Chapter 3 - y

What is "Perfection"?

Luhan glanced around the house. Beside him, Sehun was eating his cook gleefully.

Luhan examined every inch of Kai's house. That guy doesn't use expensive furnitures, but his choice of color is amazing. The house is not big. It was painted sky blue, with cream-colored sofa and dining table. The decoration is not exaggerated, but it was The house was arranged really simple, but also beautiful. Luhan sighed and Sehun glanced at him.

"You are not eating?" Sehun asked and Luhan shook his head while smiling. Truthfully, his stomach growled loudly but he had to prevent himself for eating the food. Sehun loves pasta, and his favorite is Fetuccini Carbonara. It's so creamy, so delicious... So FATFUL.

"I have eaten" Luhan lied as he held onto his own stomach, tried to prevent it from making loud noises. "You called me while I was eating my lunch"

"Eat again" Sehun pouted. "I don't want to eat alone"

"Okay" Luhan sighed as he took a seat beside Sehun. He picked a fork and started to finish the cherry tomatoes from a plate of salad.

"And I guess you would eat pasta" Sehun frowned.

"I will get fat if I eat that. You don't want a chubby and fat lover, right?" Luhan asked while eating his cherry tomatoes. "And I don't really like pastas. I love this more"

"Healthy choice" Sehun smiled as he opened his mouth. "Feed me one"

Luhan picked one tomato and fed Sehun gently.

Sehun chewed on the tomato for a while before frowned and slowly his face turned weird. "Ouch. It's SOUR!!!"

Luhan chuckled when Sehun ran and reached a glass of water beside him. Sehun turned his head when he heard the light chuckle.

"You dare to laugh to me, huh? Let me punish you, Lulu dear"

Luhan yelped when Sehun reached down to his waist and lifted him up. The younger threw him on the sofa and started to climbed on the top of him. Sehun stared down at his boyfriend. They locked their eyes for a while before slowly Sehun leaned down and kissed Luhan. The kiss was quite long, both fought for dominance with their tongue. Sounds of whimpers filled the air and Sehun's hand reached down to ed Luhan's clothes.


Both of them immediately pushed themselves off another when they heard the sound of door opening. Sehun got off from Luhan and Luhan immediately straightened his body to a sitting position. Kai entered the house, and he frowned when he saw Luhan was there. Luhan immediately stood up.

"I-I'll be leaving f-first"

"I will drive you home" Sehun said quickly.

"N-no, I drove my own car today. See you, Sehun" Luhan said as he walked to the front door. He gave a slight nod when he walked passed Kai and Kai just gave a clueless gaze.

When the door closed open, Kai turned back his head to Sehun. "Okay, so who was that? Is that your boyfriend?"

"It's not your business" Sehun coldly answered.

"Well" Kai tilted his head, eyes furrowed at the cold answer. "I'm just asking, sir! Well, I don't think he's your boyfriend, he is too beautiful for you"

"The " Sehun growled. "He's not my boyfriend, he is my future wife"

There's a slight pregnant silent after Sehun said that. Kai's eyes widened for a while before finally going back to the original size.

"I see..." The tanned boy said in a low voice before made their way to the sofa. Sehun followed the other boy.

"How come you don't have any food ingredients here?"

"I told you I don't cook, right?" Kai asked as he raised his eyebrows and stared at Sehun like he was the most idiot living person for asking such a question.

"Well you don't, but I do" Sehun felt like chopping Kai to pieces when the tanned boy laughed out loud.

"Y-you cook? Hahahahahaha. O-oh my God, Sehun. I-it don't suit you" Kai said through his laughter. "Darn, you drove me mad! Haahahahhaa"

Sehun gave him the best glare he could ever give before folded his arms arrogantly. "Now accompany me to the nearest supermarket!"

"Eh?" Kai stopped his laughter. "But it's 8 PM!!!"

"So?" "I'm tired, I need a sleep" Kai whined as he laid his body on the sofa.

"No! You have to accompany me or I wouldn't get to eat anything tomorrow!"

