Breakfast Drabble


"Uh, pancakes and hashbrown please."

"Would you like some coffee or juice, sir?"

"Coffee would be nice, thank you."

The person behind the counter nodded and told me the price for the food I ordered. She places everything I needed on the tray and I asked for some extra syrup, which she gladly gave me, whether she was happy or not I couldn't tell, the people working at McDonald's are keeping to the McDonald's motto "Life, I'm loving it"

I pick up my tray with the food on top of it and looked around for any vacant seats, I found one next to a couple near the door, I went to seat there but my eyes caught a vacant seat at the corner, near the window, which is beter because I prefer seating at secluded places where I don't get to interact much with people. What? Everyone has a little introvert person in there.

I walk over there and sat, I can feel that someone is watching me from the moment I wanted to seat here, I look up to see a handsome guy with almond eyes and a small face looking straight at me, there was something in his stare that just made me want to go to him, and do you know what I did? I just sat there looking down at my food preparing it. 

While eating I kept on stealing glances up at him and sometimes I can still catch him looking at me too. I was half way finished when I noticed that the guy was already packing his things and stood up, I drank my coffee while I follow his every move.

He goes to the counter and says something, maybe he has a friend that works here. He walks to the door and glances at me first then smiles and nods. I nod back at him and when he walked out of the door that's when I started to smile, I put my coffee down and continued eating my pancake while thinking of a handsome smile.

This is just a drabble, I was actually thinking of making it a oneshot or maybe two, but I still have to finish 'Marry You' Well I think the next chap is the last though. and sorry for the delay. I admit I was lazy, but I really was busy when I was gone. College and stuff. But if you want me to add more to this drabble then just go and comment below ^^ Comments are loved!



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andieen #1
Chapter 1: Please add another chapters!!! I wonder what will happen next...
foodiemin #2
Chapter 1: Aww...continue!!!
GreenEyesGeek #3
Chapter 1: Please... add it...hihihi..^_^...