Happy Birthday

Fiction Or Fact

Author's Note: This chapter just reminds me of Yo Seob's song - Happy Birthday that he sang for a drama (but it isn't his best song yet!). :) Oh well, it's your choice whether to play it but I just want to share it with you guys!

By the way, my work starts tomorrow. T_T You guys are spoilt because this chapter is long (well, it is for me!). :P Enjoy my darling readers.



Eun Sung’s POV


“Happy birthday!”All five voices echoed through the house as I walked through the doorstep.


I looked around my surroundings just to find balloons hung up on my dorm’s walls, pretty little decorations all around the house with the stereo blasting my favourite song from Justin Timberlake – yback. I naturally danced along to the music with the members and scanned the room in detail to find a huge blue birthday cake on the kitchen table, with words written:


“Happy Birthday to Leader Eun Sung! We all love you!”


Ah, it’s my birthday in a few hours, 5th December. I was so busy with work until I forgot my own birthday. I was deeply touched by their actions to celebrate my birthday. I smiled widely and hugged every single one of them and specially kissed my younger sister, Eun Jo, “Aw, thank you so much!”


“Don’t mention it; you’ve been a great leader to all of us. We should thank you instead.” In Young said.


In Young was a girl with a few words. Nevertheless, after getting to know her well enough, she opened up to all of us and was sincere with every single word she said, making it more precious.


“Eun Sung ah! Do you like the cake we made for you? I know our skills cannot match up to you but it’s the sincerity that counts right?” Jun Su boasted enthusiastically.


I took a second look at the cake. The icing was messed up a little and the words were shaky. He was right though, it’s the sincerity that counted. I smacked his head. It was becoming like a habit to me to smack Jun Su’s head whenever he annoyed me. “Of course, I love it! I’m going to enjoy eating the cake, every single bite of it!” I exclaimed.


They sang the birthday song to me and I made a wish – For my dearest group to achieve good results in showbiz and maintain our friendship like this forever. I blew the candle and cut the cake into six pieces and gave it to all of my members. They ate them immediately. They must have not eaten since they came back to the dorm. They really worked hard on the cake.


“Hold on, you think that’s all for your birthday?” Eun Jo suddenly said.


I looked at her with curiosity and she smirked.


“Ta da!” She took out a big cardboard, filled with photos and colours.


The cardboard said “HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO EUN SUNG” and a collage of our group’s photos from pre-debut to today, with funny little speech bubbles at the side. In addition, they added their own messages below for me. I was so surprised at their effort in making the card. Everything was extremely detailed. She handed me the card and everyone smiled.


“Guys… I don’t know… what to say…” I began to sob as I tried to bring out the words in my throat.


Jang Woo placed his arm over my shoulder, “Come on, it’s your birthday in a few minutes, don’t cry! You should be happy smiling, not crying like this!”


I wiped off my tears and said simply, “Thank you.”


We stayed in the dorm and played card games. They were all behaving like kids when it came to these kinds of games. I was always the serious type, it was great that they were there to brighten up the mood and make me laugh.


“3… 2… 1! Happy birthday, Eun Sung!” All of them yelled.


“Shh, don’t disturb the neighbours!” I told them.


They laughed silently and placed their fingers on their lips, “Yes, leader.”


I looked them and they were starting to yawn. “Alright, thanks for the gifts and celebration. It’s time for the guys to go back to their dorm and all of us need to sleep! It’s been a long day.”


“Yes, leader!” They said it again and the guys bid goodbye and went next door while the girls went back to their beds.


I placed the birthday card next to my table before hopping onto my bed. I smiled to myself when suddenly, my phone vibrated non-stop. I received many messages from different celebrity friends wishing me happy birthday. It was comforting to know that in showbiz, I could find friends that who cared. Until I saw this certain name: Yo Seob.


I clicked on it and saw his message:


“Eun Sung ah, are you asleep yet?”


I was confused because he didn't even wish me happy birthday but I replied him immediately:


“No, I’m still awake. Why?”


I waited for his reply which came on almost instantly:


“Go to your balcony and look below.”


I was again, confused. Anyway, I did as I was instructed.


I went to my balcony and looked down. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I spotted a man wearing a large hoodie and he looked up at me. It was Yo Seob. He was surrounded by candles. The candles were made in a position to show a smiley face. He held a big card and directed me to look at it. I read what was written on the card:


“Eun Sung! Today is the day you are born in this world.

