Part 1: Donghae's Request

Renditions (Sin Cara)

A/N: Haemin-centric chapter, part 2 will be Kyusung-centric.


Living to an old age can be considered a blessing in their times, when famine, war, bandits and forces of nature play their game, testing whose will to survive was stronger. Testing to see whose luck may just stretch a bit farther.

Donghae began his life with all the luck in the world in comparison. Born with a silver spoon, into a noble family who rarely saw hardship, and it appeared life thought it was going too easy on them.

Burying his wife was one hardship he thought would harden his heart forever, burying his one and only child…

Life was continuing its sick game, and he grew weary of every year that passed since, and the question beckons,

Just when would all his luck finally disappear?


“My lord,” Dana announced, “The physician’s here.”

Physician Cho checked their lord’s back, pressing his fingers onto his wrist as he moved his other hand among different spots on his back. “Does it hurt here?”

“Not as badly,” Donghae replied.

“You appear to be healing.”

“Not fast enough. I was promised a better health by you, was I not?”

The physician cleared his throat at the other’s tone, mistaking his impatience for quick results. Rather, Donghae was impatient for years now.

“Pardon my lord,” Jimin excused as she peered at her lord’s face, peeling the fruit she had at hand. “He’s upset because on the nights the medicine stopped working, he couldn’t meet with his guest.”

Dana casted a warning look to Jimin, but Donghae showed no ill sign towards her bluntness. Physician Cho wrote as Donghae returned the robes over his back.

“Physician Cho, do you come come across many people in this town?”

“From all walks of life.”

“We’re here to meet an old friend of ours, a Kang Baeksoo. Have you heard of him?”

Physician Cho considered the name as he finished his writing, “I have not. Is there some business you have with him?”

Donghae tied his robes together. “I have a debt to repay him, if he were ever to allow me.”

The physician gave a meager nod and looked about the expansive manor, he concluded whoever this friend was should expect a hefty sum.

“I do have a suggestion, as to help your ailment.” Physician Cho spoke, Dana looked his way while Donghae did not, and the physician cleared his throat as he spoke to her. “I do have a friend in China, they have some herbs that may help, he once described to me a case like yours that was cured.”

“Cured? Is that possible?”

“Will you allow me to attempt?” The physician asked, the lord gave no response and Dana eagerly spoke in his stead.

“Please do so.”

Physician Cho nodded, and gave his half-hearted greetings to the man who didn’t bother with him. It was the same as before, Donghae merely disregarded everyone.

“You should be excited, my lord,” Dana was b at the news, “this is the best news we’ve had since we came to this town.”

Despite his mask, it was obvious how lackluster Donghae felt. “If it’s like his last promise, then don’t hold so much hope.”

Jimin chuckled, “That may be because the physician doesn’t like his lord.”

Dana said nothing and left the two be, Jimin remained sitting by when she sees her lord try to stand, she quickly reaches to help him until he’s set on his two feet. She accompanied him with every taken step, biting into the fruit on hand.

“My lord, if we plan the medicine well today, you could attend the play.”

“I can’t walk to the theatre house.”

“We can still bid for him. Or do you not like him anymore? I thought my lord did.”

She heard silence, and his usual sharp tone is rather light.

“He has a comforting face.”

Jimin smiled as she handed over a piece of her fruit. He accepted it. “I hope you have the chance to speak with him better my lord.”

Donghae sounded notably doubtful. “Would he want to? He seems afraid of me.”

“Everyone is.” Jimin corrected. “Except for us,” she smiled brightly.

“Hm,” Donghae said as he tilted his mask just slightly and ate the fruit. Jimin gave a coy glance as she popped the last bit of fruit into and walked the opposite way.

“Where are you going?” Dana asked as she arrived, just as Jimin stepped out of the room.

“I’m going to bid for him.”

“His lord didn’t agree,” Dana called out as Jimin left, she exhaled. “She really does choose when to be obedient.”

“Let her be.”

“It’s because of my lord she’s like this,” Dana said wistfully in passing, spoiling Jimin since the day they took her in. She left the doors open to allow the gentle breeze. The wind brushes the flower petals that covered the floor, some fresh, some wilted.

