Grilled Beef


((probably)) the longest chapter of this fic. lame as usual


The winner couple walked out of their dorm with happy faces. But that expression suddenly faded when they glanced at each other and felt embarrassed. They weren’t a couple, they thought, but they really acted like one for getting the prize. They could bear with it in front of all members but it would be so awkward when it was only two of them. So they walked without talking anything and it became weirder. Daehyun looked at his shoes while walking and shoved his hands on his jeans pocket like it was cold but it really wasn’t. Yongguk on the other side placed his hands on the back of his head while occasionally took a glance at the younger. He didn’t know how to make this situation livelier, at least he wanted to talk about something interested but he had no idea. When suddenly he heard some noises behind him and he turned his head to the source of it.

“Daehyun, watch out!”

The said male was surprised of the sudden yell from the older but he didn’t have time to give respond as he felt a pair of hands wrapped his waist tightly and pulled him close to the owner. He gasped when his face met Yongguk’s chest and he unconsciously held his breath. His heart was beating so fast and he was pretty sure that Yongguk could hear it so he kind of pulled away a bit with turning his face to the side but he heard another heartbeat there. Yongguk’s heartbeat was as fast as his and he didn’t know why he liked to hear it.

“You’re okay, Dae?”

That deep voice made a light vibration on his chest and Daehyun could feel it clearly. He only nodded and mumbled I'm okay hyung when Yongguk ranted about the crazy biker who sped up on the sidewalk.

“Uh… You can let me go now, hyung…” Daehyun said that in embarrassment and he believed that he was blushing madly right now.

“Ah, yes, sorry…” Yongguk quickly dropped his hands and let Daehyun go of his embrace.

But both of them felt the same warmth loss, even though the weather was so hot.

“It’s fine…” Daehyun forced a smile and started to walk again. “Come on, I’m hungry, can’t wait for the meal!”

Yongguk chuckled. “Hey, where are you going?”

“Restaurant of course!” Daehyun turned his heels and stopped.

“Well, actually we are here…” Yongguk pointed at his right and Daehyun looked at the direction.

“Oh… right…” He grinned to cover his silly mistake but it failed.

Yongguk took Daehyun’s wrist and pulled him into the restaurant and it made Daehyun blushed again. He liked how Yongguk showed his caring side but he hated the pink paint on his cheeks. He could only look at the pretty hand that guided him to the nearest table and he smiled. He loved this mixed sensation but felt nervous at the same time.

They arrived at the empty table and Yongguk let go of Daehyun’s hand to take some pillows for their seats. Such a well-mannered guy, Daehyun thought, his smile was still there and he couldn’t help but observed the older.

“Ain’t you going to sit?”

Daehyun snapped out of his thought and grinned sheepishly before took a seat in front of the leader. “Sorry I was thinking of something…”

“Something bothers you?” Yongguk sounds concerned and Daehyun once again felt warm inside.

“I guess so. But not in a bad way.” He smiled and took the menu. “I want this, hyung…”

Yongguk looked at the younger’s choice and he called the waiter. “Give us three plates of beef and two cans of soda please.”

The waiter walked away after wrote their order and Daehyun wandered his eyes around the room. He smiled as he thought of the past when all members successfully debuted and the CEO treated them there. It was a memorable moment for them. And now after few years he came to that place again, nothing much changed actually. But the feeling was different since there was only him and Yongguk. He didn’t know why he was excited yet anxious at the same time.

“Your smile looks creepy…” Yongguk chuckled. “Are you already imagining eating up the beef?”

“Am I that greedy?” Daehyun scoffed but then laughed a bit. “It can be the reason too but not the exact one.”

“Well, you’re always the most excited when it comes to food and eat, so I have no other guess than that.” Yongguk grinned showed his gummy smile and Daehyun found himself smiled again.

