Chapter 6 - Hard

What is "Perfection"?

Pierre Gagnaire, at 7 o'clock.

Sehun glanced at his phone. 6.58, he's not late.

The young Oh then entered the best fine dining restaurant in Seoul and his eyes wandered around, looking for Luhan.

Ah, there he is.

Luhan was seating elegantly, staring out of the window beside him. His hand was placed under his chin. He looked beautiful, as always. Luhan's eyes moved to caught Sehun walking toward him with a soft smile. The petite guy then straightened his body and replied the smile.

"Am I late?" Sehun asked while letting one of the waitress pull out his chair.

"No, I've just arrived" Luhan said. "You looked amazing"

"And you, as perfect as always" Sehun smiled.

Luhan bit his inner cheek to prevent him from grinning happily when he heard the compliment. No, no, no. He couldn't grinning. That would ruin his elegance.

The dinner was enjoyable, mostly filled with silence as both of them focusing their attention on their meal.

"So..." Luhan started hastily. "How's things going? With... Kai?"

Sehun stopped eating for a while. "Everything is good. He turned out to be not very annoying. Quite cute instead"

Luhan stopped eating almost immediately.


"Yeah, he's so much like a child, and it's quite interesting for me" Sehun smirked as he remembered today's ice cream accident.

Luhan lost his appetite immediately. "O-oh..."

Sehun realized the change of expression on his boyfriend's face. "He's cute... As a younger little brother"

Luhan just let out a small sad smile. He knew that Sehun just saying that so he didn't feel bad. But still... Luhan is growing suspicious toward Sehun.

"But you don't like him "that way", do you?" Luhan tried to assure himself.

"O-of course not" Sehun quickly added. "Didn't you see him last time? Fat, ugly and dark. That's not my type at all. My type is you"

Luhan stared at Sehun with expresionless face before Sehun grabbed his hand in a gentle manner.

"Didn't I tell you, that my heart only belongs to you?"

Luhan then slowly smiled as he pushed the bad thoughts that lingered around his thought.

Right... Sehun just accepts perfection...

And Luhan is perfect.

Doesn't he?




Sehun came home to found Kai was struggling with his phone. The tan guy was sitting with his legs crossed on the sofa in front of television.

"What are you doing?" Sehun asked weirdly.

"Playing cookie run" Kai said without looking at Sehun.

Sehun scoffed. That lame game? Hyuna was playing that game all the time and completely ignored what the lecturer had said infront of the class.

"You play this one?" Kai asked again, still glued his eyes on the monitor.

"No, it's such a waste of time" Sehun said coldly.

"Tch" Kai scoffed. "You don't know how cool this game is"

"It's just for kids"

"We are kids"

"You are, I'm not" Sehun said coldly.

"Ckckckckck... No wonder you looked so old, like an ajjushi"

Sehun gritted his teeth in annoyance. This kid. "I'm not!"

"Or maybe you can't play this one, it's hard" Kai whined.

"Give it to me" Sehun gritted his teeth, grabbing Kai's phone.

Kai chuckled at Sehun's actions.

"It's so simple yet you can't do it?" Sehun said in a mocking tone.

"Oh, it's easy?" Kai raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, it is super simple" Sehun said while eyeing the running ginger cookie. Well, the is this cookie running around and sliding and jumping?

"Then let's make a deal" Kai smirked. "If you can beat my high score in 3 tries, I will do anything you want me to do. But if you can't do that, you should do whatever I ask you to do"

"Deal" Sehun said while glaring at Kai.

"Okay, so..." Kai said and leaned his body a little forward. " score is 3.670.679"





Sehun sighed as he dressed himself up. He glanced at the clock. 6.24. Still in early. And it's freaking MONDAY. He only had one class on monday, and it starts on 13.30 PM.

And the reason why he'd woke up on 6 AM early in the morning???

Well, he lost the bet. And Kai asked him to become his personal driver for a day.


Sehun came out from shower to found Kai had already sitting on sofa, had fully dressed. He was smiling and staring at Sehun with annoying look.

"Ready for ride Mr. Taxi-ssi?" Kai asked while raising his eyebrows up and down.