"Just order the food from restaurants" Kai whined. "I'm tired, I need a sleep"

Sehun groaned and approached Kai. He grabbed the other's wrist and pull it roughly. Kai gasped as he was pulled to a sitting position and bumped his forehead to Sehun's stomach.

"Ouc- ahhh!!! What are you doing???" Kai screamed when Sehun hoisted him and carried and slung him on the shoulder.

Sehun ignored the protests and walked out of the room and approached the car.

"I said I'm tired! Put me down! I want to sleep! I don't care what do you want to eat tomorrow! Just order or die from hunger- ahh!" Kai screamed as he was shoved roughly on the passanger's seat. The boy groaned and glared at Sehun who made his way to the driver's seat.

"You are an " Kai commented as Sehun adjusted himself on the seat.

Sehun didn't answer and started to drive away. It just takes 10 minutes before they reached the supermarket. Kai pouted hard as he followed Sehun from behind. He folded his arms and gave a glare. Sehun picked the fresh vegetables, meats and fishes. He put them down on the shopping's basket and walked again. After a good minute he turned his head and didn't find Kai.

"Where the did he go?" Sehun groaned as he looked around. "Did he got pissed off and went home? That's impossible! The supermarket is quite far from the house"

Sehun was thinking of the possibilities of Kai ran away and etc when the tanned boy came back with hands full of potato chips, candies and chocolate.

"What the is that?" Sehun said as Kai approached him with the biggest smile on his face.

"Snacks!" Kai grinned. "I've accompanied you here, at least I still have a chance to buy what I want. I had always wanted to eat all of these but I'm too lazy to go here and get them"

"It's not healthy" Sehun said as he picked the canned potato chips Kai just put on the basket.

"I don't care whether it's healthy or not" Kai whined. "You know y.o.l.o? We only live for once"

"Your reason is childish" Sehun narrowed his eyes. "Put it back"

"No" Kai glared at Sehun. "I'm buying what I want to buy. Now you shut up and shop for your own good. It's not like I will use your money to pay that anyway"

"It's not about money!" Sehun snapped. "I just don't like that food! It's so unhealthy! You shouldn't eat that"

"Then what should I eat?" Kai asked, raised his eyebrows in a challenging way. "If I can't eat those snacks, what should I eat?"

"This!" Sehun said as he raised the carrots and cherry tomatoes. "This is so much healthier, and you sh-"

"I'm not a rabbit" Kai huffed. "Buy your own things fast and go home! I'm tired!"

Sehun gritted his teeth at Kai's behavior. This is kid is such a rebel, and stubborn as hell. Unlike Luhan who will always following his advices, Kai seems to be the type who stands for his own opinion. Sehun hates that kind of behavior.

One more minus point for Kai.

Sehun shoved a cabbage inside of the basket roughly, sighed. Then he glanced at Kai who was standing beside him with eyes heavy. Maybe that kid is really tired. Sehun fastened his movement and walked to the cashier to pay his shopping. He glanced back to Kai and saw the other was walking with unsteady steps. He sighed and grabbed Kai's wrist. He dragged the other to cashier and paid before left the supermarket.

Sehun hopped to his driver's seat and the engine. Kai was seating beside of him and he took out the potato snack. The tanned boy then started to eat the potato sticks happily.

"I thought you were sleepy?" Sehun asked with flat tone without took his eyes off the road.

"I was. But now I'm hungry" Kai said cheerfully.

Sehun sighed and glanced at the things he bought from the supermarket. In his head he rechecked all the things he head bought.

"Oh darn, I forgot to buy the soysauce!" Sehun said and sighed. "Darn. It's all because of you!"

"Me?" Kai furrowed his eyebrows.

"If you didn't act to be the most tired person in the world back then, I wouldn't forget my soysauce!"

"So you shop quicker because of me?" There's an amusement in Kai's voice and it turned Sehun's cheeks to pink.

"Well it's-"

"On the left side of this road, stop. There's a minimarket there. I would buy you the soysauce" Kai said.

Sehun opened his mouth to protest but then closed it again. He then stopped his car not far from the minimarket.

