Dinner for Three

Prompt Machine

Prompt: "A couple is dining at a restaurant. One half of the couple seems to be tripping balls, while the other seems genuinely amused by this. Write this from the perspective of the server." I found this on tumblr and thought I'd just do a loose interpretation of this prompt. As you'll see, I didn't do exactly what was written on the prompt, but I hope you like it anyway! 

Eli straightened his tie, nervously tugging at the black fabric as he checked his reflection in the mirror. It was his first day on the job at the prestigious restaurant, Spring Rain, and Eli was determined not to make a single mistake. It would be more than he could say for any of his other jobs; in fact, his resume listed so many former employers that he was surprised at even being considered for an interview. His manager listed with a frighteningly impassive face as Eli counted off the events that led to his multiple terminations.

“I left the fryer on too high of a heat setting and the fire alarm set off, causing us to close down for the day.” Eli said nervously, hoping that he wasn’t digging his grave as he recounted how he was fired from his first job. “I spilled coffee all over the floor, and a waiter slipped on it and spilled food all over one of the customers.” The blond cleared his throat, still cringing at the memory of his second job.

“And they didn’t let you off with a warning?” The manager asked, raising an eyebrow at Eli but keeping the rest of his fact blank.

“They did,” Eli said, his voice shaking on the second syllable. He paused, inhaling through his nose, and then continued, “The first few times.”

“I see, and your time at the pizza parlour?” Oh, Eli had hoped the man wouldn’t ask for details about that one.

It had been a nerve wracking process that went on for so long, that Eli wasn’t sure whether or not the manager was just being extremely thorough – Eli’s bad history and the reputation of the high class restaurant being taken into consideration – or he took pleasure in listening to the blonde’s countless missteps. Either way, Eli had left the interview convinced that he wouldn’t be hired, yet here he was, three days later. Not wanting to press his luck, Eli didn’t bother questioning why the manager even allowed him to step foot in the kitchen. He figured that the man probably took pity on him, or they were extremely desperate and he was the only applicant with a decent amount of experience in the food service industry. Neither option seemed plausible, however, and Eli forced the thought from his mind, promising not to make a single mistake at this new restaurant. But this promise wasn’t just for the sake of his pride.

When Eli arrived at the restaurant that morning, his manager placed a hand on his shoulder and leaned in close. “I trust that we won’t have any repeats of your previous errors, Mr.Kim?” He said, a smile appearing for the first time on the face, the expression shooting fear straight into Eli’s heart.

“No, sir,” He said quickly, shaking his head but refusing to break eye contact with the larger man.

“Good. I would hate to have to add to your already flourishing list,” The manager said sweetly before turning and heading through the Staff Only door.

Eli stood frozen for a moment, trying to calm his pounding heart. He glanced at a waiter who was setting a nearby table in preparation for opening. “Is he always that scary when he smiles?” He asked, trying to laugh it off as a joke.

“Smile?” The waiter looked at Eli in confusion, glancing at the Staff Only door. “I’ve never seen him smile. It must be freaky though.” He said with a shrug before turning back to his work. “Anyway, welcome to Spring Rain,” He called over his shoulder.

Thanks, Eli said, praying that today would go well.

“Eli?” His shift supervisor walked in. She resembled his mother with the way she smiled warmly and welcomingly at him that morning before walking him through his tasks. She was strict with the rules, but never snapped at him when he forgot a practice order or the ingredients to the Chef’s special soup. With her guidance, he’d felt confident when he was told that he would be starting the evening shift. All that confidence dissolved almost immediately after catching a glimpse of the crowded dining room, filled from wall to wall with rich socialites and businessmen and women, all eager to have dinner at one of the finest restaurants in town.


Eli was ripped from his train of thought at the second call of his name, glancing up at the woman’s reflection in the mirror. “Are you ready?”

“Yes m’am,” He said, taking a shaky breath. He could do this, he could do this, he could do this…

“And you remember which tables are yours?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Then hurry up and get out there!” Her voice was stern but her face held a comforting smile and she clapped Eli on the shoulder before he rushed past her. “And good luck.”

He thanked her quickly before briskly walking out onto the dining floor, making sure to calm his pace as he reached the first table.

The occupants were younger than most of the other diners he’d seen, most likely in their young twenties and definitely not much older than himself. They were two men, both strikingly attractive.

The first had orange hair, waved and styled to sweep to one side of his face. He wore eyeliner, surprisingly, winged out to elongate his cat like eyes. The corners of his mouth curled upwards, adding to his feline image, as he surveyed the young waiter. The man was very handsome and Eli was sure that he’d seen him before somewhere, but his mind was so frayed and nervous that he could barely remember the name of the soup that had been drilled into his head so many times.