"Shut up and move faster. I will take you there and go back home to sleep" Sehun replied while walking fast toward the car.

Kai just smiled playfully and moved from behind. The two of them then hopped onto the car. Sehun started the engine and the air conditioner.

"So, where are we going?"

"My university, Dongguk" Kai answered.

"Alright" Sehun answered shortly as he drove off to that one of the best university in Seoul.

The journey was quite and mostly filled with silent. Kai glanced at Sehun who's driving half-asleeply and then started to look around for something that could save that blonde boy from sleepiness.

Ah, music.

Kai connected his phone to the car's CD player and played one song. It's Boy In Luv by BTS. Sehun startled when the opening of the song started to play.

"Yaah! That's surprising!"

"Mian?" Kai asked guiltlessly. "But I'm afraid you'd fallen asleep if I didn't play an exciting music"

Sehun scoffed as he drove faster. "It's all because of your crazy schedule! Why are you choosing a freakin early classes anyway?"

"I feel like wasting my time if I don't do that" Kai answered while checking his phone. "That's why I love compacting my schedule into a super tight one in a day"

"And when you come you pass out in somebody's else car so they have to carry you themselves to the bed?"

"Omo! How did you know?"

Sehun just glared at the road.

"I used to sleep in Taemin's car. I had always troubled him hehe. That's why only for a day, I don't want to in and disturbing him and Minho. They deserve a date"

"You seem close to Taemin" Sehun said as he drove off.

"Hmm! Me and Taemin, we're a bestfriend since like... We were little?" Kai said. "He's my junior highschool friends, and"

Sehun turned his head and eyed Kai weirdly when the younger suddenly chuckled.

"You know, Taemin was the only kid back then that really care everything about me so... He was like my first lov-"

Sehun accidentally stepped on the stop pedal and Kai was almost thrown to the front.


"S-sorry, I didn't see that car's coming" Sehun stuttered and took a deep breath before started the car again.

Then they finally drove off to the Dongguk safely. At least.

"Thanks for the ride!" Kai smiled brightly as he waved goodbye to Sehun.

Sehun hummed in response sleepily. Then he made his way back home.

Taemin was Kai's first love? So Kai likes that kind of type? Someone who's pretty and also slim? Well that's very far from Seh- Sehun shook his head and blinked his eyes repeatedly. Sleepiness had overtaken him! Sleepiness had overtaken him that he started to think nonchalantly!

It's okay, it's okay... It just 10 minutes to go and Sehun could go back to sleep before 12.30 came.


Sehun glanced at the phone and picked it up. "What?"

"Sehun-ah!!!" Sehun knitted his eyebrows.



"Please turn back! I forgot my backpack there!"

Sehun immediately turned his head to spot Kai's backpack laid sweetly beside him and glared hard at it.

Goodbye, sleep.





"Why your face is all clouded?" Luhan asked when Sehun and him were eating in the college's cafetaria.

"Just lack of sleep" Sehun grumbled a little.

"Really?" Luhan sounded surprise. Well, who doesn't? Sehun is a type of person who take care both of his health and beauty seriously. He wouldn't skip eating healthy or sleep enough unless there's something really urgent to do.

"That's all because of that kid! My beauty sleep is ruined!" Sehun groaned.

"That kid?" Luhan tilted his head. "Who?"

Sehun was about to opened his mouth and shouted 'Kai' but stopped halfway. He shouldn't mentioned Kai, or else Luhan would once again got offended. "...hyuna..."

Luhan raised his eyebrows. Suspicious. But he decided to not worry about that anymore.

Sehun then glanced at his phone. 2 PM. Time to pick up the princess from his college and drove him to the dance class.

"I have to go" Sehun sighed as he raised himself from the seat. "See you tonight on the cafe"

Luhan flashed a sweet smile as he watched Sehun walked away. When the other's back had disappeared, the petite guy stared at the plate underneath him.

Disgusting food.

Luhan went to the restroom and immediately got done with his "ritual". He then cleaned his face and walked out of the restroom.