Sehun glanced at the almost dark street. He could clearly sow some men were sitting not far from the minimarket, laughed loudly while pointing at each other. Well, they don't look save. Sehun glanced at Kai. The other was wearing a sleeveless shirt and tight jet black pants. Sehun swore he saw the other wearing loose jeans and shirt this morning, why it has changed all of sudden?

And this clothes, It revealed too much skin!

Kai grabbed his wallet and unbuckled his seat belt. He was about to open the door when Sehun grabbed his shoulder.

"Wear a jacket" Sehun said with a serious look on his face.

Kai furrowed his eyebrows. "Why? It's not cold outside"

"Because..." You looked so y now I'm sure the guys would jump to you in a second. Sehun pressed his lips into a thin line. "...your hand looked big and disgusting on those clothes. I'm getting embarrased just by watching it"

Sehun bit his tongue when he saw Kai's expression fell at the words. Kai gulped down a little before angrily grabbed Sehun's jacket and used it. He went out of the car, slammed the door with quite great force and walked fastly toward the minimarket. Sehun observed how the bad guys stopped laughing and turned their heads to saw Kai walked passed them and entered the minimarket. Sehun's grip on the wheel tightened when he clearly could saw the amused smirks on their faces.

Darn, even after wearing that jacket, Kai still attracted their attention.

Oh, right. Those stupid tight pants. Sehun swore to himself that he would burn that pants later.

In the minimarket, Kai grabbed a bottle of soysauce angrily. He was deeply hurt by Sehun's words. He knew he wasn't so skinny like Taemin or some other of his skinny friends but Sehun didn't suppose to say that to him. Kai paid the bottle of soysauce and huffed loudly.


Kai turned his head to saw Chanyeol, stood not far from him with a surprised expression on his face. Kai's heart beat 2 times harder than before when he saw Chanyeol. "H-hyu-hyung?"

"What are you doing here alone?" Chanyeol asked while handed his things to the cashier.

"Just buying soysauce" Kai mentally facepalmed himself at how his voice shook. "Ermm... What"

"I ran out of snacks. So I go out to buy some" Chanyeol grinned. "So you come here alone? Hei, it's dark. You want me to walk you home?"

Kai could hear a concern on Chanyeol's voice and he mentally cheered himself. He was about to say yes when he remembered Sehun was waiting for him outside. Kai pouted. "No it's okay hyung, I'm with my friend"

Chanyeol hummed in response and paid his snacks. The giant guy peeked outside. "I'm taking you to the car. The guys outside didn't look good"

Kai turned his head to saw the men who were sitting not far from the minimart. He didn't really pay attention to them when he passed them earlier. Kai saw some of them grinned ertly at him and he immediately tore his gaze away. "Ok-okay"

Chanyeol and Kai went out of the minimarket, and Kai pretended to not see the smirking men. He turned his head to eyed the moving trees not far from them. Chanyeol glanced at the men and glared at them. His left hand swung on Kai's shoulder and pull the younger closer. Kai's face heated perfectly with that action. He could clearly felt the warmth of Chanyeol's body and he blushed hard when he smelled Chanyeol's familiar scent.

Sehun gulped when he saw the scene. So Kai's coming with his friend. Sehun recoqnized the friend as the one who pick Kai up this morning. The guy was tall, a lot taller than Kai. Kai's height just matched the guy's shoulder and that guy's long arm wrapped around Kai's.

The two approached the car and Kai opened the door. The tan boy hopped in and Sehun glanced at Chanyeol.

"Then, I'll go home now" Chanyeol smiled. He then walked to his own car while waving goodbye to Kai.

Sehun watched as Kai's face flushed red. "Okay, so who is that?"

"A friend" Kai said without tore his gaze from Chanyeol.

Sehun clearly could see the corner of Kai's lips curled into a small shy smile. Sehun unconciously clicked his tongue lowly so Kai couldn't hear it, then the car's engine.

Sehun and Kai arrived at the house and the two immediately brought all the ingredients inside of the house. They put everything on the refrigerator.