And there within the room were two memorial tablets placed on top, with bowls of fruit offered before him. Donghae rearranged the bush of fresh flowers left by the bowl.

“My lord, what do you plan to do once Sungmin arrives tonight?”

“Once my daughter hears his song, he won’t have to come by any longer. After that, this ends, I’ll spare him from seeing me again.”

Even he wasn’t blind to the feeling behind Sungmin’s trained expression.

After so many years, Donghae began to recognize fear in any shape and form.

“If you were to just explain to him, my lord, I’m sure he’d understand.”

“Except he isn’t the priority.”

His fists clenched the flower in his hand, and when he outstretched his hand, the crushed petals weakly fall onto the floor. “Kang Baeksoo is.”

Dana couldn’t say anything to that.

“Tomorrow we’ll meet with the magistrate.” Donghae said, “he may have a bit more information to give us on his whereabouts.”

“I hear this town’s magistrate is proficient, he solves every case and an executes every letter of the law.”

Donghae scoffed. “If that were the case, then he wouldn’t have accepted my bribe a few nights before.” He glanced back at Dana’s disappointed expression, “This is for the best, if he was actually as righteous as rumored, I would’ve had to go by this by other means.”

Dana thinned her lips, in spite of his cynicism, she spoke, “My lord, you act as if there isn’t good in the world.”

“There is,” Donghae deterred, “just not in many.”

The intimidating demon turns around, his demeanor remained every bit the part. Even in daylight, her lord was a fearsome being most wouldn’t reckon with, even the physician was wary the first few times over.

“Accompany her Dana, take one of the guards,” He then speaks, and his voice carries in a gentle manner, “Return before it gets dark.”

“Yes, my lord.”


Jimin happily swayed her cloth around her head after finishing making their bid, covering her eyes from the waning sunlight as the two walk into town. She glanced back at Dana and noted her somber expression.

Attempting to cheer the older maidservant and pause by a vendor, “Three bowls, no, four please.” She smiled at Dana, “My lord may like this.”

Dana chuckled at the possibility when they hear a loud smack.

“I’ve told you not to go by there,” their mother scolded her children. “It’s dangerous. Haven’t I told you that a demon lives there? What if he takes you away?!”

She pulled them away, “You’re never allowed to go near that manor again.”

Jimin giggled to herself when she caught Dana’s dark look. Dana noted her looking and exhaled, “I know it’s nothing to be upset about, it’s the same in every town we’ve been to.”

Once Jimin accepted the bowls, they continued walking back through the town. “Nothing can be done about it.”

Dana ruefully knew that, “Not when it’s what our lord wants anyhow.”

Donghae was obsessed with fear, the very concept of what it can induce and how it can be done.

His harsh tone accompanied by the likes of his mask, others would taken a step back, and the few glimpses by the townspeople would spurn one story until they become plenty. She’s heard plenty, those that had him as some sort of fearsome demon, a vengeful land god, a possessed man. The stories had the same intention, warning both children and adults to not go near the manor.

In the end, that was what her lord wanted most. To be feared so much that no one would dare risk going inside, even dare to cross him.

Jimin may have seen the fun aspects of it, but there were consequences.

After many years under his family’s wing, it helped her see beyond that, and to a much sadder sight than the one most see. That of a lonely man, who Dana often caught staring on the names left on the pair of memorial tablets for hours at a time.

For years, they remained his only companionship.

Once, her lord was a man with a wife and child, and the future he held looked bright, she remembers when he was optimistic, nearly carefree. When his wife passed early on, he remained strong for his daughter’s sake.

The moment his daughter was taken, however, remained what warped his personality altogether.

“For how much longer will my lord have to keep suffering?”

Jimin looked up as Dana continued on, and she smiled softly, “It’ll change.”

“Not if he continues to encourage these rumors, he’ll repel everyone away. My lord deserves to finally be at peace, but I fear that’ll never happen if this continues to haunt him. All he has in mind is Kang Baeksoo, what room does he have to have anyone else in mind?”

“There is someone.” Jimin reminded optimistically, folding her cloth in half.

There’s a tugged smile on Dana’s lips.

“Then let’s hope my lord doesn’t also drive this one away.”


The rain grew heavy as night arrived.

