saw a few humans drop down, never to breath again.  The situation was not well for Yixing, who had no one to protect him.



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Chapter 22: no no noooooo WHY TT
the story progressed so fast and just when I was starting to love his character, he is taken away..

This all feels like a sci fi movie, I am living for this
Chapter 25: It was a solid story. You should be proud.
Chapter 24: Junmyeonie! You're such a softie! <3 ^.^
Chapter 23: This is such an intricate plot.
Chapter 22: *choking* Thank you for the clarification. :D
Chapter 21: Ugh, calm down, Britain, like, dang! XD
Chapter 20: Seunghyun! What a lovely cameo!
Chapter 19: I like Jaehyo.
Chapter 16: This is such a fast-paced story!
Chapter 15: A ruthless Baekhyun. *imagination whirs*