The man’s companion was breathtaking. His dark, reddish hair was longer than the other’s and styled straight, with his bangs slightly falling into his eyes. His lips were full and pouty, and his eyes were round, giving him an almost cute and naive look. Eli would have thought the red head to be sweet and innocent, were he not looking at Eli with a mischievous smirk that made the blonde’s skin crawl.

Eli handed them their menus, trying to stop the nervous clasping of his hands as he watched the diners scan the pages. After a few moments, the red head looked up at him, “We know what we want to order.”

Eli blanched, that was quick, but it meant less time with this oddly intimidating pair, so he got out his notepad and nodded at the two. “Alright, what would you like?” His voice came out more confidently this time, and he was beginning to feel at ease.

“We’ll both have the red wine to drink,” The red head said, folding his menu shut and placing it on the table. “Jaeseop will have the steak,” He nodded to his companion, causing Eli’s eyes to widen in shock.

Jaeseop.  That was it! The orange haired boy was none other than Kim Jaeseop, a famous rapper and singer who Eli had seen multiple times on television. He wanted to kick himself for not recognizing him earlier and now felt only more nervous that his first customer of the day was a celebrity.

“And I will have,” The red haired boy continued, smiling warmly at Jaeseop. “A Caesar salad and…” He trailed off, locking eyes with his friend again. “What’s in the Chef’s soup again?”

Of course. Eli blinked in shock a few times, trying to remember all the ingredients. “Uh, water-“ At the first word, Eli wanted to shoot himself in the foot. He desperately tried to get himself together, but the way the man was now smirking at him, only made him more frayed.

“I’ll have that, too, then.” The man cut him off, confusing the waiter. Is he playing with me? Eli thought, bowing politely at the two and taking their menus and rushing to the kitchen to deliver the order and get their drinks.

His mind was blank from the moment two glasses of wine were placed on his tray up until he reached the table. These two made him nervous; the red head’s mannerisms betrayed the soft innocence of his features, and Jaeseop hadn’t spoken a word, much less told the other what he wanted to eat. The entire thing just felt too odd for Eli.

After setting the glasses down, Eli was about to leave before the red head shifted, reaching down to his bag and pulling out a small plastic container. Eli knew that he should be minding his own business and returning to work, but he couldn’t help himself from staying and watching as delicate fingers opened the plastic compartment to reveal four small, red pills.

The man took two of the pills from the container and took Jaeseop’s hand, placing them onto his palm as if it was the most normal thing in the world. He looked up at Eli. “Painkillers,” He explained, “Jaeseoppie gets the worst headaches.” His voice was saccharine sweet and dripping with false concern as he gazed at the other man. Cat like eyes held Eli’s as Jaeseop lifted his palm to his mouth, catching the pills between his teeth before taking a sip of the wine.

Eli stood still, unsure what to make of the situation. The way the two were looking at him made him think that he just got himself caught in the middle of a strange and frightening game, and Eli was pretty sure that those were not painkillers of any sort. Jaeseop finally broke eye contact as his eyelids slipped shut, a look of peace taking over his face. Eli felt as if he was suddenly broken free from a spell. He hastily took the tray and bowed his head. “I’ll be back shortly with your food”, He said before rushing off, seeing that another one of his assigned tables was now occupied. He counted four diners, grabbed some menus, and headed towards them, trying to calm his suddenly pounding heart while praying that these customers would be at least somewhat normal.

Greeting the patrons was easy. He gave them their menus, made a few recommendations, and left to give them some time to decide. More people began to arrive in his area and he did the same with all of them before heading back to the kitchen. He was more confident now, having dealt with more people, but it did nothing to alleviate the tension growing in his body.  

Upon reaching the kitchen, Eli saw that the food for Jaeseop’s table was ready. A part of him really didn’t want to go back there, but he knew that he had to for the sake of his job, and so he took the plates and made his way back out onto the dining floor. The red head was nowhere to be found, Eli realized as he reached the table. Jaeseop was, however, and he glanced up at the blond waiter, smiling pleasantly. His smile lacked the hint of bad intentions that saturated his companion’s expressions, but Jaeseop’s eyes gazed at him with such focus that he felt as if the cat like boy was staring into his soul.

