Thank You


Drip. Drip. Drop.

That was all that he can hear. The plain sound of rain.

Nothing but the bitter cold embraced him. Nothing but the sound of rain coming in contact with the ground was to be heard. Nothing but pitch black darkness was what he can see.

Hurrying, the soaked creature tried to seek for shelter. Even a few cartons would do as long as it will assure him that he will be out of the pouring rain. He hated the cold. He hated the rain. He hated the darkness. They scare him. He dislikes all of them, much more as a whole. Oh, how cruel the world can be.

Can't it spare an abandoned pup like he was?

In the midst of running, he found a few wild hydraengas sitting prettily under the rain. Not thinking twice, he ran towards it, finding shelter underneath those marvelous flowers. He still got wet, yes, but not as wet as he was under the rain itself. Plus, the beauty of those flowers that now sat beside him and embraced him kind of comforted him, slowly repelling the bitter cold and unbearable fear away, bit by bit. After shaking himself for a few seconds, the pup sat down, eyes locked at the inky-black sky. He was kind of disappointed that he saw none of those balls of light up there.

As far as he knew, humans called them "stars".

It was starless. Nothing but blackness. It was disappointing. It was frightening. 

All he wanted was comfort and warmth, even for a few seconds, it'll do. It'll be good. It'll be enough. It's all that he needed most right now. He needed those...

Even a creature like him can feel lonely. His tail was tucked in between his legs as he watched raindrops fall down together. The wind howled stronger and stronger that he shivered and whimpered. 


Does the world show no mercy to anyone or anything?

... Why...

His eyes were getting heavier and heavier as each second passed. Sleep provoked him, but as much as he knew, if he slept, he'd die because of the bitter cold. He musn't sleep.  He must not.

Just as when the cold, abandoned pup was finally giving in, foreign sounds of footsteps alerted him. A shadow no, shadows. He was sure that those black figures that towered him were called shadows. He once recalled that moment before, when he was younger, that he got extremely terrified when his shadow kept on following him. He'd run in circles, but as he grew older and older, he realized that the "black thing" that followed him everywhere was a shadow of his. Funny now that he recalled those times.

"–For real, you two should date more frequently. Studies show that couples get a lot closer and learn more about each other that way!"

"Shut up. You're single, for goodness' sake, how can you say?"

"They say the single ones are always the ones who give the best advices!"

"Yeah, right."

Voices. He was definite that those were human voices. Those footsteps were from human feet, and in terror, the pup froze in place, watching his surroundings carefully. He was alert, hearing senses heightened. Terror rushed in him as he heard the footsteps getting closer and closer to him. It was something he was sure to be the beginning of something troublesome. How if those humans are dog catchers? He knew what dogs without those "collars" go to– dog pounds. Noisy, uncomfortable, dark, cold pounds. He didn't want to be in that place.

"Wait, wait. Do you hear that sound?"

"What sound?"

"... Whimpering. As if something's whimpering somewhere nearby."

Shoot. Did they hear me? They didn't, did they? I'm pretty sure

"Hey, what's that over those flowers? Is that a... dog?"

Great. They heard me! They're going to bring me to the pound! They'll lock me up with those nasty and bigger dogs! What if the dogs there bully me? I am no match for them, obviously! No– one's getting closer. Spare me, human!

"What do you know? It's a pup!" 

Soon, a pair of hands were wrapped around him. His fear died down for some reason upon feeling the warmth. He closed his eyes, fearing what will happen next. To his surprise, he heard a heart beating and upon opening his once tightly shut eyes, he saw that he was brought close to a human's chest and his small body was wrapped in some kind of warm clothing. Slowly, his eyes looekd up and he was greeted by a heart-warming smile. "What were you doing there? Look at you, all wet and cold. Poor creature." 

His eyes slowly observed the human face. His smile was wide, surely full of joy and care. His hands felt warm around his small body, one holding him close to the human's chest and the other patting him softly. He decided to turn around, just to see two more humans, one smaller than the human who held him and the other was slightly in the same height he was. He looked up and saw that he and the tall human were took shade under an object he was familiar with: an umbrella. "Chanyeol, drop that thing! It might have germs and all! It's a stray, just to add!"

"No need to be mean to the poor creature, Kyungsoo. Can't you see this creature's suffered too much under the cold rain?"