Jimin hauled one umbrella with her and used another to cover both of them. Donghae continued walking so far ahead, that the umbrella barely covered her lord.

Donghae slowed down after seeing her nearly slip but excused, “We need to be prompt, after so many delays.”

“My lord, you could have had him perform for her last time he was here.”

“...He wasn’t in the state to.” Donghae reminded.

He could’ve disregarded that, Jimin thought, but said nothing as she accompanied her lord towards the end of the pathways and to the main gates.

Donghae remained standing there when the guards announce his arrival and opened the doors.

And when Jimin looked up, she saw mud trailing the edge of his clothes, and under the brim of the umbrella, sees Sungmin’s poor state. He likely slipped on the way there.

And suddenly, all motivations that raced Donghae there had disappeared.

Sungmin stepped forward with his head down, “Good evening–” He jumped slightly once he looked up, taken aback by her lord’s presence.

He bowed his head, clearly intimidated by his arrival. Jimin waited as she casually glanced at her lord, yet Donghae said nothing to lessen the tension between them.

Growing impatient, Jimin took a step forward and smiled Sungmin’s way, “Good evening.”

Her words bring back Sungmin’s attention, and the latter considerably calmed.

“I’m sorry,” Sungmin found his manners returning, “forgive me for my appearance, my lord.” He bowed politely, covering his stained arms as best as he could.

With his mask, it was difficult to tell what Donghae thought of what he saw, but the masked lord spared no distaste.

And with his head still lowered, he felt the drops cease falling on him. Sungmin looked up as an umbrella covered his head, and his lord remained by him.

“Follow me.”

Sharing the umbrella meant remaining close together, and the actor was wary of Donghae’s every movement all the way to the main house. Yet his concerns don’t last when Dana appeared, on wordless order, takes the puzzled actor to the baths.

Jimin glanced at her lord from beneath the edge of her umbrella as the rain prattled on, “I thought no more delays, my lord?”

Donghae merely continued on, with an amused Jimin in tow.


Donghae waited before the tablets when Sungmin arrived.

The actor was dressed in different robes given by his maidservants, freshly bathed and adjusted. Yet it’s none of those details that really take to him, even when Sungmin first arrived, Donghae had realized that it had been the same the first he saw him.

His attention was amicably drawn to him just as the moment he took to the stage.

Sungmin looked at ease with Dana beside him, yet the moment Sungmin spotted Donghae, his reluctance returned.

Donghae felt a brief pang in his chest at the sight, but ignored it as he addressed him.

“I have a favor to ask,” Donghae spoke stoically. “You once played Hwang Jini, the famous gisaeng.”

“I have, my lord.”

“She was my daughter’s favorite character in most performances, whether by women or men. Can you perform for her?”

His tone is sharp and almost threatening, but from years of habit, not that he meant to be.

Sungmin then took a better look of the room he was in, the tablets and the offerings, and the realization dawned on the actor exactly the room it was. The actor then politely bowed to each tablet.

Sungmin then faces in his direction, but keeps his gaze rooted to the ground. Just as before.

Donghae briefly wondered what it would take to have him look his way, willingly.

“I don’t have my costume, my lord, is that alright?”

“Definitely,” Jimin eagerly replied as she stepped in, and Donghae didn’t mind her answering in his stead. “My lord promised her since he saw your performance, now she’ll finally get to see.”

Donghae waited and watched Sungmin from the corner of his eye and wondered if maybe Sungmin would decline to. He wouldn’t have forced him if so.

He doesn’t have to worry when the actor gives a single bow,

“Then I will, my lord.”


The joss paper burned in the bowl, long after his performance.

Jimin appeared with a bush of fresh flowers, and she smiled at Sungmin every now and then. Even as the conversation remained mostly one-sided on Jimin’s part, Donghae could see that Sungmin was at ease around her.

“They’re beautiful, are they not?” She grinned, showing him the flowers she brought. “She always preferred the blue ones. See, my lord!”

She hurried to his side and showed him the flowers, Sungmin looked as Donghae faced her, and for a moment, he expected a reprimanding, even a cold shoulder of sorts.

Instead, Donghae delicately brushed the raindrops from one, saying nothing although Jimin seemed pleased and placed them by the table.

The moment Donghae faced forward, Sungmin looked away, hoping he wasn’t caught.

