➳ Amusement park ♥♥

•°o.♥ Forbidden Love ♥ .o°•






Sandeul's POV


We took the tickets and wore wristbands , decided to go in all games ( of course, where the handcuffs allow to us ) . My mood had returned and I was happy,but as I was thinking about it, I could not get mad at Baro when he looks at me with those puppy eyes waiting for me to forgive him ! ... I just can not.

After we walked a little we were excited by the spectacle around us and we saw a coaster like green caterpillar called "Big Apple", we looked each other with a smile and we went inside and it is relatively quiet for a start plus it was so convenient ! As it turned out it was a very good choice as a first and we had a lot of fun. As the train was turning at turns, Baro lifted his hands up and smiled so wide and so raised mine too because of the handcuffs and I wanted to feel child again! ~ ~


We finished the ride on the train and got off laughing! Then we were going to go conflicting cars...


" You should thank that we wear handcuffs or I would win in the conflicting cars" I said playfully and he twirled his eyes ironically.

"Nobody can be overcome duck" he said laughing!!

We chose a red buggy and walked inside. Except that it was small size, does not fit on us! Baro sat at the wheel and I necessarily sat next ho him (oh yes because of the handcuffs ...). He drove well for this hahaha.

"Come on Baro you are so slow" I said to him.

"You do not want to see me to go any faster! You'll leave your place and so do i so not provoke me" he mocked.

"Haha we laughed" I said in the same tone.

We stayed for two rounds and Baro was the best driver of the track keeping up appearances as he had told me to avoid any "accidents" though there were times and conflicted with the others, causing laugh and we could not concentrate hahaha ! We got out of the little car and walked a little so we could stretch our bodys because it was so tight in there. The weather was getting heavier despite the heat.

"Did you see? I kept my promise to ride well, don't you think?!" and he throw me a look with a cute smile.

"I don't get tricked so easy Baro!" i told him and i laughed.

"Deulie, also I want to go into the carousel horses and then I want to get into the" House of fear "and then on" Shock Tower " turned to look at me " You're not scared of heights right?! And then we can get snacks like hotdog or something else," he continued with the same enthusiastic tone and put the finger of my right hand to his lips to make him shut up!He remained motionless...

Why are you so cute when you do that??... I thought.


Certainly heights is another problem, but let's leave that for later ..."Baro calm down" I said laughing "We can’t go in all games.We don’t have enough time" and showed him the handcuffs!Baro frowned and muttered "You're right ". As proved we didn’t go to the carousel because it really was impossible as we wore the handcuffs. Baro’s mood fell suddenly and I hurried to cheer him up.

"Look Baro!" showed him cheerful a big box full of teddy bears and over the anchor that was fishing!

"I want the yellow duck!Will you win for me? I'm not good at this" I said pleadingly! I really like the duck, the only problem is that many times I tried to fish dolls but always failed! He looked at me like you're-never-grow-up and with a faint smile he added "You have your way to make me happier. Also your nickname is not unfairly duck, hahaha!" and we went near the machine to put a coin.

I knew that this would feel better and when I am so cute with him,usually he do anything I want. Suddenly it came to my mind the scene that we were in the bus and I closed my eyes trying to clear various thoughts when I felt a lethargy feeling something between sleep-awake!

It did not pass a minute and I felt Baro’s hand my forehead and his warm breath on my neck.

I thought I was dreaming and quickly opened my eyes and my heart so intense in his touch! I got him looking at me so intensely and then he dropped his gaze out of the window. Questions came in my mind! Why did he do that? He just see me as a friend.But if he feels something more too?? I had not ever asked him for preferences in relationships. I knew he liked girls but up there! We did not ever talk such discussions and i now regret that we didn’t opened a discussion like this before in the past but who had known how things could develop!

Pffff....i sighed deeply!!!!


"I know right?Makes you emit smoke from the ears! It is the third time I try to catch the duck and I can not " I heard the Baro’s voice from afar!

"Come on Baro go on and I will buy you ice cream" encouraging him and winked at him!

The fourth time was the lucky one and I couldn’t believe that he won. I can not believe that won for me. I will keep it as a treasure! He bent down to pick it up and gave it to me on my right hand and I was so happy.

"Baro thank you very much! You can not imagine how much I wanted this." I said and looked at him full with joy!

After a while he looked at me and he said "Believe me I understand your madness for them" showing the toy.

"You're the best squirrel of the world " I let it get away since I know the nickname of Baro is squirrel hahaha!

"Ya" yelled "better not call me that in public ... DUCK! You ruin the image" and laughed. I couldn’t hold myself and we laughed together. It's been a while before we recovered from laughing.


The time was 16:30 pm in the afternoon and I did not realize how the time goes so rapidly! Of course we still had a lot of time at our disposal!