Chanyeol. That must be his name. The small pup's eyes looked up at Chanyeol, eyes conveying a heart-filled "thank you" for the human picking him up and giving him warmth. "Aw, aren't you such a cutie." Chanyeol grinned as he ran his left hand over the pup's head, patting him carefully. "Let's get you home, alright, little one? You need a bathe, food and other dog needs–"

"Chanyeol! You're seriously adopting a stray?" 

"Calm down, Jongin." Chanyeol laughed, eyes glued on the small pup. "Goodness, this pup's adorable!"

"Sure to adopt it? A dog's a lot of responsibility, Yeol." Kyungsoo asked crossing his arms as he eyed the giant beside him. All he got was a happy nod, which the pup was rather relieved to see. 

And in that moment, when everything seemed so hopeless and plain, he finds himself in Chanyeol's arms. Something he hasn't felt for a long time, possibly years ago: warmth and love. He felt them this time. It was a nice feeling, no, not nice. Wonderful. It was an extremely wonderful feeling for Baekhyun that he wanted this to last forever, or at least longer than he thinks. Maybe this time, he found that him for him.



"There you go." Chanyeol smiled as he carefully dried the pup with a clean, soft towel. With gentle hands, he began drying his fur and smiled when the creature shook a bit before walking towards him and placing his head on his lap. "Aren't you a cutie? You're not done yet though, your fur needs to be dried further more."

He was quite sad when Chanyeol stood up and walked away. He was left alone in the room, eyes scanning the enormous surrounding he was now in. It was spacious. The ground he was standing on was noticeably neither cement nor wood. It felt new for the a pup like him, who had spent years out in the open space, walking on either cement or soil with grass. "Back. Now, calm down, okay? You'll feel good once you're all clean and dried." he heard Chanyeol say as he held something that was similar to a gun's shape, yet it was obviously different. It blew warm air that soon came contact with his fur. Of course, it was an instinct to wag his tail once he felt the warm air coming in contact with him. 

"Cute." Chanyeol laughed as he pats the pup carefully, drying every part. Once he was done, he brought the hair dryer somewhere and sat down on the floor again, this time watching the pup crawl towards him and snuggle near him. "How adorable, I suppose that's a 'thank you', hm?" 

Yes. Very thankful, to be honest.

"I see you're a male." Chanyeol mumbled. "A dog needs a name, do you have one perhaps? A name you went by before? Do you have one?"

Name? ... Now that I've thought about it, I've never had one. I'm nameless.

"You don't seem to be owned or anything." Chanyeol said, inspecting the pup. "I believe you're a Beagle, yes?"

As far as I know, yes. I'm an adorable, male Beagle pup! 

"You need a name, but what's a good name to match a cutie like you, hm?" Chanyeol pouted before he carefully carries the Beagle pup on his lap, hands running through his fur. "Hm... how about Baekho?" he smiles angelically.

... No.

"A growl must be a 'no', huh? Hm... Chanhyun?"

Definitely not.



"... Baekhyun?"

Upon hearing that, the pup barked happily, making Chanyeol figure out that he must like it. "Baekhyun? You like that name, boy? It's settled then! You'll be known as Baekhyun from now on! Such a cute name for a cute pup!" the giant grinned, patting the creature in between his legs softly. Baekhyun, meanwhile, wagged his tail in joy, looking up at Chanyeol and barking happily. 

Baekhyun's a nice name! Thank you, I love that name! Thank you very much, Chanyeol. I will live my whole name carrying such beautiful name! Thank you again, I won't be a trouble nor a bother for you, Chanyeol. I promise.



Days turned into weeks.

Weeks turned into months.

Baekhyun slowly growed bigger and bigger that before he knew it, he was a grown dog. It was just like yesterday that he was so small that Chanyeol was capable of carrying him with ease. With his size now, Chanyeol rarely carries him now, instead, he gets more tummy rubs and head pats, which he grew to like. The warmth of Chanyeol's hand always soothed the grown dog. He liked it.

