On the Shore


Seunghyun has recently finished his Master's Degree Accounting and has been stressing over his future. His father wants him to take over the business he has built up but Seunghyun is reluctant. Of course he would not have to take over right away, but he would be expected to start soon. His father was the CFO for several high end restaurants. They have a house in Newtown Square, a wealthy area outside of Philadelphia, a house off the beach in Avalon, New Jersey, and two houses in Florida. To celebrate the end of school Seunghyun and his friends went to his family's house in Avalon. His parents were at their house in Miami. Stressed about his impending future, Seunghyun has begun to experience insomnia. Most nights he is unable to sleep more than an hour or two. One night in particular, he decides to go for a walk on the beach and find a mysterious washed up on the beach, injured, . 


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