“It’s true, I can’t deny it.” Daehyun sighed and looked at the room again, “I recalled the time when we had after debut party here… It felt like just yesterday…”

Yongguk followed Daehyun’s sight and he nodded. True that time flew really fast and they didn’t realize it. “Yeah… The memories are still fresh even it has passed for years…”

Their order came and they stopped talking about the past for a while to start grilling the beef. Yongguk didn’t let Daehyun to do it because he was afraid that the younger would eat it all and didn’t even give a tiny piece for him.

“Do you remember you were drunk that night, hyung?” Daehyun laughed. “That was really funny! I didn’t know that you could lose control like that!”

Yongguk clicked his tongue. “Yah, should you mention that scene? It was a huge humiliation for me…”

“You did it yourself! None forced you to drink that much! Good thing Jongup and Junhong fell asleep so they didn’t see their leader in a terrible state!”

“Don’t shout, Dae, it’s so embarrassing for god’s sake!”

“But Himchan hyung was the worst! He couldn’t even stand so Youngjae should piggyback him. Poor Jae…”

“I really don’t know what I did back then. All I know is I was drunk and it was really bad. Did I hurt somebody?”

Daehyun thought while eating the grilled beef. He couldn’t feel the great taste of it because his mind recalled that scene when Yongguk was drunk and it somehow made him nervous. Yongguk noticed the change of his expression and he asked again, this time with softer tone.

“Did I hurt you, Daehyun?”

The latter was surprised and he choked on the beef. He coughed and tried to reach the water but failed. Yongguk immediately handed it and moved to his side to pat his back. “Be careful. Just eat slowly. You already choked twice today…”

Daehyun closed his eyes and took a big gulp of the water. He was still coughing and Yongguk was still sitting beside him to comfort him. “I’m okay hyung, don’t worry; I still can eat it all. I’m still hungry…”

Yongguk ruffled Daehyun’s hair. “Yah, sometimes I wonder if your honey-like voice came from your big appetite.”

“Is it praise or insult?” Daehyun slapped Yongguk’s arm playfully and it made the older laughed.

“But really, I’m curious about it. Your range of vocal was kind of common tenor at first and I know practice made it wider. Does it hurt to reach the higher tone on each attempt?”

Daehyun put down the chopsticks, feeling the serious tone on the question. “It was really hard. At first I thought that my part wouldn’t be this burdening but almost all of the vocal trainers said the same about my voice. They somehow forced me to try screaming in control and surprisingly I could do it. It did hurt at the beginning but now I’m used to it. I’m afraid that it could hurt my throat so I have to take extra care of it.”

Yongguk heard this for the first time. Daehyun never told anything to him before. After years he just knew about s’ condition and it made him felt really bad as a leader. He was aware that they weren’t as close as the others but at least Yongguk wanted to know about Daehyun’s problem. Knowing it after he asked it first made him regretted why he didn’t ask for it long time ago. Guilt was all over his mind and heart as he unconsciously took Daehyun’s hand.

“I’m sorry for knowing it just now. I’m such a really bad leader. I should have known it since the first so I wouldn’t give anymore burden to you. But now there’s no turn back from it and I regret it. Just… Please bear with it for a longer time. Can you do it, Dae?”

Daehyun’s eyes widened when Yongguk suddenly took his hand and he couldn’t believe what the older just said. He could feel the concern and softness there and it made him touched. Actually he also felt guilty because he wasn’t open up to Yongguk about anything and it was too late to fix everything now.


“I’m really sorry Daehyun-ah… Can you please forgive me?”

“Hyung please don’t be silly. It was nothing, really. I’m okay with it so please stop it, no need to be sorry…”

“I’m a bad leader, ain’t I?” Yongguk sighed and hung his head low. “If only I could do it earlier. Honestly I really don’t know why I can’t approach you like I do to the others. You seem uncomfortable with my presence and I don’t have guts to ask you what actually the problem is.”

Daehyun bit his bottom lip, didn’t know what to say because Yongguk blurted everything out of blue and he didn’t expect anything.

“Do you hate me that much, Daehyun?”


Yongguk was taken aback of the sudden high pitched scream and soon he was apologizing to the people around them who turned their heads to the source of voice. Daehyun was so embarrassed and he could only bow without saying anything to the crowd.