It has been months since Baekhyun stumbled in Chanyeol's life... or Chanyeol stumbled in his life. It was just like yesterday that he would often find it troublesome to find his shelter whenever it rains, on how painful it was to squeeze in tight spaces just to find warmth. All of those were now painful memories for this time, he had found a new shelter, or much he likes to call family

Every now and then, Chanyeol would leave the house. He'd bid goodbye to Baekhyun before he goes out of the door. Baekhyun would often be left alone every now and then and yes, it was lonely. He hated being alone, but whenever he'd hear the doorknob click, he knew that Chanyeol was back home, which made him extremely happy that he'd actually tackle Chanyeol down and wag his tail while being on the giant's chest. 

Chanyeol has work to do. Baekhyun often finds a few scattered paper around the house, especially in that giant's room. They were everywhere and everytime he'd try clean them up, he'd end up either tearing them up or dripping his "slob" on it, which was awfully disgusting for Chanyeol. He hated those times, so he'd just leave them be. 

The giant's a busy man. He'd sleep early, wake early and do all things himself. He'd prepare both his and Baekhyun's meals. Whenever he leaves, he first makes sure that Baekhyun had meals to eat and enough clean water to drink whenever he wants to. 

But no matter how busy Chanyeol can be, the human giant always finds time to play and give enough attention to Baekhyun. He never misses a day to pat his head and cuddle him in the sofa while watching random t.v. shows. Whenever rain would pour, he'd be beside Baekhyun, hugging him.

Chanyeol always knew when to wrap his arms around me. He knows that I hate the rain, so to calm me down, he hugs me.

Whenever they had spare time together...

Chanyeol always plays fetch with me. Despite having his place quite cramped and all, he often threw this green ball and I'd fetch it. Whenever I bring the ball back, not only do I get a treat, but I get a pat on the head!

When the day comes to its end.

Chanyeol lets me in his bed. In fact, it bothers him more if I sleep on the cold floor. He insists that I sleep on his bed beside him.

When he comes back home from one hectic day.

Chanyeol always looks tired whenever he comes home from work. With that fact known, would you believe that he still does the household chores, our dinner and entertains me? I'm impressed on how far human bodies can go.

Chanyeol was always there for Baekhyun.

Thank God that I came across this giant's path.

But those happy days won't last long.

And unlike Chanyeol, Baekhyun had no clue about such.



More weeks came and withered away. 

Chanyeol still goes to work, but something bothers me. 

He'd always look weak. Pale. Drained with energy.

I can hear his uneven breathing. It worries and pains me at the same time.

Days became duller and duller as they come and go.

Yeol, are you okay? You fell, is your knee okay? Why is there red stuff on your skin? Why is your face wrinkled? Chanyeol, are you okay? Please tell me you are. Please.

Days were no longer the same as before.

Yeol? You've been in the bathroom for minutes. Come play with me.

Why are there red stuff on the corner of yours lips? Those don't smell like strawberry jam nor cranberries nor raspberries. 

What's that sound? Chanyeol, why do you put your head in the toilet and make those weird sounds?

But despite these, Chanyeol would crawl back to the couch, grab the green ball and throw it away, waiting for Baekhyun to bring it back. The male Beagle would always do, dropping the green ball in between Chanyeol's feet. The giant would often smile and praise him as he pats his head and give him a treat. 

Baekhyun would often wag his tail whenever he sees Chanyeol's wide smile. It warms him inside. His smile is beautiful. 

Smiles suit you. Please smile always, okay, Yeol?

Often times, he'd see him walking faster than Chanyeol. He'd purposely slow down and wait for the giant to catch up and it bothers him too much. Before, Chanyeol can walk faster than him, but why now? He's slower than him now. He'd often fall down and the sound of Chanyeol's body coming in contact with the floor frightened the canine. Hurriedly, Baekhyun would run towards Chanyeol and whimper.

"Baek, I'm okay. Don't worry. I just tripped." Chanyeol would often say with his wide smile.

You do trip often, Yeol. Please be more careful.

Often times, it'll only be him and Chanyeol in the apartment, but one day, a golden-brown headed male stood outside Chanyeol's room. That alerted Baekhyun and by instinct, he began barking at the stranger, alerting Chanyeol. "Whoa, whoa, calm down, Baek. He's a friend." he heard Chanyeol say as he felt his warm hand behind him. "Calm down."

"I never knew you had a dog, Yeol."

"I did months ago. Found him in the alley near here, Kris."


"You mean he's a stray? Are you for real? Didn't Kyungsoo or Jongin warn you about this?" he heard Kris ask, scowling. "Chanyeol, you're a busy man, dogs aren't suppose to be an addition."

