Fighting For Her

Fiction Or Fact

P/S: They just released a song from Poseidon OST called "No" and guess who sings the song???

It's Yo Seob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):)

I'm really loving the song to the maximum. You have to listen to it.




Eun Sung’s POV


Gi Kwang was standing right in front of me. He kept smiling to himself and hid his hands behind his back. I rolled my eyes and couldn’t help myself but laughed at him. “Why are you acting like this?” I asked him.


“Well, happy birthday, Eun Sung!” Gi Kwang shouted.


“That was days ago, Gi Kwang Oppa,” I reminded him.


He shrugged and said, “It’s never too late for a birthday present right?”


“You’re right,” I held my hands out widely, “Hand it over, please.”


“Wow, that’s very polite of you.” He commented sarcastically, “Close your eyes.”


I rolled my eyes, “There’s no need for that, come on.”


He giggled and handed me over his present for me. I took a look at my hand. It was a beautiful bracelet that had the words “E.S” dangling out. It was made with diamonds and little beads. I kept admiring the little sparkles it had. I looked at him thankfully. “Don’t worry; it’s not expensive at all.” Gi Kwang said.


“It’s pretty! It’s really pretty! Thank you, Gi Kwang Oppa.”


He smiled to me in relief and breathed in, “Wow thank god, I thought you wouldn’t like sparkling things since you’re not very feminine.”


“Wow, thanks a lot.”


“No offence though!”


“Anyway, thank you.”


“You can thank me by wearing it often.”


“I will!” I agreed.


He helped me put on the bracelet. It fit me so perfectly and the sparkles reflected in the light. He never wiped off his beautiful smile. He then adjust my fringe as usual, it made my heart skipped a beat every time he did that. I wondered why. “Eun Sung-ah, why are you so adorable?” He muttered suddenly.


“Eh?!” I refocused my attention to him.


“Nothing. I just find you very adorable,” Gi Kwang repeated.


“Er, thanks?” I thanked him awkwardly.


He laughed nervously and led me the way to the filming set. He stopped me again and asked, “Can we have dinner tonight?”


“With the rest of them after filming? Well, okay!” I agreed immediately.


“Er, no. Only with you actually,” He readjusted his collar nervously.


“Well, I suppose that’s okay with me if we don’t get caught together.”


After Filming and Dinner


We went to the same place for dinner like we did the first time. It was quiet and both of us really liked that place. As usual, we sat near the entrance to wait for our managers to come and pick us up. I rested my head on the headrest of the chair and Gi Kwang seemed very fidgety today. I nudged his elbow and asked, “Is anything bothering you?”


He shook his head and kept quiet.


“Remember the first time we sat here together? I told you about my background and you listened so attentively. You even gave me your penny. See? I still keep it,” I took it out of my pocket and showed it to him, “I want to repay you. Please tell me if there’s anything bothering you.”


Gi Kwang smiled when I showed him the penny. That definitely lightened up the mood. He started speaking, “Then will you listen to me to what I have to say?”


I yawned a little and I admitted I was a little sleepy. I was extremely tired nowadays. I answered him, “Yes I will.”


“Eun Sung-ah. Remember we met each other at the ‘Happy Together’ set? I don’t normally ask girls’ number but I had to ask yours. Don’t laugh at me if I say this but It was as if it was mandatory for me to do so, I don’t know why either. Eun Sung-ah, I…”


I couldn’t resist but I gradually closed my eyes and my ears couldn’t trace his voice anymore.


Yo Seob’s POV


I was driving along the road, finding the address that Manager hyung had given to me. He asked me to pick up Gi Kwang instead because he wasn’t feeling well. However, the location of the restaurant was very unfamiliar.


I looked out closer and saw the signboard of the restaurant. Finally, I thought to myself.


Then, I was about to horn but I saw two familiar figures near the entrance of the restaurant. I halted the car a distance away from the restaurant and waited. The two people were Gi Kwang and Eun Sung. Eun Sung? Eun Sung, what was she doing with Gi Kwang? Gi Kwang was having dinner with her alone?


Eun Sung was soundly asleep while Gi Kwang was talking to… himself? He turned around and saw Eun Sung sleeping. He smirked and sighed to himself. He slowly moved towards Eun Sung and readjusted her fringe gently, without waking her up. I clenched my fist on the steering wheel tightly. What the hell was he thinking? She’s my wife, you Lee Gi Kwang!


Slowly, Gi Kwang moved his hand towards her face and down to her lips. I was taken aback by his bold moves and thought to myself loudly in my nearly exploding head, “Lee Gi Kwang, do you like Eun Sung?”


I called Gi Kwang before he could do anything to Eun Sung. His phone rang loudly and he was surprised at his loud ringtone, I supposed. He jerked up, causing Eun Sung to be awake from her sleep. She seemed really tired and oblivious to what Gi Kwang had done. Gi Kwang nervously picked up the phone, “Yeboseyo?”


“I’m at the restaurant.” I said without feelings.


“Really?” He flustered and looked around, “Where are you?”


“Look to your far right.”


Gi Kwang turned as I ordered him to and he saw me. He gulped and said, “Yes, wait there. I’ll walk there.”


He put down his phone and I did the same. My expression was serious, he could tell. He said goodbye to Eun Sung and Eun Sung smiled back to him weakly.


He got into the car and I drove away quickly so Eun Sung wouldn’t see me. We were both silent. We reached our dorm in no time. Gi Kwang and I didn’t leave the car. Gi Kwang looked out and sighed, “Why so serious, Yo Seob?”


“I saw what you have done just now. Every. Single. Freaking. Move.” I threw out the words harsher than I expected.


“So?” He said nonchalantly.


I was definitely exploding, “SO?! What did you mean so?! She’s my wife, Gi Kwang-ah! She’s my wife!”


Gi Kwang banged onto the window but was careful enough not to break it, “She’s your wife, on the show. Not your real wife, Yo Seob. I hope you are clear about that.”


“Does this mean you like her, Gi Kwang?” I pushed out the question I detested to ask because I didn’t want to face the answer.


Gi Kwang pondered for a second and answered, “Yes, I like her.”


I dropped my hands from the steering wheel and banged the window.


“So you like her too.” Gi Kwang said confidently but his tone wasn’t happy at all.


I stayed silent, not knowing how to react to the statement.


“I asked you the other time and you said you had no feelings for her. Yo Seob-ah, I asked for your opinion but you deny it!” Gi Kwang defended himself but it was all true, I did deny the fact that I liked her.


“I will fight for her, Gi Kwang.” I said simply.


He laughed a little, “Just to let you know, I will too.”


I looked at him seriously, “No dirty tricks, Gi Kwang. I want her to accept one of us willingly.”


Gi Kwang agreed, “Of course, Yo Seob. I want her to be happy.”


We both got out of the car. I said to him, “And please, don’t let this affect our relationship.”


Gi Kwang smirked, “May the best man win.”

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Chapter 43: re-reading this story never fails to make me amazed. ;___;
I fell in love with Yoseob even more after reading this story.
and even more and more~~~

you are definitely one of my best favorite authors! ^^
foreverbeastfans123 #2
the ending was great... a happy one..YAY!~
pls do more fanfics which involves beast...gumawo :)
i thought its gonna be sad ending..but glad it turn to happy ending..yeay:)
Your fanfic is AWESOME :D love it to pieces xD