Donghae then reached for the joss paper as Jimin then bowed to her lord, signaling her leave when Donghae gestured subtly with his hand for her to stay.

Although the maidservant wondered why, she merely obeyed. Donghae had his reasons.

After all, Sungmin didn’t trust him.

The fire’s light reflected off his red mask, to his right was a single chair by a small round table, Donghae’s usual seat. Yet Donghae doesn’t take it, and as he places another joss page into the fire, he sees that despite the distance, neither does Sungmin.

“You may have a seat.”

He looked back and sees Jimin briefly laugh behind the pair, his tone wasn’t warm in the least. Donghae’s stare drifts and sees Sungmin doesn’t move despite the order.

The actor’s attention remained solely on one thing, and it were the joss papers in his hands.

Donghae looked at the abundance he had, “Do you also want them?”

Sungmin freezes at being caught, “No, I… I’m sorry,” he bowed in apology.

“What for? There’s nothing to apologize for.”

Sungmin may have believed that if his tone weren’t so callous, to that Jimin slumped her head in defeat.

Sungmin saw something cross his vision and looked up, taken aback as Donghae approached him. Sungmin reflexively took a step back, but Donghae was swifter and pulled Sungmin’s clothed wrists towards him–

Donghae placed the joss papers firmly in his grasp.

He was careful, making sure not to touch his hands, stepping away the moment he had, giving him the proper distance as he rounded the actor towards the other tablet.

“You may also have a seat,” Donghae added to the stunned actor just as he turns his back. “If you’d prefer.”

The actor doesn’t move an inch, and Donghae looked back, worried he may have put him off.

Instead, he takes a closer look, and realized the actor’s eyes glossed over.

Joss paper could help those who passed to gain houses, servants, gold needed to live properly in the afterlife. A commodity those like Sungmin frankly didn’t have the means to give.

The actor gradually collects himself, “I’m not near their graves.” Sungmin pardoned, a tinge of pain struck his chest at the thought.

“I’m sure if you ask,” Donghae interjected, “the gods would listen and ensure they’d reach them.”

Donghae’s words rung loud and clear, and he sees the actor slowly face to the stack in his hands, his expression changes to a warm one, his fox-like eyes brighten.

Donghae respectfully turned his back as Sungmin clutched the pages towards him with his eyes closed tightly.

“Thank you my lord,” Sungmin said rather brightly as he finished, “I think they will be surprised to see that they now have a house to live in.”

Donghae glanced back at the leftovers in his hand, “You didn’t use them all.”

Sungmin looked down, slightly embarrassed from using the few he did burn. “These belong to your family.”

Donghae didn’t take them back as he approached the tables, “I’ve already given them plenty, enough that they’ll probably reprimand me for spoiling them.”

Sungmin subconsciously smiled, “There’s nothing wrong with giving everything you can to those you care about.”

“Exactly,” Donghae agreed, and the red mask faced him. “That’s why you should keep them.”

Sungmin paused, his eyes lingering on his lord’s masked face.

Everything about it was horrid in rich detail, his commanding voice doesn’t help to lessen the fearsome impression that’s rooted his nightmares.

Yet as his personality came through in glimpses, the young man felt them lose ground.

Sungmin’s eyes lowered, and Donghae then turned his back to him, mistaking his guilt for fear.

Sungmin clutched the pages as his smile remained, he bowed. “Thank you, my lord.”

Donghae didn’t turn around, adjusting the flowers about, mulling over the topic before speaking aloud.

“Forgive me,” Donghae began.

Sungmin blankly tilted his head, puzzled as to why.

“For the times I’ve couldn’t meet with you. I wanted to ask personally for this favor, and that extended your stay more than warranted.”

“I see… you could have gotten the other troupes to perform, if my times were too inconvenient.” Sungmin spoke politely.

“You act as if there’s boundless talent.”

Sungmin hid his mouth behind his sleeve, trying not to smile at Donghae’s frankness. “If it’s based on talent, then I’m still not the first choice.” To be fair, his brothers surpassed him in many aspects, but many patrons never quite chose them for that reason alone.

“Talent aside, there’s also preferences.”

Sungmin considered that, and the question slips without thinking, “Then you preferred me?”