"Deul can we go now?" he asked.

"Mmm I do not know! Let's do a round from the back" I told him and after he agreed and we started!

The handcuffs on our hands, did the passers to look at us a little weird and maybe they might think that was some kind of game, so they left us in our privacy ... thankfully! The road brought us to games with most "strong" stomach and naturally more adventurous I didn’t like that, but when Baro realized when where we, he felt like a little kid!

"Oh Deul look" showing at me a middle building just to the right of us, designed as ... "The House of Fear and it is said that has 10 rooms with different terrorist topics!Can we go in?"he looked at me with the sweet look that I love so much and I could not turn him down! Moreover since I entered the dance, I will dance ......!

Although I can say that I'm not a fan of the frightening but I mean , what worse can have inside?

" Why do we sit still here ? " I mocked him , hoping he do not understand my displeasure . We were in the second row and because we had the duck, we left it at the cashier where the others left their stuff too so it could be more convenient inside! Also people were coming two by two in the house ..

As we waited in anticipation , from inside were sounded screams! I looked at Baro and he was so happy and I could not help but reciprocate the joy , knowing that was utterly fake .

It's our turn !!!!

We walked through the black curtains and suddenly darkness engulfed us . The temperature was considerably low and I made faint ! Large torches were lit around illuminating the path ahead. Nothing looked or sounded .... After a minute , everything happened so quickly ! Cold wind blew dust and stood and laught filled the air and black forms peering out of nowhere on the side walls . Before us he was a guy and he wore cloak and his face was pale saying gibberish ! We overtook him leaving him speaking alone and proceeded to the next room!

Something white appeared in the distance and as we got closer we saw it was a bride dressed in a dirty dress and ready to cut her wrists with a huge knife! Okay little cheesy spectacle, I thought as I proceeded to the hallway and were surprised because in the turn hung from the ceiling dolls in plastic bags full of blood! Baro did nothing but getting more excited with every scene we passed!

I began to shudder ... and I do not like this feeling!


We went into the next room and I saw this really was quite repulsive! ... There was a surgical table and there was thrown over the bloodied and dismembered bodies of a woman and all her body was torn! She screamed for help and told us to go to escape!

Μy mind went crazy and I felt like I was gonna puke ... I went back from Baro, I was caught with my right hand from his shirt , I closed my eyes and said "Baro we're going to get out of here immediately ! "

"Deulie, I did not know that so you were so frightened! Are you okay?? The only way out is in front of us so we have to go through it all. Can you do that? "and tried to look at me but I do not let his shirt so he told me "Do not be afraid! I won’t let anything bad happen to you" he said with a reassuring tone and turned his left hand to push me closer to him!


"I know" I murmured as it came to my nose the characteristic perfume of the after shave that I had given to him as a gift last year's birthday ......!



Baro's POV


We went to the dark hallway to go into the next room and Sandeul was holding me tightly from my shirt and he was leaning his head on my back. I could feel his warm breath on my neck back. I did not know that would affect him so much! In some strange reason I felt that I grow taller by some points as Sandeul was hiding behind me like a little kid! I couldn’t think right but I liked the feeling that i was protecting him and he only had me to rely on!

We went to the next room and is full of clowns and it had special effects and scary, I wanted to shout with excitement, but I hold myself because Sandeul did not make a sound, and so we moved forward where it was entirely dark and screams were heard by the people who made the ghosts shouting twice "Follow the rope." I saw Sandeul so frightened as we were listening to the voices and he grabbed me more tightly!

"B-Baro which rope they say?" he asked with a weak voice! Apparently he had closed his eyes, so it he did not see.

"I found it! Don’t worry." It was next to the wall and I followed it! "We will get out soon!Hold on a little more" I said as I turned my head slightly to see him out of the corner of my eye! Indeed he had closed his eyes tightly!



After a while we found a red nameplate a red "EXIT" flashes and finally we got out in the fresh air! It had almost dark for good and there were black clouds in the sky!

"Deulie, we got out! How do you feel? Are you feeling better?" I turned to look at him because he had left my shirt and i noticed that he was cadaverous and sweat was shining on his forehead! Quickly i dragged him to find a bench and sat down.

"Sandeul talk to me are you ok? "I asked him with worry.

" Yes, I was just feeling sick! That's all" he said and regained his voice!

"That's all? You almost pass out in my hands! Do you know how i worried? "and i drew from my pocket a handkerchief to wipe his sweat!

"What a stupid I am! We even didn’t eat lunch and I dragged you through there! Deul Oh sorry!" I said as I tried to fix his hair!

"It’s not your fault Baro!I wanted to go inside too, of course not quite as enthusiastic as you, but I wanted too" he said, and a faint smile formed on his lips ...

After I checked that he was fully conscious, we got up slowly and went to the cashier to get back the duck! Then we headed to eat fast food!