"I'm done, I'm going to bath" Kai said while yawned. He left without wait for Sehun's answer. Sehun just sighed and rearranged the vegetables on the rack. He heard sounds of rustling water from inside of the bathroom.

"Hei, have you eaten?" Sehun asked.

"Haven't" Kai answered shortly.

"What you want to eat?"


Sehun put his -__- face. "Hey, I'm being serious. I'm going to cook for you"

"You seriously can cook?" The sound of water stopped for a while.

"I can. So name what do you want to eat"

"I want to eat steak"

"What the " Sehun glared at the closed bathroom. "I'm being serious!"

There's a soft chuckle from the bathroom. "Well than... I want to eat... Bibimbap..."

Sehun glanced at the ingredients he had. Well, he could make a bibimbap with that. "Okay"

Short after, Sehun had busied himself cooking. Sehun could cook, it just he was being a lazy to cook for himself. And, Luhan's cook is a lot better than him so he ate Luhan's a lot. After putting some vegetables and poured the sauce on top of the food, he realized. Why I even bother to cook for him? Sehun sighed but put the bibimbap on the dining table. At that time Kai had just finished showering. He came out from the bathroom, all clean and fresh.

The smells of chocolate filled the air and Sehun mentally went crazy. The chocolate scent reminds him of his favorite chocolate bubbletea's scent. So yummy. Kai walked to the dining table, squaled when he saw a bowl of hot bibimbap on it. The tan boy wore the oversized shirt again. Sehun watched when Kai lifted his hand to dried his hair with towel, the shirt also lifted and revealed his smooth thighs.


Sehun grabbed the towel and headed to the bathroom. "I'm going to take a bath"

Kai just hummed as a response and picked a spoon. He started to eat the bibimbap and smiled in glee when he found out the food was delicious.

Sehun sighed as he ed his clothes. The bathroom was filled with the scent of chocolate, and it drove Sehun insane. It had been long since he drank his favorite chocolate bubbletea in Busan. Is that guy eating a chocolate in bathroom? Sehun sighed and headed to the bath tub. He filled it warm water. His attention caught by a bottle of soap beside the bath tub. Etude House's milk talk in chocolate. Sehun picked it up, opened it and inhaled the smell. Oh, heaven. So the boy's using this soap? It smells so wonderful, so yummy, so good. Sehun memorized the soap once again before made a mental note to buy it when he got a chance later.

The bathroom was filled with different cute things. Sehun laughed when he saw set of rubber duck near the towel's handler. Kai is really-really-really childish. Sehun watched how the small bathroom was decorated. Mickey mouse's stickers everywhere. It's small, but cozy. And moreover, it smells like chocolate.

Sehun appreciated 30 minutes of soaking himself underneath the water before decided to dry up. When he went out, he discovered Kai had already fallen asleep on the sofa. The bowl of bibimbap was neatly placed on the rack, looked like the tan boy had washed it. Kai had changed his oversized shirt into a pair of pajamas. Then why he's sleeping on the sofa and not his own bed? Sehun approached the other. He turned off the television and shook Kai a little.

"Kai-ah, wake up. Why are you sleeping here?"

Kai didn't answer, just stirred in his sleep. He curled into a small ball and Sehun sighed. The blonde boy squatted behind Kai and tapped his face a little to woke him up.

Wow. His skin's so soft.

Sehun was mermerized by the smooth skin of Kai's cheeks. Then he stared at the other's face. Kai had a cute tall nose and plump lips. Sehun remembered how he enjoyed to make fun of Kai when they were little back then, teased the other about his thick lips.

"Your lips is so thick, looked like it had been bitten by bees!"

"No! I'm not! My lips are fine!" Little Kai barked at Sehun.

"No! It's hideous! Disgusting!" Sehun said and made a terrified face. "It will getting thicker and thicker when you grow up later!"

Then Sehun did it. Kai cried out loud and ran to his mom who immediately husshed him. Sehun's mom would punish Sehun for teasing Kai too much and Sehun hated Kai even more. For him, Kai's an annoying weak little guy who's not pretty at all.