"Throwing up again?" Luhan widened his eyes when he saw Xiumin was staring at him with unreadable eyes. The other guy had his arms folded infront of his chest and he had his back on the wall.

"Why are you here?" Luhan hissed and looked around to make sure nobody is listening.

Luhan had always used the old restroom on the back of the college because nobody goes there. Well, except this guy he guess.

"I'm here to remind you that what you do right now is so ridiculuous!" Xiumin raised his voice, angry. "Stop hurting yourself, Luhan!"

"I'm not hurting myself!" Luhan shouted back. "I do all of this, because I love myself! I don't want to looked bad, I want to looked pretty! What's wrong with all of that?"

"Damn it, Lu!" Xiumin growled and his hand shot to grabbed one of Luhan's wrist. With ease he dragged the younger closer to his body.

"Yak, Xiumin! Let me g-"

"If you keep do this, I will definitely report this to your parents!"

"No no no don't do that!" Luhan almost cried out every statements. "Xiumin, you are my bestfriend right? You should've cheer me up to chase after Sehun! Not forcing me stop halfway down here!"

"This is TOO MUCH!!!" Xiumin shouted furiously. He was about to say more when he saw Luhan's eyes clouded and soon enough the other was crying.

"I-I... I l-love him, Xiu..." Luhan said between his sobs. "I c-couldn't let him g-go... I-I w-would stop b-but please s-stand by m-me"

Xiumin bit his lip and sighed. He let go of Luhan's wrist immediately and ran his hand through his hair frustratedly.

Luhan who got his chance immediately ran away from Xiumin, disappeared before the other could catch him again.

"Damn it, Lu" Xiumin whispered while the wall. "Why you should change yourself for someone who can't accept you just the way you are?"




Sehun parked his car and grabbed his phone. He dialled Kai's number and waited patiently as he scanned the college.


"Where are you? I'm now on the car park so come quickly because I hate waiting the most" Sehun coldly said before cut off the phone's connection.

Kai on the other hand, pouted at the phone. "So rude"

The tanned guy then waved goodbye to his friends and walked to the car park. He scanned around the large parking area and stopped when his spot a black car which looked like Sehun's.


Kai picked his phone and found a new message. He walked toward the car while opening the message on the phone.

From Chanyeol!

Kai read the message with thumping heart.


'Hei kkamjong~ are you free tonight?'


Kai immediately giggled like crazy. He fastened his pace with eyes glued on the phone.

And then he ran to a pole, face flat against the metal.

Sehun laughed and shook his head when he saw the funny scene. Seriously this careless kid...

Kai pouted and grasped his head and cursed a little. He then raised his head from the phone and made their way to the black car.

Sehun who saw Kai approaching immediately fixed his position and stopped his laugh. He waited for Kai to stopped on his car...

But it didn't happen. Instead, Kai approached one of the black car infront of his car, opened the door and hopped on.

What the hell is that kid doing?

Kai was about to buckle his seatbelt when he glanced at the driver's seat and froze.

"What can I do for Kim?" Kai's professor, Choi Siwon stared at him from behind his glasses.

"A-ah?" Kai startled and looked around nervously. "Ahhh! I g-guess I entered the w-wrong car!"

Sehun watched in amaze as Kai jumped out of the car and ran away cutely from the black car. That kid looked confused and looked around. Sehun gave a light 'thin-thin' and opened the window.

"Yak, what are you doing?"

Kai turned his head to saw Kai and jumped in glee. He ran toward Sehun's car, opened the door and jumped in.

"Oh my God I entered the wrong car!!!"

And for the second time in that day, Sehun laughed hystericaly.






"Wow..." Sehun said in amazement when his car entered Kai's dance school parking area. He watched how big the dance school actually is. "So this is your dance school?"

"Yep" Kai said, grinning proudly. "Welcome to SM dance group, mister Oh Sehun"

"Okay, here you are" Sehun said as he stopped his car. "Erm... Can I enter the classroom? I want to see how's the class going"

"Sure" Kai grinned. "You interest in dancing?"

"No" Sehun lied. "I just want to see what kind of school is SM dance group"

Yes, Sehun is lying. He, has a very very very big passion toward dance. He had joined some dance classes before but he didn't find the lecturer is even better than him so he quit.