“Kiseop went to the washroom,” Jaeseop said, his voice sounding strangely rough. Eli nodded, trying to ignore the electric shock that went through the body at learning the name of the other boy. He put the salad and soup down carefully, before placing the steak before Jaeseop. He couldn’t help but notice the contrast between both men’s food choices, but decided that the orange haired celebrity probably had a larger appetite. Eli looked back up at him, ready to ask if there was anything else that he could get the man, and noticed that Jaeseop’s jaw was tense, as if he was clenching his teeth.

“Is everything alright, sir?” Eli wasn’t sure if he should ask or just leave the matter be, but the words slipped out anyways. Jaeseop’s mouth opened to answer, but all that came out was a breathy exhale. It was then that Eli noticed just how red Jaeseop’s cheeks were becoming, a thought that made the blonde’s stomach churn. He thought back to those pills, now completely sure that those were not what Kiseop said they were. Jaeseop looked away, seeming to have momentarily forgotten that he had been asked a question. Eli wasn’t sure if he wanted to repeat it or walk away but Jaeseop’s eyes fluttered shut, dark lashes brushing against flushed cheeks softly, and the air suddenly felt extremely heavy around him. “Enjoy your meal,” The waiter said quickly, turning on his heel and rushing off to serve the other tables. It wasn’t until he returned to the kitchen, however, that he finally felt like he could breathe again.

“Eli, how’s it going?” His supervisor asked, her smiling face coming into view as she rounded a corner.

“E-everything’s great.” He said, cursing his voice for wavering just now.

“How do you feel about your first day on the job?” She thankfully seemed to not notice, walking over to the blonde.

Eli paused, unsure how to answer. He hadn’t made a mistake yet, which was good, and he was sure to get a few good tips from that table of much older women who seemed to giggle like school girls whenever he walked up to them, but Jaeseop and Kiseop… The two were confusing and strange and there was something going on between them that the waiter didn’t understand - he wasn’t even sure if he wanted to understand it. If there was one thing that he was sure of, however, it was that whatever was going on with them, he was a part of it. And something was telling him that they liked it that way. He shook his head, running a hand over his face. He was beginning to think that the food service industry had it out for him. “Everything’s great,” He finally replied with a forced smile, seeing that there was food ready for some of his tables. “Well, I’d better get back out there.”

“Good job, sweetie, you’re doing great,” The supervisor said, rubbing Eli’s back before walking away.

Eli merely sighed, putting on another forced smile as he took the food out to his hungry patrons.

Tables served, Eli glanced around the dining room. A movement caught his eye and his heart leapt into his throat, seeing that Kiseop had returned to his seat and was waving him over.

“How is everything?” Eli asked as he arrived at the table, noticing that the red head had finished his salad and Jaeseop, his steak. Grabbing the empty plates, Eli stacked them on his tray, smiling pleasantly at Kiseop and hoping that he’d only been called over to take the dishes.

Kiseop smiled back at Eli before reaching out and running a finger along Jaeseop’s hand. Eli followed the movement carefully, noticing that the celebrity’s cheeks were still flushed. Jaeseop looked slightly over heated and tense, cat like eyes following the movement of Kiseop’s finger as it trailed across his palm. Eli blinked. Were they lovers of some sort? Come to think of it, he’d never seen Kiseop in the tabloids alongside Jaeseop, but it was hardly unusual for celebrities to have regular friends - although, to Eli, Kiseop was the farthest thing from regular. “Jaeseoppie is really thirsty,” Kiseop said, his voice patronizing. “Could you get him some ice cold water?”

Eli nodded, ready to get out of there as fast as he could. “Anything else?”

Kiseop smiled, shooting Jaeseop a look that appeared nearly seductive. “Do you want dessert, baby?”

Eli was now sure that the two were more than just friends, but he wasn’t sure if he liked that realization.

Jaeseop let out an affirmative hum that, to Eli, sounded way too much like a moan. Now the blonde was beginning to feel overly warm.

“What would you like?” Kiseop continued speaking in his sweet, patronizing tone, as if he was soothing a child. “Chocolate? Ice cream, maybe? I know you’re feeling really hot.”

Eli began to feel extremely awkward just standing there, witnessing this scene.

“Would you agree,” Kiseop paused, glancing down at the blonde’s nametag before meeting his eyes again, “Eli?” The sound of his name on the other’s tongue made Eli’s mouth run dry, and he swallowed thickly before answering.

“Pardon me?”

“Would you agree,” Kiseop spoke slowly now, pausing briefly between each of his words, “That Jaeseoppie is looking a little hot?”

