_OMG_ Chapter 5 “A Trip Down MEMORY LANE” –Part 6 (a Flashback)


Lisa’s backyard is just right for the occasion, the Jacobs all five of them including Grandma Marry is there to bid farewell to their once beloved European visitor, some of Mark’s and Chase’ classmates were also there, Pete who were once thought of Alex’ suitor because of his obsession to her was there to make the party even more colorful and of course, Hyung, KiBum and their parents were also present…

Here you are…
KiBum’s mum hugged Alex and kissed her on her forehead…
I’m glad you’re all here…thank you.
Oh dear, you’re part of the family…

Hyung and KiBum laughed…Alex smiled…
You two, stop fooling around. Hyung kindly get our gift in the car, your dad left it there…KiBum honey, come here.
Hyung laughed even louder…his dad laughed too…KiBum blushing while his mum is fixing his necktie…

Hyung was kind enough to sing for the crowd…Alex already knew that the brothers are planning on pursuing a career when they get back to Korea, there have been offers for the two to be part of two different KPOP boy bands and the two are very excited for that…

Thank you very much, you didn’t have to. This is too much already…
Alex, after opening the gift from KiBum’s parents. It was a painting of a famous Korean artist, a painting of Han River…She hugged both of them, KiBum’s mum burst into tears…
Are you sure you really have to go?
Mrs. Kim is holding her tears…
I’m sorry, I should’ve left one week ago but I loved it here especially your company…
But, how about another week?

KiBum and Hyung said in unison…
I wish I could but duty calls…besides, I’ll see you guys in Madrid for Christmas right?
Yeah mum, Alex’ dad invited us remember?

Hyung still caressing his mum’s back…while Kibum is holding her hand…
Yes…but I thought you live in Paris?
I do but…
Before Alex could continue KiBum interrupted her…
Mum, she does live in Paris but her dad was the one who invited us and her dad lives in Madrid.
Oh yes, yes. Your dad lives in Madrid, you in Paris and your mum in Manila right sweetheart?

Mrs. Kim is finally back to her usual question and answer portion which tells the brothers that they need to get Alex away from her as soon as possible but they couldn’t do so ‘cause their mum is literally holding onto Alex like a leech…
Yes Auntie, But if you wanna come and visit me in Paris you could also do that it’s just that whenever I’m there I’m always busy and can’t really accommodate visitors properly…
Oh, that’s okay dear, Hyung told me about your job…you’re a fashion designer right? I’m not sure which brand though…Hyung, what brand was it again?

Alex was surprised to know that Hyung talked about her with their mum…Hyung chuckled…
Actually mum, Alex need to go somewhere…I think I heard Lisa is looking for her.

KiBum saved Hyung, he already knew that Alex’ haven’t told his brother that information yet…
Is that so? Okay, later then…

Hyung tapped KiBum’s foot under the table and winked at him…KiBum escorted Alex inside the house…
Whew…that was close…
Hyung said shortly after he followed the two…
I’m sorry about that, I should’ve told you. It’s just that…
Al, that’s okay…so long as you’ll tell me later…

Hyung teasing her…someone from their back said…
Say cheese…
They all looked at the direction and saw Lisa there…a picture of them on their backs was taken…Lisa signaled them one more time to stand close to each other and this time said…
Strike a pose…
That made all three of them smile definitely…Alex was in the middle of the brothers while KiBum acted as if his jealous on the two while Hyung acted as if he’s proposing to Alex and she just played along and pretended to be the love interest of the two…
Lisa was so pleased of the pose that she signaled for another one, this time the three of them pretended to be looking at something up in the ceiling, the three of them loves to take pictures of each other most especially pictures where their like pretending to be someone else or doing something funny…

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I have all the last chapters ready, its just that its hard for me to really end my very first story but I know I promised you guys I will so I'm really trying hard to finish it. I'm really sorry.
I'm so sorry if it took me months before updating but I promise to finish this before the year ends, still two more chapters left :D
@XansevieRa that's okay ^^ but thank you for always doing so...I'm busy with school too...I know you're thinking "I thought you already graduated?" I did but I'm currently taking up a second degree and it's been eating MOST of my time...I miss writing too and I'll try to finish "OMG" within this year...I'm in good shape and God Bless you too!<br />
XansevieRa #4
im sorry for not comment on ur story for long time...<br />
huhuuu....t_t<br />
i was sooo super duper busy this year...plus with my internet connection problem...<br />
anyway, i hope u still go on updates new chapter and,~aahh~i miss to read ur fic..<br />
<br />
i also hope that u in good health and GBU..:D
there we go...I'm sorry if Part 2 is toooo long...I've tried to squeezed everything in XD<br />
next will be the last 2 chapters, till then...THANKS FOR READING!!!
Everything Part 2 will be out tomorrow :)<br />
then...last 2 chapters!!!
@tayjm11 THANKS! I'm trying to...I'm sorry if it's taking so long :)
tayjm11 #8
I like your story. Update soon!
@lovly39 THANK YOU VERY MUCH :)<br />
@AngelsCreed YES IT IS!!!
Is that KC?