Chapter 4 - Love is...?

What is "Perfection"?

Sehun opened his eyes and glanced at the clock. It's just 6.38 AM. He'd love to go back to sleep but he needed to pee, so he got up and lazily dragged his body to the restroom. After got done with his business, Sehun walked out of the restroom and caught the sight of Kai who was falling asleep on the sofa. Sehun furrowed his eyebrows.

It's still early... Where's that kid going?

Kai had changed his pajamas into a big white t-shirt and a loose jeans. He was sleeping while hugging the duck plushy, pressed his cheeks onto the doll.

Sehun approached him and held out his hand, about to shook Kai awake when the other suddenly opened his eyes.

"Oh crap, I thought you were Taemin" Kai whispered while closed his eyes again.

"Where are you going so early in the morning?" Sehun asked.

"Early?" Kai scoffed. "It's almost 7, dear. I have morning class today so I'm going to college now"

Sehun's heart jolted a little when Kai called him 'dear'. A sudden unknown wave tickled his stomach. The blonde guy then cleared his throat and folded his arms groggily. "So... you always get morning classes everyday?"

"Most of the day except yesterday and saturday" Kai answered sleepily.

Sehun was about to ask more when the front door cracked open.

A tall and slim guy entered the house. "Kai?"

Sehun turned his head to saw a gorgeous looking guy entered the house. That guy is quite tall, almost as tall as Sehun's but definitely taller than Kai. He is also thin, with long almond hair fell perfectly framing his small face.


"Oh? Who is this?" The guy asked, sounded surprised.

"Ah, hyung. You've come" Kai woke up and slowly rose from his seat. He yawned for a while. "This is Sehun, the guy I talked about yesterday"

"Ohh, that Sehun" the guy nodded then smiled. He offered his hand. "Hai, I'm Kai's senior in dance class, Taemin"

"Hello" Sehun awkwardly greeted back.

"Kai-ah, earth to. Let's go to the college now~" Taemin said, poked Kai who was almost asleep while standing.

Kai groaned and lazily slumped to Taemin who easily held him still. "Hyung~ I'm tired~"

Oh, how Sehun really wanted to smack Kai. He is so cute when he speaks in that way. Sehun watched as Taemin sighed and circled his arm around Kai's a little smaller body.

"I told you to sleep earlier last night. You ignored my advice again, didn't you?" Taemin said in an accusing tone. "Well you can sleep later on the car. Let's go"

Taemin bid goodbye at Sehun and then left the house. Sehun sighed. Kai looked so busy.

The blonde guy then got dressed quickly and went to the dining table. He frowned when he saw the empy table. Oh, right. He hadn't made any breakfast yet and Kai had already left. Sehun then made himself a sandwich.

While munching his breakfast, his thought flew to Kai. That kid, really. How could he easily skipped breakfast like that? Is he going to eat his breakfast in the campus? Or he's just going to go straight to his class? That dumb kid. He could get sic-

Sehun accidentaly bit his own tongue and got pulled back to the reality.

Hey, why he needs to think about that guy? Why should he care whether that kid being healthy or what?

Sehun took a glass of juice beside him and drank all in one shot. It must be because Sehun got used to live a perfect and healthy life since he was little. That must be the main cause why he keeps bugging Kai about being healthy and others. Sehun grabbed his car keys and his needed files. He went out of the house, locked the door and hopped to the car. Just like Kai, Sehun also has a morning class today and it's one of the most difficult subject in his major so he should really put all his head on that. It wouldn't be wise to skip the class.

A perfect guy should has a perfect scores, right?

Once Sehun parked his car on the parkings, a girl with soft brown hair approached him happily.

"Hei, Thehun! Good morning!"

"I told you to not call me with that name, Hyuna!" Sehun hissed as he locked his car. He turned his head to saw Hyuna smiled brightly and guiltilessly. Hyuna loves to make fun of his lisp. Geez, it's really the only imperfection he has. Even though his lisp is not really oblivious, since he has been friends with this pretty girl for years... Hyuna of course know each of his weakness.

"So how's your story with that Kai? I'm dying to hear that since yesterday!"

"So so" Sehun answered shortly and walked to left Hyuna who ran after him.

"How's him? Is he cute? Pretty? Or?"

"Ugly" Sehun said again with flat tone and flat expression.

"Oey! I've told you to not talk bad about other people, didn't I?" Hyuna said as she folded her arms.

"That's a reality" Sehun scoffed.

"I bet he's adorable" Hyuna said dreamily, completely ignored Sehun's comments. "Maybe he's small... And has a milky white skin..."

Sehun rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to protest.

"...maybe he's also cute... But at the same time y! Yeah, like me!" Hyuna grinned.

Sehun froze.

y... And cute...

"I'm right, aren't I? If he does sounds just like what I've told you, that means you have to be careful. Control youself and make sure you don't attack him while he's sleep-"

"No he's not!" Sehun said fastly as he fastened his pace.

