You're My Dongsaeng.... Or Not....

You're My Dongsaeng..... Or Not.....

Today i'm gonna gather my 7 dongsaengs. Guess what?? They're going to hang out with me tonight!! We're going to watch a movie at my house. I don't meet them for a month already. I really miss their craziness. They are not my real dongsaengs but i already considered them as my own dongsaengs. Sunggyu, Dongwoo, Hoya, Woohyun, Sungyeol, L and Sungjong are my hero. If it wasn't them, i'm most likely to be killed or . That's why I really treasured them. They will be my dongsaengs forever and ever even whatever happens!


ding dong. ding dong.


I wonder who it is. Sunggyu said that they're going to be here at 9pm but it just 8pm. Why are they so early? I walk to the door and open it. It is Woohyun. @.@


"Where are the others?"


"I'm here by myself noona. Hope you don't mind." he give me a quick wink and just walk into my house and sit on my sofa. 


Aigooo... He is so cute. But...... This is so weird. With him alone. Just the two of us. It is A.W.K.W.A.R.D... We always hang out with the 8 of us. 


I go to the kitchen and grab a glass of orange juice and walk back to Woohyun who just keep watching to the tv. I give him the glass and sit beside him.


" Yah, had your dinner already?"


" Yeah." He hold a silent and keep looking at me. 


" What?" I feel a little bit uneasy by his staring. Is anything get on my face?


" Noona............... Ermmm.. Never mind." he change his gaze into the tv again.


Aigooo... This kid.. But he looks kinda nervous. I wonder if he has anything to tell me.


" What it is Woohyun ah? Is there anything you want to tell me?"


He looks down and take a long, deep breath.


" Come on Woohyun ah. You know you can talk to me with anything." I try to persuade him. He give me a look.


" I can tell you anything noona? Jinjja?" He use low tone. OMG! Why he using that tone to me? And I found him kinda y this time. I mean, kyaaaaaaaaa... What's happening to this kid? I mean he is a kid right? He is 3 years younger than me. How can I find that a kid is y? Silly me.....


" Ye..ah.. Of course." Ok. Why am I stuttering? Aishhh..


" Noona...." He call me. I turn my face to him just to find him leaning close to me. Wait! Is he trying to......


" I like you." and the only thing I know after that, his lips already on mine. He give me a short and sweet kiss.


I feel like a blank page. What happen just now?  My dongsaeng... likes me? And he just kiss me? What is this? A dream? Before I could think of anything else, his lips is on mine again. And without knowing I close my eyes and kiss him back.


 ding dong. ding dong. 


I quickly break the kiss and walk to the door. I take a deep breath before open up my door just to see Sunggyu and the rest.


" Anyeong!!" They greet me.


" Noona~! I miss u! " Sungjong give me a tight hug. The rest just walk in. " I miss you too Sungjong ah. " I hug him back. This kid is too cute. I hope I have a real dongsaeng like him. So adorable. I feel like pinching his cheeks everytime I saw him. Aigoo....


" Yah, Woohyun! What are you doing here? You told me you would be late. " It's Dongwoo voice. Woohyun just give him a big grin before they playfully beat each other. The kiss... My heart beating faster just to think of it. Aniyo, I can't think of it! He's my dongsaeng right? 


" Noona! I bring Final Destination 5 and Cars 2! Which one do you like? " Hoya ask me. 


" Final Destination 5!" I answer without need to think any longer. I kinda love horror movie even I'm a scaredy cat. HAHAHHAHAA~~ I don't even know why I'm laughing. I'm out of my mind already. Just because of the ki.... Aniyo! I can't think of it again! Kyaaaaaaaaaaa~!!!!


" Yay! I told ya noona would love that movie. " Sungyeol playfully beat Hoya's shoulder. I smile. Watching them is really fun. They are sure a bunch of cheerful dongsaeng to be with. How can I lose dongsaengs like them? 


" Noona sit here." Sungjong call me. I walk near them. Before I can answer to Sungjong....


" No! Noona sit here with me." protest Sungyeol.


" No! " and they start arguing.


" Shut up guys! Stop arguing! " says the oldest, Sunggyu.


" Yeah, you two. Stop it. Noona will sit with me. " Without me knowing, Woohyun grabs my hand and make me sits beside him. He takes his comforter and covers my lap makes us sharing the comforter. My heart beating so fast and my cheeks grow hot. Is this guys is my dongsaeng that I know before? Before I could ever think of anything again, I feel his hand holding my hand tightly under the comforter. My heart can help but beating wildly and I can't even look at him.


" Sungjong ah, Shut off the light. We're going to start the movie." says Hoya.



Okay! I admit this. I regret my choice of movie. I'm totally freakened out for the whole 1hour and 30minutes. And everytime i'm freakened out, Woohyun will tighten our hands and it feels like he was there being ready to be my hero. Geez, am I starting to be cheesy right now?  I'm really outta my mind. 


Dongwoo and Sungjong already fall asleep by the end of the movie.


" Noona.... Can we stay overnight? I'm tired.... "


" Of course Sunggyu ah.. Wait, I'll go and take extra comforters."


" I'll help you, noona. " says Woohyun.


Slowly, I let go of his hand and quickly stand up without even reply to him. I walk to my room and grab a few comforters and pass it to Woohyun who follows me quietly. While Woohyun hands up the comforters to his friends, I go to kitchen to release my thirsty. And being with Woohyun really drives me crazy. I should calm myself down. I need some juice.... seriously... 


" Noona...." a familiar voice that really make my heart goes 'dokidoki' greets me. Ottokae? What should I say? ' I can't love you coz you are supposedly to be my dongsaeng? ' or ' Woohyun ah, you seriously need to find another girl ' or ' I like you too ' or I need to pretend to be fainted here, right now? Aishhhhh.......


" Are you mad at me? You didnt even say a word after my confession. Am I bothering you? Mian.." he looks at me straight to my eyes. He looks kinda guilty. I feel bad to see him like that.


" Aniyo Woohyun. It's not like that. It just that you are my dongsaeng. And we're not suppose to..... " I look down. Can't even face him. 


" Noona..." I look at him just to see him standing just in front of me.


" I dont want you to be my noona anymore." Closer....


" And I don't want to be your dongsaeng anymore." Closer.....


" Be my girl ~~~~~~ah~" He hold my hand...


" I love you " He pull me into a long sweet kiss..



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@Dark_Athena<br />
glad you like it~ XD
DarkAthena #2
It's cute. >.<
@860404~<br />
thnx~~ glad u love it~~ =)<br />
he's adorable too~~ kyaaaaa~~~ he's really hot~ duh~
the end T___T woohyun is gentlemaaaan lol xD i love thissss :D
@sadisticsmile~<br />
<br />
I love Woohyun~~~!!!! n I love u tooo~~~~~ =)
Joo-Mi #6
Dongsaeng, Noona plots, love them from the usual :)
@OnlyYouJBP~ @RhsRani~<br />
<br />
thanx~~ my first trial~~ thanx again 4 the support~~ love ya'll~~ XOXOXO
it's great, I'm enjoying read this story..
OnlyYouJBP #9
You did great :] I could totally tell she was shaken up about the confession! Keep up the great work.