Your Smile Will Guide Me Home


Taeyeon wishes she could stay here, beside Jessica, and even though her body is demanding more sleep, she would be happy to just look at Jessica for a little longer and lie here next to her, and it would be enough.


This is for the lovely herojinx. I hope this cheers you up! Feel better, hon. I wish you all the best with everything.

This was supposed to be a oneshot, and then it just spawned more chapters by itself, haha.

ETA: I've realized that I'm not going to write any more of this, so I decided to mark it as complete. You can download a PDF (or EPUB or MOBI) here, courtesy of AO3's very useful download function.


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Mihyun101 #1
Chapter 1: I love this sm
Chapter 3: I love it, thanks author!
Chapter 3: it's like i feel everything they feel... gosh Taengsic is just so magical and u ... still amazing as always ❤
cindpoh #4
Chapter 1: Taengsic fluff... And that's my biggest weakness! Thank you author for the great story
Chapter 3: If only this happened irl...Thank you author for the ff:DD
acetpn52 #6
Chapter 3: Just when I thought u couldn't be anymore awesome I see that you write taengsic fluff OMFG you are the greatest ever Hahaha my other otp.... is it weird to post a love confession here? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ :p I was giggling like an idiot while reading this haha your fluff is some of the best. There isn't enough fluff out there so I sincerely thank you :)
Chapter 3: So fluffy I'm going to die! I really miss taengsic. :(
cosmosis #8
Chapter 3: I love them and this!
Chapter 3: Fluffy!!!! This chapter is soooo sweet i love it
Thanks author!!!