Chapter 7 - Butterflies

What is "Perfection"?

Kai waited nervously on the table. He turned his head to left and right, waited patiently for Chanyeol. It didn't take a long of time when finally Chanyeol popped up infront of Kai.

"Hei there, pretty!" Chanyeol chirped happily as he bounced happily to his seat. "Why haven't you ordered anything?"

"I'm waiting for you" Kai replied shyly.

Chanyeol let out his big grin and then the two of them looked up for the menus in the menu book.

Kai sometimes stole a glance to Chanyeol. That guy looked so handsome tonight. Hadn't Kai told you guys what made him love Chanyeol to the end? Whenever Taemin asks his bestfriend what the reason he fell head over heels with the giant, Kai would just smiled.

Well... There's no such explanation about the reason.

Chanyeol is simply perfect on his own way in Kai's eyes.

"What's for dessert?" Chanyeol asked, grinning at Kai. "Chocolate would be good, right? Chocolate"

"But I think this one is better" Kai said while pointing at the strawberry triffles.

Chanyeol chuckled, eyes turned into a crescent moon. "You like strawberries? How sweet, like a girl"

Kai blushed deeply at the words. He turned his head away and focused his eyes on the menu book. "Strawberries are good! W-why you love chocolate so much anyway? Y-you will get a toothache if you eat chocolate too much"

"But I eat chocolates every day and my teeth are perfectly fine"

"Wait and see until you get your teeth all rotten" Kai pouted, defending his strawberries.

"My chocolate is quite special. It wouldn't get my teeth rotten" Chanyeol said as he took Kai's hand. He moved it toward his nose, inhaled a sweet chocolate smell from Kai's skin. "It will just make my heart pound faster"

"What do you mean?"

"My chocolate" Chanyeol moved Kai' delicate hand in his larger one. "Is Kai"

Kai blushed furiously and took his hand away. So fast that his elbow knocked one of the glass and the two gasped in horror as Kai's strawberry juice splashed to the tanned guy's shirt.


"Hahahahaha clumsy Kai" Chanyeol chuckled and snapped his finger to let the servant to clean up the mess. "Don't worry, that's what I love the most about you"

Kai widened his eyes with the words. "W-what?"

Chanyeol leaned on his elbows staring at Kai with a gentle eyes. "I love you Kai"

The waiters who were taking care of Kai's strawberry juice also widened their eyes in unison.

"Would you be my lover?"

Kai's mouth gaped open in shock. He blinked repeatedly, tried to focus on what is actually going on.

"Y-you... What?"

"You, me" Chanyeol's voice turned serious.

Kai didn't blink when he saw such an expression on Chanyeol's usually troll face.

"Let's date..."




Sehun came home to spot a dreamy looking Kai, staring at the television with the biggest idiotic grin on his face.

"Weird kid" Sehun shook his head.

Kai could hear what Sehun had said but decided to ignored it. He was too happy and Sehun couldn't ruin his happiness. Sehun glanced at Kai who was still smiling widely, and stopped at the other's oversized long sweater.

"You love to wear oversized clothes so much, don't you?" Sehun asked, tried to get some reaction from Kai.

"Oh? It's Chanyeol's" Kai grinned and it quite freaking Sehun out a bit.

"Chan-" Sehun stopped. "Ahh, the kid that we met on supermarket that night?"

Kai nodded eagerly and Sehun knitted his eyebrows. "How could you wear his shirt?"

Kai didn't answer. Instead, he giggled shyly. "Why shouldn't I?"

Sehun gave him a face. "Yak! Stop giggling! You looked scary"

Kai stopped grinning and then curled his lips into a soft smile. He turned his head to saw Sehun. "Better?"

Sehun gulped. Kai did looked so much better with that smile, not like the previous grinning face was ugly anyway. Sehun cleared his throat and looked away. "Forget it, I'm going to sleep"

"Eh, it's 9 and you want to sleep already?" Kai sounded surprised.

"It's because someone's schedule has been a very very tiring one today and I couldn't get my 8 hours beauty sleep. I'm all sleepy and tired today" Sehun groaned.

"Omo, Sorry~" Kai hurriedly stood up and walked toward Sehun. He then threw himself to Sehun's body, clung onto him.


"Do you have a free time tomorrow?" Kai asked, completely ignored Sehun's protest.

"For what?"

"I'm treating you out" Kai smiled happily. "As my apologize for today"

Sehun watched in awe when Kai's cheekbones raised as the tanned guy smile so heartfully like now.


"Y-yes of course, you should" Sehun pushed Kai away and shuffled back. "Thank God you still have a manner"

Kai pouted but then smiled again. "Okay! Good night!!!!"

