The outcome of receiving hates




A GEM story


Himchan held back the tears that gathered on his eyes, looking at the piece of paper filled with
“complaints” by the members.

It was so simple, the others are gone and he had stayed behind to clean but in the middle of cleaning, he saw a notebook lying innocently under the sofa and carpet like someone had accidentally dropped/abandoned it.

Himchan took the notebook and examined it, nothing was written on the first look but when he flipped the pages again, he caught something in black. He looked at the said page and nearly had a breakdown.

There, at the page….words formed making the sentence that contains:


As its title. In the member’s handwriting.


Zelo: Hyung tries to hug and squeeze my cheeks all the time. He’s so annoying! He even confiscated my tomatoes!

Jongup: Himchan hyung makes me stop dancing around when he’s cooking in the kitchen, I don’t know why but it pisses me off.

Youngjae: Hyung thinks like a nagging mother that always fusses on his kids. He even treats us like kids and I am growing tired of it.

Daehyun: Hyung can’t just tell me what to do or what to eat. I happen to like cheesecake so he should deal with it!

Yongguk: I hate it when Himchan doesn’t leave me alone.

Himchan hyung should try harder during practice, he’s being a burden sometimes.





There was still something written in it but Himchan stopped reading and placed the notebook on the coffee table.

“….It hurts… maybe I should leave them on their own then..” Himchan felt a few tears escaped his eyes and cascaded down his cheeks “Huh..? Why won’t it stop??”

Himchan cried.

He cried because he’s hurting.

He cried because every word that is written feels like a stab in his heart that he can’t bear the pain.

He cried because he didn’t think the members don’t really like him.

He cried….because he feels he doesn’t belong in the group anymore.

Himchan got up and played a drama with lots or tearjerkers for the excuse of his tears and hid the notebook under the sofa and carpet where he had originally found it.

When the others came back, they saw a sleeping Himchan and one of those dramas he always watch playing in the TV, they rolled their eyes. Typical Himchan.

The next few days, they noticed Himchan had gone quiet…and oh so distant.


They tried to talk to him but only got weak responses but during their job, he puts on a mask and a cheery facade.

“Hyung, can we go to the park later?” Junhong asked holding his skateboard, but Himchan stared at him blankly before sighing.

“Go ask Bang…” He trailed off before going to the kitchen to fetch a glass of water leaving Junhong staring at him with a sad pout.


“Himchan hyung, do you want me to go to the convenience store for you?” Jongup asked, looking at Himchan with a “Please, let me go there” look

“I’d rather not, Jongup. I’ll go there later just go and practice…or something.” Himchan said nonchalantly, not looking up from his phone where he’s browsing his Twitter acc.

Jongup frowned, he doesn’t like getting ignored by his hyungs as much as Junhong doesn’t like anyone taking his cherry tomatoes.


“Yah, Himchan hyung…Do you know where the bandages are? I kind of cut myself unknowingly…” Youngjae asked when he passed by Himchan who is still browsing the net.

Himchan always cares about their health and most importantly their physical condition when it comes to cuts and bruises (He is the one who panics for them), so Youngjae half-expected Himchan to jump from the couch to bring the first aid and treat him like he always does when someone gets hurt….But it never happened.


Himchan glanced at him then went back to staring at the gadget on his hands.

“Yes, Youngjae?”

“Where are the bandages again?”

“Ah, I don’t know. I’m not your nurse, find them. They might be somewhere here in this dorm, they don’t have legs so they won’t run and hide.” Himchan said while standing up and going to his and Yongguk’s room, leaving a dumbfound Youngjae in the living room.


“Himchan hyung!! There’s a sale at the café where we went a few weeks ago! I saw it earlier in the van. Let’s go there!!” Daehyun said, excited to eat the cake he was so obsessed with.

“….I don’t want to go.” Himchan said, ignoring Daehyun’s dumbfounded gaze that set on him. Normally, when it comes to these things, Himchan would be the one dragging Daehyun towards where the sale is…but…

“Wae?” Daehyun said, almost whining.

“Hm. Molla, I’m tired. You should go with Youngjae..Or someone.” Himchan said, walking to the direction of their rooms “Just not me. Have fun.”

Daehyun blinked “What’s wrong with hyung?” he shrugged

“HEY JAE! LET’S GO TO A CAFÉ!! THEY HAVE AN ANNIVERSARY SALE! LET’S GO EAT!” when Daehyun received a “Sure, wait a bit” response, he shouted in victory.