“Oh my God, that was so embarrassing…” Daehyun covered his face, not going to show his expression to anyone.

“I know you’re proud of your voice but please consider the place before you did it…” Yongguk whispered while trying to hold his laugh.

“It’s not that I did it in purpose, hyung… I just… I don’t want you think that I hate you or something like that…” Daehyun rubbed his neck, still felt embarrassed but more because of nervous now. “I don’t hate you at all!”

“So?” Yongguk leaned forward and placed his chin on his left palm.

“Let me answer the first question because it has connection with this one, okay?” Daehyun took a glance at the older and he inhaled deeply when he saw Yongguk nodded a bit at his question. “You asked if you hurt somebody that night, well… Literally you hurt me because you didn’t let me help you to walk… You were drunk and you still could recognize me, and when I offered a help you yanked my hand. Even you clearly said ‘don’t touch me Daehyun!’ and I cried… I didn’t hear what you said after that but I felt so angry so I slapped your cheek before I ran back to dorm…”

Daehyun’s voice was shaky since he held back his tears. He took deep breath for a few times and sniffled a bit. “In unconscious state, somebody would say anything honestly, right? So when you said that you can’t approach me, or you think that I’m not comfortable with you… Well… I think that question should have been for you, hyung…”

Yongguk didn’t know what to say. Honestly he didn’t remember anything about that night and nobody said anything to him, so he thought that he was only drunk and didn’t do anything bad. But actually nobody was paying attention at him because Youngjae was carrying the drunken Himchan on his back, Jongup and Junhong fell asleep so the manager should carry them, and the other staffs were busy packing.


“I don’t hate you, hyung, even after you yelled and treated me coldly… I can’t hate you…” Daehyun chuckled bitterly, and turned his head to look at the older. “You’re too precious for me, hyung… Do you even realize it?”

“… Precious…?”

“There’s no more reason for me standing close to you because I know that will only make you more annoyed… That’s why I seem like avoid you even I don’t want it to be like that… I just-“

Daehyun couldn’t continue his rants as Yongguk captured his lips on a kiss. At first Daehyun was shocked and didn’t move but the softness made him melted down and cried. He didn’t understand why Yongguk was harsh sometimes but his behavior totally changed like this and Daehyun hated it. Daehyun hated the way that Yongguk could make him in a mess, from both good and bad meaning. Yongguk slowly pulled away and placed his forehead on Daehyun’s while looking at the dark brown orbs in front of him.

“H-Hyung… Why…?”

“There’s only one reason for me to do that…” Yongguk pecked Daehyun’s lips once again. “I love you too much, Daehyun…”

“No way…” Daehyun’s eyes widened and he started to sob. “No, hyung… Don’t make me confused…”

“I realized that I actually love you when I tried to find out why you didn’t like being close to me. I started to pay more attention to you and for the first time I noticed that you are so beautiful…” Yongguk caressed Daehyun’s cheek with his thumb and the latter closed his eyes at the gentle touch. “I’m sorry I made you suffered a lot, Dae… I’m really useless, right?”

“No, hyung…” Daehyun whispered, slowly opened his eyes. “I’m sorry I didn’t try to approach you because I was scared…”

“I’m aware that my face is scary so I’m used to that excuse.” Yongguk smiled warmly.

“Not because of it!” Daehyun hit Yongguk’s chest playfully and pulled away, not going to look at the older.

“Uh? So what’s the reason?” Yongguk furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he saw the younger played with his fingers.

“… This…” Daehyun suddenly leaned in and kissed Yongguk’s lips before immediately pulled away and covered his face. “Oh my God I can’t believe this…”

Yongguk blinked for a few times. He still couldn’t get the meaning and he tilted his head. “What this?”

“Aish hyung you ain’t romantic at all!” Daehyun shot a death glare and took a deep breath. “I was scared that you would reject or ditch me if I confessed to you…”

“Aigoo…” Yongguk laughed and ruffled Daehyun’s hair. “Don’t be too cute or I would die because of it.”