There was a cold silence.

Jimin looked above the puzzled actor’s shoulder and giggled loudly behind her robes as her lord turned away from the actor’s round eyes.

For the first time, her lord was flustered.


The rain continued, accompanied by heavy winds that shook the trees outside. As it stormed, many took cover throughout the town.

Yet Sungmin steps just forward, his hands outstretched to the drops that coolly fall to his hands. He may have slipped, but he didn’t mind the rain.

“Aren’t you afraid?”

Sungmin turned around as Donghae regarded his stance, just then a loud crash sounded from the skies, but Sungmin didn’t flinch in the least.

“I can’t afford to be.”

“Why not?”

Sungmin let the water pooled into his hand and smiled, “Because rain’s always accompanied lightning.”

And as the lightning flashed across the room, Donghae fist clutched tightly.

The lights that strike across the sky capture his attention, yet Sungmin’s eyes steal a glance his lord’s way, but he noticed his near trembling hand. Had he angered him?

He bowed in apology, but the tension doesn’t lessen. Jimin takes one look and promptly rushes out of the room past the concerned actor, leaving the two alone.

“My lord, are you alright?”

Donghae doesn’t reply.

Sungmin tentatively took a few steps forward as his fist remained.

Sungmin was just before him now, and cautiously he raised his hand towards him when Donghae roughly grabbed his wrist, digging his nails into his skin as pain coursed through him.

His lord collapsed forward onto the floor, his spare hand clutching Sungmin’s robes.

There’s a rush behind as the servants arrive with Dana hurrying to her lord’s side.

Sungmin’s eyes don’t leave the hint of the man he sees within the ruckus as Donghae’s hands are forced to let go of him, when the actor’s abruptly tugged aside.

“Let’s explore the house,” Jimin urged and pulled him from the scene.


“Isn’t it beautiful?” Jimin grinned, gesturing to the gardens below from the second floor where they escaped to. “I’m thankful for this sort, in the last town it was nothing but large rocks. And if you see it at sunrise, it’s even more awe worthy–”

“Why did you pull me away from there?”

His question pauses the maidservant. “I thought you’d be uncomfortable seeing my lord that way. When I first joined his family a few years back, it was rather alarming for me at first. As for everyone else who’s seen them firsthand.”

Sungmin then realized why Donghae had his fists clenched so tightly, it wasn’t anger.

That man was trying to bear it around the actor, so he wouldn’t scare him.

“He should have said something…” Sungmin mentioned, feeling guilty. “I wouldn’t have…”

Jimin appeared amused. “My lord wouldn’t have mentioned his pain, like most men he’s too attached to his pride.”

“Will he be alright?”

“I believe so, Dana knows how to control his episodes. My lord’s always suffered from them since I’ve come to work for his family, the poor man.”

Sungmin overlooked the scenery when he noticed Jimin approaching him closer, to a point that she completely invaded his personal space.

“Yes?” He asked.

“You surprise me more…most become disturbed by his state, you just appear surprised by it.”

Sungmin averted his eyes as Jimin looked pensive. There was an innocent air about her that puts him at ease and lets him admit, “The only thing I’m wary of is his mask.”

“You too?” Jimin grinned. “Ah, I’d have nightmares before about it... but now it’d be odd to see him without it.”

Then she might’ve seen his face, Sungmin thinks. “Does he truly have to wear it?”

“My lord believes so.”

At his confused look, Jimin explained. “My lord was always smaller than his cousins, small bodied and weaker compared to them. And to anyone looking to take his family’s wealth, was the easiest to target. One time during an attempt, the guards found him nearly dead. The guards told me he has been wearing that mask ever since and always insists on it.”

She smiled, “My mistress loathes it and tries to get rid of it, but one night we had a thief break in and he happened upon my lord’s room first. He took one look at the mask and screamed, he thought he met a demon, allowing our men just enough time to catch him. Since then, they’ve stopped trying to convince him.”

“After so much, how is your lord not afraid to venture outside?” Sungmin wouldn’t blame him, he had every reason to be.

“My lord may be weak, but he’s not afraid.”

Abruptly, Jimin laughed, catching him off-guard.

