Big Hit Cafe


bit hit cafe.

by: stefanetta

✖︎ description.
A series of one shots taken place at the Big Hit Cafe
located at Sihyuk University following the lives of myself,
my friends, and the infamous Bangtan Boys. Each chapter,
a new day and a new event.

✖︎ foreword.
OC's are based off of myself and my friends, but feel free to imagine them  as yourself or someone else. I truly only plan to write this for fun with no intention of getting a bunch of subscribers, but if you come across this and like it, then YAY. This fanfiction takes place in Seoul, but don't expect me to throw around Korean words in my writing besides noona, unnie, hyung, oppa, and sunbae. I'm too lazy to add footnotes trying to explain them. The Bangtan characters you see here are either students at the university or high school across the street. They are not idols. They are not famous. Some of them are not even associated each other. Some are blood related. I just only intend to write them as real people with the personalities that I'm most familiar with. If you don't like that, I'm sure you can find another fanfic to read. After all, I'm not writing this for you. I'm writing it for myself and my close friends. I'll probably later consider having others make a cameo in my chapters, but we'll see. Until then...welcome to the cafe~!





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