Then he looked towards the rooms and frowned.

“I hope hyung rests well….”




“I’m not done-“

“I won’t”


“I’m tired.”

“Are you o-“


“You su-“

“I’m fine.”


“I’m fine, Yongguk. I’m just tired, okay? Just go with the kids already. Aish!” Himchan said while flashing him a fake tired smile to convince him.

“Are you sure you won’t go?”

Himchan nodded.

“I haven’t had much sleep lately.” Himchan lied smoothly “I’ll just rest. You guys have fun.”


Himchan slammed the door to Yongguk’s face not wanting to hear anymore.

“You can just go and have fun, this chances will be rare when we get more famous. I’ll have fun sleeping…G’night” Himchan said as he heard Yongguk sighed after that and went to leave.

After hearing the door close, Himchan left out a sigh.

“it’s fine, I can do this…”

With that, he closed his eyes and slept a dreamless sleep.


It was another day where they go to a variety show and the members are glancing at each other. It was like Himchan gained a twin that really has the opposite attitude.

The Himchan they are now seeing is a Himchan that laughs at the MC’s corny joke and says things so sickly sweet.

He even did aegyo a lot of times, and through the whole recording, Himchan was another person. The B.A.P members noticed it of course; it was the Himchan that they knew! Not the quiet and distant Himchan they had been with the last few days! Happy seeing Himchan like himself again, they went along with the flow of the recording.

They were happy….

…Until the recording ended.

As they all bowed and thanked the staff, they filed into their van and looked at Himchan expectantly. Expecting him to tell them to sleep until they arrived at their next location or for Daehyun to warm up his vocal chords so he won’t have a mistake later by going off-tuned.

But the Himchan they didn’t want came back, the one who’s only looking out the window and ignoring the stares of his co-members…


“What’s wrong with hyung? He’s been acting so weird lately…”

“Yeah, I noticed that too.”

“I wonder if something happened…”

“Let’s give it time!!”

“Maybe he’s just so tired lately; when I go into the room he’s already asleep.”

“Alright…But if this keeps up much longer…”

“I don’t know how I can take it.”

“Me too.”

“I agree!”

Yongguk sighed and looked at the closed room where Himchan lies in his own bed

“I hope everything will be alright..”



 Then Himchan left Zelo on his own in a fan meeting without pinching his cheeks or patting his hair

They are having a fan meeting again and all are excited in seeing the supportive Babyz that has been with them since the start.

During the seating arrangement, Himchan aegyo-ed and pleaded Manager Kang to separate him and Zelo during the fan greet.

Manager Kang found it odd but decided a change of seats would be the best, Himchan was almost close to tears by then so he couldn’t help but agree even though he was confused why Himchan wanted the change. With a smile of victory, Himchan thanked the B.A.P’s manager.

Their seating arrangement now:


The BABYz noticed the absurd separation of the “Umma-and-Maknae” of the B.A.P and were slightly disappointed that they didn’t get any picture worthy moment of Himchan squeezing Zelo’s cheeks or patting his head…or anything.

Himchan just smiled at each fan and thanked them, occasionally hugging them and shaking their hands after giving out his autograph.

Even without the “Umma-and-Maknae” moment they were waiting for, they are satisfied and squealing like a Eu-ak birds when the Daejae gave out a lot of fanservice.

Just the occasional teasing, of hands, eye contact+smile combination, the whispering, the pouting…and all that.

BangHim didn’t occur much, since Himchan kept quiet.. Yongguk just placed his arm around Himchan one time but Himchan gave him an unnoticeable jab at the ribs, the talking+smiling combination…That’s all.

The Jonglo? They almost competed with the Daejae!! They were just fooling around during their break and they gave occasional of hair, pats, pinching of cheeks, shoving playfully, playing rock-paper-scissors. They almost forgot their on a fan meeting if only Yongguk wasn’t there to stop them (Himchan usually would be the one to do that but…). That was one reason Jonglo shouldn’t be seatmates without the appa or umma near them. (why didn’t manager Kang thought of this? He kind of forgot after having a chat with me, so sorry. XP)

The fan meeting went well, but the members really noticed the change of seats and how Himchan separated himself and Junhong more than necessary during fan meets.


then Himchan avoided Yongguk when he’s writing lyrics which they found odd,

“Hyung, where are you going?” Youngjae asked from the living room where he is lying on Daehyun’s lap, watching an action movie with the maknae line.

