The Start Of Everything

Love Bites 2 - Memory Lane

namjoon's footsteps were slow and soundless, it was as if he was stepping on air. he passed by shops and houses that he has been passing by since forever. he could go around the neighborhood with a blindfold on and could be anywhere in a blink of an eye. he has been living in this neighborhood for since he was still in his diapers, every family of each house were his family too. this neighborhood is the kind where every living knows another. any good or bad news would be spread to the whole neighborhood in half a day, and that is amazing because its quite a big area to cover even in a day. 

After more than an infinity of little baby steps from school, a familiar booming hip hop beat was heard. The closer he gets the louder the beats are and he starts to realize what song it was, Eminem - Mockingbird. The song was legend and it was one of namjoon's favorite song from the legendary rapper, it was also one of the many songs that is always in his heart, only this song has a little special place in his heart more than the others. The lyrics were meaningful to Eminem but it didn't really match with his life. Drugs, money, kids, non of it talks about him, but the reason of it being special was that this was the song that connected them at first. Namjoon's lips lifted for a bit. 

Walking further and finding the source of the music, namjoon turns and stands right in front of the cd shop, apparently the only cd shop in the whole neighborhood since no one actually buys cd, they just illegally or legally download songs that they want. it's just too troublesome to buy one. memories came back to him and guess what ? this was also the place where they first met. it was all coincidence but it felt like it was fate. it was all a fate when that particular day the cd he dearly wants was on sale. it was fate when yoongi was trying to find a job and the cd shop was vacant. they were both are made of fate that was like the south and north magnet, attracting each other no matter how hard you try to put the opposite to them. 

he pushes the door open and the familiar doorbell chimes indicating someone was coming in. the young cashier lifted up his head, checking whether the customer was a woman or a woman, he was a hoping it was a woman. his smile immediately dropped down low and so does his head, continuing looking at his magazine with the cover showing the latest model and the most awesome motorcycle ever. but everyone knows that was a bluff and inside was full of chicks with bikinis looking all y and building a big mountain under there. he now needs something to help ease off the tension. 

ignoring the cold treatment he was given namjoon continued his footsteps towards the hundred cd shelves. he felt like home for being surrounded by his favorite thing, music. adding on to that, he was also surrounded by memories of him and yoongi, giving it a double favorite for him. 

the song in the background changed and a different song was heard. namjoon walked to the particular aisle where they first stood together. his expressions brightened with sadness. Why did it have to be him ?


namjoon walked in after placing his bicycle near the tree without minding to lock it or what not, crimes are like a one in a million things that would happen in this neighborhood. he was about to walk in when he saw the poster on the window and he felt a buzz going through his feet. he walked in and the bell on the door chimes away. the middle aged cashier smiled and welcomed him. namjoon smiled back and took this chance to ask the cashier of the cd that he eagerly wanted. "Ahjusshi, is it true that you have Kanye West - Watch The Throne album on sale ??" The man chuckled for a bit before answering him "How did you know kiddo ? I just put up that poster an hour ago." namjoon blew a relieved sigh and smiled. he had wanted to buy the album as soon as it came out but damn the price was not only burning a hole in his pocket but also his poor fanboy heart. he wasn't broke but for a middle schooler, a 100$ album is asking too much. his parents doesn't encourage him listening to rough songs that uses profanities to express the meanings of something, they totally opposed of his dream to be a rapper. that didnt break him but only made his dream bigger, striving tough times to be the best is what makes you the best, thats what life is all about. 

namjoon laughed "my friend passed by just now and he saw you putting it up. he called me up immediately, so i kinda rushed over here" he put up a cheeky smile, feeling quite embarrassed after his little confession. "well dont worry kid its still available. the albums are still in the box actually, i didn't expect people to listen to hip hop genre around here. you're the first to buy it. hold up let me go and take it" with that the man leaves and went to what he presumes was the storage room since it was filled with stacks of boxes. he was on his toes, hopping every one or two seconds, excited that the holy album would finally be in his hands. 

he was hopping in midair for a while when the bell from just now rings again. namjoon turned his head when saw him. he was awed for quite a long time before getting his senses back when the boy started walking and passed by him. namjoon has never seen the kid before, but he liked him already. the boy was wearing a big oversized shirt and a pair of big basketball shorts with a simple converse. he topped it of with a black and red snapback. it all looked baggy and quite weird to others but namjoon was already quite familiar with it. since he was wearing the same kind of style.

the boy's smell when he passed by namjoon still lingers in the air and though its quite creepy, namjoon sniffed it for a while, liking the new smell of oxygen that's surrounding him. it wasn't a strong smell of perfume nor was it a sweat smell you get from typical boys, it wasn't even a mixture of anything familiar. it was a smell out of the ordinary and it attracts him so strongly that when the smell was not evident around him anymore his body moved to find it. he followed the trails of smell that the boy left in the air when finally he found him. the boy was at the lane where stacks of hip hop album was found, is eyes inspecting every album so intently. 'he likes hip hop' namjoon smiles with the thought of that. he was standing at the end of the lane, hiding his body and peep out his head for a bit. 

his eyes went up and down the boy, trying to figure the boy out. the boy had a skinny figure as a whole but his legs took namjoon's attention the most. his legs were the skinniest he has ever seen for a boy to own. when his eyes were glue to the boys legs trying hard to convince himself that it was apparently a boy, namjoon realized how white the boy was compared to him. his leg hair was not evident either. 'damn he would look damn good as a girl tho' namjoon shook of that thought and continue to look at the boy. his eyes went up to the boys face. as expected it was white as hell but this time namjoon had his mouth slightly opened. was this the same boy as just now he first saw ? was he originally this pretty ? namjoon was in a daze at the boy's beauty. his side profile showed of his little bud but pointy nose, his plump lips that were slightly pouting. he had a beanie on with his ears and fringe still visible. his right eye was lightly touched by his fringe making him look quite y. along his ear it shows of different types of piercing.

He couldn't really enjoy the view any longer when the owner of the shop suddenly called him out "hey kid is your name namjoon ?!! anyway, i've got your album here ! you wanna pay up now or are you gonna keep --" the man's words suddenly stop mid sentence when he saw how namjoon was slouching at one of the aisle with an awkward position. he had both of his hands on either knees with his sticking out showing of the hidden curves he has. "....what are you doing ??" the sudden commotion took the boy's attention and he walked from where he stood and went to the front of the lane where namjoon was at. he didn't notice namjoon's presence when suddenly, namjoon stood up straight and his all black snapback was in the boy's view. the boy moved his head slowly trying not to think of the worst case scenario, that the dark shadows that moved at the corner of his eyes was the death ghost that came to his soul out. 

his eye size doubled when he realized what he presumes was a ghost was actually an adorable looking boy with huge nerdy glasses. the boy had a long neck with a cute small and round head, oval to be precise. whatever it is the boy in front of him was plastering a cheeky smile showing of his cute dimples. it was breathtaking. the boy spoke which he was quite taken aback with. his voice was so squeaky and high pitched, such an obvious fact that the boy still hasn't hit puberty yet. the boy was still keeping that smile on his lips and dimples on his cheek, with simple introduction he starts. "h- hi im namjoon. kim namjoon. what's your name?" he instantly smiled a huge glad smile at namjoon and shook hands, "min yoongi. my name is min yoongi" those two sentences were the start of everything. the start of their own little memory lane filled with all bitter sweet memories of their pure friendship.

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ororow #1
Chapter 2: i think it's cute how namjoon have a crush on yoongi.. fighthing author nim!