"What do you want to eat?" I said and I I returned the duck to him!

" Probably a hamburger would be a good idea" he said as he looked at the list of the nearest fast food and a rumbling was heard from his stomach!

"Oh the duck is hungry" I said as i pinched his cheek with my left hand. At that moment he threw an intense look into my eyes and i retaliated not knowing the reason we made eye contact ... Quickly I took my eyes off him and looked forward to the list, ignoring the tightness in my stomach! I cleared my throat before speaking "I guess I will eat hamburger too!" I said smiling as the waiter came to take our order.

We found a table the edge and then we left the disks on the table, sat side by side and we realized that we can not eat normally!

"Damn handcuffs! I haven’t thought that straight!" I said annoyed and Sandeul threw me a look like ‘’you wanted this so it up!’’We started to eat when my cell phone rang! I lifted and was Jinyoung !



"Baro, I called to check where you are! Gongchan and I have returned home and soon will come CNU!" told me.

"I'm out with the Sandeul and we eat something quickly! In one hour I think we'll come home, okay?"

"Ok good appetite and be careful! "

"Yes Hyung!" I said and hung up ..


"Deul, was Jinyoung hyung and just called to see where we are! "And I turned to look at him. He had already eaten half of his food and lifted his head, swallowed to be able to speak and I noticed that he had found the color and his cheeks were getting a pink blush! I smiled and said "Hey Deulie eat slowly !".

All he could say with his flooded mouth was ‘’Mind your own business’’.

"After from this I am thinking before we leave to get an ice cream, what do you say;?" and shook his head affirmatively!



I turned my head to his side and I was looking at him while he was eating ..... Even if you eat, you are still very cute, I thought! I should have got used to it until now, but why do I think you are more and more beautiful every day???!!!...





tumblr_n6jc19QmTO1rn3neco1_250.giftumblr_n6jc19QmTO1rn3neco4_250.giftumblr_n6jc19QmTO1rn3neco2_250.giftumblr_n6jc19QmTO1rn3neco3_250.gifAlways together...


imageHello again!!! I want to thank the new subscribers and the old ones of course ! Really it means so much to me ! Gives me courage to continue ! How was the rest of the story ? The atmosphere became very romance between those two don't you think? ! And the scary house brought them closer ! tumblr_inline_mtuko9klAh1qaw0bs.giftumblr_inline_mtukfqP8cm1qaw0bs.gifimage

As for the handcuffs I thought to put them in the story to come closer ! tumblr_inline_mp6s6wSeRA1qz4rgp.gifHowever will it happen? ! You will see in the next chapter!! Have a little patience ! Sure Baro knows nothing yet about the feelings of Sandeul! Things are moving pretty slowly! Anyway I love the Badeul couple!! I believe that there is something innocent between them hahaha ! tumblr_inline_mp6s805Y791qz4rgp.gifI really do ! You are free to make comments and if you have new ideas for the story , happy to hear them.


Ηave you seen the new spot of b1a4 for the world cup with the chicken in "Okkudak" CF?? In the first seconds is Bandeul everywhere! Ahh those two are drives me crazy!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUpT0rRILLw


tumblr_n6jqddvByr1rn3neco1_500.gifA little JinChan ^_^



What can i say right now?!Even in the spot they live in their on world and

always Jinyoung interruptes them!


hitting two birds in one stone


And then


~~Screaming out loud~~



Of course the prank!! Shock




***Note:The gifs do not belong to me***



See  you guys next time !!!Take care 


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Chapter 4: Nice chapter. I wonder who that child is. And if sandeul will build up the courage and confess to baro. Keep up the good work. Hwaiting. ^-^
Lisett #2
Chapter 4: Now I'm just wondering who that person was...
Good Job!
Chapter 4: You are right!!! I swear that the kid is a old love from Sandeul past. I want to know what will be Baro's reaction?
Chapter 3: Yes, it's true that the horror house made them closer.
Now I'm worried about weather, maybe I'll rain and they have to run for a safe place, but I don't know.
Chapter 2: Ohhh!!!!
This is so cute. I love the way that Baro see over Sandeul, he doesn't know he is in love with Sandeul but I bet he will.
I imagine Baro like this, so gentle and kind.
Chapter 1: This was a great start!!! I loved the part in the bathroom, I can imagine Sandeul just wearing that towel!!! X3
Lisett #7
Chapter 3: Can't wait for the next chapter!
Chapter 2: I love the chapter unni. I was glad to see that you updated. Keep going, I can't wait to read the next chapter. (^_^)
Chapter 2: I'm really enjoying your story,
Keep up the good work!!!
Lisett #10
Chapter 2: Yay! I can finally start reading!
So excited about the ''date''.
And the handcuffs... that was great!
Keep up the good work!