“I’m going out for some inspiration for our next song.”

“Arasso. Good luck hyung!”

“Yongguk hyung FIGHTING!”

Yongguk chuckled but nodded

“Oh, Himchan hyung isn’t going with you?”

Yongguk sighed and shook his head.

“But why! Himchan hyung always comes with you!”

“I don’t know too, he was busy sorting out his clothes so I didn’t bother him..”

“Oh…” after that are disappointed sighs.

“Well, I got to go.”

“Be careful hyung…”

“I will!”

After a few hours, Yongguk came back with a satisfied smile and greeted them before going to his and Himchan’s room to write what he thinks is best for the next song.

A minute or two, Himchan went out the room into the kitchen to fetch a glass of water. He took a sip and placed it on the table before going to the living room.

“I’ll go out for a while…Don’t wait up.”

“Hyung!! Where are you going?”

Himchan shrugged “I don’t know, don’t disturb Bang, okay? He’s writing our next song.”

That was the first COMPLETE(for them) sentence with a gentle order they heard from Himchan for DAYS so they nodded while Himchan went out the door.

As the door resounded with a click, Youngjae blinked and frowned

“Hey…When Yongguk hyung are writing the lyrics for our next song, Isn’t Himchan hyung always beside him assisting him with words?”

That’s when they realized what Youngjae said was true, Himchan wouldn’t go out of the room with Yongguk until he is satisfied with the words he contributed and then would go make dinner for them, after that he’ll help Yongguk again even if Yongguk insists he sleep.

then he cut himself when Jongup accidentally danced in the kitchen

Himchan is making dinner for his co-members, of course he won’t leave them starving and unwell. The PD and their manager as well as the Babyz will notice if they aren’t eating healthily and Himchan would surely be questioned.

Yes, Himchan decided to leave them alone but he knows that if he doesn’t cook….the boys wouldn’t survive. Either that or they’ll get tired of take out and/or mostly ramen. So he has no choice but to cook.

Music was blaring in the speakers placed at the living room and Himchan could distinctly hear the maknae line and Yongguk fooling arou-I mean, having quality time by singing the lyrics(Off key, On Key, Emotionally…) and he knows that they are having fun and dancing around….The DaeJae couple is still out recording and probably will be back by dinner.

“…I need to slice this first…” Himchan muttered to himself, getting the cutting board and knife so he could cut the vegetable. He was doing fine, really…

“Hyung!” Jongup shouted as he came in, giving Himchan a mini heart attack and almost cutting his finger.

“YAH! Don’t do that Jongup-ah!” Himchan scolded for a second before sighing and going back to cutting the carrot.

“Hyung, What are we going to eat tonight?”

“You’ll see later, now go back to what you’re doing before you came here.” Himchan said dismissively.

Jongup shrugged the comment off and rounded the counter to reach the refrigerator to fetch him a glass of water. After drinking the content of the glass, Himchan glanced at him for a second before going back to cutting another carrot.

Just then, A catchy tune blared through the speakers that got Jongup riled up. He whooped.

“YEAH!!!” He yelled and did some Krumping then some freestyle moves…


“AH SHOOT!” Himchan said a minute after Jongup yelled. The music was cut off and two pairs of footsteps went towards the kitchen.

What Zelo and Yongguk only saw was a panicking Jongup and a Himchan washing his hands on the sink with a frown in his ulzzang face.

“What happened here?” Yongguk asked while shooting a confused look at Zelo who just shrugged.

“I-I was dancing and then Himchan hyung got cut by a knife!!! Hyung, I’m sorry!” Jongup said, looking ready to cry at any given moment.

Himchan glanced at his teary-eyed dongsaengs and sighed.

“It’s fine dongsaeng, It was just a scratch.” He shoots a pointed look at the three of them “Go back to the living room and just wait for me to call you all.”

With the order, they immediately filed out the kitchen and went back to their evacuation place.

“Hyung must be so angry at me…” Jongup sighed, looking upset.

“He’s not, hyung! He just don’t want you to get hurt!” Junhong reasoned the saddened dancer, who just sighed.

“Jongup-ah. Himchan always tells you not to dance in the kitchen while he’s there, why did you do it?” Yongguk asked

“I-I just…the song was so catchy I couldn’t help myself….”