"I can't leave a stray out there in the pouring rain. That's be mean." Chanyeol counters as he walks towards the sofa, plopping down. Baekhyun immediately climbed up the sofa, laying beside Chanyeol. 

"But he has different germs. And he might have rabies." 

"Relax, Kris. I'm sure Baekhyun won't bite me!"


Yup! That's my name, nugget head! ... Wait, that name's hilarious!

"That's the name I gave him when I brought him in." Chanyeol grinned. "Neat, right?"

"Yeol, you're mad." Kris breathed out, hand on his head.



Kris would often drop by our house. Weird because he always have his eye on Chanyeol. He better not steal my Yeol! I'll gnaw on his leg and bite his limbs off!

Kris would often drop by Chanyeol's residence, checking up on the other male. Now, Chanyeol spent more time in his bed than outside, sitting on the couch in the living room. He was bed ridden. Chanyeol once told Baekhyun that he's only feeling bad, so he had to stay there. Baekhyun, being an understanding Beagle he is, understood the next second. 

"Baek." he heard Chanyeol call out. He sees the giant patting a space beside him and carefully, Baekhyun climbs up, eyes filled with worry looking at Chanyeol. "Hey, I told you, Baekhyun, I'm okay. Quit giving me that look." Chanyeol chuckled.

"You're actually talking to a dog? You're bonkers, man." Kris sighed.

"I'm not bonkers." Chanyeol frowned. "Animals are always said to have souls, that they love and that they worry. Keep that in your head, Kris, okay?"

"Right, right. Whatever you say, Yeol."

Chanyeol spends the next minutes patting Baekhyun's head, which actually made the canine happy. "You know, Baek, I really like Hydraengas." he hears Chanyeol say. Alerted, he raises his head and listens to the giant's words. "Do you know what Hydraengas symbolize? Some say a bouquet of it speaks of anything sincerely heartfelt. Some say that it possesses enduring beauty and grace." he smiles.

"You know that's just unproven thoughts." Kris cuts off, making Baekhyun growl for interrupting Chanyeol's words.

"... I always wanted Hydraengas around me, Baek. Unfortunately, I can't seem to grow any of them and if I did get a bouquet, I end up finding them withered days later." Chanyeol breathed out.

"You're careless, okay?" Kris laughed.

"Shut it." Chanyeol chuckled.  "Baek, do you know what it symbolizes for me?"


"It conveys the message of gratefulness." the giant smiled. "I want to give one to you someday."

I should be the one doing that, Yeol.

"Perhaps one day." Chanyeol adds. "... Can you bring a bouquet of Hydraengas to me?"

"Chanyeol, don't be ridiculous, a dog can't do such! Their intelligence can't reach to that part." Kris laughed.

"Who knows, Kris?" Chaneyol grinned. "Maybe one day... Baek can bring me one."

I'm sure I will! I promise! It's an order, right? I'll bring you a bouquet of Hydraengas one day, Chanyeol! I promise.



One day, Chanyeol collapses and Baekhyun panicked the next second. Luckily, Kris came not long enough and hurriedly tended on the unconscious friend. Chanyeol, thankfully, regained consciousness later on, relieving both Baekhyun and Kris. "I told you not to do much work here." Kris breathed out, patting Chanyeol. "Are you okay?"

"I feel good." Chanyeol grinned. 

"It's amusing how a sick person like you can still grin like that."


What do you mean my Chanyeol's sick?

He can't be sick!

Neverthless, as days went by, Chanyeol seems to act the same. He plays with Baekhyun, he rubs his tummy, he pets him, he cuddles him, he prepares his meals. Everything stays the same. The lively Chanyeol stayed the same for weeks and before they knew it, Chanyeol stayed like that for months.

Until that fair day.

Chanyeol collapsed again while Jongin and Kyungsoo was preparing their lunch. Chanyeol was coughing up blood, making the two panic and hurriedly call an ambulance. It wasn't very long for them to successfully bring the unconscious giant to the hospital, but Baekhyun was left back. He was left alone for days, no food, no fresh water.

No plays.

No pats.

No rubs.

He was alone again.

