All of them hate Hyuna and JS

this world will remember me

-zico pov-

"New age Bonnie and Clyde strike again, this time their target was the first bank of Austin, Texas. Last night at 5:00 witnesses decribe seeing a young woman with dyed blond hair and a slightly older guy with dyed white or grey hair. both seem..." I turned the car radio off. I already had to deal with hyung and hyuna on a daily basis, I couldn't take anymore.

"Zico I wanted to hear what they said about us. turn the radio back on."

"no hyung if your that intrested look it up when we get to Dallas." i am still mad at my brother for not letting us use clown masks ,I mean kyung really wanted to, but we stillmade of with over one million dollars. we are about an hour outside of Dallas now kyung was driving, he can't really drive well, none of us can. I was in the passanger seat, U-Kwon was in the back sleeping on B-Bomb's lap,Jaehyo was messing around with some phone he probaly stole, Taeil as always had a lollipop, and Hyuna and JS hyung were sharing a cigerette.

"hey JS are we pulling a job in Dallas?" Jaehyo asked

"no lets lay semi-low until we get to Louisiana. we'll hole up in Dallas for  bit."

"Alright" Jaehyo said abit depressed

i think now would be a good time to break off from my half-brothers shadow


we found a abandoned house outside of Dallas. I waited for JS and Hyuna to go into town, then one b one I went to the members to get them in on my plan. I found Taeil first.

"hey Taeil what do you think about JS?" I asked



"I hate him. I wish I could leave him but I need the money we steal."

"we could leave, you know. just leave JS and Hyuna alone." I told abot how we could steal from them and leave.

"that sounds nice can we really get away with that much money."  I nodded my head yes in response

" But we will need the help of Kyung, Jaehyo,U-kwon, and B-Bomb. you in?"

"I'm in"

"me too." Kyung added

"Kyung do you even know the plan?"

"nope. Zico do you think that after all this time I would ever leave your side? besides I can Speak English." he did have a point out of all of us only Kyung spoke fluent English.

"okay then three more to go. U-bomb or Jaehyo?" I started calling U-Kwon and B-Bomb, U-Bomb when we found out they were dating.

"U-kwon and B-Bomb, your brother hates them more than he hates you."

"Half-brother" i heard Kyung mutter. we found B-Bomb and U-Kwon playing what can only be described as a mix of dancing and stunts. I didn't want to interupt them because it was so graceful and amazing.I wonder why we never have seen this before.

" hey um I'd hate to interupt what ever that was but, what is your opinion of JS?" I asked

"hate him he is gross" they both said at the same time.

"want to leave with us?" Kyung asked

"absolutely." U-kwon said

" now where could Jaehyo be?" I asked

"There" B-Bomb pointed to the room across the hall. I walked in to find that he was still messing with the phone he stole.

"Jaehyo what do you think of my half-brother?"

"I hate him, mostly for what him and his family did to you. your not even related."

"Jae he is my half brother. we share a parent."

"No you don't. Zico what is your name?"

"Jang Il Seong."

"no zico. your true name is Woo Ji Ho. you have an older brother named Ji Seok."

"Taewoon is Zico's brother!"

"Kyung do you know Taewoon?"

"yes we Haven't met in person but he emails meabout every week or two asking how Zico and the rest of us are. he dosn't like Hyuna or JS though."

"Did Hyun Seung's family adopted me?"

"No. We stole you. your pathetic family still looks for you. here take it you were going to steal it anyway.all six of you pack your things and be gone by morning." JS said turning to leave

"Hey JS."

"What Zico"

"I just want you to know that one day I will make you pay." i said shoving him into the room. Jaehyo slaming the door behind us.



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ill update as soon as i can


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Hyunajs #1
Chapter 1: all of them hate hyuna and js..
what happen next???
update soon..
Hyunajs #2
This sounds good, can you update soon..
Btw you should add more tags like 'hyuna' and 'block b'!
Omg Hyuna and block b in one fic! < 3