Chapter 5 - Cute

What is "Perfection"?

Sehun woke up when he heard faint sounds of music. He opened his heavy eyelids and his hand desperately searched his phone to checked the time.


It's saturday, and he has no classes today. Usually on saturdays, he would spend his morning rolling on the bed and sleeping, at least until the afternoon comes. Then he will go out to have a date with Luhan.

Sadly today he was awakened with sounds of music.

Sehun sighed and tried to sleep again, but he couldn't. The blonde sighed one more time before walked out of the bedroom. Like what he had expected, Kai was bathing while listening to the music. And if Sehun is not wrong, that music's called "Sleep Talking" from a boyband nu'est. Seems like Kai likes cheerful songs.

Sehun approached the kitchen. His stomach's grumbling and he had decided to made a breakfast. Something that is easy and healthy. At the end Sehun decided to make a simple Japanese omurice.


Sehun glanced at the closed bathroom door. "What?"

"Ah, you've awakened! Can you help me, please?"


"Get my towel please? I forgot to bring it to the bathroom. It's on the bed, please~"

Sehun sighed and put down his frying pan. He then walked to Kai's bedroom and spotted the white towel. He grabbed it carelessly and walked back to the bathroom.

"Here you go" he said lazily, waiting for Kai to open the door.

The bathroom's door slid open and a strong scent of chocolate came to Sehun's sense. A small hand covered with soap's bubble came into the view, stretched out infront of Sehun.

"Give it to me" Kai said from behind the door.

Sehun gulped hard. The long tanned hand of Kai looked so delicate. Sehun then shakily placed the towel on Kai's hand and stepped back.

"Thanks!" Kai answered cheerfully, pull back his hand and closed the bathroom's door.

And the music starts again.

Sehun busied himself on the kitchen, frying two big omelettes and filled it with rice. Just right after he puts the omurice on the plate, the bathroom's door opened.

Kai came out from the bathroom, all fresh and smily. Sehun turned his head to glanced at the boy but immediately tore his gaze away. Kai still wears that freaking oversized clothes!

Kai bounced happily to approached Sehun. "Wow, that's smells good!"

Sehun tried hard to not inhale the sweet scent of Kai. He swore he would get crazy if he did.

"Are you making one for me to? Thank you so much!" Kai smiled brightly and Sehun gulped again when he saw the sweet smile.

"S-so today you don't have any classes?" Sehun asked, tried to tore his gaze away from Kai.

"I don't have any" Kai grinned as he sat down and pull a plate of Omurice to himself. "That's why I can lazying around today~ hmmmm it's so yummy!!!"

Sehun's lips twitched and he bit it quite hard so he wouldn't grin out loud at the compliment.

"You are not going anywhere today?" Kai asked as he digging his food happily.

"I have a date with Luhan tonight" Sehun answered lightly.

Kai hummed lightly as the response. "Your boyfriend, he's pretty"

Sehun glanced at Kai. "O-oh? Yes he's pretty"

"Has he known about our arranged marriage thing?"

"Yes he has" Sehun said lowly.

"I feel sorry" Kai sighed. "You guys are making a very sweet couple. I'm glad this marriage thing doesn't ruin your relationship"

Sehun didn't answer and just munched on his food silently.

"It's just 3 months" Kai said with a concern on his voice. "We only need 3 months to prove to mom that we are not made for each other. Then you can marry Luhan for sure"

Sehun still didn't react to Kai's words.

"I'm also not sure why mom still arranging a marriage for me. I've grown up well! He should've trust me to choose my own husb-"

"So you are against this marriage too?" Sehun couldn't help but ask. "Why? Do you have any boyfriend?"

Kai looked dumbfounded with the question. "A-ani... It just..."

Kai's answer got cut off by the sound of his phone vibrating. The tanned boy ran to the sofa and bent down to picked his phone which was thrown carelessly. Sehun gulped hard when he once again had to see Kai's round under the oversized clothes.

Heck, living with Kai is so troublesome.

"Hello?" Kai answered with a light voice. "Yes! Yes, I've bought the tickets! Hehehe~ so what ti-..."

Sehun stared as Kai stopped talking.

"-oh? Ah... That's alright... Okay..." Kai's voice turned weak. "...yes... Okay, take a good care of Baekhyun then..."

Sehun watched curiously as Kai ended the phone call and his shoulders hunched down sadly. The tanned boy turned back his body and walked to the dining table. Kai sat down and sighed. His previous happy face turned to a clouded one.

"Who was that?" Sehun asked carefully.

"My friend" Kai said as he pouted his lips slightly. "Ahh... He's a meanie... He cancelled our plan to watch movie today"

Sehun's ears pricked out at the words. "Movie? What movie?"

"It's Spiderman 2" Kai said. "Have you watched it?"

