
No More

Minseok pushes his way through the masses of sweaty bodies and red Solo cups, searching for a friendly face while cursing Jongdae in his mind.

He only ever throws house parties so he can try to flirt with Kris so why the hell do I even let him drag me to these-


At the sound of someone's voice, that voice, Minseok stops abruptly in his tracks and turns.

Sehun (has he gotten taller?) stares back at him, looking as irresistible as ever.

Suddenly, Minseok is no longer twenty-six years old. He's twenty-four and sitting in a cafe, swallowing bitterness as Sehun breaks up with him.

"They want me to go to New York, hyung. To dance. They said they'll pay for everything and I'm even getting a spot in one of their dance schools." Sehun hesitates, then reaches across the table to hold Minseok's two hands in his own. "Hyung, I..."

Minseok knows. Their relationship has only been going on for about a year, and with their busy schedules, they barely get to spend time with each other. Sehun has nothing to tie him down to Seoul, but Minseok had been hoping, hoping against hope, that maybe Sehun loves him back as much as Minseok loves him. He doesn't.

"I understand," Minseok murmurs, and extracts his hands from Sehun's grip. "You should go."

Sehun left the very next week, offering Minseok a half smile as he walked into the airport. They don't stay in touch. Minseok doesn't give Sehun a chance to, anyway. He changes his number, deletes Sehun's, and avoids any topic his friends bring up that involve the young dancer. It took him a long time to finally forget Sehun's phone number.

And Minseok isn't one to hold grudges or stay hooked over one thing for so long, and Sehun is no exception. He was chasing a dream, and even though Minseok was not in it, he couldn't blame Sehun. But for some reason, Minseok never got over him.


That's right. Minseok is twenty-six now. And Sehun is no longer his.

He tries to force a smile but inevitably fails. "How have you been?"

"Good. I'll be on break for a while and I just thought it would be nice to catch up with everyone from home."

Even me? Minseok wants to ask, but he deems it inappropriate, and nods instead.

"Hyung, um, do you wanna meet up some time?" Sehun asks, fumbling over his words. His Korean has gotten worse. "Your number doesn't work anymore, and I'd like to, um. Hang out. With you."

Minseok knows it's going to kill him in the end but he dutifully hands over his phone, Sehun reciprocating the gesture.

He keys in his number, saving it under “Kim Minseok,” trying to pretend “Minseokkie hyung” never existed.

When Minseok gets his phone back, he sees Sehun has saved himself as “Hun!” A strangled laugh spills from his lips and Sehun asks if he’s alright.

“I’m fine,” Minseok mumbles. “I just need to get some air. Nice seeing you, Sehun.”

He throws himself back into the crowd, this time thankful that Jongdae’s mansion is packed. It’s easy to hide from your past in places like these.

Minseok can't spot anyone he considers an acquaintance or friend, so no one knows he’s going home, and no one knows he’s going home alone.




“Hey, I heard you didn’t stick around for very long last night,” Jongdae says nonchalantly. Minseok sighs and sets down his cup.


Jongdae purses his lips. “Just wondering.”

Minseok narrows his eyes at him and leans back in his chair. “You knew, didn’t you?”

“About what?” Jongdae asks, voice an octave higher than usual. He coughs and takes a hasty sip from his own coffee.

“Sehun was there last night,” Minseok says, “after two years. There is no way you didn’t know something about it and what I want to know is why you didn’t tell me.”

Jongdae’s shoulders slump. “I thought it would be better if you found out on your own. Sehun was looking forward to seeing you again.”

“Why would he?”

“He misses you,” Jongdae answers. It seems like he’s going to say more but one look at Minseok’s raised eyebrows and he closes his mouth. “I should get going. I just stopped by to check up on you.” He dumps the rest of his coffee down the sink and breezes out of Minseok’s apartment with a half hearted salute.

The older man leaves his own cup on the table, picking up his phone and losing himself in the multiple couple selcas he had taken with Sehun two years before. There are so many (the two of them pressing their faces together, pecking each other on the lips, holding up peace signs, Minseok winking at the camera with a sleeping Sehun in the background), and he scrolls through them listlessly.

Minseok deletes every single picture with Sehun he can find. It’s only when the last selca disappears does he realize- Sehun never once told Minseok he loved him.




Incoming call from Hun!

Minseok doesn’t pick up.


Incoming call from Hun!

Minseok cries himself to sleep and wonders when he became so pathetic, wonders why he never fell out of love when Sehun never fell in it.


Incoming call from Hun!

Sehun’s probably seeing someone else now.


Incoming call from Hun!

