
My Sweet Dreams

"Good job! Keep it up and I'm sure those judges will be impressed and you'll blow them off their feet."

"You really think so?"

"Of course your my best student. I expect nothing less than perfection in you"

"Hahaha but haha director I am anything but perfect"

"Don't underestimate yourself. You'll get that scholarship and be able to major in dance just watch and see"

"Thank you! Really after everything, dance is all I have left and of course you director, that is without your guidance I wouludn't be here. I would still be a gloomy background image in my room."

"It's completly understandable, but I could not just sit back and watch you ruin yourself"

"Im glad I was able to figure everything back. I don't think I'd forgive myself if I missed this great oppurtunity"

"That's the spirit just wait and see. You will be the highlight of the performance of that night"


"When are you just going to allow me to see him without hearing you blaming me for what happened"

"When you leave just like you left two years ago!"

"Key...sigh...that was...I had to"

"No you didn't. You were selfish and only thought of yourself"

"Whatever the case is it's none of your business!"

"It'll always be my business as long as Taemin is involved in it"

"Just stop already. I just want to see him Key. I love him"

"Why don't you just let him be"

"It's selfish but I want to be the first person he see's when he wakes up"

"You are selfish, has it ever occured to you that maybe just maybe he already moved on from you and the last thing he wants is to see you. After all you are the one that caused him to be in that bed"

"Can both of you just stop it already, I can hear you both inside the room. If Taemin where to wake up I doubt he'd be happy to hear both of you yelling at each other"

"Your right sorry, Jongin-ah"

"It's alright just stop arguing okay. At least not anywhere near Taemin"

"Who are you?" Minho asked clenching his fist

"He's Jongin, Taemin's"


"Call a doctor Key" Jongin said as he rushed towards Taemin's side grabbing a hold of his hand

Sigh..maybe I should go..It never did occur to me that you could have moved on. Of course how could you not its been months since we've spoken let alone seen eachother. 

"Sir, you have to move weve have to check the patient!!" The Doctor said as he tried to get passed Minho

"Ah Sorry!"

"What exactly happened?" 

"I don't know doc. I left his side for less than a minute to check the hallway and in the process the monitor just started to beep"

Sigh "It doesn't look good Jongi, I've already discussed this with his parents"

"What is it Doctor Hang?" Jongin said as he leaned forward waiting to hear the news

"Taemin. He needs to be transferred"

"Transferred?? Waeyo?? What is the reason for it Doctor Hang?" 

"This is just a precaution we also do not have the proper equipment here we have to transfer him. He also overworked his body beyond the limit. He knew he had a weak body perssay. We had discussed this with him, advised him to not do rigorous training"

"It wasn't his fault doc Taemin was under a lot of stress and then he received news to some unwanted problem"


"I'm sorry Jongi but it's true"

"No it's not. I apologize for that Doctor Hang you will have to excuse my hyung but he is clearly not happy about that news"

"It's understanable, but like I said Taemin knew of the risks"

"So Taemin knew he could fall ill when he was over working himself?'

"Yes, he came to me a few times to do regular check ups and I advised him to not stress himself, physically and mentally. Either way its done, but it won't be to bad we plan to transfer him to America like that when he fully recovers he can move on to enrolling in the school he wanted to attend."


"I'm sorry to interrupt but what exactly does Taemin have"

"And who might you be son?"

"Doctor, this is Taemin's friend he's been visiting him to check on his progress"

"Oh is that so well then that is fine. To answer your question Taemin has Metabolic Abnormality, what that means is that Taemins body is not reproducing or producing to much of an enzyme. Unfortunately Taemin had been skipping his appointments and we have been unableto do the necessary test to figure out what exactly it is that he needs."

"Why was he skipping his appointments? Did he know what he was doing?"

"I'm afraid so, Taemin did know what could happen if he did not come in to take the test. Unfortunately he has been avoiding the problem for too long that is has caused him to undergo into a comma."

"A comma??Why?"

"Well, aside from him overworking his body, but he also suffered a direct hit in his head and in his state that he was, it cause a mild concussion. At the moment he does have bloating."

"So then he will be okay afterwards"

"We hope that will recover but in order for that to happen we must transfer him immediately to the states where he will be treated"

"Have his parents been notified?" 

"Yes Kai, I informed them today in the morning. They have been doing the paper work and everything that needs to be taken care of so that he can be transferred no later than this week. We hope its within the next two days, we do not want to prolong his state and cause anymore damage."

"Thank you Doctor Kim for notifying us about what's going to happen"

"Im sure his parents will be here within the hour to update you on anything that I may have missed about their trip. I must go do my rounds but i'll be back later to check on him"

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