Till I Found You

Till I Found You

                Jongin didn’t know where he was going. All he knows is he needs to get away from reality, to escape reality. He was afraid, afraid that reality might eat him up. He was wandering around, no specific destination, just aimless steps in a cold December night in Seoul.
                Jongin wasn’t a nobody, he was a dancer, a known dancer in Seoul. He’s been in countless recitals and musicals. He was also an actor, an actor that everybody loved, except him. Everyone who sees him on stage or television loved him for his roles that he played. They loved his character not him and he hated it. HE doesn’t know who he is anymore; drowned in all those roles he had taken, unable to find his real self in a sea of him.
                Now, after his final stage, he was wandering around the city with the city lights slowly fading from the background. He wanted to scream, let all the things out. All his buried emotions go. But of course he can’t. Everybody knows him. Crazy fans digging deeper into his personal life is the last thing he wanted right at this moment.
                He ended up in a deserted park somewhere on the outskirts of the city of Seoul. Away from the busy businessmen with their filled briefcases and noisy honking cars, The silent night allowing him to think. Searching deep within him what he really wanted, he felt empty. He felt like there was nothing more to his life that entertaining unknown people with his dancing and acting. Like all the importance of his life was nothing more but for the audience that would certainly find a new source of entertainment once he was retired. He realized he was alone. Alone in this world with a growing population of 7 billion.
                And here he is right now, in a place where he was the only living thing breathing. Alone. Without anyone to talk to, to complain to, without anyone to hold.
                “Oh. I guess I’m not the only one here.” A sudden voice from behind him said. “I thought I was the only one who would dare to hang out in a place like this.”
                “Like this?” Jongin asks the man. He was shorter than Jongin. With eyes so bright and round.
                “A deserted place. It’s kinda lonely here, y’know. It’s nice to know someone still likes solitude like me.” The man took a seat on a swing and started swaying back and forth. Jongin didn’t know what to do. He didn’t know what to say. He didn’t like solitude. He didn’t like being alone. But he can’t find the right words to tell that to the stranger. “oh, I’m sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Kyungsoo, Do Kyungsoo. And you are Kai right?”
                Jongin froze on his spot. He can see his breath form a small cloud of mist. He didn’t know if he should say yes or turn around and abandon the stranger-Do Kyungsoo. He chose the previous option and decided to stay. “You can call me Jongin.” He now doesn’t only himself lonely, but crazy too. Crazy for choosing to stay and for telling the stranger his real name.
                “I see. I like the feel of Jongin. It makes me feel like you’re really real.” Kyungsoo mumbles and smiles. “Come. Sit on the other swing.”
                Jongin does what he was said to do. He sits and started to sway. The cold air biting into his skin as his sways becomes stronger.  He let it bite him. He let the pain sink in. He liked it. He also felt like he was real, not a character from a drama or a role in musical. He felt like Jongin.
                “So what brings you here?” The stranger asked. His eyes on the clouds that was slowly passing by, covering the light of the moon. A smile still gracing his heart shaped smile.
                “I-“ for the nth time, Jongin didn’t know he answer to his question. All he knows is his feet took him there. He didn’t know how to tell him that he really didn’t know where he wanted to go when he first started his journey into the dark night. He didn’t know how to tell him that he was just looking for someone to talk to. That he was just looking for someone to tell all this to.
                “it’s okey if you don’t want to tell me.” Kyungsoo stopped his swing and stood up, smiling at him. A sad smile perhaps.  And slowly, he started to walk away.
                Jongin just watched him. He felt a heavy feeling tug his heart and words suddenly rushed out of his mouth. “I wanted someone to talk to!” the words came out of his mouth as a shout. “No. I mean… yeah. I wanted someone to talk to.”
                Then suddenly, Kyungsoo was back to his side smiling, showing Jongin his heart-shaped lips. “In short, you wanted a friend. I can be that friend. But you’re not even talking much.”
                Friend. Jongin did need a friend. A friend to listen to him. A friend to understand him. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to have a friend. “Thanks.”
                “So how can somebody famous and surrounded by fans feel lonely?”
                 Jongin shrugged. Again, not knowing the answer. Then again, words came rushing out of his tight pressed lips, “No one really cared enough to listen to me.”
                Kyungsoo looked at him. With a hint of sympathy in his eyes. “I’ll listen. I’ve always been a good listener. “
                Then that’s how they started. An exchange of words and feelings. Understanding each other. Knowing each other.
                As the night grew deeper, so where their conversation. A conversation that will forever be carved in their hearts.
                “I thought I was the only lonely person in this world.” Kyungsoo said as they sat under a maple tree, sitting near each other as the night grows colder. “I’ve always thought I was alone. I’m happy I met you here.”
                “I thought too. I was being too alone in my own world that I didn’t notice the world outside mine. I’m happy I met you too.” Jongin smiles, a real smile for the first time in years. Something he missed. Something that he thought he’ll never be able to do again. Then he started to cry. “I was too alone. No one was there to see who I really was.”
                A hand reached out to him, pulling him into a tight, warm hug. “sssh. Don’t cry.” Kyungsoo lulls him. “I know you. Even though it was only a short time. I know you. The Jongin that smiles with all his heart, a Jongin that wants someone to hold. A jongin that cries in a ugly way.” Then kyungsoo chuckles at his last adjective.
                Jongin knew he was just trying to cheer him up. But that thought of someone there with him, listening to him, knowing and caring for him made him cry harder. “It’s warm. I like it.” Jongin hugs him back. Kyungsoo’s small frame fit his broad shoulders. Jongin liked it. He felt that he belonged to Kyungsoo.
               “Now, stop crying. You’re not a baby anymore. You’re a grown man, Jongin.” Kyungsoo broke the hug and stood up. “It’s late. Let’s go home.”
                Jongin wiped his tears with the back of his hand but the tears won’t stop.
                “I told you, stop crying. You look ugly.” Kyungsoo smiles at him, giving him a light punch on his shoulder. It didn’t hurt, it felt comforting. Kyungsoo himself was comforting. He pulled Jongin up. “Good bye.” Kyungsoo waved at him and started his way.
                Jongin just watched him. Sill with tears streaming down his face. It’s been years since he felt real emotions. Since he felt this. He forced a smile and called Kyungsoo. “Kyungsoo! Thanks!” Jongin said for the last time and waved him goodbye before he started his way too.
                “Jongin! Thanks! And Merry Christmas!” Jongin didn’t look back. He just continued his way with a smile on his face. And soon enough, the first snow began to fall.

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MidnightNightingale #1
Chapter 1: My KaiSoo feels. Hehe. I'm updated with your stories! xD