Kai turned away and walked toward his own bedroom while Sehun was busy trying hard to redeem his increasing heartbeat. Darn, Kai had been messing around so much with his head lately. Sehun took out his phone and went to the gallery section. He opened the folder and used Luhan's prettiest photo as a homescreen picture on his phone. So whenever his brain flashed an image of Kai, he could just look up and staring at Luhan's prettier face there.

Problem solved?





Kai woke up with a loud beep on his phone. He sat down and unlocked his phone, welcomed by the sight of grinning Chanyeol as his wallpaper and opened the new message.

Yes it's coming from his boyfriend.

'Honey, I'm so sorry about tonight's movie date. Baekhyun needs a friend to accompany him studying tonight I'm moving it to tomorrow at 7. How does that sounds?'

Kai pouted his lip immediately. Baekhyun again! Chanyeol always pay double attention when it comes to that petite guy.

Tomorrow... Well... Kai should rest actually because the next day he would become super busy, but he really can't stand to meet his chanyeol again so he punched an 'ok, dear' and sent it immediately. Kai raised from his bed and glanced at the clock.4.52. Still so early, but he has classes to attend.

Still in a very cheerful mode, Kai took a nice bath and doll up himself. After that he walked to the kitchen. Yes he made himself a breakfast. Kai wasn't a breakfast type. He usually just skips it, and then will eat double portion on the lunch. Then he will just grumble when the needle on his weight measurer moved to the right sid, means, he gains weight. But people say eating breakfast would make your mind sharper and your memory clearer.

For Kai, today his day has been a perfect one, why doesn't he make it any better?

So breakfast it is.

Kai didn't make much, just blending some fruits together and made himself a juice. He prepared two glasses. One for him, and the other for Sehun. Kai the blender and watched in awe as the strawberries, blueberries, bananas, kiwi and another fruits blended perfectly become one.

It's surely a perfect day.






Sehun woke up to found the house was empty. Well, Kai must had gone out to his lovely college. The blonde guy yawned and went to the kitchen. For breakfast today, he had planned himself to made a fruit pancake today. As he walking toward the kitchen, his eyes was caught by a sight of such an uninteresting looking glass of juice.

"What the " Sehun said as he approached the juice. "Is this an expired milk for years?"

Then he caught a simple handwriting beside it.

'It may looked ugly, but don't get that wrong! This juice is soooo yummy!' - Kai

Sehun cringed and looked away. He couldn't guarantee his stomach would be alright after drinking the juice. Sehun walked toward the refrigerator and opened it. "DAMN! That kid used all the fruits!" Sehun groaned and closed back the refrigerator.

"He used all the fruits to make such a weird looking juice!" Sehun decided to search for cereal and milk. He poured his milk grumpily, before glanced back at the juice.

It may looked ugly...

Sehun then decided to took the glass. He stared at the weird looking juice for a while before slowly put it on his lips. It wouldn't hurt to try a gulp. Sehun then gulped the juice a little.

Hmm.. That doesn't taste bad. And in a minute, the juice has gone.

Well, not bad though that green moster Hulk is even prettier than the juice. Looks can be so deceiving sometimes, right?




Luhan went out of the bathroom hurriedly. Someone had been pressing the bells on his front door when he was taking a bath and kept on doing that. Luhan didn't make any promises with Sehun that day but looked like his guest need to met him asap so he fastened his showering. While fiddling with his bathrobes, Luhan opened the door and widened his eyes when he saw Xiumin was standing infront of the door.

Xiumin was also surprised when he saw Luhan opened the door all of sudden. He got even more surprised when he saw Luhan wore nothing but a bathrobe. The bathrobe hung lowly and exposed his left bare shoulders. Droplets of water clearly ran through the milky white skin.

And Xiumin pushed Luhan inside of the apartment.

"W-what are you-?"

"Stupid! How could you go out with only wearing a bathrobe like that?" Xiumin groaned as he pull Luhan's bathrobe to covered his exposed shoulder.

Luhan just blinked at Xiumin's words. He glanced down at his body, and felt ashamed. Right, he shouldn't have gone out with only bathrobe. Xiumin ushered him to ga back to his room and told him to change into a proper clothes. Luhan slowly changed his clothes into a casual set of pajama. Xiumin turned to found an awkward looking Luhan who was now standing beside the door.

"What are you doing there? Sit here"

Luhan gulped and approached Xiumin, plopped himself beside the other guy.

"Why are you here?" Luhan asked carefully. He eyed Xiumin with his big doe eyes.

"To checking you out" Xiumin answered shortly.