“It’s fun, however,” Jimin said to Sungmin slight confusion. “Each town we travel to, there are always rumors of a demon within the house.” She giggled humorously. Sungmin shared her contagious smile and listened as she leaned in and whispered,

“They even thought we, the servants, were ghosts!”


They had since gathered back in the usual waiting room, all the while, Sungmin quietly looked his lord’s way. He had improved and back to his normal state, but Sungmin was still wary.

“Which would you like me to pack?” Jimin asked kindly, bringing his attention back as she tucked another until the fruit basket was almost full.

Sungmin was taken aback, “That’s plenty enough.”

“We also have carriages to take you home, if it’s too much to carry.” Dana suggested.

“It’s fine. I prefer walking.” Sungmin said politely, “and that is too much Jimin...”

Dana obeyed, although Jimin continued packing it full despite his protests.

Behind his mask, Lord Donghae observed their interactions. Dana tried to pull some of the fruit to lessen the load, but Jimin childishly ignored her and stuffed it past its peak, deaf to Sungmin’s attempts to stop her.

Seeing Sungmin’s defeated look, their lord lowered his head.

Jimin turned to look at her lord, but her lord didn’t appear to say anything. Yet she was sure she heard a sound.

Thinking nothing of it, she continued.

With them all, it felt lively, Donghae thought.

Just as it used to be.

And from the corner of his eye as the maidservants debate over the basket, he sees Sungmin slip quietly outside.

Sungmin looked about, and Donghae wondered what was on his mind as he approached him, but the younger man didn’t appear to notice his approaching figure.

Sungmin then turned around and smacked right into his chest. Sungmin winced, “I’m sorry.”

“Are you alright?”

Sungmin opened his eyes and faced the red mask. Rather than fear, the actor shyly looked down. “I’m fine, I didn’t mean...”

A short silence enveloped the two, all words Sungmin tried to speak failed to escape.

And to his surprise, Donghae gently took his hand, tugging at his sleeve until it revealed red marks on his wrist, from where Donghae held him tightly earlier.

“Forgive me, I can’t control my episodes as well as I hope.” Donghae apologized.

Even if he had no control over them, being seen that way had hurt his pride.

He then withdrew his hand, “The ointment from before should help.”

Sungmin nodded, cradling his own wrist by his side as Donghae remained in front of him.

“Thank you,” he spoke, “for entertaining my daughter tonight. I’m sure you don’t come across a request like this often.”

“No, I understand, wanting your loved ones happy by any means. I have no right to deny that, my lord.”

There was a hint of a smile on his lips, at least there might have been, it was difficult to tell by the shadows that crossed his face. Donghae wished he could see.

A tension formed in his chest. Donghae didn’t want this to be the last time.

He wanted to see him again.

“May I ask for you again?”

This time, his voice was cautious, lower than before.

And Sungmin smiled fully this time around, this time, there was no mistaking that.

“Yes, my lord.”


Dana piled the plates and wiped down the table when she spotted her lord walking past the room, “has he left, my lord?”

Donghae paused, catching his maidservant’s attention as she looked up.

“He agreed to come by again.”

The maidservant beamed at the news, clutching her cloth, “I see, my lord.” And Donghae soon left her sight.

Dana’s good mood remained as she finished cleaning, she takes the piled dishes on a tray and stepped out, when she spotted a pair walking through the garden.

Sungmin hadn’t left quite yet, it appeared, following Jimin closely behind her.

Just what were they up to?


It was Jimin who discovered him first, watching curiously as Sungmin searched room by room.

She then tapped his shoulder as Sungmin turned around, “Are you a thief, by chance?” She asked amusedly.

Sungmin shyly apologized, “I’m merely looking for my clothes.”

“You can have the clothes you’re wearing now.”

Sungmin kept his gaze lowered, “I’d prefer my own.”

He waited as Jimin left.

The clothes he wore weren’t awful in any aspect, of the best quality and materials, they were even better than the ones he had seen most noblemen wear.

And as the clothes Jimin brings back are in the worst of wear, although cleaned, the colors had long faded and tattered ends met with torn seams.

Sungmin smiled at her puzzled face as she handed them over. “Which room may I change in?”

She led him to the nearest one and with the doors closed behind him, he began to change.