Back at the kitchen, Himchan was continuously cooking even if his finger still hurts. He was glad that the cut was only an inch…still doesn’t remove the fact that it hurts, but he’ll keep cooking…He has to feed them after all.

“I just hope, Jonguppie won’t come here dancing again…” Himchan sighed, knowing it will happen again in the future.

He should stack some bandages and antiseptic at a drawer here, it might be helpful at certain events.

then Himchan does all the work in the dorm without accepting the help with the others

“Hyung, let me help.” Daehyun said, approaching Himchan.

“Andwae, it’s fine.” Himchan said dismissively and left Daehyun standing at a clean room.


“Hyung, I’ll wash the dishes.” Youngjae said, going to him.

“Ani gwenchanha, I’ll do it. Go memorize the lyrics.” Himchan shooed him away from the sink.

The last straw was when Himchan ignored Daehyun and Zelo who are eating their desired food more than once one day. (Usually, he would scold them and won’t let them eat it for a few days when he found out. Because he is in charge of their diet because he’s the cook, he has to look over these things too.)


Daehyun was on his sixth slice of cheesecake for the day and Zelo was munching happily on cherry tomatoes while they watch TV.

Youngjae saw Himchan looking at them as if contemplating something and tilted his head. Then he realized that he saw Daehyun eat two cheesecakes earlier that day.

The pastries and cherry tomatoes are a gift from their BABYz and has accumulated a lot during the 3 fan meets they went to that month. He worried for Daehyun and Zelo’s diet and lack of resistance.

Youngjae looked at Himchan who at that time was counting the remaining canisters of said food at the kitchen pantry and he heard him sigh.

Jongup, appearing at the living room looked at the two eating members shockingly.

“Junhong…How many set have you eaten??” he asked and Zelo answered him brightly.

“About 6 or 8, I think.” Jongup blinked and Zelo gasped when he realized he had eaten more than what the doctor required and what the BAP Umma gave for a day.

Daehyun looked at him and gasped. Youngjae sighed as he decided to ask him the same question.

“How about you, Daehyun?” Daehyun looked away from Youngjae’s stare and bit his lip

“About…4 or 6 slices?” he answered, unsure of the number of cakes he had eaten that day.

Himchan who was hearing their conversation well, pursed his lips before shrugging and going to his room. Only to come out a moment later, going to the living room.

“I’m going out, don’t wait up.”

The four members of BAP looked at him in shock. They were sure Himchan heard the Busan Won Bin and the Maknae Robot’s answers and he didn’t even scold them??

He shrugged at the look of their faces and went out the dorm.


After a victim-of-receiving-lack-of-love-from-Himchan’s meeting of the five members, they concluded one thing.



They knew Himchan found the notebook.

They searched everywhere for it and decided to go and confront him.


Three days later, they found it.

*That night*

“Hyung, can we talk?”

Himchan smiled weakly before shaking his head no.

“I’m sorry maknae, I’m making dinner.”

But then the stove got turned off and Himchan was carried to the couch by Yongguk.

“Hyung, we know that you read what’s in the notebook.” Youngjae said while Zelo placed the said thing on Himchan’s hand.

“I’m sor-“

“Stop It.”

“We also know you stopped reading and you didn’t turn the next page, so read it.”

“I really can’t.” Himchan was shoving the notebook back to their hands.

“Please! Hyung, just read it!!” Zelo insisted, nearly crying.

So Himchan looked at the open notebook and there it is, the sentence making it known again. Sighing, he turned the next page and started to read.


Zelo: Even if hyung pinches my cheeks, hugs me, pats my hair, I think its because the BABYz are there but I don’t really mind because I know he loves me well.

Jongup: Even if hyung always scolds me for dancing unexpectedly, I hope he won’t hurt himself because of me.

Youngjae: Even if he treats us like kids and fusses over us, I am used to it and it would feel weird if he doesn’t do it.

Daehyun: I know I should look out for my weight when eating cake but even if I do, hyung is always there to stop me whenever I can’t stop.

Yongguk: Even if he won’t leave me alone, it helps me to write what I felt right for the lyrics so I guess it’s okay. I’m used to him by my side now.


Himchan stared at the notebook, the others watching him. They should’ve just thrown it but they kind of forgot its existence at some point, with the busy schedules and all..(So, how did it end up under the sofa and carpet, huh? =__=)

Himchan burst into tears and hugged the maknae line, waving his hand for the DaeJae and Yongguk to join them, making it a B.A.P Hug.