"No" Sehun shook his head. "My friends says that's a good movie"

"Yes everyone says that!" Kai said. "Err... Do you want to go with me this afternoon?"


"I-I've bought the tickets" Kai said. His face turned into a deep shade of red. "A-and I don't have anyone to accompany me watching it! Taemin must be on a date with Minho. S-so... B-but if you don't want to then it's okay! I will s-"

"Well never mind" Sehun said as he munch his last omurice. "My date is on 8 PM anyway"

Kai's face brightened immediately. "R-really? Wowww thanks so much!"

Sehun smiled a little when he saw Kai become cheerful again. Sehun then took a bath and changed his clothes.




The two of them then walked to the cinema. The movie was good, and both Kai and Sehun had a great time.

"It was a good movie" Kai grinned when the two of them made their way out of the cinema. They were following the crowd and they were busily chatting about the scenes in that movie.

"I think it's even better than the previous one"

"Yes! Agree! The action scenes are amazing! And the effect is als-ahh!" Kai gasped when he felt a hand shot and squeezed his in slightly rough manner. The hand let go of his right but cheek when Kai turned his head to saw who's the culprit.

Kai could clearly saw a man in his twenties walked passed them while smirking, and then blended into the crowds. Sehun who saw what had happened immediately pressed his lip into a thin line. His eyes darkened.

"What's wrong?" He asked Kai, tried hard to surpress his rising voice down.

"Ah.. N-no" Kai startled. "I-I just remember that the actor in that movie is my favorite one! Do y-"

Sehun ignored Kai and dashed out from his position to chased after the erted man.

"Yaa! Sehun-ah! Where are you going?"

Sehun grabbed the man's collar from behind and gave a loud punch on his face. The crowds immediately gasped in surprise.

"!" That man screamed as he covered his bloody nose.

"Didn't your mom tell you that ual harrashment is forbidden?" Sehun asked in a dark tone. "Did you know who you just d? He'"

Kai's face flushed super red when he heard that statement.

The erted man slowly raised from his position, hand clutched his bleeding nose desperately. "I-I'm r-really sorry, sir. I- didn't know that h-he was your w-wife"

"If you dare to touch anyone inappropriately again..." Sehun gritted his teeth. "I'm going to break your fingers"

The man shook in fear and ran away immediately.

Sehun turned his head to saw Kai who was trembling at the sight of the erted man's bleeding state. Sehun approached Kai and grabbed his wrist.

Kai let out a whimper when Sehun dragged him to exit the cinema, out from the stares that people gave them.

"Why didn't you do something? You shouldve just slap him or even told me what he had done to you! Why did you just keep silent?"

"I... I just don't want to attract attention" Kai said in a small voice.

"Is this your first time to got harrashed like that?"

"N-no... I-it happened... T-three times already"

Sehun stopped and gave a death glare at Kai. "And you just keep silent like that?"

Kai just bit his lip and and didn't answer. Sehun looked scary and sounded very angry.

Wait, Is that even Kai's fault?

Kai huffed a little but didn't say anything. The two of them ended up walking around the mall. Sehun didn't say anything and Kai grew a little uncomfortable. He looked around nervously and his eyes caught a sight of icecream seller not far from them.

"You want ice cream?" Kai asked, tried to sounded cheerful.

Sehun stared at him like he's the biggest idiot alive. "You've been harrashed and now you are thinking about ice cream?"

Kai just pouted and fell silent. "B-but icecream can lighten your mood"

"My mood?" Sehun furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yes your mood" Kai huffed in annoyance. "I'm the one who got harrashed but you are the one that sulking all day!"

"I'm not sulking" Sehun hissed. "I just wonder why you are so stupid, letting that guy touching you in a inappropriate way!"

Kai pressed his lip into a thin line and looked away. "But I don't know what to do..."

"Geez, you..." Sehun felt like facepalmed his face.

"Next time I will make sure to punch the culprit square on the face! Okay? Now quit that sulking and let's go eat an ice cream!" Kai smiled brightly and pull Sehun's hand.

Sehun had no other choice but to raised himself from the bench and walked behind Kai. He tried to hold his smile when he saw Kai walked like a little kid, full of excitement and approached the ice-cream stall.

"What flavor do you want?" Kai asked while looking at the menu.


"A flavor called 'whatever' is not exist in the menu" Kai said sarcasticly. "Come on, pick one!"

"You pick it for me" Sehun sighed. He doesn't really like ice cream. It's to sweet to him, but still Kai insist of buying he just followed the smaller after.

"Okay, since you looked like a yolo person... I will pick you an oreo"


"Yes" Kai turned back and gave the biggest grin ever. ""

Sehun scoffed while turned his head away. Kai's bright smile had blinded him.

Kai then ordered their ice cream. An oreo icecream with cookie crumbles on the top for Sehun, and a vanilla ice-cream topped with colorful icings for Kai.

