
Deja Vu
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Junhong arms wrapped around Jeesun like an accessories, but no one knows how insecure his hold was, not even Jeesun. He scared if there will be a single scratch will break his Jeesun. Yes she’s his, and he’s hers. Jeesun busying herself playing with the necklace Junhong just gave her, small silver necklace with J&J letters in the beautiful and perfect shape. The necklace was small and cute yet it’s perfect and elegant.

As they were walking in the corridor down to their class all eyes on them. Junhong and Jeesun had always been a perfect couple. All guys want to be in Junhong place, all girls want to be in Jeesun shoes. They complete each other that made them unbreakable.

Not everyone happy with their relationship. Let’s took example Yura she’s madly in love with Junhong since the first time she saw him. The worst part is Yura hate Jeesun since the first time she saw her walk in to the class taking all the attention from her. And the worsted part Junhong and Jeesun ended up together.

Jeesun then also close with the popular gang in school called BAP, Junhong’s gang, the girlfriend status made her close with the cute yet serious leader Bang Yongguk, gorgeous and beautiful man Kim Himchan, dance maniac Moon Jongup, eating monster Jung Daehyun and the puffy cheeks and the naughtiest one Yoo Youngjae. When Junhong introduce her to his gang, that’s also when she debut to be the most hate girls in school. Not by the guys because they adore her but by the girls. Jeesun stole their lovely bubbly Junhong and now she also took all attention from BAP members. Not considering BAP feeling and opinion, the girls began bullying Jeesun who just made they’re more protective to her.

“Nah I don’t care what people think” Jeesun shrugged when the BAP said how worried they are if they can be there when Jeesun need them. They can’t always tail her, especially when she went to the ladies.

Youngjae is always the last one who less care about Jeesun. He think even though she’s Junhong girlfriend doesn’t mean she’s the queen of their group. Especially when he found out that he still had related family to her, she’s his cousin. And no one knows about it but Daehyun.

He still remember Daehyun laughing his off when he told him how terribly stupid he is not knowing his own cousin. True it’s been years since they last met, he remember little Jeesun giving her birthday present in his birthday party when he was turn 7 and she’s still 4.

Jeesun know how to protect herself from her own kind, girls. So Junhong try not to be over-protective to her and act like a normal boyfriend. Yet everytime Yura around her, Junhong grew anxious as he’s afraid she will do something terrible to her. And by the way yeah she did.



Jeesun insist went to the rooftop when Junhong asked where she wants to sit. She doesn’t want to eat in cafeteria again after someone spit on her drink yesterday, it made her more hating eating in public, in crowd. Junhong sigh and let her went to the rooftop while he grab their lunch and packed it in small paper bag.

Jeesun sit comfortably, eyeing the view and enjoying the wind. The building has 3rd floor so that’s made her on 4th floor. She realized another presence when the door burst open, the way the door slammed against the wall was too harsh and she knew that can’t be Junhong. He can’t be mad just because she wants to eat in rooftop, right? Maybe it’s that Youngjae guy who really like picking on her and joking hopefully Junhong and Jeesun can break up soon, what a jerk.

“Hey” a girly voice rang which’s mean it’s not Youngjae, even though Youngjae is pretty enough to be a girl his voice can’t be that girly. Jeesun turn around to find three faces she hates the most in the world. Yura and her stupid followers Dain and Suzy.

Jeesun blew her bangs in annoyance, “what do you want?”

Yura scoffed following by her follower, Dain scoffed then Suzy, its sound so stupid and Jeesun can’t help but laugh. They walking toward Jeesun and soon Jeesun were trapped by them. “What’s so funny now?” Yura smirked when she saw Jeesun can’t move a muscle. “You know you took my Zelo” Yura pushed Jeesun head lightly with her finger, “then you stole Youngjae” Jeesun even hate Youngjae, sometimes, “and now you flirt with Daehyun, Dain’s favorite” what? Jeesun never flirt with that eating monster because Daehyun maybe busy flirting with his foods, “you just can’t stop do you?” Jeesun yelp when Yura suddenly grabbed her hair and pulled it harshly, Jeesun then kick her shin and that’s enough to make Yura release her hair. Jeesun took the chance to escaped but Suzy was faster, she grabbed her arm and pinned it on the wall along with Dain who hold her other arm making Jeesun hit her back on the wall hardly. A tear escaped from Jeesun eye because of the sudden pain through her back, she gasped when Yura slapped her across the face. Hard enough to make her face feel like burning. Yura doesn’t care that her palm she use to slap Jeesun has redden, she slapped her again, and again, and again until Jeesun bleed. A dark blood colored streaming from her nose down to her lips and chin. Jeesun felt semi-unconscious but she doesn’t care she kicked Yura in the stomach and try to escape but both Dain and Suzy stepped on her feet in unison. Yura grew impassion, Dain and Suzy knew that’s the cue to let her go and then Yura push her hard enough until she lost her balance and fall backward, crossing the barrier wall down to the ground. Jeesun doesn’t know what happened when she fell like flying. She was caught in a tree, a few rods scraping her skin before she slammed on the ground, hitting it with her back hardly until she can hear her own bones crack. Her eyes widened when the pain from her head that hit the ground grew to her spine and the next second all she saw was darkness.



Slowly Jeesun try to move her eyelid even though it felt so heavy like a rock. The first thing she saw was Junhong worried and teary eyes inches away from her, he hold her hand tightly as he’s afraid if he doesn’t held it she will fly away to the galaxy. She smiled and cupped his cheeks.

A tear fell down to his cheek and Jeesun catch it with her thumb, “you fainted” he said in the sound of an ant, “are you okay? How’d your feeling?” a small smile creped on Jeesun face. She felt touched how much worry Junhong for her.

“I’m okay”

“Are you sure?”

Jeesun nodded and brought his face closer to her, “Junhong?” she

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bomiyy #1
Chapter 4: Its suuuuuuuu nice