For that, I am grateful. Because of today, I am able to meet a person like you.”


I was shocked at his message. Everyone simply wished me happy birthday but he actually came to my dorm and did all these! He didn’t even say happy birthday. He said it in a different way, a way that made my heart melted.


I dialled for his number and saw him picking up his phone. He spoke first, “How is it?”




“Eh? Why?”


“You came here just to do this? You can just wish me happy birthday via text!”


“It would be so boring if I did that wouldn’t it?”


I saw his body shaking and noticed his voice also trembled from the as he spoke through the phone so I said, “Come upstairs! It’s cold down there.”


“Aren’t your… members upstairs?”


I rolled my eyes and hissed through the phone, “Outside my dorm, you idiot!”


“Yes, madam!”


He came up in no time. His face was flushed red and he was still holding the card and another bag of… something that he tried to hide away from me. I went out of my dorm and leaned on the wall, staring at him intently. He just pouted and handed me the card, asking carefully, “Do you like it?”


I lowered my head and wriggled my toes nervously, I jokingly said, “Why? Why do you bother? We’re not filming ‘We Got Married’ now, you know. You could have done this brilliant idea during filming and everyone will comment that you’re a romantic.”


He came closer to me and asked me seriously, “Do you really treat me as someone you work with as a fake couple in a reality show?”


I looked up at him. He was so close to me. Our faces were just inches away. The way he said it just made my heart pounding non-stop. Why was he doing that to me?


“Yo… Yo Seob-sshi…” I stuttered my words, finding it hard to speak to him directly.


 “Ah, what’s that in your hands?” I pointed at the bag he was holding a moment ago, hopefully to break the awkward and quiet moment we had.


Yo Seob was taken aback at my sudden loud reaction and hesitantly said, “Oh, this? Hmm, since we can’t stand here for long, let’s go down to your apartment’s lobby then…”


He held my hand immediately and I stopped in my tracks and let go of his hand reluctantly, refusing him to take me downstairs. I said, “Hold on! Why do we have to go downstairs?”


He looked at our hands that had separated and smiled, “Well, you’ll know if you follow me downstairs.”


After saying that, he took my hand once again, this time even tighter, and dragged me to the lift and downstairs. The lobby was quiet with only one staff around. The staff member was too sleepy in his seat to notice our presence, needless to know that we were celebrities. Yo Seob led me to the couch and we sat down comfortably.


He grinned and took out the box from the bag. He opened the cover slowly and held the box gently. It was a small round dark chocolate cake with one candle on it. I covered my mouth in surprise and asked him, “You remember?”


“Of course I do. You love chocolate.”


Although I only said that briefly during filming, he actually remembered it till today. I forgot that I told him that myself. His small gestures really made me touched. He took out a lighter and lit up the tall candle on the cake.


“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to y-“ I stopped Yo Seob from singing by cupping his mouth.


He was bewildered at my action.


“Shh! Don’t be so loud, we will get reprimanded.” I whispered cautiously.


I could feel his smile forming under my hand. He nodded profusely.


“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to…” Yo Seob stopped his singing.


He sat nearer to be and looked me in the eyes again, he continued with his velvet voice I heard just minutes ago, “Happy birthday to yeobo…”


I froze in my seat with my tensed expression.


“Happy birthday to you.” He finished it off with his beautiful voice everyone loved him for.


I blew the candle and looked at him again, “Yo Seob Oppa, thank you so much. I’m really touched.”


He tucked my hair behind my ear, “Don’t mention it. I’m happy when you’re happy.”


My heart fluttered when he tucked my hair. He then stood up and got all his things. “Eun Sung-ah, I need to go now. Once again, happy birthday.”


I stood up as well and bowed to him, “Thank you. I’m really happy.”


He smiled back at me and left through the exit.


Yo Seob, why are you confusing my heart like this? Are you being reel or real?

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Chapter 43: re-reading this story never fails to make me amazed. ;___;
I fell in love with Yoseob even more after reading this story.
and even more and more~~~

you are definitely one of my best favorite authors! ^^
foreverbeastfans123 #2
the ending was great... a happy one..YAY!~
pls do more fanfics which involves beast...gumawo :)
i thought its gonna be sad ending..but glad it turn to happy ending..yeay:)
Your fanfic is AWESOME :D love it to pieces xD