
His Voice

The next morning, Hyemin was at the same coffee shop, hoping to see the man she met yesterday. Although she didn't get a detailed view of his face, she could never forget the voice. It sounded exactly the same as the one inside her head. She also observed that he was quite tall when he stood up abruptly and walked away from their conversation. 

She sat down in a seat next to a window as she waited for her coffee. Looking around, she couldn't see anyone vaguely similar to the man she met yesterday. 

"Hyemin! Your coffee is ready," a barista called with a steaming mug of hot chocolate in her hand. Hyemin stood to grab her hot chocolate. On the way back to her seat, she heard his voice. She turned her head left and right, trying to spot the owner of the voice. Her ears strained, trying hard to pick up the familiar soft,nasally tone. Then finally, she found him. With another girl. 


"Junhong, why are we here? I thought you told me the caramel macchiatos here were horrible," Junhong's girlfriend, Hanna whined. "T-the other drinks here are pretty good," he responded with a nervous smile. "Whatever," Hanna scoffed and went back to the game on her phone. 

Secretly, he was hoping to find the girl he met yesterday again. He needed to make sure he wasn't hearing things and that the other girl's voice wasn't the same as the one in his head. The voice that told him to come here. 

Junhong's eyes scanned the busy coffee shop, looking for the girl. "Jihyun, meet me at the park across from the coffee shop we met at yesterday. It's urgent." Hanna said. But it wasn't Hanna. She hadn't spoken unless to complain ever since that morning. It was the girl. Junhong stood abruptly. 

"What are you doing? People are staring," Hanna hissed. "I'll be back," Junhong responds before taking off after the girl who just left the coffee shop. 

"Seriously, Ji. It's about what happened yesterday. No, not that--" Hyemin stopped talking and glanced behind her. The guy from before was standing there, hands shoved into his pockets. "Can I help you?" she asks coolly. 

"You have the same voice as the one inside my head," he blurted stupidly. "And the same as my girlfriend. Why?" 

Hyemin shrugged and pressed her phone against her ear. "Yeah, Ji. Sorry, I have to go. Just meet me there, okay?" She hung up and turned to face the tall boy. "Voices sound the same sometimes, you know? Your voice sounds the same as the one that speaks to me all the time, but you found the one you're destined to be with already, so why does it matter?" Her face was shaped into a deep frown. 

"Because your voice sounds more like the one in my head than her's does."

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Chapter 4: So interestinngggg! Please update soon!