Hyuna half running, tried to catch up with his friend. "Yaa, don't walk too fast!"

Sehun ignored his friend and kept his eyes locked to the front. After that his eyes caught a sparkling view infront of him.


"Good morning, Sehun!" Luhan smiled as he approached Sehun. "Ah, Hyuna. Good morning"

Hyuna replied the smile a little awkwardly. She gets nervous each time she has to face Luhan. The boy's elegance just simply radiating too brightly for her liking.

"How long your class will take today?" Luhan asked Sehun, voice soft and gentle. Get used to hear and talk in loud voices, Hyuna cringed silently.

"3 hours, maybe" Sehun answered. "Wanna meet up for lunch?"

"Definitely" Luhan smiled brightly.

"You don't have classes?"

"No" Luhan smiled as he shook his head. "I'll be waiting for you on the library, then"

"Okay" Sehun leaned down and pecked Luhan on the lips. "See you"

Luhan blushed and smiled. He waved his hand and walked away left Hyuna and Sehun alone.

"I always get a weird feeling whenever I see Luhan" Hyuna hummed softly.

"What do you mean?" Sehun asked as the two of them approached their class.

"Like, he's hiding something. He... Is not being himself"

Sehun didn't answer. He just entered the classroom and picked a seat on the front row.

"Don't you think so, Sehun-ah?" Hyuna demanded an answer while taking a seat beside Sehun.

"I don't see anything wrong on him. He's perfect for me" Sehun answered shortly.

Hyuna shrugged off and tore her gaze away from Sehun when she felt her phone vibrating. Her face brightened when she saw her boyfriend's name on her phone. "Hyunseung oppa?"

Sehun glanced at Hyuna when she answered the phone.

"Oh yes, of course oppa. Tonight? I'm free, hehe. Okay, see you oppa. I love you~"

Sehun scoffed when Hyuna ended the phone call. "And I still don't get it, why you choose Hyunseung as your boyfriend"

"Why? Something wrong with him?" Hyuna asked cutely.

"Everything is wrong" Sehun said flatly. "From his face, his voice, everything doesn't feel right for me. He's ugly, why do you bother to be his girlfriend anyway?"

Sehun really didn't understand Hyuna. That girl is one of the hottest girl in the campus. Well who doesn't know her? She's pretty, and unbearably y. Just look at her body, slim and curvy thanks to her daily gym routine. She's smart, even though is a dumb in mathematic. And she comes from a rich family. Boys are drooling over her whenever she passed by, some even got hard just by hearing her voice. She's 10 out of 10.

But Hyunseung?

That boy is the total opposite of Hyuna. He's super smart, but that's what makes him a nerd. Rather than gym, that boy loves to hit on computer games. He's not that fashionable, and his hairstyle is simply weird.

It's like a beauty and the beast.

"I don't think Hyunseung is ugly" Hyuna pouted. "He's super hot instead

" "Hyuna, maybe you need a glasses" Sehun said sarcasticly. "Everyone with eyes would say that Hyunseung is not hot. He's a nerd, and you Kim Hyuna, is dating a nerd"

"Why are you dating Luhan?" Hyuna cut his bestfriend off. "Is it because he's pretty?"

"Of course" Sehun said. "Who doesn't think Luhan is pretty? He's perfect, Hyuna"

"Maybe that's not a love" Hyuna sighed. "I don't know why I'm dating Hyunseung. It just feels right to be next to him. Even though people said he's ugly, he's this and he's that... I think all his little flaws are the things that make him perfect"

"Well that doesn't make a sens-"

"You. Don't need a reason to fall in love" Hyuna said sternly, stressed every words.

"Whatever" Sehun sighed and turned his attention to his lecturer who had standing infront of the classes.

But Hyuna's words kept lingering on his head that day.




Luhan entered his apartment. He walked to his bedroom fastly. His mother must be outside now, buying foods for tonight's dinner. His dad hasn't got back yet. The petite guy closed the door and locked it. His maid, Boa was downstair cleaning up the house. His other maids were doing their own jobs. Luhan the music in his room to the max, and entered his personal bathroom.

He walked to the closet, and slumped infront of it. His finger made its way to the inside of his mouth, and after a good seconds he threw up.

The steaks... Mashed potatoes... Chocolate lava cake... Everything that he had eaten with Sehun this evening were finally came out from his body.

Good. He wouldn't be fat this way.

Luhan grabbed a tissue on the right side of his closet and dabbed it on his lips. Even though he had been doing this for many times, his head still pounds hard. His body slumped down to the cold floor. His throat burned and it really hurts, but Luhan doesn't care. Instead, he felt happy.

This way, he would still be perfect infront of Sehun.





Sehun had just finished bathing when he heard the front door were opened. He immediately walked and checked who's that.


Sehun frowned when he saw a tall guy entered the house, carrying a sleeping Kai bridal style. Taemin followed after the tall guy.

