Forbidden Love


when the love of your life happened to be the child of youdr clan's greatest enemy and the grandchild of your grandfather's murderer. will you still love him even though he hates you and hurt you many times. time heals everything but does time makes a person forget the person that hold the key to his heart.


62 years ago-year 1953, Don Din Ashley II (grandfather of Din Ashley IV) (leader of the Ashley Clan) fought with Don Christofer Young (grandfather of Sophia Young) (leader of the Young Clan) which ended in a bloody war between the two clans and the life of the two leaders. After the death of the two leaders , they forbidd  each other to have connections to the other clan. In the year 2015 the Ashley Clan introduce Din Ashley IV as their next leader and Sophia Young as the next leader of the Young Clan. But can Sophia change their fate as enemies?


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