
Fiction Or Fact

Eun Sung’s POV


Ah, the wish. Oh no, what wish should I get from him? Moreover, we just met today, I can’t possible ask him to do something outrageous and...


“I’ll give you 5 seconds!” He interrupted my thoughts.


“Hey! That’s not…”








“Just stop…”


“3… 2…”


“Ermmm… Show me your famous aegyo!” I blurted out without much thinking and smacked my forehead.


He stopped counting and started blushing. Wait, did he just blush?


“Really? I’m kind of surprised.” He muttered under his breath.


I crossed my arms and glared at him, “Well, go on. I’m waiting!”


He looked down at his fingers and looked up again to the ceiling. Perhaps he was wondering how to go about doing it but I thought he was a master at aegyo. He shouldn’t have any problems, should he?


He covered his face and peered through his fingers to look at me, “Well, here goes nothing…”


He let go of his hands and did a pouting face and made a bird sound, ending off with a kissing expression.


I stared at him, with my mouth forming into a smile. I tried controlling my laughter but he was standing up, attempting to run away from me and into the male washroom.




Omo, he was so shy about it.


That situation turned the whole atmosphere awkward again and Yo Seob was fanning himself to cool himself down. I wanted to ask him why was he so embarrassed but ditched the idea to prevent him from being embarrassed again.


The day ended off with us saying our goodbyes and our whole filming would start again next week.


“Yo Seob-sshi, it’s nice to hang out with you. See you next time!”


“Me too. Eun Sung-ah, take care!”


I got into my car and heaved a sigh of relief. I received 2 text messages:


From Eun Jo


Unni, how was the first day of filming? Who is your husband? Reply asap because the members and I are dying to found out! Love you.


From Jun Su


Eun Sung-ah, buy chicken for us when you finish filming. :P


My smile disappeared after seeing Jun Su’s message. That idiot, still thinking about chicken while I was busy filming.


Yo Seob’s POV


“How was the filming?” Manager hyung asked me.


I gave him a neutral answer and shrugged, “It was alright.”


No, it was more than alright. It was more fun than I had expected. We might have many awkward moments but I guessed it was inevitable. Eun Sung had a charisma that I had never encounter in any girls before. I smiled to myself unknowingly and took out my phone to check for messages.


Ah! I smacked my cheeks. I forgot to ask for her number! What an idiot I was. Should I get it from Gi Kwang? No, no I should depend on myself. Yes, the next filming.


I surprised myself. Was I already looking forward to the next meeting?


Upon reaching the dorm


All the members turned to the door once they noticed I had reached home. They all scrambled towards my direction and I knew what they were expecting from me.


“My wife is Eun Sung from Juz-B.” I gave an expressionless face to them like it was no big deal.


Dong Woon stood up more enthusiastically than I had expected, “REALLY? Aw, my chingu (friend who is of the same age)! I should add her to my 91-liner.”


Gi Kwang’s eyes widened bigger than usual, “Oh my goodness, we just met her a few days ago in ‘Happy Together’, what a coincidence.”


 "I know right. The world is so small," I answered Gi Kwang.


 Gi Kwang suddenly muttered, "Well, then that's too bad. I thought she was cute..."


 My eyebrow twitched when he spoke. Did Gi Kwang just say Eun Sung's cute? Why did I feel a slight discomfort about him saying that?


“Is she a good kisser?” Hyun Seung spouted.


“YAH!” Everyone threw pillows at the silly 4D personality boy who still had his eyeliner on late in the night.


“How was the first filming? Was it alright for you?” The ever so caring leader, Doo Joon, asked.


I sat down on the chair and the computer, waiting for the page to load. “Hmm, she’s nice and everything. She was quite shy at first but I think she’s outgoing in nature though. I don’t know. It’s only the first meeting.”


I realised I had talked more than I should.


I looked at the headlines of the website: Yang Yo Seob + Lee Eun Sung = New Couple for We Got Married! I clicked on the link for more information and checked out the responses from the netizens.


Yo Seob (BEAST) and Eun Sung (Juz-B) were spotted at an ice skating rink in Seoul and were announced to be the new couple for the popular reality show: We Got Married.


They had a small competition of ice skating between each other and looked happy spending time with each other.


For more details, you’ll have to catch this next Saturday, 8.00pm on MBC.”


I scrolled down the page and looked at the comments posted by netizens.


 “Wae??? Yo Seob with Eun Sung the new girl from Juz-B? This is unfair! Yo Seob deserved better!”

“Who is this girl coming from? Trying to steal Yo Seob from us?”

“Yo Seob, why did you accept this?”

“The new girl looks like a . Yo Seob needs a more innocent partner!”

“I prefer Jaekyung over this newbie!”


I was in disbelief. Almost all of the criticism was towards Eun Sung but she was innocent! Netizens, you should really watch your words. I clenched my fist in anger. Hadn't they learnt their lesson since the past incident about 'We Got Married'? Did I have to resort to the same thing again towards them? Argh!


I opened up my twitter page and I got many comments about We Got Married pairing and typed in:


“Why are fans inflicting such pain towards a girl who has done nothing wrong? You should be ashamed. Apologise to her immediately.”


I read through my tweet repeatedly. I might get some haters after this tweet but the well being of Eun Sung was more important. She had just finished her filming, probably feeling tired right now but she still had to deal with antis. Whether they were just normal netizens or B2UTY, they needed to get a hold of themselves and reflect on their actions even if they were unintended.


I breathed in deeply and pressed “send”.



Author's Note: I am really running out of ideas right now! T_T

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Chapter 43: re-reading this story never fails to make me amazed. ;___;
I fell in love with Yoseob even more after reading this story.
and even more and more~~~

you are definitely one of my best favorite authors! ^^
foreverbeastfans123 #2
the ending was great... a happy one..YAY!~
pls do more fanfics which involves beast...gumawo :)
i thought its gonna be sad ending..but glad it turn to happy ending..yeay:)
Your fanfic is AWESOME :D love it to pieces xD