"Hmmm" Kai hummed happily as he ate the icecream. "Yummy food always make me happy"

"No wonder you are fat" Sehun said from behind.

Kai turned his head and gave a death glare to Sehun. "Yaa!! That's rude!"

"Luhan never eats these kind of foods but he still looks so happy" Sehun said as he stared at his untouchable icecream.

"Maybe he's not really into ice cream" Kai murmurred, still sounded annoyed.

"Yes, he's into salads, fruits and vegetables. Healthy choice. No wonder he has a y and perfect body"

Kai pouted even harder and stopped. He turned to Sehun. "But still, mister Oh! That's not really polite to accuse someone for being fat!"

"T-That's just a joke" Sehun stuttered because his poor heart started to race faster when he saw such a cute expression on Kai's face.

"Not everyone can take those jokes lightly, you know?" Kai protested cutely. "You have to be extra extra careful with your words, because once you said it, you could never get it back. And you, will never know how much it will hurts someone's feeling! Like what you've done to me earlier!"

Sehun didn't say anything to defend himself. He's just being amazed by Kai's face. His cheeks flushed red and his plump lips moved so fast, uttering every words. His eyes blinked repeatedly in a very cute way, and his hands swayed here and there to express his frustration.

Wait... Hands swayed here and there?


"Ahhh! My ice cream!" Kai screamed hysterically when his ice cream plopped to the ground because he's moving his hand too fast.

Sehun bursted into laughter. Kai is so cute, unbearably cute! Kai hissed and glared at him.

"Look at what you've done to my ice cream!"

Sehun laughed even harder at the innocent comment. He then circled his arm around Kai's body and pull him closer. "I'm buying you another ice cream"

Kai's breath hitched when he was easily swung to Sehun's body. Sure, his size and Sehun's not really different. But Sehun is way taller than him, and his arm's so strong. Sehun squeezed Kai closer to him and Kai winced. His face burnt perfectly as he tried to wiggled out of Sehun's embrace.

"L-let me g-goo"

Sehun didn't let the other kid go, and just pressed him close his shoulder. "Don't be such a pain in ! Which flavor was that ice cream?"

Kai pouted and gave up. He picked his ice cream flavor once again. As they were waiting, Sehun stole glances from Kai in his arms.

Kai crossed his arms, lips pouted but eyes filled with excitement to saw the ice cream's maker filled the cone with ice cream and sprinkled it with icings.

So... So...

"What?" Sehun taken a back with Kai's sudden question. He tore his gaze away while shook his head.

"A-ani..." ...



ual harrashment!! Grrrr!! Kai's experience was taken from my personal one *but mine is not as extreme as Kai's of course* Like what Kai did, I couldn't say anything, just completely frozen. I didn't tell anyone, just keep my mouth shut because I'm too embarrased. Darn that guy. Some of my friends were also a victim too *cry* *sigh*. Be careful, girls. Really.

And I also noticed there's quite a lot of you guys who had the same experience with Luhan :( I'm so happy that you've quit it already! It's so so so damaging for your body! DX

Ah, anyone have watched Spiderman 2 already? XD I'm just going to watch them tomorrow! DX College's tasks are too much sometimes kekeke. Most of my friends have watched it already. But better late than never :p *I included the spidey's scene on the chapter but hadn't personally watched it, sorry :p*

Don't you think that Kai's ice cream scene is just so cute? I chuckled to myself imagining Kai chatters nonstoply about Sehun's words. Omooo Kai-ahhh!! XD

Okay, the author's note is too long already! Let's end it here! Have a wonderful night and productive day... * Indonesian's friends kekeke*


*kisses from Indonesia, fallenenigma*

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972 streak #1
Chapter 27: Thank you for sharing. My only issue is Chanyeol not being arrested for his crimes. Why wasn't he in a counselling program if he beat up someone before in high school?
972 streak #2
Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Why wasn't Chanyeol arrested by the police? What he did are crimes. Entrapment, physical assault resulting in death!
972 streak #3
Chapter 1: Selamat pagi. I stsrtefreading this fic just now. Moving on to the next chapter.
Terima kasih.
Palak27 #4
Chapter 27: It was a good read. I enjoyed it. The only thing I didn’t like was baekhyun dying and chanyeol not getting proper punishment for it even though he’s my bias. But it’s fiction.
Palak27 #5
Chapter 23: Damn park chanyeol and wu yifan! I’ll kill you both
Palak27 #6
Chapter 20: Damn he’s scary!!! Park Chanyeol pull yourself together!
Palak27 #7
Chapter 13: Yes Luhan deserves so much happiness!!!!
Palak27 #8
Chapter 7: That car scene was cute!!!!!
Palak27 #9
Chapter 4: I just jhope Kai is not sick in this fic even if I love drama!
Palak27 #10
Chapter 1: I just finished The Ugly Twin and I am here and I already don't like Sehun! :(