Himchan smiled at them, glad to know that they understood, He just hoped they won’t find out his reasons why he did that. Or it will surely be embarrassing. Especially with Yongguk’s.


The next day after that, everything went back to normal…after Himchan scolded them (when he insisted he did a body check on them as he did every month. He takes weight, wounds, and pains to note how they were doing every two weeks and since he avoided them, he didn’t do it. And since today is a day-off, the others decided to let Himchan do it since they, even if they won’t admit it, missed the BAP Umma.)

“CHOI JUNHONG, JUNG DAEHYUN. YOU TWO GAINED TOO MUCH WEIGHT! YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THE KITCHEN TO GET CAKES OR TOMATOES. YOU ARE BANNED FROM THEM!” Himchan scolded the two guilty people at the couch as Youngjae, Jongup and Yongguk watched from the sidelines.

“But hyung—“


“It’s just so good! I can’t help it—“

“Don’t make me use the ‘No Desserts’ card at you.” Himchan said, hands on his hip as he diva-stared the threatened Busan Won Bin.

“Hyung, can I just have one mo—“

“And don’t make me confiscate your skateboards, too.” Zelo looked scandalized and closed his mouth.

Youngjae snickered and Himchan turned his attention to him.

“YOU! YOO YOUNGJAE. WHY THE HECK DID YOU INJURE YOURSELF? DO YOU WANT THE BABYz TO WORRY OVER YOUR HEALTH MORE?” Youngjae immediately shook his head and Himchan nodded, satisfied. BAP’s brain had actually bruised his self and got a long cut on his arm from somewhere and Himchan immediately tended the wounds he had.

Daehyun chuckled when the Umma’s nag—scolding wasn’t directed at him and Himchan immediately stared at him.

“You will stay quiet or I will make this week a vegetable week with no side dishes that you love and no meat.” He was immediately silenced.

“MOON JONGUP! Seriously, Jonguppie. Why did you hide the bandages in under your bed?” Himchan asked, eyebrow raised and Jongup just smiled at him brightly.

“To save the day~” Himchan stared at him, sighing a bit and looked at Yongguk who was looking back at him.



“Nah, I don’t have anything to say to you.” Himchan laughed a bit before he was again engulfed by a hug from a grinning Yongguk.

“We’re just glad you’re back, Himchan.” Yongguk said by his ear as the other members hugged him too.

“I never really left.” He whispered and hugged them back.


Himchan smiled, forget about what he said he didn’t belong. Because BAP will never be complete without him and the members would die at the dorm without their BAP Umma tending to them.


“Hyung…can I have atleast one more tomato?” Zelo asked quietly at their group embrace.

“Don’t make me give you lemons, maknae.”


“Then hyung?”

“Yes, Daehyun?”


“Since we’re banned from cakes and tomatoes…Does that mean we still get to eat the cookies you baked earlier?”



“Hyung?” Jongup spoke up.



“We’re sorry…we already ate them…” All five of the boys Himchan hugging said in unison before breaking out the hug and rushing to the door leaving a dumbfounded Himchan.



Ah, the hardships of taking care a bunch of good looking, hot, talented, appearance deceiving, childish, and derpy members.


Himchan shook his head before taking out a plastic hammer and running out the door to find his kids and supposedly “husband”. He smiled, it’s as if the problem hadn’t happened and he’s all right with that.


A/N: COMEBACK~ this was actually written a year ago. Happy first Year Anniversary for us, G.E.Ms~ *throws confetti* to all our readers, subscribers and all our friends: THANK YOU FOR BEING CRAZY WITH US!! I hope you like this!

The truth is: It was supposed to be ‘Himchan is quitting BAP because they didn’t really need him.’ or something along those lines but I decided that since I am an angel with an alter-ego of a mischievous devil, I brought upon this story a happy ending. *smiles brightly*



EXTRA: Where Himchan found them and hit their heads with a hammer

DaeJae: Disguising as costumers at a Café beside a park

Jongup: Pretending to be a tree at a park

Zelo: Hiding up a tree that is behind Jongup

Yongguk: Found playing with a bunch of kids in a playground by the park


G.E.M sisters, Fighting!

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KangHyeRa- #1
Chapter 1: Nice i love it
Fluff ot6 ever
sue_erin #2
Chapter 1: oh my..really nice story...i love this one!! ^_^