The two then entered the classroom. Kai waved his hand excitedly at some kids there and Sehun spotted Taemin among them.

"Who's that?" A girl whispered to Kai. "He's hot!"

"My friend, Yuri noona" Kai answered sweetly.

"How lucky, he's hot as hell" another girl, Yoona joined in.

Kai just smiled. He mentaly asked himself what's so good about that Sehun kid?

Sehun took a seat comfortably on the other side of the classroom, watched as the kids started doing the warm-ups. The young Oh gulped when he saw how Kai bent down and his round showing. From the beginning of the class, Sehun couldn't even blink his eyes. Other than Kai's y , the dance instructor, Lee Hyukjae is also a very talented dancer. His movement is swift, and his dance moves are creative as hell. Sehun unconciously moved his body along the music's beats.

This class is amazing.

"Yak, Lay-ah! You looked so stiff when it comes to y dance" Hyukjae protested one of his student.

"The wave is kinda difficult" Lay said with a huff.

"And your expression is also off. You should give an exotic look when you do a y dance" Hyukjae said. "Kai-ah, give him an example"

Kai shifted closer to Lay and stood infront of him. Then he started to do a y wave, with a seductive look on his face.

Sehun gulped at the sight of Kai's y moves. His slim tanned body moving gracefully under the y rhytmn. His eyes half lidded, and his plump lips opened a little.

So darn y.

Sehun immediately tore his gaze away from Kai as he felt himself getting hard. He cursed silently and excused himself to the bathroom.

, Kai had totally ruined his mind.







I've been gone for 4 days. I know. I have a reason. I was ill, hehehe I think I've eaten too much things lately so I kinda got a... Food poisoning but it's all ok now kekeke

So I bet you guys have known about Kris :( My number one bias was rumorred to quit exo! You guys should know how cutiekris, krisyeolstalker and my other kris lovers was gone all furious with the news!

My petite friend, AngelXxx then told me something that kinda hit me right on the head.

She said

'My heart feels bad that I never thought of their health for satisfying us...
If Kris wants to leave, I wish he could because I want him to find his own happiness... In his position, everything is already planned out and tiring.... I know that everything happening in his life is affecting his health and I only wish him to win'

Right, I shouldn't have been too selfish :( Even though it's hurt to see my fave band, and my fave member, once again left the group.

I was a cassiopeia and also ukiss lover back then, my bias was jaejoong and alexander. Then the two of them went out. Ahhhhhhh but I'm still100x so sad. Someone cure my brokenheart, please :(

Okay, I've blabbered too much about Kris XD Couldn't help it though! I hope you guys could deal with me XD ><


Ok, my author notes should end here! XD Thx for reading, guys! Have a productive lovely monday!


*kisses from Indonesia, fallenenigma*

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972 streak #1
Chapter 27: Thank you for sharing. My only issue is Chanyeol not being arrested for his crimes. Why wasn't he in a counselling program if he beat up someone before in high school?
972 streak #2
Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Why wasn't Chanyeol arrested by the police? What he did are crimes. Entrapment, physical assault resulting in death!
972 streak #3
Chapter 1: Selamat pagi. I stsrtefreading this fic just now. Moving on to the next chapter.
Terima kasih.
Palak27 #4
Chapter 27: It was a good read. I enjoyed it. The only thing I didn’t like was baekhyun dying and chanyeol not getting proper punishment for it even though he’s my bias. But it’s fiction.
Palak27 #5
Chapter 23: Damn park chanyeol and wu yifan! I’ll kill you both
Palak27 #6
Chapter 20: Damn he’s scary!!! Park Chanyeol pull yourself together!
Palak27 #7
Chapter 13: Yes Luhan deserves so much happiness!!!!
Palak27 #8
Chapter 7: That car scene was cute!!!!!
Palak27 #9
Chapter 4: I just jhope Kai is not sick in this fic even if I love drama!
Palak27 #10
Chapter 1: I just finished The Ugly Twin and I am here and I already don't like Sehun! :(