Two years is a long time.




“You are a wreck,” Jongdae declares.

Minseok’s bloodshot glare makes him shrink a little.

“I’m just saying,” Jongdae says defensively. “Sehun's a wreck, too. You're ignoring his calls."

"Why would he show up again after all this time?" Minseok wonders aloud, paying no attention to Jongdae. "He said he was going to be famous worldwide. He said he was going to dance on the stages of every country."

"Minseok-" Jongdae starts, but the older man cuts him off.

"He doesn't love me, Jongdae," Minseok sobs. "He never loved me. It was so obvious, even when we were dating. Sehun didn't care about me at all. He spent all his time in the studio and with other people, telling me he was studying even though I knew he was going to clubs." Minseok hangs his head. "But I still love him."

Jongdae sighs and taps Minseok's chin. "Hyung. Talk to him."


"No," Jongdae says sternly. "You've been running from him and your feelings for too long. Give Sehun a call." Minseok watches him leave, wondering what he has to lose.





"Sehun, it's me, and um. Do you want to meet up somewhere? Jongdae said you wanted to talk to me."

"Oh, yeah, yeah. Hyung, do you remember the park?"

"...of course I do."

"There, then. I'll be at the swingset in fifteen minutes. Please show up, hyung."






The voice startles Minseok and he nearly tumbles off the swing. "Sehun."

"You're early," the younger man comments.

Minseok shrugs and tries not to stare at how the setting sun makes Sehun's dark brown hair glow red. It's beautiful. Minseok swallows.

"Hyung," Sehun says softly. "I'm sorry."

"What for?" Minseok asks, knowing why.

"Two years ago," Sehun replies. "When I left you. I love dancing, you know that, and I thought it was what I wanted to do most of all. That's why I went."

Minseok laughs lightly. "I know, Sehun. I don't blame you, it's your dream-"

"No!" Sehun cries heatedly. He gets off his swing and stands in front of Minseok, causing the older man to look up at him. "No, hyung. It didn't even take four months before I started to go crazy. I was homesick, I was tired, my muscles were constantly sore, and I missed you. But for some reason, I still had my pride. I refused to go home until I had seen the world and danced for its people, but you know what, hyung? The Eiffel Tower and the Statue of Liberty are worth nothing to me. I just want Seoul. And I just want you."

Minseok stands as well, shaking his head and pushing Sehun away. "You never wanted me, Sehun. You never loved me. Our relationship three years ago was a big mistake. You love dance more than me."

"That is the past!" Sehun shouts. "I'm not twenty anymore, hyung. Now I know what I want. I didn't treat you right back then but I changed!"

Minseok is quiet. Sehun takes his hands, eyes scanning the older man's face desperately. "Hyung? Hyung, look at me. Please, look at me."

"I've only ever looked at you," Minseok murmurs. "You're the only one I see."


"I'm scared," Minseok admits. "Because what if I wake up in the morning and our bed smells like somebody else again? What if I'm just a toy to you? Sehun, I don't want you to break my heart again."

"I'll take care of you," Sehun promises. "Just let me in."

Minseok allows himself to be wrapped in Sehun’s embrace, letting the warmth flow through him. He closes his eyes. If this moment could last forever, he would be satisfied.




Later, when they’re laying in Minseok’s (their) bed, Sehun presses a kiss to the top of Minseok’s head and whispers, “I love you.”

The corners of Minseok’s lips lift in his sleep.









i haven't written a oneshot in so long. it feels refreshing.


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hwaiting93 #1
Chapter 1: Poor Minseok ToT
I can feel it ..
Author-nim I love your story >.<
Chapter 1: I'm re-reading this again and I just noticed that Minseok implied that Sehun was sleeping around? Like while they were together? No wonder when I read this before I didn't think the fact that Sehun never told him he loved him was why the boy was so reluctant to let him back into his life despite hurting him. But yay I'm glad they made up at the end ;u;
Chapter 1: Waw its tot be awesome if you continued towrite about this two:-):-):-):-)
You perfect writer:-):-)
somebody71 #4
Chapter 1: Wow. It was beautiful, really. And on the top of that it was Xiuhun and I really could not ask for more. So really, thank you for that one <3
_triina03 #5
Chapter 1: Aww. Xiuhun :)
Chapter 1: It's so sweet until there's tears in my eyes. XiuHun. ❤️
Chapter 1: aaaahhhh... it's so romantic
i love XiuHun the most
jambydsy #9
Chapter 1: Oh yeah please ... just more xiuhun
The world needs more xiuhun
Omfg i love xiuhun the most
Sequel plz !!!