"Xiumin I don't need a-"

"Have you eaten?"

Luhan fell silent. He didn't reply, just stared at Xiumin with a confused look.

"I assums it as a no" Xiumin sighed.

"I don't want to-"

Xiumin cut Luhan by pressed his two palms to Luhan's cheeks, tilting it upward and shifted their faces closer. "Let's go out and eat, pretty"

And he left Luhan alone on the bed, blinking his eyes and tried to catch up with what had happened.

The two of them made their way out of the house. Luhan walked behind Xiumin and stared at his best friend's retreating back.

He and Xiumin had been a friend for ages and still a best friend. Luhan loves him dearly and so does Xiumin. But Xiumin didn't love him the way he did. Xiumin just loves him as a little brother, and not a lover. Luhan was heartbroken. Luhan knew he wasn't pretty, he wasn't skinny like another kids so he trained himself hard and turned out like what he wanted himself to be.

Pretty. Skinny.

And then Sehun came, and decided to stole Luhan's heart away.

Or so Luhan thought he did.

Because now, every time Xiumin re-appear and giving Luhan his attention... The butterflies comeback.

Luhan loves Sehun dearly. He surely does.

"Don't space out, Lulu. Hold my hand" Xiumin commanded when their surroundings were crowded. Luhan hastily grabbed Xiumin's hand and Xiumin pull him closer to his body, guided him to walk through the wave of people in Myungdong.

...If Xiumin kept treating him like this...

"Luhan, you love rappokki right? Let's just eat rappokki for lunch!"

Luhan just sighed from behind and that made Xiumin stopped and turned around.

"You can have a fruit salad or another healthy food at night" Xiumin looked at Luhan then his hand shot to pat Luhan's head. "If you want to do a diet, at least don't do that in a suffocating way"

Luhan bit his lip at the affection.

...What if his feelings went back?...





Me : Luhan, JUST BE WITH XIUMIN!!! XD XiuHan's lover anyone? XD I hope you did cause... Err... HunHan wouldn't be together at all *slap. Felt so evil writing this* but sadly that's the truth, sorry HunHan's lovers.

They maybe couldn't be together but their story would be a perfect lesson for us to learn...

That you sometimes should let go of someone you want, to get with someone you need.

So I hope nobody wouldn't get so disappoint with the sudden change of pairs. Ahh!! And Chanyeol's part! Hehehe, my fastest friend SekaiStalker said she's now waiting for the Kairis and KaiYeol's moment! X) Your ChanKai's moment is now here, pretty. Have a nice time reading ^^. And don't worry, SeKai is still our main focus. Again, ChanKai's couple only there to teach us lessons.

Actually, the idea of Luhan's precious bathrobe scene *since I'm so obsessed with bathing scene* was actually taken from my number one favorite BaekYeol's fanfic called "it began with a bet" which was sooooo FLUFFY!!! You should read it guys, try to type the name on the search button X)

And now I'm in a really happy mood since I had just taken a beauty nap for almost 2 hours and feeling healthy as a horse now *hieekk* And since writing this story, I also become cheesier than usual LoL Keep updating love quotes here and there And my friend asked me 'you fall in love?' There's no way I would say 'no, I fall for SeKai' right? XD

Okay, enough with the author's note! I should go now and do my favorite thing to do.

You know, bathing.


Have a wonderful day ahead, guys!!!



*kisses from Indonesia, fallenenigma*

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975 streak #1
Chapter 27: Thank you for sharing. My only issue is Chanyeol not being arrested for his crimes. Why wasn't he in a counselling program if he beat up someone before in high school?
975 streak #2
Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Why wasn't Chanyeol arrested by the police? What he did are crimes. Entrapment, physical assault resulting in death!
975 streak #3
Chapter 1: Selamat pagi. I stsrtefreading this fic just now. Moving on to the next chapter.
Terima kasih.
Palak27 #4
Chapter 27: It was a good read. I enjoyed it. The only thing I didn’t like was baekhyun dying and chanyeol not getting proper punishment for it even though he’s my bias. But it’s fiction.
Palak27 #5
Chapter 23: Damn park chanyeol and wu yifan! I’ll kill you both
Palak27 #6
Chapter 20: Damn he’s scary!!! Park Chanyeol pull yourself together!
Palak27 #7
Chapter 13: Yes Luhan deserves so much happiness!!!!
Palak27 #8
Chapter 7: That car scene was cute!!!!!
Palak27 #9
Chapter 4: I just jhope Kai is not sick in this fic even if I love drama!
Palak27 #10
Chapter 1: I just finished The Ugly Twin and I am here and I already don't like Sehun! :(