Sehun's lips twitched when he remembered that. He loved to saw Kai cried. He also didn't know why. He just found out Kai was so adorable when he whined and cried, and Sehun wanted to saw it again and again. Despite of getting punished again and again, Sehun kept annoyed Kai almost everyday.

Kai whined a little, brought Sehun back to the reality. Sehun pull his body away from Kai and he watched in silence as Kai slowly opened his eyes and sat up.

"Ah, I fell asleep" the tan boy yawned.

"Why aren't you sleeping on the bed?" Sehun asked. "If you are sleepy, why are you watching the television?"

"Oh, because I haven't thanked you yet. It's not really polite, since you made a dinner for me" Kai said groggily. He smiled at Sehun, eyes turned into a crescent shape. "Thank you for the food, it was delicious"

Sehun felt his face flushed when he saw that smile. Something on his stomach moved and he cleared his throat nervously. "Y-you don't have to actually"

Kai just smiled and then excused himself to go sleep. The tanned guy entered his own bedroom and laid himself on the fluffy pillows. He fell asleep almost immediately.

Sehun at the other hand was pacing around on the living room.

Darn, his smile is so beautiful...

Sehun cursed himself as he sat on the sofa. His eyes caught a photo of Kai when he was little, holding an ice cream close to his mouth. Kai had changed, so much. He looked so different with the Kai Sehun had ever remembered.

He looked, prettier...

Sehun sighed again and buried his face onto the giraffe plushy. Maybe he better go to sleep now.




I'm posting this uber long chapter as my apologize for the previous short and messed-up chapter hehe I guess my friend's right... I'm still haunted by krisyeol XD I wrote 2 fanfics about ChanRis before this and my fingers got used to type their name even without thinking hehehe My bad DX I don't know why but I really love writing Kai's 'after-bath' scene XD Maybe because I think someone is in their prettiest state when they have just finished bathing :p

Ahh, this is not really important but the reason why I'm using Etude-house's milktalk Chocolate flavored soap as Kai's because I personally using it. LoL. It smells good and I love it hehe. Another reason, Taemin is endorsing Etude House so... he's the one who forces Kai to use that soap! X). And our Sehun loves it.

And the part of Kai and the bad boys happens a lot in reality! I hate the roads around my boarding house at night time. A lot of bad boys keep whistling to me each time I go pass them when I should buy breads or something like that in minimarket. Luckily it's quite crowded there so they wouldn't dare to do any harm. Girls, BE CAREFUL. Really. Especially you, Kai-ah! You are seriously too y for your own good *LoL*

Weekend is here, enjoy it to the max! Re-charge your energy for the upcoming week so it'd turned out to be productive and active! Remember that time is running out and we shouldn't dilly-dally out. Hehehehe XD

Oke, let's meet again on the next chappie!



*kisses from Indonesia, fallenenigma*

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974 streak #1
Chapter 27: Thank you for sharing. My only issue is Chanyeol not being arrested for his crimes. Why wasn't he in a counselling program if he beat up someone before in high school?
974 streak #2
Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Why wasn't Chanyeol arrested by the police? What he did are crimes. Entrapment, physical assault resulting in death!
974 streak #3
Chapter 1: Selamat pagi. I stsrtefreading this fic just now. Moving on to the next chapter.
Terima kasih.
Palak27 #4
Chapter 27: It was a good read. I enjoyed it. The only thing I didn’t like was baekhyun dying and chanyeol not getting proper punishment for it even though he’s my bias. But it’s fiction.
Palak27 #5
Chapter 23: Damn park chanyeol and wu yifan! I’ll kill you both
Palak27 #6
Chapter 20: Damn he’s scary!!! Park Chanyeol pull yourself together!
Palak27 #7
Chapter 13: Yes Luhan deserves so much happiness!!!!
Palak27 #8
Chapter 7: That car scene was cute!!!!!
Palak27 #9
Chapter 4: I just jhope Kai is not sick in this fic even if I love drama!
Palak27 #10
Chapter 1: I just finished The Ugly Twin and I am here and I already don't like Sehun! :(