"Oh, hi Sehun" Taemin greeted Sehun

"Hi. W-What's wrong with him?" Sehun asked Taemin while pointing at Kai.

"He fell asleep on the car, and I can't wake him up so I ask Minho to carry him here" Taemin answered lightly.

"Well let me bring him" Sehun stretched out his arms. "He must be heavy"

"No he's not" Minho answered lightly. "That's okay, I'm strong enough to bring him to his bedroom. I am used to"

Sehun frowned at the statement. Used to? USED TO??? So that means that tall guy used to carry Kai each night and bring him to the bed???

Taemin noticed the change of Sehun's expression. "Oh, by the way this is Minho, my BOYFRIEND. Minho, this is Sehun, the one that Kai talked about last time"

Boyfriend? Oh, so he's Taemin's boyfriend...

"Sehun?" Minho blinked. "Ah, that Sehun. I see"

Jongin whined a little on Minho's arms, caught the attention of those three. He snuggled a little to Minho's chest and Taemin stole one more glance to Sehun.

"W-well, honey? Let's just bring Kai to his bedroom and left" Taemin said and gave a light push at Minho.

Minho nodded and walked to Kai's room with Taemin and Sehun followed from behind.

"Is he..." Sehun started the conversation hastily. "...used to fall asleep on your car?"

"Kai falls asleep everywhere" Taemin answered. "He also falls asleep in taxies, which worries me the most since he always get back home at night time. That kid is a heavy sleeper, especially when he's tired. Who knows what the taxi driver would do to him if they found out he's asleep"

Sehun just listened to the story without much words. He glanced at the sleeping Kai who was now cuddling to the bolster, hugged it tightly. The tanned guy had changed his clothes to a a black tanktop. He covered his body with jacket, but it opened and little and revealed his bare shoulder. Sehun slowly pull it upward and Taemin didn't leave that action unnoticed.

"Is he... Always come home this late?"

"Well, most of his days" Taemin answered again. "He loves busying himself a lot. That's why he barely breathing on his active days"

"I see" Sehun said lowly.

"Then, I think we should go home" Minho said while checking his phone. "Now, or your mom will kill me, Taemin-ah"

Taemin chuckled and nodded his head. The couples made their way out of the bedroom and the house. They bid goodbye to Sehun and then hopped onto the car. "

You are very insensitive" Taemin said as he buckled his seatbelt.

"What do you mean?"

"You were suppose to let that Sehun carried Kai by himself. Did you see that looks on his face when you didn't let him to do so?"

"But didn't Kai say that Sehun boy dislikes him so much?"

"He did say that" Taemin mumbled. "But I have a feeling that everything will not going to be as what Kai had predicted before..."









Have you seen my new poster? XD Credit to ermasputryoo for the amazing poster! X) Now I just need to find a trailer for "Perfection" to show my dedicatin *ehem* to this story :p

Well! You guys know what is going on with out Lulu, right? Bulimia! What a cruel word DX My friend who works as a model had ever done this before I was really furious when I discovered it. I mean, it's not good for you health, right? Your scale doesn't judge your beauty, guys! DX

Since I'm still lacking in some parts when it comes to "writing", I've been subscribing to "let's write the night away" by iLiekPie. It helps me a lot in writing and I hope I could improve my skill right away hehehe :D. Writing fanfics had been playing a big role in my life lately :p

Guys, if you write a bottom!kai or have any recommendation of bottom!kai, inform me please! I've been really obsessed with this boy now LoL

Okay, see you on the next chapter! Sleep well and have a productive day tomorrow!



*kisses from Indonesia, fallenenigma* O

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974 streak #1
Chapter 27: Thank you for sharing. My only issue is Chanyeol not being arrested for his crimes. Why wasn't he in a counselling program if he beat up someone before in high school?
974 streak #2
Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Why wasn't Chanyeol arrested by the police? What he did are crimes. Entrapment, physical assault resulting in death!
974 streak #3
Chapter 1: Selamat pagi. I stsrtefreading this fic just now. Moving on to the next chapter.
Terima kasih.
Palak27 #4
Chapter 27: It was a good read. I enjoyed it. The only thing I didn’t like was baekhyun dying and chanyeol not getting proper punishment for it even though he’s my bias. But it’s fiction.
Palak27 #5
Chapter 23: Damn park chanyeol and wu yifan! I’ll kill you both
Palak27 #6
Chapter 20: Damn he’s scary!!! Park Chanyeol pull yourself together!
Palak27 #7
Chapter 13: Yes Luhan deserves so much happiness!!!!
Palak27 #8
Chapter 7: That car scene was cute!!!!!
Palak27 #9
Chapter 4: I just jhope Kai is not sick in this fic even if I love drama!
Palak27 #10
Chapter 1: I just finished The Ugly Twin and I am here and I already don't like Sehun! :(