“Don’t die! I will try to not be cute! Gosh am I even cute??” Daehyun started to be panic and it made Yongguk laughed louder. “Why are you laughing that hard, hyung?”

“You are really cute!” Yongguk pinched Daehyun’s cheek. “You have too many charms that I can’t resist, Dae…”

Daehyun blushed so badly and he tried to not smile at the words but unfortunately he failed. “Don’t praise me that much, hyung, I don’t deserve it…”

“Say, Daehyun,” Yongguk kissed Daehyun’s back hand and held it before looked into Daehyun’s eyes. “Do you love me?”

“… Yes..?”

“Why you sound not sure about it?”

“… I’m pretty sure..?”

“If it’s so, why you always answer it with question?”

“… I’m not ready yet… Maybe..?”

“Not ready for what?”

“… For being your boyfriend..?”

“Did I ask you to be my boyfriend?”

“… No… Not yet..?”

“Why you’re that sure that I would ask you to be my boyfriend?”

“… You said that you love me… And I love you too… So…”


“… I thought that you would ask that question, sooner or later…”

“What question?”

“… Would you be my boyfriend..?”

“Yes, Daehyun.”

“Nah, that was an easy question, why you don’t…” Daehyun’s mouth wide opened and he covered it with his free hand as he just realized what he did. He stared blankly at Yongguk who was now smiling widely not even try to hide happiness that he felt right now.

“D-Did I just confess to you, hyung..?”

“Yes. And I said yes.” Yongguk chuckled seeing Daehyun flustered and it was really cute.

“Gosh am I crazy?? Why-“

Yongguk kissed Daehyun’s cheek to calm down the latter from panic state and it worked. Daehyun turned his head to the older while staring with his big doe eyes. “Why I always lose to you, Yongguk hyung…”

“I believe it’s because you love me that much.” Yongguk winked before he grabbed his chopsticks and started to grill the beef again. “Come on, we still have a lot of meat to eat, you should finish it all, okay?”

“Why only me?” Daehyun puffed his cheeks out. “You should eat it too, hyung! Consider it as a celebration for our date!”

“So we are really dating now? Okay, I’ll call the others to come here and celebrate it together with us!”

“No!! Wait!! Aish! Why can’t I even think of anything clearly?!”

“Calm down, Dae, I won’t do that. I won’t let them disturb us. Let’s make this night ours.” Yongguk smiled warmly and he brought a piece of cooked beef to Daehyun. “Say ahh…”

Daehyun opened his mouth obediently and munched on the delicious meat. “After this I would love to eat ice cream…” He said before he shoved a piece of beef to Yongguk.

“Ice cream date for dessert? Call!” Yongguk grinned before took the meat and munched it.

They ate in peaceful and if you were there maybe you could see flowers in the air around them because the feeling was so lovable and the background music was something romantic so it kind of added the sweet atmosphere there. Both of them agreed to take away the last plate of beef for the members at the dorm because they couldn’t finish it all by themselves. After paid for the delicious dinner, they walked out of the restaurant hand in hand. At night there was no ice cream stall opened so they stopped by a convenience store to buy some popsicles for the members too. Daehyun chose the vanilla flavor for Youngjae, strawberry for Junhong, chocolate for Jongup, grape for Himchan, and banana for himself. Yongguk didn’t really want to eat ice cream so Daehyun didn’t get anything for him.

“You really don’t want to eat it, hyung?” Daehyun said while opening the ice cream wrap when they were walking back to the dorm.

“No, I guess my stomach can’t take anymore food. It’s too full.”

“At least try to taste it.” Daehyun shoved his ice cream to Yongguk’s mouth and the older didn’t have any choice but to open his mouth and took a bite of it. “How is it?”

“It’s good.”

“I know right? I hope Himchan hyung wouldn’t be mad because I picked grape flavor for him. You know I don’t like grape.” Daehyun chuckled while eating his ice cream.

“If he did, just ignore him. You know Chanie…” They both laughed and continued to walk.