The clothes were too nice, in fact, he thought as he slipped them off. Others would know the moment they saw them. Including Uncle.

These clothes would bring too much attention, more than Lord Donghae was already attracting from him. It was better if Uncle knew less.

For Donghae’s sake as well.

His fears on the masked man were waning, with each confirmed truth, he found his guard lowering. His crestfallen gaze reaches the uneven ground. And like the characters in Jimin’s stories, he felt like another fool.

Their interactions were still only brief, the more he knew of him, the more his impression changed. There was still much he wanted to know about him, he could only hope he would now have the chance to.

The paneled door opened behind him. Sungmin looked back, barely catching the sight of the demonic mask before the door closes shut.

Sungmin blinked, finished changing and left the folded robes on the table before stepping out. He glimpsed at Lord Donghae standing ahead in front of the garden, his head lowered as he kept his back to him.

“I’m sorry, it’s not that I disliked the clothes. I am grateful–… They’re beautiful, but I…”

The masked man shows no sign he’s heard him.

The actor then leans forward and paused. Slowly, the actor smiled in realization.

“My lord, you are nearly as red as your mask.”


Kyuhyun was in a panic.

He was hounded by his teasing older brothers, who continually pushed and pulled him along through the walkways of his home.

Kyuhyun tried to get it through them. “I never asked for–”

“We thought it was about time. Don’t thank us.”

“I’m not! Believe me when I–”

“Kyuhyun, you have to stop being so afraid.”

“Exactly, and this will be good practice for your wedding night.”

Kyuhyun can’t get another word in when his brothers force him through the doors and lock it behind him. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

“Yesung, I swear to you I didn’t ask for this.” He grounded.

Kyuhyun turned around and faced the actor whose gaze remained steady on the ground. Kyuhyun waited but Yesung remained silent the entire time, even past his painted skin, it was obvious how he felt.

And Yesung’s voice was crisp and straightforward,

“I don’t believe you.”

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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 5: I was really enjoying sad to see such an intriguing story abandoned :(
Chapter 5: Oh no... Yesung might be back to his untrusting self, well he never fully let Kyu inside his trust circle, so may he'll just take back all the teust and comfort however small they might be away from Kyu T_T Oh no.... But hey authornim, where's the next chapter? You promised KyuSung huhu
Chapter 2: So far what struck me most other than Kyu's determination of course, is Seventh, that twig/branch and the writing of his name below Kyu's writing. My heart ~
loveSungmin #4
Chapter 5: omg ,I just found this and I want to read more.
kauedu #5
Chapter 5: I'm so happy you updated :)
I really enjoyed the interactions between Hae and Min and finding out more about their past. The joss paper scene was very moving to read and I learnt something new because I have never heard of this custom before.
Why oh why a KyuSung cliffhanger at the end? My poor heart can't handle the suspense with these two :(
TaiShanNiangNiang #6
Chapter 5: ***Confetti!***
SO happy that you updated this! :)
Very touching how Donghae asked Min to perform Hwang Jini for his deceased daughter. The scene with the joss papers was very bittersweet, especially with Donghae knowing more about Min's past.
Oh that last part! It's going to be even more difficult for Kyu to get past Yesung's defenses with what the brothers have set up.
Looking forward to the KyuSung <3 !
kauedu #7
Chapter 4: Dammit Yesung give Kyuhyun a chance, he wouldn't use and abuse you like other men.
rhenny #8
Hi! I just want to say that you're still a very amazing writer. Your stories never fail to enchant me.
I'm falling in love with this story and I really love the way you write KyuSung^^
I love the way Kyuhyun warms up Yesung and the way he shows his affection to the first brother :)
Thank you for writing this! It's really superb. Fighting^^
Melodyewonkyu #9
Chapter 4: It's really cute that Kyu asking for the privileged to be with Yesung. Since he insecure and much caring about Yesung's feeling then he try to do it formal.
In the other hand Yesung considering about the matter of fact that he can not accept any love cause he himself has many burden on his shoulder already, so poor him.
TaiShanNiangNiang #10
Chapter 3: I'm really enjoying this! The character development is great - especially this chapter with defiant/cheeky Kyu and aloof/protective Yesung. Interested in learning more about Min's past and more about the lord. Great work!