Eli knew that this was far from appropriate conversation between a waiter and two guests, but the men were both looking at him now, and even if he wanted to run away, he couldn’t. “I – Uh, I don’t-“ Eli stumbled over his words, unsure how to reply properly. Finally, he nodded his head abruptly. “Yes.”

Kiseop looked undeniably pleased. “He’ll have some chocolate ice cream.”

Eli was hyper aware of the fact that Jaeseop hadn’t spoken a word while in Kiseop’s presence, and for some reason, that knowledge made his skin tingle. “And you,” Eli hesitated before continuing. “Sir?” The soup looked barely touched, but something told the waiter that the red head was finished with it.

“I’ve already had dessert.” Kiseop said, looking doubly pleased that Eli had asked.

Eli was now sure that he was blushing, though he couldn’t put his finger on why exactly. He quickly nodded his head again, and forgetting all formalities, left. Once he was a few steps away from the table, Eli felt the air cool considerably and all but ran to the kitchen.

Eli took two glasses, filling them with ice and water, before taking one and downing the cold liquid. The drink soothed his hot and parched insides, but not the spinning sensation in his head. Waiting for the celebrity’s ice cream was like a brief moment of respite in the kitchen, but once the dessert joined the water on his tray, he took a deep breath and set out to the dining room again. They’re having dessert now, they’ll leave soon, Eli told himself as he walked towards their table. They’ll be gone soon.

The waiter made it to the table and placed the glass down, noticing that Jaeseop hadn’t even looked up to acknowledge his presence. Instead, the man’s eyes were focused on his partner, who gave him a soft smile before looking up at Eli. “I’ll take that,” Kiseop said, holding a hand out for the ice cream.

Eli blinked, glancing at Jaeseop for a moment before giving the cold bowl to the red head. Kiseop took a spoon of the creamy dessert and reached across the table, holding it just in front of Jaeseop’s mouth. Eli wanted to walk away but the couple’s magnetic spell was on him once more, and he watched, transfixed, as Jaeseop leaned forward to take the frozen treat in his mouth. The light haired man had barely closed his lips around the spoon when Kiseop began to draw it back out, smearing some chocolate across feline lips. The red head then brought the spoon to his mouth, tasting what remained of the sweet ice cream.

“It’s good,” Kiseop said, lips curling into a smile.

It was then that Eli noticed that his eyes had been focused on the red head’s mouth. He blushed in embarrassment and quickly looked up, heart pounding as he saw Kiseop staring right at him, a delighted look in his eyes.

Eli laughed nervously, “Enjoy.” He knew that his voice was shaking but at this point, he didn’t care. He turned to leave but had only made it one step before he realized that he’d left his tray on the table. Quickly turning to grab it, his hand collided with Jaeseop’s, who was in the process of taking a sip of water. The collision caused some water to splash out of the cup, spilling over Jaeseop’s mouth and chin and dripping down onto his neck and chest. Jaeseop let out a high pitched gasp that sounded like a mix of shock and… Something Eli couldn’t place.

“Oh my God, I am so sorry.” Eli glanced at Kiseop, who was merely watching them, amused, before grabbing one of the cloth napkins from the table and dabbing at Jaeseop’s neck and chin. He wasn’t sure why he looked to Kiseop; it was almost as if he was looking for the man’s approval or reaction after spilling a drink all over his… Friend. “I’m so sorry, are you alright?” Eli turned back to Jaeseop, terrified that he was definitely going to lose his job. While wiping the cold liquid from Jaeseop’s neck, he could practically feel the heat radiating off the man. His finger brushed against a pulse point and he was shocked to notice that the celebrity’s heart was racing faster than his own. Jaeseop’s breathing was laboured now and Eli could feel his own heart rate rising.

Sure that he was making a spectacle in front of the other diners, Eli quickly moved to dab at the wet spots on Jaeseop’s shirt. He wanted – no, needed to get this over with so he could run and hide in the staff room and possibly rethink his career choices. Eli’s thoughts were racing a mile a minute, his mind spinning as he worked fast, but everything came to a halt when his hand brushed against a hard and Jaeseop let out a moan. Eli prayed to God that it was just a reaction from the cold on the light haired man’s chest, but he knew better. And from where he stood over Jaeseop, getting a good view of the man’s chest and lap, he could tell. Jaeseop was . Very , he noted, stealing a glance back at the celebrity’s lap.

“Is everything alright, Eli?” There it was again, Kiseop saying his name; this time, in a seductive purr.

