140516 (Come Back Home)


The only thing left here is your shadow

To be, you need a reason.

But even if you do, it is easier said than done.

Kris has every reason to be; the perfect band of brothers, a family that makes him happy and a boy who could make him smile the way no one else had ever did before. But the pressure of trying to be perfect weighs down on him like a weight not just on his shoulder. No matter how much his friends tell him that being perfect is impossible, Kris only wanted to prove them wrong. He wanted to prove to himself that he could do it, that he could be what people say he couldn't be. And even though his friends believed in him, they don't believe that anyone could reach a level of perfection and Kris being Wu YiFan, wanted to show them that they thought wrong.

Except until the pressure was too much for him to handle and leaving was the only option.

Inspired by Come Back Home by 2NE1 and of course, the date 140516. 


Pairing: TaoRis (main) | SeBaek & ChanKai (side)

This shall be a second installment to my 140000 Series.



When heartbroken, I come up with heartbreaking things. This will come after I wrap up 140506. There will be more 140000 stories to be added to my 140000 Series with different pairings. You could comment a request for a specific pairing but I will only choose one or two.

Currently I have SeBaek (140506), TaoRis (140516), ChanKai, ChenTae and KaiSoo. 

Poster credit goes to Vacany @ Cupcake & Giant Graphic Shop 


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Chapter 1: and so after I
decided to check on your other story.
this is actually my first time reading
suicide fic... and the funeral scene was
well-written, guess it was the one
that made me tear up. thank you for
writing this ;_;
Chapter 1: Kris!! NOOO!! Gosh authornim you made me cry for the second time of the day T_T
By the way can I request a kaisoo fic from this series pls since they are one of my favourite OTPs. Thank you :)
12jungdorks #3
Omg...suicide?? Where did that come from...Nooo~~ :'(
Chapter 1: Holding back my tears is like impossible
For me atm. ;Q;
TheAlmightyJam #5
I don't think that I can manage to read this without breaking down or something. I'm still at the description but I'm already crying. :(
Kris issue hit me hard too.
tsuchinokooolove #6
Chapter 1: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! WHYYYY??? ;~~; I WAS supposed to sleep peacefully! ;A;
Chapter 1: Omona I think I cried... T^T No no no this can't be happening...... T^T
EunByung27 #8
I can't wait for the actual chapter to be released. I guess I'm willing to cry again like I did back in "140506" but then it's always worth it.