They arrived at the dorm five minutes later and before they entered it they already agreed to not say anything about what happened at the restaurant. Both of them needed more time to say about their relationship to the members even though they knew that they were the only couple left. But still, they were awkward in front of the members and didn’t know how to explain the sudden change of relationship. They breathed in deeply before Yongguk opened the door.

“Guys, we bring beef and ice cream for you!”




“Thank you, hyungs!!”

Youngjae instantly approached Yongguk and grabbed the bags on his hands before he ran to the kitchen and called for everyone to eat. Daehyun yawned tiredly as he stretched his arms.

“Want to sleep already?” Yongguk asked Daehyun who put off his jacket.

“Yeah, I’m tired. Tomorrow I have an early schedule too.” He answered while walking to bathroom to brush his teeth and washed his face.

Yongguk walked straight to the bedroom and he smiled seeing Daehyun’s bed in a mess. He pulled the bed sheet and placed the pillow to the original position. Daehyun walked in to the bedroom and surprised to see Yongguk made his bed.

“You don’t have to do this, hyung…”

“I want to.” Yongguk smiled and ruffled Daehyun’s hair. “Go sleep. You need more rest because tomorrow will be hectic.”

“Thank you, Yongguk hyung…”

“You know what, I love hearing you say Yongguk hyung…” Yongguk chuckled.

“Really? Yongguk hyung~ Yongguk hyung~ Yongguk hyung~~” Daehyun did aegyo and laughed at himself.

“Geez… Did I say not to be too cute eh?”

“I’m sorry!” Daehyun jumped onto his bed and tucked into the blanket.

Yongguk shook his head while walking to the bathroom. He also wanted to sleep early because tomorrow they had a photo shoot, music video filming, interview and fan signing event. They really had to use the free time wisely so that they wouldn’t get sick because of exhausted. When he walked into the bedroom, Daehyun was already sleeping and he approached the younger to look at him closely. He brushed the bangs on his forehead and placed a soft kiss on it.

“Sleep well, Dae…”



is it good enough? i'm not sure because i only wrote it like 'i will make it as fluff as i can!' but then it turned to be like this and i was like 'damn i can't do this!' ;~;

but thank you for everyone who gives me supports until now! wow really you guys are awesome! i didn't think to make it series because it was first planned to be one-shot ((drabble)). i feel like wanna hug you one by one ;u;

the next chapter will be the last one! it's like a bonus chapter so please be patient for a bit longer, okay? ^^

thank you!! <333


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bangdaebak #1
Chapter 5: Omona too cute, make out battle for cheesecake between bangdae? What a blessing, thank you xx
daehyundarklight #2
Chapter 5: of course gukie likes the punishment... the punishment so hot... kekeke...
--SNAFU #3
Chapter 5: Chapter four was the best for me ^^
I still can't tell if Yongguk is bottom or top. Orz, they can go either way.
bdz357998 #4
Chapter 5: Lol at the dominate daehyun but only cause of cheesecake lol this was sooo cute !!
Chapter 5: awwwww shoot it's completed already ;;;;
but anw, dae such a kid kkkkk i bet you liking the punishment too much, don't you yongguk-ssi? :3
yeeeeeeaaaaay new bangdae!!!!1!
thank you a lot for this one and looking forward for the new bangdae from youuuuu :D
emmataeyang #6
Chapter 5: ya,,I'm really like your story bangdae 4ever.....
Chapter 5: Lol daehyun punishment to yongguk is kissing him passionately, daehyun yongguk will tease you more if you make a punishment like that hehehe :)
Is your new story is bangdae too ?
minakwon38 #8
Chapter 5: Wait dear author...omaigosh Jung Daebutt is such an aggressive biatch! It's complete already?

You have a new story? Is it Bangdae? :D *throws confetti*
Chapter 4: awwwwwwwww~ finally BangDae are together!!! keke~ that is cute!!
Chapter 4: This chapter is so great finally they confess to each other, and this story always makes my day become colorful idek what to say anymore hehehe ^_^
Update soon ;D