“Uh…” Eli blinked, just realizing that he had been standing there, one hand pressing a napkin onto Jaeseop’s chest, his eyes glued to the man’s crotch. He knew that he should respond, apologize, something, but he couldn’t even bring himself to step back. Jaeseop’s breathing was hot and heavy against the side of his neck and the warmth radiating from the man was electrifying. Even without looking up, he could feel Kiseop’s eyes boring into him; Eli figured that that red headed devil was probably watching him with a sadistic smirk on his pouty lips.

 “Mr.Kim!” Suddenly, a booming voice rang out behind him, scaring the waiter half to death. He jumped, managing to knock his elbow against Jaeseop’s glass that had been set on the edge of the table, spilling the rest of the cold water right onto the celebrity’s lap. Jaeseop let out a loud gasp, and Eli caught a glimpse of the man’s catlike eyes rolling back into his head for a split second before he was grabbed and spun around to face a very angry looking manager.

“I am so sorry,” Eli blurted out the words, knowing that the damage had probably already been done. With the way the manager was glaring daggers at him, he knew it.

“May I speak to you in my office?” The manager hissed at the blonde before turning to the guests. “I deeply apologize. To make up for the trouble I would like to offer your meals free of charge,” He said bowing apologetically to the two. He turned back to Eli. “Office. Now.”

Eli groaned and glanced back at the two diners. Jaeseop’s head was tilted down but there was still a dust of red across his cheeks. His hands gripped the edge of the table tightly and the blonde could tell that every muscle in his body was tense. Kiseop, on the other hand, looked greatly relaxed as he sipped at the last of his wine. He was watching Jaeseop with great satisfaction, as if he’d just had a great meal. Neither man even gave him another glance, causing the waiter to feel deeply frustrated. “Once, again, I apologize,” Eli said through gritted teeth.

Kiseop glanced up at him, the sated smile still on his face. “Oh don’t worry,” He purred. “The dinner was great.”

Eli blinked, unsure of what to make of that, but Kiseop was already turning his attention back to his companion who was still in his tightly wound state. He bowed his head, knowing that neither man was even looking at him, and made his way over to his manager’s office. “Next time, I’m working in an office job,” He muttered to himself, yanking off his apron and entering the office for what he knew would be the last time.


So there you have it, my first attempt at a U Kiss fanfic!  I didn't mean for it to be this long, but it just sort of happened like that T.T Not to mention, I added some last minute edits but when I went to upload the chapter, AFF died on me and lost everything I did. I tried to go back and edit again but I don't know if its as good. Well I hope you guys enjoyed it anyway :) Comments are greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading and ta ta for now!

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Torn between taking this next chapter seriously and just making the whole thing into one giant, dark, poem. I keep rhyming internally. So distracting.


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StillMeadows #1
Chapter 5: You used the seven deadly sins, didn't you? I became suspicious when Kevin came around. lol
Nice plot twist, btw.
Ugh, your writing is just amazing. It makes me wonder what kind of books you read, or at least where you get your skills. TT
Kyung1Ari #2
Chapter 4: Sadness, for my poor Eli too suffer like that, but beautifully written
inbetweenElseop #3
woah ch 1 is your first ukiss story? it was so great starting from poor Eli and his resume..so honest ^^haven't read a Kiseop like this in a while and woah it gave me an edge of your seat feeling as to what his next move towards Eli, would be. Now to read the other stories ^_^¦¦¦
Chapter 5: I'm actually really squeamish, but I read this because I really like your writing
I missed all of the hidden symbols >.>
But it did take me awhile to figure out what the first meal was suppose to be xD
And the ending was a relief, I was worried.
Chapter 4: *still crying*

I *trembling lip*

I h-ha-te y-you

*goes in the corner and continues crying for an eternity.*

This was so.....saaaaad but so well- written and it's the first time a fic has made me cry and being unable to stop T^T
Chapter 4: This is the first time a fanfic has made me cry. It was so beautiful, intense, and well written, yet so sad. >~>
Chapter 3: Aww~ Jaeseop in a dress just sounds adorable~ x3
And eww Eli, you ert xD
Chapter 2: Omg this was a great prompt and very well written. I love it~ x3
ukiness #9
Chapter 4: Even though it is really really well written and so great and absolutely amazing I regret reading it because I'm crying like hell right now
omg this hurts a lot ;-; my heart.... I can't ;;;; this just-
oh gosh what have you done to me
poor my baby Eli
I just know I'm gonna think about it for a whole month if not more
sseonflower #10
Chapter 4: My heart feels so heavy and there's a huge lump in my throat. A fic hasn't made me this emotional in a long time.