Kris luckily came by one time and Baekhyun was happy for the first time to see that nugget-head. Hurriedly, he jumped on Kris, barking happily. "Calm down, dog." Kris said, patting Baekhyun's head. "Chanyeol wants to see you. Come along." he says, wrapping a leash around the canine. Together, they headed to a hospital where Baekhyun knew Chaneyol resided this time.

Baekhyun was confused when he saw a few tubes injected on Chanyeol's arms. He heard Chanyeol call him, making him hurriedly run towards the bed-ridden giant. The giant would often comunicate with him endlessly, assuring Baekhyun. Doctors kept him from climbing up his bed, so he had no choice but to stay down on the cold floor. Chanyeol, worried for him, requested to bring the warmest carpet for Baekhyun to sleep on. 

Nights and days flew.

Days in the hospital grew more and more.

One night, Chanyeol was playing the guitar. Baekhyun loved the guitar's sound that he'd sing along, making Chanyeol's smile wider and wider. He knew that Chaneyol liked his singing along with the strums of his guitar.

But one thing that annoyed Baekhyun was the sound of a flat line.

It was unbearable that he ran around, trying to wake Chanyeol. Humans in white hurried beside Chanyeol, eventually pushing Baekhyun away. Kris was there, panicking and shouting. Chanyeol was soon pulled out of the room.

Yeol? Where are you going?

Where are you taking Yeol?

... B-bring him back. Please don't leave me alone again. I dislike being alone.

Hey. Bring back Yeol, you meanies! I want my Chanyeol back!

Bring him back!

Hours passed and he simply tried waiting beside Kris. He saw a doctor walk towards them, handing a crumpled piece of paper to Kris. Kris read it and soon, tears leaked out of his eyes. Baekhyun simply tilted at the sound of Kris' faint sobbing. 

Why is nugget-head crying? Did he cut himself with that paper? Bad paper!

"Chanyeol..." Kris sobs.

"Hey. Kris. Take care of Baekhyun for me, will you? It's sad to say that I can't see him the next morning anymore."

"Baekhyun." he hears Kris call him. "Chanyeol's gone."


What do mean gone?

Where'd he go?

Did he leave me?

You're insane. He can't leave me! He promised!

"Come here. I'll take care of you from now on." Kris says in between sobs.

What? No– Let go of me! I want Yeol and Yeol alone!

"Ouch!" Kris hisses upon the feeling of Baekhyun's fangs buried in his flesh. Baekhyun soon jumps out of Kris' arms, leaving the human with a bleeding hand. "Come back here! Baek–!"

Chanyeol! Don't leave me! Come back!

Baekhyun runs out of the hospital, barking in a agony-filled tone. He kept on calling for Chanyeol through barks but he received no answer. He ran here and there despite the pouring rain. It soaked his fur wet but it bothered him not.

The cold wind blew hard, but it didn't bother him.


No reply.

... You can't leave me like this... you promised, Yeol.

Filled with agony, he walked sadly towards the same place Chanyeol had adopted him. The Hydraenga bunch he once sought shelter in was the same shelter he had this time Chaneyol had left him. He was filled with sorrow, heart broken to a million pieces.

Red. Red Hydraengas.

The red Hydraengas embraced him, as if it shared the same melancholic feeling with the canine. 

The rain was pouring hard.

Drip. Drip. Drop.

Chanyeol. Please. Please... pick me up again.

Tears rolled down his face.

With eyes locked on the same starless night, he wiped his tears away.


Red Hydraengas were his only company that night as he closed his eyes, wiping his tears once again.

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Chapter 2: MY FEELS. `
Chapter 2: BAEKHYUN
im only at the foreword and i know that this is going to be a very good fic and the amount of tears after reading this would fill an olympic swimming pool asdfghjkl
baekhyunbyun46 #4
Chapter 2: huhuhuhuhuhuhuhu TT_TT im crying its so perfect :-<
bubblecha #5
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: ahhhhhhh now I'm crying so much....
AmyPark101 #6
Chapter 2: You crying and i cant stop it TT. Its a good stories, i always love stories who use animal...good job
nadiara #7
Chapter 2: this is soooo sad. dogs will always be you friend, I believe so. I feel sad for baekhyun...
Angblingjonghyun #8
Chapter 2: OMG I cried so much!!!! this is sooooo cute,sad,jfjbdysnunfj,awesome!!! thanks for the fic!!!!